Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment: interesting design options

Regardless of the style in which the room is decorated, there is always room for a living plant. This is the element that will liven up even a gloomy room and give it a special mood. True, plants, like other decorative details, must be selected wisely, taking into account the peculiarities of the style with which you work.
Special features
Plants require care, but for this they thank you for their flowering appearance. They are used to decorate the room and give it naturalness. And as a bonus, tenants get clean and oxygenated air.
With the help of living plants and flowers, you can not only decorate the room, but also divide it into several zones.
Fortunately, this is easy to do, because the seeds of different plants, and everything necessary for their cultivation is sold in specialized stores, so you just have to decide on the desired composition, select the necessary details for its creation and plant it in boxes / pots.
Maintaining your green oasis in its proper form is also not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
Some plants are completely undemanding in care, so if you do not have time for gardening or you are constantly on the road, you can choose them.
With other species to cope a little more difficult, but with practice you will learn how to grow even the most exotic flowers at home.
Types and characteristics
All indoor plants can be divided into three main groups:
- the first of them - decorative leaves. The main attractive detail in such plants - leaves. They can be wide and green, like a fern or color. These are long-lived among living indoor plants. They love coolness and stay green for a whole year without fading or losing leaves. Among the plants from this group there are climbing specimens;
- the second group - ornamental flowering plantsthat live in pots. These include orchids, spathiphyllum, roses, or foamiran flowers, for example. Such copies throw out a bud only for a short time. All other months they resemble a simple leaf plant. There are also flowers that delight the eye only once in all time. As a rule, they are grown to a special date, and then thrown away;
- the third group is cacti. Fresh flowers often look artificial. They are loved by inexperienced gardeners for unpretentiousness. Cacti can survive without water for almost a month without changing their appearance. They can be different: covered with spines or down, low or high, flowering or evergreen;
- Separately worth highlighting decorative trees and dried flowers. Decorative bamboo trees, indoor palm trees or cotton flowers are grown at home a little less, so this group does not have a specific name. They look attractive all year round, but usually require special care: a certain temperature, regular irrigation or fertilizer.
In various rooms
Each owner himself is looking for a place for his "green friends".But there are certain unwritten rules that help determine which flower to put in which room.
On the kitchen
In the kitchen place plants that take up little space. Best in the kitchen interior look neat flowers in pots, for example, violets. You can select several plants for the window sill, or you can hang the flowers in special baskets.
In the living room
The living room, as a rule, is one of the most spacious rooms in the apartment, which means that for lovers of ornamental plants, there is a place for walking around. You can install dwarf trees in boxes or plant lush broad-leaved bushes.
If the room is not very bright, then shade-loving flowers will suit you, and in a room with large windows it is better to place plants that die without light. Live sprouts in tubs and pots can be combined with artificial ones.
A rowed potted plants can replace your partition, dividing a room into zones. This is the main method of using ornamental plants with benefit.
In the bedroom
In the bedroom, flowers and other living plants can also serve as a natural air purifier.Choose plants suitable for this purpose, for example, cacti, Kalanchoe or aloe.
But flowers with a pronounced aroma should be avoided in the bedroom.. Even if you like their smell, in a concentrated way it will cause you a headache. These "negative" colors include all types of lilies. Also, do not put a tub with a fern in the bedroom. This plant will become your competitor in the fight for clean air, because, unlike cacti, it releases carbon dioxide cactus, absorbing oxygen.
On the balcony
If you have a balcony, it can also be turned into a real home greenhouse. Glazed spaces can serve as a home for plants all year round, but on an open balcony the placement of flowers is limited to the warm season. With the change of seasons will have to find a place for them in the apartment.
On the balcony you can put all the light-loving plants. Place them in pots, drawers, or wicker baskets suspended from the ceiling. Thus, you will have a great place to relax in the city.
How to choose?
Choosing plants, you need to consider whether they fit into the style in which the room is decorated.Palma in the room, stylized as a Russian hut will look ridiculous, but in a modern studio or living room in the Art Deco style, it will take pride of place.
If in everyday life you do not have enough bright colors, and you dream of faraway countries, then you can decorate your house in some exotic style. In that green pets like yucca, dracaena or palm trees will help you. The broad-leaved aloe or senseviria with exquisite elongated leaves will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the southern deserts.
And in the apartment Japanese-style ficuses, miniature maples or coniferous low-growing trees will look organic. You can also choose an elegant sakura flower or evergreen bonsai. And from small shoots that will decorate a shelf or table, it is possible to mark azaleas, orchids or short growing chrysanthemums. In addition, you can decorate your house with a small tree, pleasing delicious fruits - lemon or orange.
For a classic interior pick the perfect plant harder. A room decorated in this style should be thought out to the smallest detail. The selected ornamental bush should not reduce the price of the interior.You will suit plants with decorative foliage, for example, Monstera. Will fit into the room with the classic design and asparagus or nephrolepis.
