Drywall Arches: Options and Features

When arranging your home, everyone tries to think through all the details and nuances, including the style of the doorways. Today, more and more preference is given not to ordinary ordinary doors, but to majestic, light and elegant arches made of plasterboard.
Special features
To begin with, the arched frame can be made of a variety of materials, among which are natural and artificial wood and stone. No less popular and affordable are the arched passages of plaster. But the undoubted favorite were the arches of drywall, and there are a number of reasons for this.
Drywall has become popular because of its versatility. And indeed, its profile is very wide, because it is used in many areas of repair. It is used in creating wall partitions,ceilings and ceiling structures, it can be used to make many decorative details, and the list of its scope is not limited.
And all because drywall is a rather plastic, pliable and flexible material, from which in the literal sense you can make everything you want. That is why drywall is the best option when creating an arched structure in the opening.
Drywall is light enoughtherefore, it is very easy to install and fix it. Due to its texture, it will easily hide the irregularities of the wall. In addition, we should not forget that this material consists of natural components and therefore does not pose a health hazard, which is an undoubted advantage. Especially in the case when the drywall arch is installed in the house where the children live.
If we talk about the arches themselves, then recently they have become even more popular. This seemingly very simple type of aperture more and more often replaces heavy doors. We must pay tribute to the arches, even the simplest of them look very attractive. This is especially true of entrance arches with additional decorative elements.
Do not forget that the arches significantly save space, and this is very important for owners of small apartments.
Everyone knows and decorative possibilities of arches, which may have an unusual design and shape. Such arches often complement the overall style of the room, introducing some kind of zest to the interior.
However, in addition to the elegant appearance, arched openings have a number of other advantages, and one of them is practicality. They are easy to install and, if desired, they can also be easily dismantled, they weigh very little, are made of quality material. When installing, they do not spoil the walls, so that in the case of dismantling you do not have to spend money on redecorating.
Moreover, sometimes arched passages are used deliberately to conceal wiring, protruding pipes, ventilation, or wall irregularities.
Due to its shape, the arch can also become a place for storing books, vases, figurines and various small things of decor. It is enough to make special niches on the sides of the arched opening, and additional storage shelves are ready!
Arched passages can be a good way to zoning a room.that is especially required in one-bedroom apartments or studio apartments. Arches can separate the kitchen area from the living room or, for example, the dining area from the work area.
Interior arches have a huge number of types and variations, which are distinguished depending on the shape of the arch, style, places of use and additional structural elements. For example, the doorways for the hallway and in the hall may have large and original decorative parts made of plaster, which do not have additional functionality. Conversely, the arch in the corridor can be performed with lighting or with columns, which would look very harmonious in rooms in baroque and classical styles.
The device of the door arch from the hall to the kitchen can contain niches with shelves on which you can store anything from dishes and vases to books and boxes of documents. In a minimalist interior area with an increased number of small parts will look very unusual. The same can be said about the loft-style living rooms.
Arched openings can be divided into several types, among which the main ones are classical, avant-garde arches and arches in the form of trapezoids.But the subspecies, of course, much more, and they are all separated in the form of the vault. For example, there are plasterboard arches ellipsoidal, Gothic, Roman, Turkish, British and even Thai arches. There is also an arch portal. Let us examine some of these species.
Let's start with the classic arches. This type of doorways fits any interior.
As a rule, classic arches do not have additional decorative details, they are as simple and concise as possible, and therefore universal. They may have a different shape, but the most important difference between them is the clearly marked door frame.
Sometimes classical arches are called Roman., because it was the Romans who began to spread this type of doorway everywhere. The diameter of such structures usually reaches the width of the door passage, so such arches will look especially good in an apartment with high ceilings.
Avant-garde arches have a wider and slightly flattened shape, which visually expands the space. Almost always they have the shape of an ellipse, which does not prevent them from being combined with additional details such as columns or built-in shelves on the sides.
The arches in the romanist style are somewhat reminiscent of classic ones, only their edges are smoother and rounded. Usually they are installed in rooms made in modern style.
