Attic stairs Fakro: the pros and cons

There are many reasons to choose an attic ladder from Fakro. This is a rich assortment: from wood to metal, product quality, durability, compact folding design and a large selection of sizes and colors. Any such staircase will find its application and will become indispensable not only in the attic in a private house, in duplex apartments, in basements and garages, but also in technical rooms.
Special features
Fakro is a Polish concern that has established itself as a manufacturer with stylish products of good quality. Light ladders with a smoothly sliding design and ideally even hatches, which in closed form almost do not attract attention, met with great trust and good consumer reviews. They include a stylish and compact combination of a huge iron manhole and a ladder.
Ladders Fakro will help you save on the installation of a full-fledged ladder. Attic stair design Fakro - this is an affordable price, quality and comfort. Explaining the previous point, it should be noted that its clear advantages are the price, not so high for truly high-quality products, the strength of materials and the high carrying capacity of stairs up to 200 kg, easy installation and comfortable use.
The thickness of the cover of manufactured elements is about 40 mm, it is made in the form of a frame and sheathed with sheets of hardboard. The cavity inside the frame is filled with foam and expanded polystyrene for better thermal insulation. Additionally attached rod and lock help the lid to open and close freely.
First of all, when choosing a ladder kit for an attic, you need to decide on the type of construction. Most often, it is selected in accordance with the interior of the room or at the request of the buyer. Let's get acquainted with brief characteristics and some features of the most popular models:
- Smart-lws. This model is available with a 36 mm thick manhole made of pine wood, as a result of which it has good thermal insulation.Consists of 3-4 sections. Fakro-lws Plus is an improved version of this model.
- Comfort-lwt also available with a hatch, and the material is pine wood of the highest category. It consists of 4 sections and a metal handrail. The staircase is comfortable and safe to use. An important detail are soft rubber tips that do not damage the floor covering on contact and metal handrails.
- Thermo-ltk. Its main feature is a wide layer of insulation - almost 6.6 cm, which will require a wider opening than for the other models.
- Fakro-ldk Suitable for ceilings from 2.7 m to 3.5 m high and has additionally installed metal handrails.
- Fakro-lsf. It differs in fire resistance, therefore it is most often used not in residential premises, but in industrial ones, in particular, in warehouses.
- "Summer Resident", which is a budget version of an ordinary portable ladder. Made of wood and suitable for use in the attic and basement cottages. Differs in simplicity of design and long service life.
In order for the staircase to fit exactly in its dimensions during installation, it is necessary, first of all, to make measurements of the opening. In addition to its width and length, it is also necessary to measure the height from the first to the second floor.Otherwise, if measurements have not been made or the size of the opening has not yet been fully determined during the repair work, then a ladder of standard sizes can be purchased. The height of such ladders ranges from 270 cm to 350 cm, the angle of inclination is 50-75 degrees, and the reach reaches 1 meter. The most common sizes of ladder models are 280 cm, 290 cm, 305 cm, 325 cm in length.
If the ladder is not long enough, then you need to know that some metal scissor-type ladders can be extended by adding several sectors.
The hatch must be selected on the condition that there are 5 cm of free space on each side for proper dismantling. The following standard dimensions are characteristic of the hatch: 50-70 cm x 120-140 cm. Without special need it is better not to choose large hatches, they will negate the effect of thermal insulation.
Another important part of the ladder is the lid of the box. It is most often made of beige or white plastic and is also available with insulation, which further prevents the penetration of cold air from another floor. The manufacturer produces a box cover already complete with a ladder and already attached to it.
When purchasing a ladder, as a rule, it is supplied with fixing material and installation service, which can be used at will.
Installation of such stairs, as a rule, is not laborious, even if you do it with your own hands. Each ladder is supplied with detailed installation instructions. It is best to install in a pair with someone, this is connected with item number 7 in the instructions, in which the installation of the ladder is already completed, but it still can not be used.
The basic instruction contains a number of points:
- Check the dimensions of the opening for the stairs and the dimensions of the hatch.
- The next stage is to install and then fix the auxiliary board for supporting the stairs on the lower part of the hatch.
- Prepare tools that will be useful during work - mounting foam for filling, protractor, screwdriver with screws and a suitable key.
- Raise the staircase and place it on a support board.
- Insert spacers in the opening between the end parts and the staircase. This is done in order to keep straightness at the time of installation of the box.
- Screw the staircase on both sides with screws.
- Remove the support board and lay out the ladder. At this basic work are considered complete. It remains only to wait for the completion of the last stage. Up to this point it is absolutely not recommended to use the stairs.
- Fill the holes between the staircase box and the ceiling with foam.
- Loosen the bolts by slightly unscrewing them and spreading the ladder.
- Now you need to tighten the bolts.
- You need to adjust the length of the stairs and, if necessary, reduce the length or add additional segments.
- Adjust the angle of inclination, if necessary. This will help the regulation of the side supports.
If after reading this manual or another one attached to the purchased product, there are still doubts and unexplained nuances, you can use the information from the manufacturer, presented in writing, in pictures and videos.
How to install the attic stairs Fakro, shown in the video.
Oddly enough, but attic stairs are in great demand and are used everywhere. Fakro products occupy one of the leading positions in this market, and its ladders have received popular confidence and good reviews.Ladder installations are applied not only in premises, but also in production.
Of the obvious advantages, consumers of these products point out their main advantages:
- Ecologically safe and hypoallergenic material for the manufacture of stairs and the hatch.
- Easy and clear installation instructions for those who do the installation by hand.
- Easily and simply adjustable parameters, such as the angle of inclination, the length of the stairs, the distance between the hatch and the steps.
- Soft rubber tips to protect the floor surface.
- Anti-slip steps that make using the stairs safer.
- Hatches made using insulating material, which are especially convenient if the openings are large.
- Strong and durable metal handrails.
- Convenient folding system design.
- Various materials of manufacture, in stock is both metal and wood.
- Neat appearance. In particular, on wooden stairs, as a rule, there are no irregularities, they are treated with a special tool and have an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
- The presence of the lock in some models.If necessary, there is always the possibility to lock the keyway leading to another room.
- Constantly changing and improving range.
- Durable due to sturdy mounts and heavy-duty.
The disadvantages of Fakro stairs include:
- big weight of a cover of the hatch;
- wooden structures not protected by varnish;
- some discomfort in using stairs for older people.