Wall mural on the door

Wall murals confidently return to the interiors of modern homes and again prove their practicality in practice. Multifunctional and affordable material in a short time can transform any room. Modern wallpaper is made by new methods, giving them a variety of textures and subjects.
It is now fashionable to glue over them with not only walls and wardrobes, but also doors. Such versatility attracted the attention of designers to wallpaper with photo printing. They offer many options for the use of photo wallpaper when designing doors of various configurations in the interiors of rooms of various purposes.
Special features
Like any other decorative material, wallpapers have their own characteristics regarding quality characteristics, rules of use and design methods.
So, what you need to know about wallpaper with photo printing:
- You can pick up a picture for any interior.
- Finishing is possible without the involvement of specialists.
- It is easy to replace the canvas with a new one, but with a different storyline.
- Glue on any flat surface.
- Wall mural can visually enlarge the room in width or height.
- The material is resistant to low temperatures.
- Wet cleaning is allowed.
- There are varieties of canvas with reinforcing properties.
- Affordable cost.
- There is a variety of textures and design options.
- There are self-adhesive base.
Wall murals are used not only for wall decoration, but also transform even the most simple doors. It is very simple to paste the canvas on the door even to a person who does not have experience.
Replace the decor later on a similar coating, but with a different pattern will be even easier, especially if you choose the option of wallpaper with a self-adhesive surface. This decor can be chosen for each room and for any interior solution.
First of all, it is worth noting that there are two types of wallpapers: with self-adhesive base and without it. Already prepared seamy side with a sticky surface is much more convenient in work, but limited in textures and sizes.Option, which will have to glue like traditional wallpaper, presented in a wider range.
All types of photo wallpapers have a different structure and quality indicators. Each manufacturer has its own approach to the production of this finishing material.
There are four types of wallpapers with photo printing on the market:
- paper;
- vinyl;
- tissue;
- non-woven.
Paper wallpapers are the most affordable option among the finishing materials in its segment. It is recommended to use them in residential premises only as a temporary decor, since durability and strength are not included in the list of their inherent properties.
Vinyl, on the contrary, they have many advantages and are resistant to moisture and high temperatures, allow cleaning with chemical detergents, preserve their original appearance for a long time, and have a solid surface.
Fabric wallpaper with photo printing, they are often used to finish doors leading to living rooms, bedrooms and halls. The strength of such a material is due to fabric fibers in its composition. In the production process, any pattern can be applied to the fabric surface and create a mass of varioustextures The only disadvantage of the fabric-type coating is its ability to absorb dust and moisture.
Flizelinovye thanks to a special technology, they do not accumulate moisture and do not let the air through. The porous structure of the material gives it greater strength and wear resistance. This is a good choice for pasting interior doors, including those leading to the kitchen and the bathroom.
Also, wallpapers are divided into vertical (with a pattern on the vertical) and horizontal (with a pattern in the horizontal direction), differ in the size of the finished canvas. There are narrow solid fragments and several rectangular or square to create a decor of a large scale.
In their structure, wallpapers also differ among themselves. Depending on this quality indicator, a canvas is chosen for each individual design decision when designing the interior door.
Photos with photo printing are divided into the following categories:
- smooth structure;
- imitation of plaster (fresco);
- sand texture;
- linen surface;
- the texture of the canvas.
Technologies of modern industry allow creating not only such, but also quite a few other textures for photo wallpapers.
When choosing one or another option, it should be borne in mind that many of them, for longer service, require additional protective coating or special impregnation from moisture and fungus. This is very useful when decorating the door in the kitchen and bathroom.
How to choose?
Before you make a choice on any particular type of wallpaper, you must understand exactly what each type of canvas structure is. On how exactly the pasting is supposed depends on how long the photopanel will serve.
If you glue the wallpaper is supposed to interior doors, you can get by the standard narrow size wallpaper panels. Most conveniently, if it is a self-adhesive option. Wide, most likely, will have to be customized to the size of the door leaf.
Wall mural with a smooth structure most often have a glossy surface without embossing. Such material requires a prepared door surface, with the exception of bright, variegated drawings and three-dimensional images. They are able to divert attention from minor irregularities and pasting defects. Smooth wallpaper perfectly fit on a flat canvas door, the same set with a glass and wood surface.
Imitation plaster perfectly support the style of classicism, baroque, renaissance.Usually on such wallpaper reproduce paintings or historical frescoes. The basis of this type of photo wallpaper is durable - vinyl or flizelin.