The arch-portals are known for not only the outer name, but also for its minimalism and simplicity. They are easy to install and dismantle. Often such arches have wooden inserts. Their shape is often rectangular.
Arches in the Gothic style have an unusual lancet form, so you will not see smooth graceful lines in them. Such types of openings look quite authentic, especially if the device of the arch uses elements of mosaic or stained glass.
Oriental arches can give the room the mystery of the Arabian nights, the shape of which imitates the pointed dome characteristic of eastern buildings.
Because of its specific shape, this kind of arch is suitable only for a narrow circle of exotic oriental styles of the Arabic type or of the Moroccan style that has recently become popular.
Designers do not bypass the Slavic motifs. Arches in the Slavic style usually have a smooth rectangular shape, so this option can be called one of the most universal. What can not be said about the Thai arches, whose shape is characterized by excessive asymmetry.This type of archway is designed in such a way that its one side has a rounded elliptical shape, and the second is angular square. This option looks extraordinary. Typically, these structures have a fairly large width, so they are used more often in studio apartments.
It should be noted, whatever the type of arch, it must always fit the style of the whole room, otherwise it will not become an additional decorating element and will spoil the look of the room.
Form options
Despite the existing types of arches, they can have a huge number of variations regarding their shape. And in this case, any owner can give free rein to his imagination and come up with his own unique design of the arched passage, which will be the only one of its kind.
However, it is worth mentioning the classical forms, because they are the basis of any curly arch. For example, arches can be rectangular, square, ellipsoid, semicircular, and trapezoidal. Today it is the most common form of arches, and their size can be absolutely anything. Such arches are suitable for apartments in a modern style and with low ceilings.
Unusual in form of the arch can be more often found in spacious apartments. Of course, with their installation and dismantling will have to sweat, and even better to find a professional who correctly installs the design. This is expensive, but the result is definitely worth it.
Some forms of arches may have a large number of corners.forming voluminous multi-faceted passages. And the more corners, the more such an arched opening will resemble a circular arch.
Some rectangular arches have on their top a special rounding element in the form of a semicircle, which is often made of glass and appears as an additional interior window. Such options can be useful in case you need to skip daylight from one lighted room to another unlit. For example, part of the daylight from the living room can flow through such an arch into the dark hallway.
You can often find options for arches, having several arches at once. Such a decorative form is characteristic to a greater extent for the eastern and Gothic arches, which have a rather unusual sharp arch.An interesting design decision will be multi-tiered arched passages with multi-layered parts and convex shoals.
A good functional option are rectangular and rounded arches with through side niches. We have already mentioned that such indentations can be used as additional shelves. However, their end-to-end options can be closed with transparent or colored glass, and then the doorway, if properly refracted, will literally sparkle with new colors. This arch is sure to give the room airiness.
Decorative arches with niches can also be used as a shelf for bulky equipment like a TV, DVD player, tape recorder or audio system. Any variations of such use of additional shelves will be both bold and practical, and for many living rooms a combination of beauty and functionality is simply necessary.
Plasterboard arches can be symmetrical and asymmetrical. Moreover, the asymmetry in the arched art is not limited to any particular set of forms. In other words, if desired, the designer can take into account the most courageous decisions of the client and depict everything his heart desires.
So, for example, for an interior with marine motifs, you can make an arch, the shape of which imitates a crest of a wave or a sea shell of a specific shape. And, of course, such decisions need to be supplemented with a drawing made by the hand of a good interior designer. Otherwise, the idea may not be clearly expressed.
Asymmetrical arches are suitable for low ceilings.by adding home the necessary zest. Often, such vaults are accompanied by various decorative elements such as stucco or gypsum rosettes, which will especially organically look in a classic interior.
With the right combination of any form of the arch is able to express the taste preferences of the landlord and decorate the interior. The main thing is to think over its structure to the smallest detail, and then it will delight you with its appearance for many years.
How to finish?
Of course, the shape of the arch - it's not all! After all, its decoration is of great importance for the style of this drywall object, which, if necessary, can significantly change the appearance of the arched opening.
