Door decoration and decor

The desire to engage in self-decoration doors is understandable. This allows you to significantly save money that is required in the process of repair in large quantities. Also, the design of the door leaf with your own hands is a great opportunity to bring to life any idea or idea.
Special features
Decor of the doors with your own hands has long become popular, because it is a good way to give the apartment a unique and inimitable. Especially such constructions fit well into apartments that were built a long time ago and are not particularly sophisticated (for example, in the “Khrushchev” door, this door will look very elegant and original).In addition to the aesthetic issue and the creation of a unique composition, such a design is able to hide the flaws and defects that will certainly appear with time on all interior items.
If there are children at home, they like to decorate the doorways with drawings with a pencil, a marker and everything that comes handy; the presence of animals in the apartment can also cause marks on the doors and their openings that you want to hide from prying eyes.
Among the obvious advantages of decorating doors with your own hands can be called not only significant savings in financial resources, but also the resulting unique design. There is an erroneous view that you can only decorate interior doors in an apartment (in the bedroom, kitchen, hall, in the closet), in this case it is necessary to take into account that inside any room there is a certain interior that you need to be guided in when choosing this or that design. A growing number of owners of private country houses and cottages prefer to make something special from the front door. It should be borne in mind that in this case and in the hallway it will be necessary to engage in decorating so that the overall picture is similar.
Decorative stone trim
The design of the door structure with a decorative stone is used if the room has a sufficient area, since the stone visually reduces the space of the apartment or house. Or such a decor can be used if the room is small, but there is practically no furniture in it (for example, a hall in which usually there is only a wardrobe and a stand for shoes). Also, experts and experts involved in interior design issues note that it is possible to decorate door structures and doorways with stone if it is necessary to disguise the defect on the wall.
Decorating a design with a decorative stone can look quite stylish and unusual, if you know exactly which material to use for certain premises. For finishing, as a rule, they use two types of stone: natural and artificial.
The first type looks much more refined, but its cost is much higher than that of an artificial stone (this is due to the process of production of the material and methods of its processing). The second type has a specific production, resembling the manufacture of structures made of concrete, to which pigments and natural materials are added (for example, gypsum).Such a stone is used more often, because it is democratic in terms of cost, is available in any building or other specialized store, has various shapes, color shades, texture.
Framing the door with such material has several distinct advantages:
- The material is neutral and not capable of creating discomfort when present in the room (as a rule, it has a quality certificate indicating that it is absolutely safe from a hygienic point of view);
- Unlike a natural stone, its weight is much less, therefore if it is placed around a doorway, it will be safe;
- In addition to fire resistance, such a stone is resistant to moisture, which makes it possible to use it in rooms where there is always moisture - the kitchen, bathroom;
- Even under the condition that over time, the stone can be damaged as a result of mechanical effects, it is very easy and simple for it to give the original look.
How to decorate your own hands?
To refresh the bored design, it is not necessary to install a new door. You can put a decor that will delight and amaze all visitors to the apartment. Decorating is possible both with the help of specialists and with your own hands.In the second case, this may take a longer time, but the result will be truly unique. There are many ways to put patterns on the door to make it more modern.
Among the most popular methods of decorating there are the following:
- By painting the door leaf. In this case, you only need the required amount of paint of a certain color and texture, stencils, which greatly simplify the whole procedure of painting the door, as well as the material with which you can close the walls so as not to damage them during the painting process. The greatest popularity of this type of decoration is painted glass construction;
- Gluing wallpaper. It is used only for interior doors, since the material is not resistant to environmental influences and if it is placed on the outside of the entrance door, it will quickly become unusable;
- Applying vinyl stickers. Fully finished sets are sold in specialized shopping centers, where you can choose exactly what is best for the interior of the room. The design can be different - the door can be decorated in such a way that it will look like wood, brick and other materials;
- Using moldingsthat give a modern design to the doors. In this case, decorative elements are used of foam or polyurethane;
- The use of mosaic. It is worth remembering that such a material is not suitable for every door due to its considerable weight, but it is possible to apply individual elements on a specific surface. The best mosaic will look if it is placed on the glass;
- Painted acrylic. For this procedure, all the canvas will have to be removed and only in a horizontal position to put material on it.
Decorating doorways with your own hands is much more interesting and exciting than contacting specialized services. Many try to design the structure themselves for several reasons: the door turns out to be truly unique and meets all the requirements of its owner, besides not every expert or decoration expert knows about the habits, hobbies, character of the apartment owner and has a limited number of design solutions in his set, which are more typical or standard.
How to restore the old canvas?
In most cases, the old door get rid of, but it can be a great addition to the interior of the room, if you know how to refine it.Before restoring the old look of the old structure, it is necessary to carry out a whole complex of preparatory work. To do this, the door must be removed from the hinges and put on a flat surface (floor, table or goats) for further processing. Then, using an emery paper or a sanding machine, the entire door leaf is processed so that the surface becomes perfectly smooth. In case sandpaper is used, one should carefully approach its choice and depending on the material from which the door is made or on the degree of contamination it is necessary to choose paper with both fine grains and large ones.
Large will be used at the initial stages, small - at the stage of final grinding of the surface and bring the fabric to an ideal state.
