What are the sizes of a block house?

Modern home decoration should meet several requirements. During the repair should be aware of beauty, comfort and environmental friendliness. These criteria can meet natural materials. The block house is one of these, because it is successfully used in interior and exterior decoration.
What it is?
A block house is a natural finishing material with which a wooden house can be created from a brick or panel structure. It is produced from wood, mainly conifers. This finish looks aesthetically pleasing and has a low cost.
It should be noted that the coniferous resin provides the block house with excellent resistance to sudden temperature changes, which makes it an excellent material for the harsh climatic conditions of Russia.
The appearance of the finish can be attributed to its main advantages. A house made of timber or logs, namely such variations of the material on the market, looks cozy and warm both inside and outside. In addition, wood trim is always in trend. The material has a pleasant coniferous aroma, and wood resin creates a natural layer of protection from rain in the summer, and from snow in the winter. A big advantage is its antiseptic properties.
The block house is highly durable, including shock and scratch. In the case when the integrity of the canvas is still broken, it is easy to fix by polishing and painting such a site. Over time, the boards do not cause cracks and distortions due to modern methods of drying and processing.
The lightness of such material allows not worrying about the weighting of the structure. A simple and convenient attachment make it possible to engage in plating without special skills.
Since the raw material for the block house is wood, it is very fire hazardous. For the same reason, the material needs periodic treatment with paint coatings and pest formulations. However, negative points can be smoothed out.if you choose the right type of wood. The best option is Siberian larch, which is comparable in strength to oak. It also has antiseptic properties, which provides additional protection against rodents, beetles and mold. In favor of larch speaks a large palette of shades from yellowish to reddish-brown.
Another disadvantage that can and should be eliminated is the drying out of wood over time. To prevent cracks, small grooves are cut out on the back of the material.
Material classes
Currently, there are 4 classes of block-house: extra, A, B and C. Extra-class boards are completely free from defects and the highest price. In class A there may be knots, and, accordingly, the price of such material is slightly lower. In the boards of category B there are already minor damages of a mechanical nature. Class C shows the poor quality of the board, but is also cheaper. There are also mixed categories on sale: AB and BC.
In addition to price, these categories imply a discrepancy in tones and shades. The higher the material class, the closer the boards will be in tone.Considering that wood, for example, larch, can differ by as much as 12 tones, a high class becomes almost a necessity.
The dimension of the block-house takes into account the length, width, thickness and radius of the bypass. These parameters vary depending on the planned design, method of installation and location of the cladding. In the vertical assembly preference is given to narrow versions of the boards.
For the exterior trim of the house, it will be preferable to have a wide beam or a round block house with a large section. The standard length of the material varies from 2 to 6 meters. The second option on sale is much less common. Section size can be:
- 36x125;
- 36x185;
- 40x145.
When finishing the interior, the flat versions of the material or round ones look good, but with smaller section sizes:
- 20x96;
- 20x130;
- 27x140.
A block house can be universal. In this case, its dimensions will be larger in width and in length than for internal work. With a length of 3-6 m, the thickness and width of the board is 36x142 mm.
You can not ignore the artificial imitation of logs. In addition to wood, the block house is made from vinyl and metal materials.Such a finish is much cheaper and does not require additional processing to protect against pests and fungi.
This material compares favorably with wood in that it allows you not to worry about durability. Vinyl block-house is made of several layers of PVC panels with a press. Topcoat is more durable. So the material becomes resistant to various mechanical and natural influences. In addition, the vinyl is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be used both outside and inside the premises.
This finish has several advantages, among which it is necessary to highlight cost savings. This is possible not only due to the low cost, but also due to the absence of additional costs for the purchase of paintwork materials and antiseptics. The service life of vinyl panels is more than several times.
Such advantages of the coating provide its characteristics:
- high heat resistance;
- resistance to decay;
- high UV resistance;
- ease of installation;
- similar to the texture and color of the tree.
Vinyl panels for trimming under a log in one batch have the same tone, unlike wood.They are also well combined with decorative elements under the stone, with tiles and bricks. The panels are equipped with air vents, which prevents the formation of condensation between the skin and the walls of the house. At the same time, the block house perfectly retains heat. And if necessary, it allows you to put additional thermal and noise insulation between the wall and cladding panels.
The vinyl material is lightweight, so it does not create an additional load on the building foundation. This quality contributes to the relief fasteners panels at height. Even one person will cope with such work. However, vinyl with temperature drops can shrink and expand, this should be taken into account during installation. For the durability of the construction, use only screws that are resistant to corrosion. If there is no factory perforation on the panels, then it is better to drill the holes, rather than punch through the nails, as the material may crack or crack.
Taunts are almost the only flaw in a vinyl block house. However, it is a significant disadvantage for areas with sharp and large temperature differences. This material has the standard dimensions of the length and thickness of the panel, and differs only in the width of the working surface (the width of the visible part of the panel, without protruding fastening). So, the length is 3.66 m, the thickness is 1.2 m, and the working width can be:
- 252.73mm;
- 181,69mm;
- 300 mm.
The block house can be made of metal galvanized panels coated with polymer. The price of this material is lower than that of natural wood. However, it can only be used for cladding. By weight, the metal block house is in the middle, between wood and vinyl. Its installation is simple, and installation can be performed not only by a specialist. The panels are fastened together by means of a locking connection, which gives a tight fit, and eliminates the ingress of moisture into the joints.
The appearance of such a finish is as close as possible to the natural wood in color. The structure of the panels may be different, depending on the simulated tree species. One strip of a metal block house can include one or several crowns, which significantly speeds up the installation process. The dimensions of such a coating are 188 cm. The length of metal panels is variable: from 0.5 m to 6 m.
Calculations to determine the required number of block-house are made in squares. These units of measurement are most convenient, since the size of the surface for plating is nothing more than its area, measured in square meters.Calculations are performed using a simple school formula. First, the area of the wall being walled is calculated. To do this, its height must be multiplied by the width. Then, the area of all openings in the wall — windows, doors — is also determined. Finally, the aperture area is subtracted from the total area of the wall.
In order to calculate the number of block-houses, you must first calculate the area of one board, and then divide the area of the surface to be trimmed by the area of the board. So get the number of boards in pieces. But when counting, only the working width of the board is taken into account.
If the initially selected material is not suitable for closer inspection, and the width of the block house changes, then the number of plates needed will also change.
Boards are sold packed with packs. The number of panels is written on the package: vinyl material - 15-20 pieces in a package, metal - 12 pieces, wooden - 3 pieces. Knowing the right amount, you can easily find out the cost of the necessary material. During repairs, unforeseen situations can often occur that cause material damage. Considering that the tone of the boards from different batches, even in a vinyl and metal block house, may differ somewhat,better to buy panels with a small margin.
The block house is mounted on the crate, made of wood or profile with a galvanized surface. Since there is a small distance between the laths for fixing the panels and the wall, it is possible to insert additional insulation there to reduce the level of external noise and better thermoregulation.
Fastening boards done with nails, screws or klyaymerov. On nails planted the most delicate types of boards. Their thickness does not exceed 21 mm. Self-tapping screws are the most practical and reliable option, but they must be galvanized or anodized. Otherwise, the likelihood of rot and rust. Klyaymery - the rarest type of fasteners, which is screwed with one side to the crate, and the second clamps the panel.
In the decoration of the house are important and appearance, and durability, and ease of installation. And each of these requirements is met by a block house.
How to fix the block house with your own hands, see the next video.