Rectangular interior arches

Today, every second apartment is decorated with an arch, if not one. More and more people tend to get away from the interior doors in favor of open space. There is a tendency to move from complex arches to more primitive forms. The shape of the arched vault determines its name. The rectangular interroom arch is one of the most popular.
Special features
The arch is modern and fashionable. The rectangular arch, or as it is also called, is the portal, the simplest of all forms and variants to install. For her, you do not have to radically change and customize the doorway. The portal is similar to the letter "P". Component of the portal - trim, cornices and dobor. There are two types of arched doorways: passive and active.
A passive doorway is an uncomplicated construction that divides rooms in an apartment. Active are called more complex arches, opening a review of several rooms. More portals are divided into simple and complex.Compound arched designs make stucco, glass inserts, carving. Their main difference from interior doors is that the doors divide the living space, and the arches, on the contrary, unite.
The arches are especially appreciated by the owners of small apartments, because the interior swing doors “eat up” a few meters.
The square arched opening is also a frequent guest in the design of interior space. This is a good option for the style of the room, where smooth lines do not prevail, and the rectangular version does not fit the width. The side supports of such a square construction can be decorated as shelves or glass inserts can be used. Wooden arches, made of wood with carved details, are incredibly beautiful and majestic.
Interior portals are relevant in the kitchen. This is a very convenient option to combine the kitchen and dining room or living room. For the kitchen does not need delights. Usually it is a simple light arches of drywall or wood. The rectangular portal is a good alternative to the kitchen door.
The only drawback in this version will be the smell from the kitchen throughout the apartment. But a powerful hood will make this minus imperceptible.
The classic arch looks good when the ceiling height allows. If you remove the interior door, you find a transverse concrete lintel above your head, then in no case can you break it. This is a supporting element to reinforce the wall. Then the high narrow arch will not work. The low arch-shaped arch looks losing, which means that the rectangular version will be most welcome. It happens that the arch is needed for technological indicators. Sometimes it may be necessary to reinforce the bearing wall when, for example, a door reception is cut through.
The arched design hides the result of the repair and performs a decorative function.
The portal must match the setting of the room. A dark wooden doorway will look strange in a light, bright room, where even the armrests of the sofa are light. The presence of a cornice or curtains over the portal will create the impression of a heavier structure. If you periodically need to isolate a room without an interior door - pay attention to the folding screen. This accessory is functional and again in fashion.
Variety of materials
Rectangular portals are most often made of drywall, foam plastic, wood, brick or stone.
Most common plasterboard constructions. At the base is a metal frame, drywall is attached to it. This type of arches - the budget, besides, quite simple to install. This is a good choice in the interior of minimalism, where the doorway should not distract attention. This arch can be supplemented with shelves, ceiling spotlights, make a niche.
Wooden arches they are particularly durable, they are almost not afraid of external factors. As a rule, such arches have wide cashers. To date, products are made from glued lumber. Such a construction is cheaper at cost than solid wood, but in terms of quality it is not worse.
In order to prevent cracks from temperature drops and humidity on the arch, it should be treated with a special compound.
Arch of stone They are mainly made from imitating lightweight materials. Materials serve as a finished portal. Natural stone is used only in private homes.
How to do it yourself?
Portals on the site of interior doors add space and make the room visually larger.
You do not need to be a builder to install the portal in the doorway yourself. The first is the dismantling of the old door frame. If you cut a box beam in the middle, the process of dismantling will be accelerated many times, the floors and walls will not be affected. Side panels of the portal will be formed from the additional doors for interior doors. It is important that the side walls are smooth. If this is not the case, use plaster and corners. With corners, it is easier to expose the face of the opening, so as not to reduce the number of points. It is important to set the first corner exactly to avoid further skewing of the whole structure.
The space between the corners must be filled with a solution and wait until it is completely dry. After that, attaching the door to the door and stepping back a few centimeters from the top with a drill, a through hole is made. Dowel-nails are used for the concrete wall, and self-tapping screws are used for the gas-silicate wall. First, the dobor is secured from above, below and then onto the central holders. On the other hand and above, dobor is mounted in exactly the same way. You can replace the screws with mounting glue.
If you are confident in the accuracy of your calculations, you can build a three-sided portal separately,then insert it in the doorway and put it on the screws.
Interior rectangular arches are now at the peak of popularity. If there is a need to expand the space, but do not rearrange things from their usual places, then the choice is obvious. The arch is a real architectural find. A variety of materials for any wallet, the ability to make the arch at home without the help of a specialist can not but rejoice. You can make the doorway not only modern, but even turn it into a real work of art.
To learn how to install a team door arch, you can find out by looking at the video below.