Swing doors

Without interior doors it is impossible to imagine any apartment or house. They play a functional role: isolate noise, retain heat, delimit the space between rooms and decorate it, maintaining the interior style. Swing doors are familiar to us firsthand - these are the canvases that are in the house of almost everyone.
What it is?
The door is a canvas that covers the opening and separates one room from another. The name "swing" doors received because of the way they open - swinging.
Swing doors - the most common type of design with its advantages and obvious disadvantages. They may differ in size and materials (both external and internal), but the system of their opening combines the canvas into the category of "swing".The doors are opened with hinges that connect the canvas and the box, and directly hold the canvas in the opening.
Such models are much more common folding or sliding, they have become a kind of classics in the interior.
The doorway is not only the door and the canvas, but also:
- Box;
- A set of platbands;
- Hinges (accessories);
- Dobor - according to need.
The box has a U-shaped form and installed in the doorway, ennobles it and takes on the weight of the door leaf. The hinges are fastened to the fixed box, the door leaf is fastened to the hinges, and finally the trim plates. In short, the box is a supporting structure, without which the installation and operation of the door is impossible.
Platbands - decorative elements that are attached to the box from the side of the wall. Most modern telescopic platbands, that is, they are attached to the box on the cut grooves and do not require nails and screws. There are platbands that are still attached to the wall (box) with thin nails, but nothing good can be said about the quality of such products.
Dobor - This is a wooden panel that is installed in the opening of a thick wall.If the width of the wall is more than 10 cm, then the standard box will not overlap it, and you will need to finish it: it will perform a purely decorative function.
Hinges provide swing door opening. They connect the box and the door leaf and are movable hinges that move when the door is opened and closed. Usually the hinges come complete with handles and latches (locks), and all this together is called furniture.
Loops can be:
- Visible;
- Hidden (secret).
There is a wider classification of loops, but we will focus only on these two types. We can see the visible hinges in any position of the door: open or closed. They can be overhead, mortise, corner, installed directly on the site of installation of the canvas or at the manufacturing plant. They have no flaws, except perhaps one - they can be seen.
Secret hinges are hidden from view. Door reception with them looks more aesthetic, without them modern minimalism or high-tech - styles in the interior, where it is important to demonstrate the latest designs, do not do. Hidden hinges are usually installed at the factory due to a complex process.Their design is three or more pivot axles, recessed in the upper and lower parts of the canvas from the end.
Conventionally, all hinged doors can be divided into entrance and interior. Note that almost all 100% of the entrance doors are hinged, because this is the most reliable way to isolate a house from the street. Oar models have a number of advantages due to which they remain the most sought-after and popular, reliable, functional and aesthetically attractive.
The following classification comes from the number of doors or canvases in the doorway:
- Single leaf - one door in the opening;
- Bivalves - two canvases in the opening, installed on the hinges;
- Half-leaved or double-faced - one standard swing bed, the second - narrow and fixed.
Asymmetrical doors are installed when the opening is too wide for one standard canvas size. The maximum standard width is 90 cm, all that is larger is non-standard. Canvases 100 cm wide and heavier, and not always the doorway is able to withstand them, to ensure safe opening. Therefore, the output becomes the purchase of different widths of canvases, one of which serves as a fixed partition, the second - a full swing door.Double doors are installed for a wide opening - from 120 cm and more (60 cm each door).
Double radius does not belong to the category of swing doors - these are compartment doors. They received their name due to indirect movement along the guides. Doors without box - sliding. The mechanism of their opening does not require a box, it is attached to the wall and is a guide with several pairs of rollers.
Special features
Swing doors require free space to open them on one side of the room. For some, this is a significant drawback, but most of us have long been accustomed to and do not notice it.
