Interior doors-arches: design features

Doors - an essential attribute that perfectly complements the modern interior. Today, many are trying with the help of such structures to make the house not only practical, but also beautiful. The modern market represents many varieties of door panels, among which special attention should be paid to the arched modifications. Designs of this type are distinguished by their original form, which gives a peculiar flavor to the room.
Special features
Arched interior doors - this is a unique design, which has a simple form. A feature of this product is the presence of the arch, which is located on top of the opening.
Such products are often complemented by beautiful curly ornaments and decorative inlays.This allows you to give the canvas a beautiful and unique shape that will fit into any modern interior.
Arched doors have several significant advantages over other similar products:
- Visual expansion of the opening. This allows you to make the room more spacious. In this case, the expansion is performed not only in height, but also in width.
- Unique design. Often interior arches are executed in a beautifully decorated style. Thus, they become a kind of decorative area in the room, giving it comfort and warmth.
But the use of such systems is not always justified. Interior arched doors have several significant drawbacks:
- Dimensions. Many types of cloths are made with non-standard sizes. This may also include the presence of the arch itself. Therefore, to install a door in the house is not always possible. If this is a solvable problem, then it is much more complicated than installing rectangular structures.
- High price. This is due to the fact that the canvases have a complex shape. It should be understood that it is rather difficult to make an arch, since this requires skills and a special tool.
- Great weight.This is also due to the design features. Therefore, the installation of such structures is possible only in wall openings made of durable material (brick, concrete, etc.). A wall of plasterboard will not sustain this product, which limits their indoor use.
Types of arches
The design feature of these products is the addition of a standard canvas arch. This element is a small element that resembles fragments of circles. Depending on the appearance of the arch can be divided into several types:
- Classic. The most common design, which is a semicircle. In it, the diameter is equal to the length of the width of the doorway, and its radius is half.
- Romance. Externally, the arch is a bit like a rectangle. Its distinctive feature is the presence of upper rounded corners. In this case, the radius of rounding may be different. Such arches perfectly withstand the load, so they are installed in very wide openings.
- Trapezium Everything is quite simple here, as the shape of the arch is a specified geometric figure. Such designs are quite rare, since the presence of sharp corners does not give it originality and sophistication.
- ModernFor arches of this type, the radius is slightly larger than half of one door leaf. It turns out that the semicircle is slightly wider than the door, which makes it unique.
- Ellipse. Arched structures of this type resemble a semicircle, but here the shape of the arc is already formed by two circles with different radii. Technically, this is half the shape of an ellipse that was cut along the major axis.
- Semi-park Arches of this type are asymmetric. It uses several structural components. One part of the design is made in the form of a portal, and the other in the form of the other, previously considered.
- Gothic. A feature of this arch is that the semicircle is not connected smoothly. This form is a bit like an arrow with its sides pointing up.
- Moorish. The shape of the arch is horseshoe-shaped, therefore it is found only in peculiar ethnic styles.
What doors fit?
Arched interior doors perfectly solve many problems. Depending on the design features These structures can be divided into several groups:
- Integral designs. Doors of this type are made in the form of an arch,as the last element is completely connected with a rectangular canvas. The latter is installed in the door frame, which repeats its shape. Such products are the most complex in execution, so they are quite expensive.
- Doors with a separate arch consist of a classic rectangular canvas, above which is mounted a separate arch. This option is the most common. The arched element thus corresponds to the basic style of the door.
For installation of the latter, a separate box is used, on which the arch frame can often rest.
As for the design features, the arched doors can be of almost any type, which are found in classic versions. Conventionally, they can be divided into such groups:
- Swing. Classic models, which are represented by a huge variety in the modern market.
- Pendulum. This is a variation of swing modifications, but only with the possibility of opening in any direction. They can be both integral and with an independent arched transom.
- Sliding. Doors of this type are quite rare, since it is rather difficult to build them.In some cases, they can be a variation of previous models.
