Doors for toilet and bathroom

Most of the rooms in the house are usually equipped with doors. Depending on the location, they have different functionality. Variants for a bathroom and a toilet also have specific features, as they are exposed to high humidity, temperature changes, and the effects of bacteria in the absence of ventilation. In this regard, the choice of doors for these areas should be approached with particular responsibility.
Special features
The main need of the bathroom is good ventilation. Moisture-resistant door models will last much longer, because they are resistant to steam and moisture. When installing the door structure, it is necessary to consider the frequency of use of the bathroom, which depends on the number of family members.
The main characteristic of the door to the toilet is insulation. The hood function here also plays a big role.
Accessories on the doors for such premises should have sufficient strength, in contrast to the usual interior modifications. Additionally, models for the bathroom should be able to retain heat indoors.
Any doors can be classified according to the type of opening. The main species include the following:
The classic version, the best in reliability and sustainability. Convenience lies in the fact that models can always be found on the market, with the installation will require a minimum of effort. The door with such a mechanism provides excellent noise insulation. Manufacturers offer single-leaf and double-leaf variants. However, for the bathroom in most cases use the first. Produced models are left-and right-handed. The disadvantage is the need to consider the space for opening. This is especially important if the door opens in the direction of a narrow corridor. Then the door leaf can be installed so that it opens into the bathroom.
Models of this type consist of several sections in the form of "accordion" or "book." Experts do not advise installing such doors in the bathroom, because they are unreliable, do not provide isolation.
The structures are less tightly closed, which reduces sound insulation, but it saves space well. Sliding models do not have a rigid support, unlike sliding ones, this explains their fast wear. The canvas just moves along the chute.
It is necessary to take into account some of the disadvantages of such modifications:
- The rail protrudes above the floor, which can cause injury.
- The bottom rail is subject to pollution, and if you do not take care of it, a breakdown will occur.
Otherwise - the door- "coupe". The design provides a point of support for the door to the floor, which ensures its durability. Doors on rollers do not jam and do not warp, in comparison with sliding models. Options with a sliding mechanism can be automated. Structurally, the models are of two types:
- With upper suspension. The carrier is the top rail, which accounts for the entire weight of the door. Bottom is only a correction roller, so that the canvas does not move down from the rail.
- With the bottom support. The main guide is lower.Such a mechanism is less preferable because the bottom rail is subject to frequent pollution. Coarse debris may cause damage.
A rarely encountered type of door, the main characteristic of which is the possibility of opening in both directions.
For the bathroom in the apartment they are not suitable, since they do not perform the main functions: sound and heat insulation. Often used in public restrooms.
By type of base and internal filling of the door are:
- Hollow or shield, consisting of a wooden frame, sheathed with MDF, plywood or fiberboard. From above they are usually covered with veneer or laminated. For heat and sound insulation, the void is filled with corrugated cardboard, chips or polyurethane. The best option for the average apartment.
- Variants of glued pine bars covered with chipboard or MDF are possible.
- Solid wood made from solid wood, have significant weight and high cost.
- Paneled have decorative recesses on both sides. May be deaf or with glass inserts.
The main difference between the doors to the bathroom and toilet is their width. They are much narrower than conventional interior designs.Standard dimensions in typical apartments vary from 55 to 70 centimeters in width, and in length correspond to the other doorways in the room.
When buying a finished model in specialized stores, be prepared to see the following standards:
- 550x1900 mm.
- 600x1900 mm.
- 600x2000 mm.
In new buildings often the minimum width of the bathroom door is 70 centimeters.
Before choosing it is important to correctly measure the doorway:
- Measure height from floor to ceiling.
- Width - from wall to wall.
- Thickness - the depth of the opening, taking into account future finishing on both sides.
Calculation of the size of the door leaf:
- The gap between the box and the wall should not be less than 0.1 cm.
- The allowance between the box and the blade - not less than 3 mm.
- The width of the canvas is obtained by subtracting the allowances from the first two points and the width of the timber from which the box is made from the width of the door opening.
- The height is calculated similarly, plus 1 cm to the gap between the floor covering and the canvas.