Oar models have several advantages:
- Isolate noise due to the tight fit of the canvas to the box, the absence of gaps (when properly installed);
- Keep heat or isolate it due to the same fit;
- Prevent the spread of odors, therefore, recommended for installation in the kitchen instead of sliding models or "books";
- They look aesthetically pleasing, especially if you choose hidden loops as an attachment;
- Varied in their exterior design, size;
- They differ in material and filling, which directly affects the cost of the canvas;
- Safe;
- Practical;
- Easy to open and close;
- They are easy to install by yourself, unlike sliding models.
Among the shortcomings, we note that swinging doors can arbitrarily and abruptly close from a sharp draft. They require the installation of limiters on the floor so that the handle does not beat against the wall and does not spoil it.
The standard height of any canvas is 2000 mm, or 200 cm. Some manufacturers produce 190 cm as a standard, but not all.
The standard width of the door leaf: 600 mm, 700 mm, 800 mm, 900 mm. Again, some manufacturers consider 400 mm wide as a standard, and it can easily be found at regular cost.
Non-standard size canvases are usually 20-30% more expensive, they are made to order \ individual measurements. The height of the web is 2100 mm, 2200 mm and 2300 mm - non-standard, as is the width of 1000 mm, 1100 mm, 1200 mm.
Narrow doors of 400 mm and less are usually considered non-standard and, paradoxically, they are more expensive than the classic ones with a width of 600 mm. Extremely narrow models are installed "tightly" and serve as a partition, complement the standard canvas and ennoble too wide aperture.
The standard door thickness is 40 mm, but in fact they may differ by 1-5 mm.
Swing doors differ in the material used as the base:
- Wood. This category includes hard doors made from 100% solid wood: beech, oak, ash, cedar, spruce, mahogany and others, usually of solid wood. Wooden canvases are distinguished by their high weight and high cost, aesthetics and long service life (up to 50 years). Here you can say about the pine massif - an environmentally friendly natural material from which canvases are often made and are additionally veneered. Cloth from solid pine differs in smaller weight (than an oak, for example) and smaller density. Doors of pine are usually finished with natural veneer on top.
This gives a high cost and aesthetics of the product, it remains environmentally friendly and safe, durable, but its cost is reduced compared to 100% of the elite wood.
- Composite. These are doors created from various materials. The basis of the composite web may lie aluminum frame and MDF as a filler (or any other lightweight material). MDF canvases usually have a frame of laminated veneer lumber, filler, eco-shells and quality cladding material.The composite doors include plastic doors: they are also based on an aluminum frame;
- Metallic. Most often these are entrance doors;
- Glass. Swing doors completely transparent are usually installed in offices, business and shopping centers.
- Veneer - a thin section of natural wood, which ennobles the canvas. It preserves the natural texture of the tree due to its minimal processing. The analogue is an eco-ply, which is cheaper than natural and is created at the plant, imitates the texture and design of wood and is distinguished by high quality indicators. It is impossible to say unequivocally that it is better: natural or eco-tapes. Natural is a part of a tree with a unique pattern and usually of a wood shade. Artificial veneer can repeat the texture of wood and have a wide range of shades from snow white to gray and even black.
Swing doors with glass as an element of decor are also incredibly popular. Glass visually expands and transforms the space and is very functional. Modern glass is safe and characterized by a degree of transparency. For example, one of the latest trends is the purchase of wooden doors with glass for the bathroom and toilet.Glass in such models is often frosted and opaque: looking at the canvas, even with the lights on, you cannot see the person in the room, but to see its outlines - yes.
Mirrored wooden doors - not only decor, but also high functionality. At the heart of such a door may be solid pine, and its exterior trim be made of glass. As an option - a classic canvas with a full-length mirror on one side. By the way, entrance metal doors with a mirror from the house are especially popular.
It is conditional to divide interior swing doors according to their shade: these are classic woody and absolutely unnatural shades.
Wood shades are the colors of mahogany, oak, beech, ash, cedar, wenge. If we talk about veneer, it can be slightly painted in a coffee shade: cappuccino, coffee with milk or have a patina - a raid of "old" on the canvas, which is excellently written off into the classics, Provence, and many other interior styles.
