Retractable interior doors

The emergence of new styles in the interior and a variety of materials allow manufacturers to produce improved models of doors and their mechanisms. Retractable interior door not only looks spectacular and stylish in the apartment, but also perfectly saves space in the room.
Special features
It is erroneous to believe that sliding and sliding doors are the same design, although in the first and in the second case the canvases are moved apart in different directions. However, the sliding design provides for the presence of special wheels, which account for the entire mass of the attribute leaf. It turns out that the second option has a reliable point of support, and in the first there is no such, while the canvases simply move along the upper guides.Such a slight difference in the mechanism extends the sliding doors operational life, which is the main advantage of this model.
In addition to a long service life, sliding products have other advantages:
- In the process of use, the door will not warp and will not jam it. It is also important the quality of the materials themselves and their installation, but the reliability of the mechanism is a definite advantage.
- When opening and closing such an attribute there is practically no noise. This provides two pairs of rollers located in the upper and lower parts of the canvas. Some models have rubber rollers.
- Thanks to the installation of rollers on the upper and lower guides, sliding products protect the room from drafts.
- If desired, such a mechanism can be made automatic.
The only thing with which the owners will have to accept is the presence of the lower guide, located directly in the floor. The disadvantage is that all the dust and small debris will be clogged there, which will adversely affect the operation of the entire lower mechanism. However, this drawback is the only and insignificant, since with proper care of the sliding interior door, clogging is easy to avoid.
The presence of free space along the wall, the materials of the canvases, their appearance - all this will influence the choice of the type of sliding interior doors. There are three main types of such structures.
Such a model slides along the wall, therefore it requires free space. So that it does not fly out of the guides, there is a special lock. If rubberized rollers are used, then there is practically no noise when opening / closing the door. It is important to pay attention to the quality of accessories, because the attribute service life will depend on it. An open type can also be automatic - its movement is easily controlled by a remote control.
The difference from the first type is the presence of a special pencil case in the wall, where the canvas is completely hidden. The advantage of this type is the ability to install additional items of decor or furniture along the wall.
In appearance, this type of product is reminiscent of blinds. In this case, instead of narrow slats, large sections are used, which at the time of opening are assembled into an accordion.
Retractable interior doors can also be single or double.Their choice will depend on the size of the room. So, when separating small rooms, folding models will look cumbersome, and single-room attributes will look inappropriate in a spacious room.
The interior of the room can become even more attractive due to the correctly chosen sliding interior door. The materials from which it is made have a huge impact on the design of the room, so it is important to consider not only its characteristics, but also its appearance.
There are different models: from natural wood, MDF, chipboard, aluminum, glass. There are also combined options, among which the popular combination of wood and glass. Natural materials have an elegant and spectacular look, they are safe for health, reliable, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, products from MDF and particleboard are more common.
In a small room you can install a canvas with a large mirror. Such an attribute will visually increase the room. Glass products can expand the space. However, the design of such models is different from others: when the door is opened, the sliding mechanism hides in a niche in the wall prepared for this in advance. Glass can be frosted, have stained glass texture, various patterns and colors.
Popular recently become sliding interior doors made of polycarbonate. This type of material is a transparent polymer plastic. The door leaf made of polycarbonate is much lighter than a product made of glass, ordinary plastic or wood, and has a high degree of strength and fire resistance (there are no substances that could ignite). Such an attribute is easy to maintain: dust, dirt, fingerprints, etc., are simply and quickly removed with ordinary detergents.
The sliding mechanism is only slightly different from the usual, so there will be no great difficulties in the installation. It may have a lower roller system and an upper roller system. The first option provides for the location of the guide with a roller on top and bottom, so that the canvas is perfectly kept in the opening. In another case, the rollers are attached only at the top, and the whole product supposedly "hangs" in the air. There is no threshold, so the floor becomes solid.
There are two more types of such a mechanism: mounted and embedded. The first type is mounted on the wall, so visible to the owners and guests of the apartment, and the second hides, so it is completely invisible.Thanks to this mechanism, the door is hidden inside the wall, leaving more free space along it. This design looks more elegant, but is difficult to install.
