Interior doors-books: features and design

Interior doors are an indispensable attribute of any home. It can be either an ordinary city apartment or a cozy country house of any size. If recently the choice of such parts was limited to traditional solid canvases, today the situation has changed radically and buyers have the opportunity to choose the doors of the original design. Today we will talk about attractive and convenient doors, called "books".
Advantages and disadvantages
Unusual folding doors-books today are very popular because they have an interesting design that can completely change the image of the living room. Such elements have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Benefits include simple but robust folding design such doors. They can be considered economical, and this applies not only to the price, but also to save free space in the home. This is explained by the fact that when opening and closing these structures do not take up extra space. These characteristics can not boast the classic swing structures.
When folded, sections will always be located within the doorway. In such systems, only one half of the structure is advanced. The door-book differs from the popular door-accordion in that it does not obstruct the opening and looks very unobtrusive. Due to such dimensional characteristics, such structures can be installed in the smallest rooms and even in a narrow hallway.
Another advantage of these non-standard canvases is that they can be easily installed in any doorways. If the product contains only one leaf, then it can be opened in different directions (left and right).
It is worth noting the fact that such door designs are distinguished high security. On their surface is almost impossible to hit. This characteristic is especially relevant if a small child or pets live in the dwelling. In addition, even in situations where drafts are walking in the house, the door will not slam abruptly, making extra noises. Many consumers opt for such specimens, since no door leaf can match them in durability.
Interior design "book" excludes the use of floor rails. Such details make the layout less convenient, so the rejection of those can be safely attributed to the advantages of these systems. Not so long ago, the books with remote control appeared on the market. Using such products is very easy and simple. In addition, they are quite inexpensive and are particularly useful in homes where people with disabilities live.
Despite the large number of positive qualities, folding doors have their drawbacks. First of all, it should be noted that such structures are made of various materials, but still can not boast of high-quality and sufficient sound insulation and heat insulation. As a rule, in the lower part of such systems there are small gaps and slots that allow noise, cool air and drafts. Get rid of this can only install special seals.
Doors-books are very durable and wear-resistant, however, it is worth being neater with models having mirror or glass inserts. Open and close these elements should be careful not to damage fragile materials. High-quality interior door-book should be supplemented with the door closer needed for smooth opening and closing. Also complete with these systems should go lock, which is useful for compliance with all norms of tightness in the joints between the sections.
Design options
Doors-books are issued with various designs. These models are:
- Two-section.
- Four-section.
Two-sectional options consist of a pair of synchronously folding and folding sections, which, as a rule, have the same size. In the four-section copies, of course, there are more sections, which allows to reduce the width of each of them and make the doors more convenient to use.
The correct choice of the number of sections depends largely on the dimensions of the doorway. If it does not exceed 1.5-1.7 m, then two-section structures can be installed, otherwise you should consider purchasing a four-section model.
These door designs are distinguished by a system of guides. If there are 4 doors in the door, then for its proper functioning both upper and lower guides will be needed. If the design consists of 2 shutters, then you can do only the top guide. However, the second part will not be superfluous either, since with its help one can avoid skewing of the doors and wear of the sliding mechanism.
In great demand today enjoy folding folding doors. For such options is characterized by the presence of transverse strips, located between the two racks on the sides. Simply put, these parts form a special frame, which in the future may be filled with various auxiliary materials. As a rule, at least 3 levels are present in the king’s doors. Due to this structure, such a structure is more reliable and rigid.In our time, folding tsargovye models are widespread due to its durability, wear resistance and design.
Considering the design features of folding doors, you can select the following options:
- unilateral;
- bilateral;
- symmetrical;
- asymmetrical.
Materials and methods of registration
Fashionable interior doors-books are made of various materials. Let's take a closer look at the range of such products that modern manufacturers offer us.
