Oval mirrors: tips on choosing

Oval mirrors look elegant and elegant. They fit perfectly in many interiors, making them more elegant. Let's get to know these attractive products.
Special features
Oval mirror in the interior of the room will be able to complement any design. It will perfectly fit both classic and Provencal, rustic or luxurious Versailles styles. When choosing it is important to determine not only the appearance of the product, the presence of the frame and the material from which it is made, but also the dimensions. It is necessary to focus on your own taste preferences, as well as on the general appearance of the room and its size. A large mirror, for example, in a small room will look cumbersome and inappropriate, and a small model will not work for a spacious area.
Models for different rooms
The presence of a frame at the mirror requires special attention to the interior design of the room, since the ensemble must be seen complete stylistic coincidence. In this case, the easiest way out will be a model without a frame. It will perfectly fit into any style.
Bathroom will require an oval mirror with moisture-resistant characteristics. In this case, the main indicators - reliability, resistance to water and temperature, durability. The frame should be made of stainless material (steel, plastic). Ideal - the presence of no fogging surface.
For the bedroom, an oval-shaped model is also suitable. Such a mirror will occupy a small space, but at the same time will be able to show its owner in full growth. Rounded shapes add elegance and sophistication to the interior. It can be placed above the nightstand, so that at any time you can look at yourself and pretend. The mirror can be on the legs, and stand on the dresser or dressing table, and not hang on the wall. This reception will give the bedroom extra comfort.
The oval mirror can be added with illumination. This will revive the interior, add dynamism.This decor option is suitable for both the bedroom and the hallway. The mirror on the wall will help to expand the space, add light. It can also be placed on the door. This room in the apartment is difficult to imagine without reflective surfaces, because before leaving the house on the street, you must look at yourself.
With fatsety or frame?
The beveled face on the reflective surface is a facet mirror. It will add light as well as expand the space. It can be placed in the living room. In this room is not often have this piece of furniture. And in vain, because it adds comfort, elegance and beauty to the atmosphere of the hall. Such a mirror can be hung in a room made in high-tech style or in a classic solution.
Models with a heavy wooden frame fit perfectly into a classic interior design. It is worth stopping the choice on carved frames of a dark shade. This option is suitable for a room with furniture made of expensive wood.
For advanced hi-tech futurism or fusion, oval mirrors with a frame, but already light shades, are also suitable. The frame can be not only in the usual classic performance, but also to be asymmetric or made by hand, that is, absolutely unique and individual.
The models with fatset are more versatile, but they need to be chosen more carefully than the options with a frame that can pull attention to themselves. In this case, everything should be focused on the reflective surface. It should not have any scratches, scuffs, chips, distortions. It is worth looking at your reflection. It should not be distorted and deformed.
The size of the model is determined by the square meters of the room. A small illuminated mirror is best suited for a bathroom. This is due to the fact that such a room is often small. Additional lighting will help to expand it, as well as simplify the process of facial or makeup application.
For the same reasons, it is worthwhile to place an oval mirror in the bedroom above the dresser or on the dressing table. The rotary model, which on the one hand actually reflects objects, and on the other - increases them, for better consideration, will fit in well here.
The largest mirror should be placed in the hallway, because it is there (before going outside) that you should look at yourself completely and carefully. No detail should go unnoticed.
An additional advantage is that, according to Feng Shui, an oval creates positive energy. All thanks to its perfect, round shape, which has no sharp angle. Such an interior item harmonizes the internal space, helps objects in the room to become equal among themselves. There are no strict geometric forms in the nature around us, therefore it is worth giving preference to the oval. This form allows you to get closer to naturalness, and also provides an opportunity to experiment with shapes, colors, sizes, presence or absence of frames, facets.
You can find out how to make a beautiful mirror frame on your own in the next video.