How to choose?
Successfully selected version of sliding interior doors will be able to highlight an interesting interior or bring your own creative to it. In order to make the right choice, you must consider the following points:
- Door case is the most profitable model with a retractable mechanism, as it can be installed in any room. When you open the canvas hides in the wall, leaving a lot of free space. Such a product is suitable even in a small apartment.
- "Harmonic" more suitable for a bathroom or narrow corridors. Such a model is technically convenient.
- If the room is small, it is better to buy single door. For a visual increase in space, you can use a mirror canvas.
- Bivalves Models fit perfectly in apartments with a large area. They look stylish, elegant and very impressive.
- Be sure to consider the interior of the rooms between which will be installed sliding door. In the classic it would be absurd to look at a completely glass sheet, but it will harmoniously fit into high-tech or minimalism.
- There are models that resemble their appearance wooden gates - they are great for apartments in country and loft styles.
Sliding interior doors open easily, but manufacturers have further simplified this process by creating products with an automatic mechanism. The opening and closing of such models is controlled by a remote control unit and they are installed mainly in apartments with a large area. There are also options with a lock or a latch, however such fittings are not present in all doors - it all depends on the material of the canvas.
How to set?
You can install interior sliding models yourself, you just need to know how to do it correctly.
The standard kit includes the following components:
- the canvases themselves;
- accessories;
- boxes;
- rollers, guides.
Sliding doors with built-in mechanism require a lot of time and physical strength, so it is better to use the services of a specialist. The hinged system in this regard is much easier.
Installation of this model is carried out in several stages:
- The first step is to install the top rail. At the same time, it is necessary to leave a small hole between the guide and the wall for the future installation of the plinth and the platbands. This gap is also left between the floor and the door leaf.
- Next, the sliding mechanism is inserted into the guide, and limiters are placed on the sides.
- On top of the future door mounting brackets are installed.
- The product is suspended from the carriage bolt by putting on staples.
- The floor guide is mounted, and the longitudinal axis of the door and the symmetry must coincide.
- With the help of the locking screw fasteners are fixed.
- After the entire assembly on the assembly bar it is necessary to fix the case.
- The last stage is the installation of special fittings.
When installing the rolling attribute, one should also take into account that if the apartment has plasterboard or foam block walls, then they will need to be strengthened. They simply will not withstand the entire mass of the canvas and accessories, so over time the product may fall off.
How to install a sliding door yourself is shown in the video.
More reliable will be a sliding model with guides at the bottom and top.It will have a foothold, so it will serve its masters much longer.
Installation of such a product will not be difficult and is carried out in this way:
- Rollers are attached to the canvas. If you do not want to leave a gap between the door and the floor, then they will have to be cut into the canvas.
- Installs lower guide. It is important that the floor was perfectly level. Otherwise, such an attribute will open or close on its own.
- Parallel to the bottom is mounted upper rail. It is important to correctly calculate the height.
- The canvas itself, which you need to start at the side, is installed. At the same time it is necessary to check whether the rollers got into the guides.
It is also necessary to take into account the following point: since the sliding canvas moves along the wall, in that place you cannot hang pictures, put up bedside tables and other interior items, because they will stop the doors from opening.
Options in the interior
With a successful combination of sliding interior doors with the design of the room you can achieve a stunning effect. However, it will depend on the materials of the canvas in which style this or that model is better fitted.
Retractable attributes like "accordion" can be a highlight of the interior.
Bivalves harmoniously fit into a spacious room.
But in a small apartment is better to use single-leaf products.
The apartment in the style of minimalism looks interesting attributes of frosted glass without any patterns and additional elements.
For the classics more suitable wooden models, which can be supplemented with glass inserts.
The style direction of the loft involves options from wood, which is specifically "aged out".
In the Scandinavian interior is used such an option.
In addition to the harmonious combination with the style direction, attention should be paid to the quality of the fittings and door materials, because the service life of the whole structure will depend on them.