Variants of bath projects of size 6 by 3 m
Bath - in the country or in a private house - the pride of any owner. This is a wonderful opportunity not only to bring the body in order and improve its health, but also to have a good rest after a working day, to recharge your batteries before new working days.
Many people prefer to engage in construction, selection of materials, creating interior, to work out the scheme - where will it be located. If the space reserved for the bath is not too large in area, you can consider options for projects bath size 6 to 3 m.
Preparation for construction
Before you start purchasing materials and building a foundation, you need to think carefully about the project of a bath of 3x6 m in size and prepare a drawing. It is not difficult to depict schematically the rooms that will be located in a space of 6 by 3 meters.
The main thing is to decide what is preferable, and to which room to give more space, and to which less.One important is the spacious steam room and does not need a rest room, the other, on the contrary, requires a place where you can gather guests for tea, and the steam room is also compact. And the third rest room decides to replace the veranda.
When the project is defined, you need to think about the materials of the finish - inside and out. The best option - the construction of a bath of wood. If the building will be built of concrete blocks or bricks, plating is required. Whether it will be from natural materials or imitating natural materials depends on the funds that are planned to be spent on the arrangement of the bath.
The main thing is that everything be done qualitatively, in compliance with technology and safety regulations.
Required facilities
Mandatory premises, be it a small bath or a large one, are the steam room and the dressing room. The main thing is to equip the space in the steam room so that there is a sufficient number of shelves. In a small room you need to have them in the form of a ladder.. The room must be finished with wood. The stove is placed in the corner so that you can move freely, but at the same time convenient access should be provided to the stove.If it is located too close to a wooden wall, in that place it is necessary to equip a protective screen or apply brickwork.
Lighting should be thought out so that it is comfortable and safe, the lamps must be of refractory glass or protected by additional structures. Fill the already small space with additional items is not worth it.
Washing can be made small. The main thing is that there was a place for a container with water and free movement in space of at least two people. To save square meters, you can connect the washing room with the steam room, although experts who know a lot about the bathing business do not recommend doing this..
For storage of necessary things, firewood, coal, bath accessories will serve as a shed room. Firewood can be in a special box. In some cases, wood or coal in the stove are fed directly from the sash, located in the household room.
Dressing room is in any bath. And in a compact room, it can serve as a dressing room and a lounge at the same time. It should be a wardrobe or convenient hangers.Here you can also place a small table with stools, where it is pleasant to sit after a bath and drink fragrant tea with fragrant herbs.
To save space, you can provide lockers or shelves for towels, gels, shampoos, oils. Here, on a separate shelf or in a bedside table, you can place tea leaves, herbs, dishes, and a kettle.
The rooms where you can find a place, and you can do without them - a rest room or a small veranda replacing it. Separate spaces for these purposes are convenient, because there you can gather with a small family circle or with guests after bath procedures and chat over a cup of tea.
Successful projects
Variants of projects with a total area of 6x3 m are few. Moreover, it requires more careful thinking.
This room is designed for four people. This area is enough to accommodate comfortably and not interfere with each other. But this is the perfect option. If necessary, the company may be more.
- Project 1. In the small dressing room on the left side there is a door, from which you can get into the rest room. And already from the rest room you can go to the sink, and then into the steam room.The lounge and steam room are the same size. The premises allow you to place everything you need. There is enough space for washing. The waiting room is also located well.
The main thing is to keep everything warm in the bath, and not to escape to the street. This option just allows you to do this.
- Project 2. In this case, the dressing room is given more than meters, taking into account that there will be furniture for tea drinking. From the locker room you can get to the sink, and from it to the steam room. The latter takes more space.
In the future, if you wish, you can attach a terrace, where in summer you can have a wonderful time, and if you glaze it and warm it well, then in winter.
- Project 3. Option in which all rooms given the same area. And they are arranged like this: dressing room, washing room, steam room. The dressing room has enough space to rest there and change clothes.
With a small room of fantasy, it’s not too easy to roam, but it is quite possible to create a comfortable, cozy and pretty outside and inside the bath. You only need to determine for yourself which rooms should be larger or smaller in size, and which ones can be dispensed with.
The option that allows you to increase the space of the bath, but at the same time to remain on the same piece of land - to complete the attic floor. He will give additional opportunities, and its construction will not become so troublesome.
But on the first floor there is more space. You can make a more spacious steam room, find a place for a utility room, and install a shower cabin in the washroom. Then the room under the roof will be fully designed for relaxation. In it you can put a table for tea drinking, a cozy sofa, and even equip a cooking corner.
A good addition that will make the rest even more comfortable can be a TV, a stereo system, a karaoke system. If necessary, the second floor can be a room for guests.who decided to stay for a few days. If it is reasonable to distribute the space, then there will be a place for a cozy sofa or a folding sofa, which can be separated from the tea-drinking area with a screen.
Construction is possible when there is both a room under a roof and a veranda on the intended space. The scheme of this design will be easy to think through.It is based on one of three projects, the second floor implies a free layout.
Important points
In any bath - small or large - the main attribute is the stove. It can be wood, electric, gas, it is to someone as convenient. But ideal for a bath, of course, is considered a wood-burning stove. Especially if there is a goal - to adhere to the Russian or country style.
When the project is selected, the construction and decoration came to an end, it's time to take care of the interior. Everything will depend on the chosen style. In addition to Russian and village, Provence and chalets will do.. Modern style is also appropriate, but using only the necessary elements.
Since the bath is a place where superfluous things are useless, you need to choose a style that does not involve a large number of objects, just the bare essentials. Then the room will look stylish and attractive, and most importantly, it will be comfortable for everyone - the owners and guests.
Overview of the bath 3 on 6 of the bar, see the following video.