After the surface is cleaned, it removes dust and other small items that can become an obstacle when applying a new layer. It is better to carry out this procedure with the help of water and various solutions. Next, you need to wait until the surface is completely dry, and you can begin to decorate.You can transform the door in different ways, because depending on what will be applied to its surface, you can perform a number of works. For example, if it is decided to decorate it with wallpaper or fabric, then you can first apply a liquid primer or a diluted glue to the surface.
It should be borne in mind that the existing interior of the room should be the starting point in creating a unique image of the future canvas.
How to glue the tree?
Wooden doors are often plastered with various materials that can give a modern look. Often used for this purpose is such a technique as decoupage, having previously prepared all the necessary materials: napkins, which serve as the main material, PVA glue, a brush, with which glue will be applied to the door and a napkin, varnish, which will serve as an additional material that fixes napkins on the door surface.
From napkins form small pieces of paper measuring 3-4 centimeters (pre-separated upper layer of material with a pattern). It is important to do it manually, rather than cutting with scissors or a knife, this is how a more textured material is obtained.Next, pieces of napkins are applied to the surface of the door, and a layer is applied with glue and a brush. In this case, creases and folds may form, but from this the surface will look more refined and textured.
It is also possible to finish the surface with wallpaper - this is the easiest and most common way, it allows you to make the door more attractive.
Pasting is made on the same technology as the procedure for applying wallpaper on the walls. Since the wallpaper is different in color and texture, it makes it possible to make the door very attractive and stand out from the whole room. In addition, it is an opportunity to get rid of the pieces of wallpaper remaining after the repair, which have not yet found their application.
In addition to these two main methods, the door panel trim is very common. The principle of applying material to the surface is exactly the same, it does not require much effort, skills or specific knowledge, because it is so popular. For a wooden door, this method is most appropriate, since it allows not only to hide flaws (roughness and abrasions that appear over time), but also to make it more interesting and beautiful.
What is the best way to finish the lilac door?
When decorating doors, it is important to find the color scheme that will most fully reflect the interior of the room, give it a more sophisticated look, promote rest, relaxation, and a pleasant pastime. The lilac monophonic design always looks quite attractive, but over time it has to be decorated. It can be achieved with own strength in the presence of paint or self-adhesive film in order to restore the original look. Most owners of such doors try to give it a slightly more pleasant look, using white paint: it all depends on imagination and imagination, the ability to create unique drawings.
With the help of a brush and paint, the door leaf can become a whole masterpiece within one apartment space.
Lilac color can have several shades, therefore it is possible to use the door of this color in different rooms. Light purple tones can be advised for quieter spaces, such as a bedroom, for example. More saturated colors often do not fit into the overall interior, because many try to decorate it, which makes this door suitable for both the living room, the hall, and for the kitchen, bathroom.
Decoration with a mirror
Mirror designs began to gain popularity not so long ago. Over the past ten years, such entrance groups have been used in virtually every room that has limited space. The mirror visually increases the area, but over time it becomes unusable with improper care. The advantage of the built-in mirror is the possibility of its installation in doors made of a wide variety of materials.
Correctly arrange the door, which is embedded in the mirror, quite simple. As a rule, this is done with the help of a tile that hides unevenness and defects from frequent use. The tile always looks noble and allows you to give the door a modern look. In addition, a huge variety of its types allows you to create the most unpredictable compositions. The tile can be laid as a whole, or using its individual parts, giving the door a more modern and authentic look.
Also with the help of this material you can expand the mirror space. The increased popularity of the mirror tiles suggests that it is often used in various rooms (apartments, office buildings, cafes and restaurants, beauty salons).Tiles can be laid out as a surface bordering a mirror (around the perimeter, for example), and overlapped with it. This door looks luxurious and attractive.
Beautiful ideas
Those who are engaged in the decoration of the doors themselves know how creative and interesting this process is. The end result always depends on how accurately all the calculations have been made, the details have been thought out, and the preparatory work is organized. But what comes out of it is always individual, unique and reflects the talent and imagination of the owner. Today, there is a wide variety of ways to design doors that form the basis of modern design.
Among the most popular ideas for decorating interior doors are the following:
- the use of conventional and photo wallpaper to give contrast to interior doors;
- drawing films on slopes, paints of various texture;
- partial decoration - usually decorative elements are applied on the lower part of the door leaf, which gives it a unique and unique look;
- use of mosaics, laying out puzzles along the entire perimeter of the door;
- laying different types of stone on the door perimeter or on all its space - in this case, it is necessary to take into account that the stones used should not have a very large weight, otherwise there is a chance that over time they will deform the door and will hardly stand on its surface .
Entrance doors have their own specifics, and therefore their decoration can be carried out in other ways. It can be an additional element (a wreath, a picture, a clock) that are attached to the surface, and also all the same materials that decorate interior doors with regard to the specifics of the entrance doors can be used as a decor. They are more massive and are largely exposed to the environment, which means that the material that is applied to them must be resistant to external factors.
The most important properties that such a material must possess are moisture resistance, tolerability of various temperature regimes, mechanical effects.
In this video you will find even more ideas for a successful door design.