Sand texture able to mask the irregularities of the glued surface. It is velvety, the images on it look deep and realistic, but there is a significant drawback - the complexity of the care of the wallpaper.
Canvas texture It will look great on a double swing door in the living room, which can be said about the linen structure of photo wallpaper. Landscapes, still lifes, nature in all its manifestations look beautiful and respectable on them. Often, such panels are additionally framed, highlighting with moldings to make the doors the main accent of the room.
Also, when choosing wallpaper, consider the size of the door area to be glued. Based on whether the whole is a canvas or consists of several fragments, the level of complexity of the subsequent decoration will depend. This is important if you plan to engage in the transformation of the canvas without the help of specialists.
How to glue?
Having defined the pattern and structure of the canvas, you can proceed to the design. To act on the basis of what type of wallpaper purchased.In any case, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface - to clean, sand, degrease. New doors can be pasted without prior preparation.
Self-adhesive wallpaper with a picture loved for its ease of use. Before pasting the paper substrate is gradually removed, and the film with a pattern is pressed against the smoothing movements to the surface. You need to start pasting from the top of the wallpaper, gradually peeling off the paper backing from the adhesive backing.
To wallpaper lay flat, you need to gently smooth them from the center to the edges. For this purpose, it is better to use a soft spatula or rag. No need to make great efforts not to damage the wallpaper.
If during work bubbles form under the film, a soap solution is applied to the surface of the wallpaper and the air is expelled with a spatula towards the edges of the canvas.
Photowall-paper without glue surface needs longer preparation. First you need to make a preliminary "fitting" wallpaper to the place of pasting, especially if the panel consists of separate fragments. Depending on the texture of the wallpaper and according to the instructions attached to them, glue is applied.
Sometimes it is necessary to coat with glue only the surface to be glued on, and sometimes the manufacturer reports that the glue should be applied to the wallpaper. This item should be approached with special attention, otherwise you can spoil the wallpaper.
When pasting the interior door with photo wallpaper, the excess is trimmed with a sharp stationery knife. You must first leave some margin for bending.
In the process of finishing it is necessary to ensure that air is not collected under the wallpaper. But if such an oversight is found, it is easy to fix it by gently puncturing the resulting “bubble” with a needle. Then you need to press this place with your hand and iron in the direction of the puncture with a soft cloth, as if expelling air.
Edge of the pasted wallpaper for greater strength is further strengthened with glue. Handles and locks return to the place only after full adhesion of the fabric with the surface in the case of self-adhesive wallpaper. And in additionally glued version you need to wait until the surface is completely dry.
For the door leaf, the use of wallpaper with a vertical pattern or with the texture of wood will be optimal. It is better to buy a solid canvas 86x220.Drawing is selected to taste or under the overall style of the interior.
Options in the interior
With the help of photo wallpaper, you can quickly and with a minimum cost to transform the door under the overall style of the interior. This material is perfect for the decoration of the compartment door, especially if you choose narrow canvas with a pattern on the vertical. The result is a very fashionable and unusual design solution.
Effectively and inexpensively arrange photowall-paper and you can door to the bathroom. Only in this case, suitable moisture-proof, strong wallpaper based on vinyl with antifungal impregnation. Themes may be the most diverse: the inhabitants of the depths of the ocean, sea plants, beaches with a surf, a sailboat or a storm at sea. Three-dimensional three-dimensional images look original and modern, transferring their gaze to another reality.
You can decorate with photodecora and the front door. But the prerequisite is the use of resistant to damage and moisture material. A solid canvas with the right decor will not just please the view, but also give the home a respectable look right from the very doorstep.
For the kitchen door wallpaper suitable with different subjects, vinyl or smooth.But not just on a paper basis, but with a protective coating that is not afraid of moisture, fumes and fading.
In the living room, a door decoration pasted over with a photo print imitating aged wood, cork or bamboo flooring is a frequent decoration. Also popular textures "under the skin", murals, drawings on fabric texture, landscapes with linen surface of the canvas.
Bedrooms look romantic and intimate, if at the entrance, right on the interior door, large flowers bloom or delicate patterns in soothing colors are intricately interlaced. And for children's rooms they choose subjects that correspond to the interests of children and their age category.
In general, there are no special recommendations for this type of decor, as each subject is free to choose the plot of his own. The main thing is that the result of the work can be estimated in a matter of hours. And the transformation of the interior is guaranteed to be exclusive!
How to stick the wallpaper on the door, see the next video.