When repairing apartments, many tenants expand the space for the door, as narrow openings cause inconvenience.
Custom sizes lead to the need for custom designs.
The type of material from which the door is made determines not only the operational features, but also the price of the structure.
Natural wooden doors are popular for all types of interiors. However, for the bathroom it is necessary to take into account that the wood swells under the influence of moisture. To eliminate this drawback, the door is covered with special solutions or varnish. In addition, the model for the bathroom is treated with antiseptic. Recently, models of waterproof wood have appeared on the market. These include beech, oak.
The advantages of wood as a material for the bathroom door include environmental friendliness, nobility, high quality, durability with proper care. When buying a wooden structure for a bathroom or toilet, you need to weigh the pros and cons, the feasibility of the solution, since these modifications are expensive and require a certain approach.
MDF, chipboard, veneer
Veneer is a thin sheet of cut wood. Veneered versions have a low degree of moisture resistance, as a result of which they deform over time. The quality of the doors in this case depends on the base, which is covered with veneer, and glue.
This coating is classified by the method of creation:
- Eco-shears are made of fine wood.
- Multichpon produced from small sawdust, which are glued to the fabric.
- Fine-line is artificially formed from peeled wood of fast-growing trees.
DSP, as well as MDF, consist of pressed wood chips, which does not increase their moisture resistance. In addition, models do not withstand strong shocks, but the use of such materials reduces the cost of the door design.
Laminated boards
The properties are similar to MDF. Their only difference is that the plates are covered with a film that protects the doors from dampness and allows them to be washed.
The advantages of the coating are varied design, easy to maintain, low cost. Extensive assortment contributes to the rapid selection of any color and size. A minus is a short lifetime and a low degree of sound permeability. Today, due to the unique method of bonding fibers, it is possible to increase the use of such a door design for the bathroom.
Plastic - one of the most popular options for the door to the bathroom. The material is not afraid of moisture, does not deform when the temperature changes, does not rot. The doors are hygienic, have low weight, and are easy to maintain.
Acrylic doors for the bathroom are safe for children, do not emit harmful substances, since the basis is natural raw materials.
Plastic doors are often installed in public bathrooms because they are easy to sanitize. Undoubtedly, aesthetically, plastic doors are inferior to analogues of glass and wood, but they are available to anyone with an average income.
One type of plastic - polyvinyl chloride - is considered a popular material for the production of door structures.
PVC products have a wide range of colors, which allows to vary the shades according to any design idea. Modern technologies of working with plastic allow to imitate any kind of material.
Among the advantages of PVC construction note:
- Low degree of fire hazard.
- Resistance to deformation under the influence of high humidity and temperature.
- Low weight of the whole structure.
- The average degree of noise insulation.
- The simplicity in leaving connected with immunity to household chemicals.
- Versatility.
- Sufficient durability.
- A variety of colors, shapes.
- The possibility of additional self-decoration.
- Low price.
The disadvantages include the low elasticity of the material, which with a strong mechanical action causes damage.
Recently, manufacturers have been producing reinforced plastic structures equipped with reinforced inlays. The price of metal-plastic models is higher than usual, but wear resistance and noise isolation justifies it.
Glass models are visually attractive, diverse, able to visually enlarge the room. The material is perfectly preserved during long-term operation, without being deformed, it is environmentally friendly, it prevents the appearance of mold.
In addition, they have the highest degree of protection against moisture and heat insulation. Sometimes it is associated with the appearance of condensation on the surface of the door. It is necessary to wipe the glass regularly to eliminate leaks. Glass plates have impact resistance. However, if there are small children in the family, it is necessary to additionally cover the glass surface with a shock-resistant film.
Glass door designs will bring an element of originality into the interior.
Models with frosted glass, stained glass or hardened with tint will give a stylish interior to the bathroom.Manufacturers use relief glass or mirror coating for bathrooms. The uniqueness of each door in the bathroom or toilet can be achieved by using wood and metal inserts. The ease of construction will give a mosaic, sandblasting patterns.