- Folding. These include options such as an accordion. Please note that such structures are classic rectangular models, on which one or more arches are installed. In some cases, they are complemented by a semi-mark.
It should be understood that arched doors are a variation of standard rectangular modifications. They can also be equipped with one or two opening flaps. Today, triple canvases, which are suitable for large private houses with spacious rooms, are becoming particularly popular.
Production methods
Arched door has a complex shape, which is quite difficult to get at home. Similar constructions are made in several main ways:
- Cut from one piece. One of the most common options. As a base, one or several sheets are used, which are equal in size to the dimensions of the arch or door structure. Then, using a special tool, the blank is given the desired shape. This approach is essential for the production of glass products.Similarly, do with wood. To do this, several boards are glued together, and then a canvas is cut out of the received board with a jigsaw.
- Bending This method involves the manufacture of the arch by the method of bending the material. Such processing lends itself to wood and plastic. To give flexibility, these substances are either boiled or heated to certain temperatures.
Features of manufacturing technology do not allow to use for obtaining arched doors any kinds of materials. Today, such structures are made of several substances:
- Tree. The doors of it differ with a unique design and practicality. As a basis they use several species, among which the most popular are pine, ash and oak. Products from them perfectly fit into any interior, but at the same time they are quite expensive.
To reduce the cost, many manufacturers today began to use for this derivative materials, such as chipboard and MDF.
- Glass. To get the door leafs use only hardened varieties of this material. Perfectly suited for bathrooms, as they easily tolerate moisture.
- Plastic.Plastic arched system is very popular today. This is due to the fact that this material is very easy to bend. At the same time, the substance is very resistant to moisture and is easy to care for. But the design of these doors is not unique and diverse. Therefore, many use them only if you need a practical and durable solution.
The style variety of arched interior doors is quite diverse, which allows them to be adapted to any type of interior. Several styles should be distinguished into which such constructions will fit perfectly:
- Baroque. Differs refinement and the presence of a large number of threads. The best option would be the doors of noble wood, which are complemented by elegant design.
- Classic style. Arches are an integral attribute of such interiors. At the same time, door leaves are made laconic and with the presence of straight lines. Natural wood is also often used here.
- Oriental. This style is primarily associated with exotic. Here are used arches switch type, which complement the door leaf.Only dark woods are used as a base.
- Shabby chic. When you make such doors, they are specially aged, which allows you to create a cozy and warm atmosphere inside the room.
It should be noted that arched doors can be chosen for any style. They can simply be custom-made or specially decorated. This approach is used by designers in the design of exclusive interiors.
How to pick up?
The choice of arched structures involves the evaluation of several key parameters:
- Material. There are no universal recommendations here. The best option would be wooden products. Plastic is suitable for the balcony door in the bedroom, as it perfectly retains heat and is not afraid of temperature changes.
- Dimensions. It should be understood that the arched design can not get into the standard opening. Therefore, it is important to take into account these features, since in most cases it is necessary to expand it.
- Design. This characteristic depends only on personal preferences and the basic style of the room. Here you need to pay not only on the design of the canvas, but also the type of the arch itself.
If you choose the material for the front door,then it is better to stay on the metal or plastic. Another factor to consider when purchasing is the manufacturer.
Be sure to check customer reviews about a particular modification of the door leaf.
Beautiful interiors
A seemingly airy wooden door-arch with glass inserts will decorate the enfilade of the corridor, making it light and pleasant. The decoration of the rooms in white and natural light wood gives the interior lightness and pleasant simplicity.
A dark-colored door with a stained-glass window and a Voltaire leather armchair next to it are not the office of an influential castle owner!
Another version of the door arch from natural wood with wonderful carvings and reinforced glass with intricately curved handles. In an ensemble with gold wallpaper and natural parquet, this door makes the room luxurious and rich.
How to make a door-arch with your own hands, see the next video.