Environmentally friendly and safe for human health are wooden models. Most often in the production of such structures is used inexpensive, but attractive pine. However, you can purchase a tougher and more durable version made from maple, beech or oak. Such specimens are much more expensive, but they look very rich and serve for many years.
Wood constructions are recommended to be used in elegant classical interiors. In addition to the beautiful appearance, these models have quite good heat retaining properties. Choosing a wooden door "book", it is necessary to take into account the fact that it will need special care.The surface of a natural material must be treated from time to time with special protective agents that will protect the structure from burnout, drying and cracking.
More affordable and common are simple doors made of laminated chipboard or MDF. Products from such materials often repeat natural wood and are wear-resistant, but more often they have a rustic and unpresentable appearance. Choosing a truly unique and attractive door from such raw materials is not so easy.
It is worth noting the fact that Items made of laminated chipboard are toxic. The composition of this wood-shaving material contains formaldehyde resins, which are released under high temperature conditions. These substances have an adverse effect on human health.
You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you purchase a door from class E-1 chipboard or a model upholstered with veneer.
At the peak of popularity today are beautiful glassware. Often this fragile material is combined with plastic of different colors.Look like these door-books are very original in a modern interior. For the production of folding door structures used two types of glass:
- transparent, matte and multi-colored options;
- polished and sandblasted canvas.
Mirror surfaces are often complemented with tinted and metallic elements. Using such door models, care must be taken to ensure that the structure does not split and crack. The most reliable are instances of durable tempered glass. It is almost impossible to harm this material.
The most affordable cost are lightweight plastic doors. This material is resistant to moisture and moisture, so high-quality plastic door can be installed not only in the living room or bedroom, but also in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Another advantage of this affordable material is its color variety.
It is worth noting wear resistance and durability of plastic products. Over the years, they do not lose their attractive appearance.
However, it is not recommended to install such constructions in places of access to direct sunlight, since plastic tends to fade in such conditions.
The most common are standard white models. They look laconic and fresh, so they can be arranged in interiors of various styles. Modern manufacturers produce many more lively and interesting options, painted in a variety of shades.
Installation Features
Folding doors, books can be installed in a variety of rooms. Here an important role is played by the material from which the canvas is made. For example, beautiful wood models are not recommended to be mounted in the kitchen or in the bathroom, as this natural material can suffer greatly in high humidity conditions. For such rooms, it is best to select designs from inexpensive plastic or metal.
As the entrance door of the model-book does not apply. This is due to the too low stiffness of such products. An exception can be made only if you select an option to exit to the courtyard or straight from the house to the garage.
Turn to the more original and fresh design ideas work if you buy a door with a combined door. In such instances, the lower half consists of an opaque material (plastic, wood, chipboard, MDF), and the upper half is made of glass (frosted, transparent or multi-colored).These options look very stylish and modern.
It should be borne in mind that reliable and long-term operation of the door-books is possible only if the installation of high-quality and reliable fittings on a folding mechanism. This requirement should not be neglected. Accessories for door-books include:
- roller mechanism consisting of guide rails and rollers;
- structural supports;
- seals;
- handles;
- clamps;
- clamps.
At selection of all listed spare parts it is necessary to be convinced of their serviceability and high quality. Do not rush to buy accessories. Better initially read the reviews of the products of a company producing such parts.
How to collect?
Many consumers mistakenly believe that it is much more difficult to install convenient and thought-out door-books than the traditional deaf variants of solid construction. However, the installation of such structures is quite realistic to do it yourself. To do this, you need to use special panels that match the dimensions of the doorway. As a rule, the width of these parts does not exceed 300-350 mm.Each detail is attached to the adjacent panel on the hinges.
The last panels, located on the right and left side, should be attached directly to the door jamb. In the upper half of the joint, you should install a steel guide bar. It is better to refer to the chrome or nickel-plated material. After that, the profile mounted rollers, on which the structure will move.
For the most reliable fixation in the door position, you need to install a special stopper. All necessary measurements of the doorway must be carried out before the transition to the installation of the door.