The doors to the bathroom should fit to the maximum in the surrounding interior. All interior models have different functional load, participate in the design of different interiors, but go into the same corridor, hallway or hall.
In this regard, the dimensions and finishing elements of the structures may differ, but the color and general concept of the panels facing the same room must be the same.
The generally accepted standard is white pine doors. They are popular for more than two decades. Made on the shield technology. The basis is made of glued pine bar, stiffening ribs made of MDF, filling - coniferous bars. Top panels are covered with moisture-resistant cold pressed MDF and veneered veneer of fine wood. Painting with white enamel containing polyurethane fixes the quality characteristics of the unique design.
Recently, designers have advised to use other color variations, but they all agree that the shades should be light. The reason - a small amount of light in the corridor space.
Which one to choose?
The purchase of a bathroom door is always connected with the solution of several functional tasks:
- Tightness.
- Soundproofing.
- Moisture resistance.
- Strength.
- Existence of space for opening.
- Design.
Perhaps the primary consideration should be the air circulation in the bathroom. If natural ventilation fails, then at purchase it is necessary to provide ventilation elements in the door construction. For example, grilles, “curtains” or other openings of various shapes.
When choosing a door design for the bathroom and toilet, it is necessary to focus on how the model fits into the external interior, how it fits with the sanitary ware and the lining inside the bathroom.
If the size of the bathroom allows you to place all that your heart desires, and the place remains, then the choice will be limited only by the customer's requirements.
Since the room is large, the spray will not fall on the door itself.In the presence of excellent ventilation, the material of the canvas in this case can be any, the door is not deformed. In the case of small bathrooms, typical for average typical apartments, the purchase must be approached more carefully.
All interior doors are composed of an internal frame. For budget options it is made of MDF and particleboard with a low degree of moisture resistance. Therefore, if the humidity in the bathroom is above 60%, then it is worth considering the option of installing glass or plastic models.
Customer reviews allow us to highlight laminated structures in the class of the most popular. High-quality coating can provide protection at humidity up to 60%. To avoid disappointment, it is advised to choose laminatin coating, which is a laminate with improved properties.
In small-sized apartments with thin walls, where every sound is heard or the bathroom door goes directly into the room, it is recommended to select models with high noise insulation. To achieve it, a double construction is used.
In the presence of small children in the family and at the same time wanting to install a glass door to the bathroom, you must use only tempered glass, additionally taped with thermal film.
If to save space, it was decided to install sliding doors in the bathroom, then you have to put up with low sound insulation. In this case, it is advised to make a choice in the direction of the cassette variants, which are the voids hidden in the wall, where the door leaf is rolled back. It should be noted that in case of breakdown of such a structure, it will be necessary to open the wall.
Typically, the finishing elements decorate the outer door leaf, because the inner is exposed to aggressive moisture and temperature changes. In this case, you should pay attention to the tiles. It can be diversified, have many shades and sizes. Drawings, design - for every taste. The design of the door under the tile is allowed. To do this, use the facing material that covered the walls in the bathroom or toilet. With its help, either inserts are made, or a mosaic-like pattern is laid out from smaller pieces.
If the choice fell on the door of PVC, then first of all ask the consultant about the availability of a certificate of quality.
This will protect against the purchase of low-quality, unhealthy design.Plastic models attract the price and variety of the proposed options. Manufacturers produce both solid and combined models with inserts of glass, wood, ceramics. Additional reinforcement strengthens the structure, the cost increases.
Before purchasing the door, finished with natural veneer, be sure to check the presence of varnish coating with hydrophobic properties. High-quality protective layer increases the life of the product. Structures made of chipboard, the integrity of the coating of which will ensure durability, must pass a similar test.
Door installers give the following advice when installing linens in sanitary rooms:
- When installing the door to the bathroom, it is better to increase the threshold to 5 cm to prevent flooding of the corridor if water is poured over the edge of the bath.
- As a preventive measure against dampness and mold, it is better to provide ventilation on the door in the form of a grill. Another option is to leave a larger gap between the floor and the door leaf, which will provide airing.
- All door elements are made of stainless materials.
- The thickness of the door should not exceed the thickness of the wall.