Doors with artificial coating ecomaspon, film (lamination), enamel differ in a variety of shades. The leader among them is snow-white with a slight glossy shine. Popular - gray, black, pink.Bright shades like red, blue, yellow and others are applied to the artificial surface of the door and are called enamel. Of course, you can paint any door, but the canvas from 100% solid wood at least would be a pity.
In various rooms
Swing doors will be appropriate for any room, whether it is a bedroom, living room, kitchen and children's room, bathroom, balcony. The canvas in the kitchen or nursery, bedroom or balcony promises to protect the space of an apartment or house from the spread of odors or noise, so it is chosen by practical parents, students, retirees and people with small apartments.
The door "vest" in the hall or living room can be glass - in whole or in part. The functional fades into the background, giving way to decor. What else is important - one style, color scheme in all the doors of one apartment. Anyway, all the doors will lead to the corridor, and from there will be a view of all the models. If the style or color of the corridor is significantly different from the rooms, then there is a way out - order swinging doors with a different shade on both sides. For example, on the one hand the canvas will be white, on the other - the color of oak or ash.
How to choose?
A simple algorithm will help you choose a quality and decent door:
- Style. The doors are traditionally divided into classic, modern, hi-tech, Provence and other stylistic directions. And at their choice it is necessary to make a start from the general image of the room, especially if it has already been created. For a classic interior fit wooden doors of a natural shade: 100% solid wood or natural veneer lining.
- Filling and materials. Golden middle is a canvas made of solid pine, lined with natural veneer outside. It is eco-friendly, practical, looks good, serves for a long time (10-15 years). Cloth from 100% of the array has the same advantages, it usually costs 2-3 times more expensive (and more), but also serves up to half a century.
Cheap models of ekoshpon or enamel are also good: low price, high wear resistance, stylish exterior design attract buyers. Artificial doors withstand changes in temperature and humidity, which is especially important to consider when choosing a cloth for the bathroom.
Light modern doors usually have an aluminum or frame made of glued timber inside and a filler (cardboard, foam plastic, MDF, their combination).Their exterior finish is an eco ply or film.
These doors are chosen for a room with thin walls, a full wooden canvas that simply will not stand.
- Type of room. For the bedroom and nursery, the bathroom and the toilet are usually chosen deaf doors - a wooden canvas without glass and decor. For the kitchen and living room - glass. Doors in a niche for a dressing room or closet, you can choose cheap.
- Type of construction. Doors are divided into feigned and without a porch. Pretense, or "quarter" - a lining on the canvas, which closes possible gaps and gaps when closing the canvas. Classic doors usually have a gap and provide a quality connection of the door to the box when closed. Laconic models without a “quarter” have the right to exist, and if they have the correct geometry, are selected according to the size of the opening and are correctly installed, then the porch does not play a large functional role.
- The number of valves. If the doorway is wider than 100 cm, masters advise to buy a door with two doors: a standard canvas of 60 or 70 cm and a narrow shutter of 40 and 30 cm, respectively. Hide the gap between the doors will help the feigned plank, or "nashchelnik" with a deaf leaf or both moving.
- With or without lintel. The lintel, or impost, enhances the construction of the plastic door and makes the canvas resistant to jerks, which cannot be avoided when opening the canvas. Impost is used in all plastic models, with the exception of the two-chamber package of a swing door or wide profile systems at its base.
When choosing doors, the question may arise - to buy the canvas separately or in a set with a box, a casing. Modern manufacturers advise to buy everything at once, so that the material, color, texture of the door and the required elements match.
Additionally, you can purchase a blade position sensor - an element that is responsible for opening and closing the door. He controls that the door does not close and the lock does not work.
Options in the interior
The combination of single and double doors visually expands the space of the apartment and transforms it. It is important that the paintings were in the same style and color.
Retaining hinge doors look favorably in a classic, Scandinavian or "country" interior. In the modern, dynamic image of the apartment, they are not relevant.
Doors without a box and trim are unusual for us, but they are firmly established in Western minimalist interiors.
You can see even more types of swing doors in the next video.