You can emphasize the good taste and love for beautiful things by decorating your house with a decorative rose or azalea. Just look splendid in this interior sprigs of orchids.
Scandinavian style
This style is characterized by the use of vibrant colors. But this does not mean that you need to turn your apartment into a greenhouse or greenhouse. Flowers should not be too much. One or two big or three or four small pets is enough in order to decorate even a spacious room.
Well in such a minimalist interior look elegant orchids with thin branches and light colors. In addition, you can choose some unusual flower, for example, myrtle, Guzmania or livinstonu.
In the room, stylized as retro, there will also be a place for flowers. But they should be bright and noticeable. For this reason, for this interior most often choose giant single plants or bushes with a large number of leaves. A room in retro style will be decorated with Kalanchoe, Howay or Tsiperus.
Expert advice
Gardening your house or apartment should be approached responsibly. Not only the plant should please you, but you too. Provide the flower with the right living conditions, and it will remain beautiful for as long as possible. Choose the right place to accommodate a green pet help advice experts who know exactly what conditions are needed for a particular plant.
For a normal existence and development of plants need light. At the same time, it should not be too much. Direct sunlight will only harm the plant. True, there are exceptions. For example, aloe, bright fuchsias and azaleas or jasmine. These flowers are not afraid of the sun, so they can be safely put on the window sill. Exotic plants like cacti and succulents also love the sun.
The remaining specimens are not better placed in direct sunlight.. So, for example, violets, although they are considered light-colored flowers, but on the window sill in a room facing the south side, they will not live long. The same applies to poinsettia or begonia. And in dark rooms where there is little natural light, unpretentious northern plants or flowers will comfortably accommodate, which calmly endure such harsh conditions.
Of the various species is to distinguish saxifrage, fern and monster.And from graceful colors, passionflower dislikes light.
Also, in different ways (as well as the lack of light), the plants experience irregular watering. Flowers with wide decorative leaves cannot survive for a long time without water. For example, singoneum, alokaziya or pilea. If the earth dries up, then they begin to fade rapidly. Just as badly need water and plants with delicate flowers, which can not accumulate enough moisture.
But cacti and succulents can be safely left without watering for several days. Excess fluid only hurt them. They are also able to accumulate water in the leaves and exist for a couple of days without watering dracaena, monstera or crassula.
The last point to consider when planning how to place flowers is the ability of plants to survive in conditions of low and high temperatures. Not all flowers prefer a warm climate. For most of them, the ideal temperature is 25 degrees or less..
If you are planning to design an exotic-style room and purchase citrus fruits, palm trees or giant cacti, then it is worthwhile to create conditions for them to grow in nature.That is, it is necessary to provide them with the necessary heat. The apartment should not be a sharp temperature drops even in winter or autumn.
If you take into account all these basic tips, the plants will live much longer, and you will be able to admire their beauty for years.
Beautiful examples and good options.
Fresh flowers are the best interior decoration. You can verify this by looking at a few examples in the interior:
- hanging baskets. To save space in the kitchen, plants in tubs or simple pots should be replaced with flowers in hanging baskets. Light pots with special fixings can be fixed where they will not disturb you, for example, above the wicker basket, which still takes place in the aisle;
- French refinement. If you like modern French style, you will like this simple interior. The bright living room with pale pink pillows looks empty if you do not use decorative elements. But correctly chosen flowers enliven it. It is enough to put three large tubs with flowers in the corner next to the window, and the room is transformed. And so that the unsuited pots do not spoil the look of the room, use special plain-colored covers;
- exquisite oriental garden. Japan, with its sophistication and minimalism, is now attracting many. Including designers. One of the most "Japanese" flowers is a graceful orchid. If the living orchid is not enough for you, then you can supplement the interior with wall murals on which this flower will also be depicted.
In such an interior, the details must also be matched to the peculiarities of your flower. For example, small pillows are well combined with pink orchid petals. A low Japanese table and a statuette that adorns it helps to emphasize the exoticism of the style.
- Orangery on the balcony. If all the previous options seem too boring to you, and you want to surround yourself with greenery on all sides, and not just decorate the room with one flower, then you can equip for yourself a mini-greenhouse on the glazed balcony.
Flowers here can be placed everywhere: on the wall, on window sills, on the floor and even under the ceiling. Do not be afraid to place different plants in the same room. In this cloister, ferns will look perfectly next to palm trees, cacti, ivy and roses. Choose all the flowers that you like. Feel free to use them to decorate the balcony.
And to make you comfortable to watch all this beauty, install a comfortable sofa on the balcony, decorated with colorful pillows, or place a glass table with beautiful chairs there. Here you can even dine with friends or loved ones, enjoying nature in the city.
Eternally green, blooming or completely devoid of leaves and flowers - you can use any plants to decorate your home. There are no restrictions and outgoing fashion trends - choose what you like and use for decoration.
In the next video you will learn about the places in the apartment, where it is better not to put indoor plants.