The parameters must be as accurate as possible, otherwise the structure may be deformed or sagging due to its low rigidity.
After proper installation of the entire folding structure, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- during operation, the rollers and rails in the structure must be lubricated from time to time with engine oil. Such a simple care will prolong the life of the door mechanisms and help to avoid unpleasant sounds at the time of opening / closing the door.
- In no case can not sharply pull and slam such a door.Over time, such operation will lead to inevitable damage to the fabric.
- Such construction should be kept clean. This is especially true of functional components.
Tips for choosing and color solutions
Convenient and stylish door-books are made in various colors. The classic ones are pure white, beige or ashy. Such doors will look organically in many ensembles, making them more attractive and harmonious. Be careful with designs of dark gray or dark brown. These models look expensive and elegant, but in a room with the same dark finish can easily disappear and "disappear."
It is better to install similar options in contrasting light rooms or interiors in pastel colors.
For the eternal classics are different shades of brown. Doors of this color are most common and fit perfectly into almost any ensemble. Often, these compact doors are complemented by elements of glass. It can be both transparent, and opaque or multi-colored. Colorful option should be selected in accordance with the style and shade of furniture in the interior.
In bright ensembles, a colorful door will look too colorful and even annoying, so it is better to choose a calmer option. If we are talking about the interior in classic and pastel colors, then they can be supplemented with models with rich glass details.
Glass doors with black frames / slides look stylish and modern. Such specimens are recommended to be installed in lighter and more contrast rooms. Such a color combination will look fashionable and spectacular.
The selection of folding doors should be approached very thoroughly. First of all, you should contact the proven and quality manufacturers who produce reliable products. An important role is played by the material from which the construction is made, whether it be wood, chipboard or plastic model with a mirror.
It is recommended to choose models made of wear-resistant and environmentally friendly materials.
Do not forget about the design of folding doors. Their stylistic direction and color design should fit perfectly into the interior in which they will be. This is necessary so that the door structure does not become an extra and inharmonious part of the ensemble.
All about the advantages of this type of door, see below.
Options in the interior
Modern doors, books can be installed in different rooms and interiors. For the kitchen, the design of plastic or metal would be an ideal option, since these materials are not afraid of the high humidity of the air that takes place in such rooms. So, in a modern room with snow-white walls and the same light floor glass doors with black frames will effectively stand out. Nearby you can put the same dark dining table and hang mirrored decorative elements on the walls.
Also in the bright kitchen with tiled floor, a soft-caramel wooden construction with narrow and high frosted glass inserts will look cozy. It is advisable to place in the interior details made in the same color scheme as the doors. For example, these could be caramel blinds and a soft-brown flower / tree vase. Such designs look good in the bedrooms.
For example, a snow-white folding door will look harmoniously against the background of pale gray walls and floor, decorated with brown laminate. Put a bed with beige bedding in such a room and dilute the snow-white tones with wall paintings with black frames and a gray chair.
Such door designs are ideal for the design of a studio apartment.For example, using glossy white doors, you can separate the living room area with a dark floor and snow-white walls from a large niche set aside for the sleeping area. Many interiors look spectacular door with photo printing.
However, such options are not recommended to be installed in too colorful interiors and small spaces, otherwise the situation will seem overloaded and cramped.
In a bright kitchen with a glossy stretch ceiling and a golden floor it will look great door design with black guides and inserts of transparent and colored glass of lime color.
An elegant wooden cappuccino door will soften the refined interior of a snow-white kitchen with a dark brown floor. Place a white bar counter with soft brown chairs or an island for cooking. Delicate narrow model of milk chocolate can be installed against the gloomy gray-green wall and floor, lined with soft brown laminate. Support the tandem with a high wooden or ceramic vase next to the door construction. Such simple but attractive solutions can be applied in the elongated hallway "at the fork" of different rooms.