- Door leaf of any wooden materials must be impregnated with special compounds, covered with veneer or laminated to protect against deformation.
When installing the structure with your own hands, first of all it is necessary to make measurements of the doorway. If the measurements are taken incorrectly, then the purchased door may not be suitable. We'll have to clean the excess by cutting. If the box is not solid wood, but using veneer or MDF, then they risk falling apart. If you have doubts about the correctness of the measurements taken independently, it is better to double-check them with a specialist.
If the door still did not fit, then it is better to consider the option of modifying the opening, rather than shortening the door leaf. Moreover, this can only be done with a wooden door, given that the appearance will be spoiled.
Replacing the door structure always begins with the removal of the old leaf, trim, fixings and boxes.
Then the opening is cleaned of debris, old plaster with a stiff brush. Put a plaster layer on the cleaned aperture, hiding all the irregularities. After drying, it is necessary to check the evenness with a building level. All flaws are sanded with sandpaper.The process of assembling the box should be carried out on a flat surface to prevent further distortions.
Algorithm of actions:
- In advance, you must put the box in the opening and align it with wedges. Use a plumb line to check the level.
- Then install the door frame with the fixings. After using the mounting foam to fill the gaps between the wall and the door block.
- Leave the construction to dry completely for a day or more. Then remove the excess foam, polish the irregularities and paint.
- Slate pencil to note on the box the installation location of the hinges and fasten them with screws.
- Hang the door leaf. Install the handles and closing mechanism.
- In conclusion, fasten the trim with self-tapping screws and, if necessary, coat the construction with varnish or paint.
If you do all the measurements and recommendations carefully, then even without having experience in construction work, you can install the door to the bathroom or toilet yourself.
If in the apartment the entrances to the toilet and the bathroom are located close to each other, then it is often recommended to place the swing doors so that one is left-handed and the second is right-handed.If the bathroom is located next to another room and there is little space for opening the doors, then experts advise installing compartment doors.
Often, designers offer original solutions for small apartments. For example, the door is mounted in the cut corner of the bathroom. In this way, you can change the area of the corridor, and the interior of the bathroom becomes more interesting.
Owners of apartments with a large area can allow the installation of an electric drive, because as the dimensions increase, the doors gain serious weight.
How to install the doors in the bathroom with their own hands, see the following video.
How to make?
If the door leaf is not deformed over time, but simply bored with its appearance, then there are many ways to change its appearance. Registration in this case will require either the presence of fantasy and skillful hands.
Popular design techniques:
- Decorating film. A vinyl film is imitated on the door, imitating a stained glass window or some kind of texture. Sometimes small stickers are used.
- Decorative wallpaper or matter. Under them you can hide small damage and revive the interior.Before pasting, it is necessary to clean and sand the surface of the door leaf, cover it with a primer. Wallpapers can not arrange the whole door, but only part of it.
- Decoupage This type of needlework uses napkins, thin wallpaper, clippings from newspapers and magazines. Before the process, the cloth must be cleaned with soapy water, dried and primed. After the final drying, the surface is rubbed with wax, then painted with acrylic paints. Color is chosen in accordance with the designer's idea. The motifs are glued to the dried door with the help of PVA glue and neatly smoothed with a soft sponge. With fine sanding paper the surface is leveled. Strengthen decoupage acrylic varnish applied in three layers.
- Coloring. The design of any door can be made with your own hands by painting with colors of different types. Textured coatings will help to give a distinctive look to the door structure and mask the irregularities. The paint imitating a slate board recently enjoys great popularity. Often, designers offer to use it in families where there are small children.
- Stencils - a unique opportunity to make a variety.Their diversity allows you to fantasize on any design theme. And you can buy ready-made stencils or make yourself using pictures, a printer and a knife for cutting paper or scissors.
- Rivets and beads will give the door a bohemian image.
- Perforation. The drilled holes of various sizes and shapes will make the design futuristic.
- Baguette decoration makes an element of solemnity and fits the classic interior.
- Mirrors or mirror elements located on the external surface of the bathroom will bring lightness, visually expand the space of the corridor or hallway.