Many people mistakenly think that the finishing of drywall arches is limited to ordinary boring painting.under the color of the walls. But this is far from the case! The arched opening does not have to merge with the walls. Although this option can be very well served. Of course, such a simple approach to the design of arches is suitable for lovers of minimalist design, which must certainly be made without any screaming and small details.
Yes, the arched passage, disguised as wall color painted or pasted over with wallpaper, is versatile and practical. Oh, he certainly will not overload the interior. Still, this option is too simple, it will not allow to experiment with the doorway and ennoble the room. It will become a neutral part of the interior. Arches with simple shapes and lines are more suitable for a concise hi-tech style that loves everything angular and straight.
In order to create a perfectly flat plastered surface of the arch, smoothly and imperceptibly turning into the wall, use an environmentally friendly and practical material called fiberglass. It is easy to use and boasts its durability, well, the paint falls on it just perfect. From a technological point of view, this is a find for creating arches without protruding elements.
But the arch can be used as a good decorative element.On the sides, it can be decorated with various kinds of plaster elements of various shapes. For example, in the form of butterflies, flowers, birds, animals and everything that comes to mind. Gypsum stucco can be inspired by the motifs of the ancient world or ordinary geometric bodies. Great variety of options. In addition, the manufacture of this kind of gypsum objects in our time is not difficult, because at their cost they are very affordable.
An arched passage may contain such an optional, but interesting element, as the built-in lights. Spotlights located along the arch perimeter can be switched on separately from the general light and, while remaining the only burning lamp in the room, create a pleasant intimate atmosphere in the evenings. After all, in the evening the eyes get tired of the bright light, and this light will have just right.
If the arched opening is installed in the kitchen, then part of it, in addition to the built-in shelves, may contain special metal mechanisms for holding small things such as glasses, mugs, kitchen towels, napkins, or, for example, small pots with blooming violets. This device looks very homely.Especially for kitchens in a rustic style or in today's popular Provence style.
For apartments in such modern styles as modern and loft, you can decorate the arch with the help of natural or artificial stone. Also imitation of brick or tile masonry, imitating the wall of the subway, will look very trendy and street-like. The carelessness and excessive roughness of forms and textures here will only deepen the street style.
In addition to natural stone, you can trim the arched passage with natural or artificial stone. Lovers of the classics will really like this option.
Arches with a hint of a tree always look expensive and presentable, and due to their unobtrusiveness they will not draw too much attention to themselves.
Wood, stone, paint bucket and plaster - this is not all that modern design of arched structures can boast. But it is not. You need to find the item you like and attach it to the arch.
Many designers have recently given us the freedom to choose decorative materials and methods of their layout. For example, for the decoration can be used bamboo sticks, various kinds of fabrics, some small twigs,leaves, glass bugles, seashells, natural amber-type stones, car numbers from different countries of the world, pebbles or special stones for aquariums ...
Anything can be used as a decorative material. Even empty cans or soda or some rare cork from beer bottles. Any unusual element in the right hands can become quite original decoration for your interior, and it's great.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Anyone can afford to place a beautiful modern arch in his house, because there are a lot of interesting examples of using a fashionable or unusual arched structure now. But most often the arch is placed in the living room.
Designers do not prohibit the combination of two arches in one room at once. And they can be completely different shapes, sizes and textures. Let one arch be higher and the other lower, no big deal. It is enough to keep them in a single style and color scheme, and then they will perfectly complement each other.
Complete the arch with a full or shortened column that ends on a small parapet, and you will seehow the magic of room zoning works in action. With the help of the arch and its details, the designer managed to easily and easily separate the kitchen area from the guest area.
In any apartment, designs with integrated glass combined with white color and thin arch partitions give the room lightness and airiness. In such a room you always feel a little freer. And it is not surprising, because glass inserts made of transparent glass well transmit light.
Do not think that the arches can be located only in the doorway. This is not at all the case. They can be installed above the stairs or above the windows. You can also imitate an arch in any room above the mantel or, for example, above the TV. Not bad arched motifs will look at the head of the bed in the bedroom.
In this video, you will find a photo assembly of drywall arches.