Sliding doors to the balcony

Many people wonder what should be the door to the balcony. And it is not in vain, since the doors for this room must not only be hermetic, warm and soundproof, but also stylish. Special attention deserve the sliding doors for balconies and loggias, which are made of a variety of materials with all the requirements of customers. On how to choose the right products of this type, as well as what to pay attention to, you will learn further. In addition, you will learn about the features of doors of this type and types of their designs.
Special features
Immediately I would like to note that when installing sliding doors in small apartments there may be some difficulties, since such products require a maximum of free space.
Very often, experts have to clean the windowsill and move the radiator for heating, so that you can freely place the structure.
With the help of a special system, sliding doors help save space, making it possible to place everything you need near the doors. In addition, using such doors can save space.
They also have the following advantages:
- They help to visually enlarge the space, especially glass models. They will also brighten the room to the maximum;
- Doors of this type will make any room more stylish and modern;
- The important point is also the fact that such doors open to a wider width than standard and regular models;
- Sliding doors for a balcony are available in a huge variety. They are made from a variety of materials using modern technology and the latest equipment. In addition, from year to year, more and more modern and improved models appear;
- You can purchase such products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter, of course, will cost more.But according to experts, when choosing building materials today it makes no sense to pay attention only to foreign brands. For many years, domestic manufacturers have manufactured products no worse than European ones, moreover, it also meets all international quality standards;
- Sliding door designs will be a great solution if you have large doorways in your home;
- The peculiarities of such products can also be attributed to the fact that outside they are a bit problematic to open. But if a good locking system is installed, then you certainly will not experience such difficulties.
Choosing such doors for access to the balcony and loggia, you visually facilitate the room, make it more spacious and pleasant to look and comfortable. Sliding glass doors can be easily decorated or purchased ready-made stained glass models, which will be an excellent solution for an unusual interior design.
It is very important that despite its lightness, any design of a sliding door to a balcony is considered safe, reliable and practical. It will easily serve for many years, especially with proper installation.By minor drawbacks of glass sliding doors include regular care for them, although it can not be called difficult.
Types of designs
Balcony doors can be easily divided according to their opening system. Among the many options offered by manufacturers, you can find the following designs:
- Parallel-sliding models. Such products resemble a wardrobe, where the doors are moving with the help of specially fixed rollers. This type of door and their design are considered fairly simple and unpretentious to use. They are very relevant to the cold climate, because even in the winter with them do not freeze. Slider models are equipped with special guides, thanks to which the door easily moves to the side. As for the various décor and accessories, all this is practically absent, the product itself is made in the style of minimalism.
- Inclined sliding models. The design of this type of door allows you to open the transom, that is, to open the door from above for ventilation. To fully open the product, you must rotate the handle to a horizontal position and slightly pull, and only then move.
- Do lifting and sliding the constructions have a special mechanism for raising the flaps upwards and their direction to the side. It turns out such a picture, when one shutter, as it comes in for another. These doors are suitable even for very wide doorways. In winter, they are no less relevant than other models, as they are glued with a special hermetic seal. Products of this type will provide excellent noise and sound insulation.
- Doors-accordion. Unfortunately, such products are suitable only for insulated premises. If your balcony is not equipped with additional heating, it is best to pay attention to other models. Such products are suitable for very large openings, they will fully open and will not take up a lot of space. A small minus of products of this design include a plentiful amount of vertical profiles.
- Also quite popular model for installation on balconies and loggias is considered compartment door. This type of door is multifunctional and stylish. The mechanism of products of this type can move into the wall, in its opening, or there is an option when the shutters will be moved apart on both sides.
- On the warm balconies sometimes set glass doors-partitions. In the matt version they look the most unusual, creative and fresh. Basically, such partitions are installed when there is additional heating on the balcony and there is, for example, a mini-office for work or a small greenhouse.
It is also very important to distinguish between cold and warm models of sliding doors. Cold-type sliding doors will help protect an apartment or house from various temperature fluctuations outside, but if the balcony is not insulated and the cold goes directly into the living room, then the situation will have to be corrected in any case. Products of this type practically do not increase the level of noise and heat insulation. Basically, such products are made of aluminum without special thermal protection in the form of inserts. You can choose products of this type only if you live in a warm climate or the loggia is already insulated. In all other cases, you should not count on the fact that such doors will solve the problem with cold and drafts.
Warm doors can easily maintain a normal microclimate in the living room and on the balcony.They are ideal for harsh winters. Models of such doors can be chosen even when the balcony is open and not glazed. Products of this type are equipped with special thermal inserts, which are absent in cold models.
In general, we can say that today finding the very doors with the necessary construction will not leave any difficulty, since the whole choice should be based not only on the appearance of the future product, but also on how many rails there will be for moving the door it will be weight and dimensions.
To choose the most reliable and practical door for installation on a balcony or loggia, you need to know what the canvas of this type is made of.
Doors-accordions are often made of PVC, but if you are looking for more reliable models, it is better to pay attention to the aluminum options. They will cost a little more expensive, but the quality just will not fail.
Balcony plastic doors have a lot of advantages:
- Plastic products serve for many years and at the same time retain their presentable appearance;
- Products from this material do not deteriorate due to temperature fluctuations, over time retaining all their properties;
- Plastic doors perfectly protect from noise and do not let in the cold, in addition, they can be made in a variety of shapes and colors;
- Maintenance of this type of door is minimal, since plastic itself is not subject to rotting and cracking.
No less popular are metal sliding doors that are installed to exit to a balcony or loggia.
Metal products also have a lot of advantages:
- Aluminum, from which very often doors are made, is not subject to rotting, in addition, it is fireproof;
- Products of this type are reasonable prices;
- Metal doors are considered safe, reliable, practical and durable.
And finally, the sliding doors are made of composite materials. Such material is considered very light, but at the same time strong enough to ensure proper sound and heat insulation.
In addition, he has the following number of advantages:
- Glass sliding doors are available in a variety of designs, they can easily fit even unusual interiors;
- Fiberglass is not afraid of different temperature differences;
- This material is considered environmentally friendly.
Tips for choosing
Sliding doors - this is exactly what you need, if there is a need to make a convenient exit to the balcony. Of course, it is better to choose doors of this type in the process of housing construction, since in other cases, installation may become a small problem.
If you choose sliding doors for access to the loggia, it is best to pay attention to the panoramic models that will make the room more spacious and bright. Sliding models are especially relevant for apartments, because with their help you can easily increase even a small space.
If you are not sure that you will be able to choose the right door to your apartment or house, it’s better to contact a specialist for help. In addition, it is better not to engage in self-assembly of products of this type, otherwise there is a risk that in the future they will not meet expectations.
To exit to the terrace or open air balcony, it is better to give preference to warm constructions that will not let the cold through in the winter season.
Stylish options in the interior
Doors are always an integral part of the whole interior. Even if you install them on the balcony, they should be in perfect harmony with the whole decor.
Panoramic sliding glass models will be a great complement to all modern styles. Here and minimalism, and hi-tech, and techno.
Sliding products by themselves do not take up much space, which means that even one or other pieces of furniture can be marked next to them.
Very unusual can look glass models with patterns, glossy options or matte. Doors to the balcony can be decorated as desired soul.
Wooden sliding doors are best suited for installation in country houses and in private country houses, where there is access to the terrace.
Sliding models with large windows will be the perfect solution if you want to bring the most unusual ideas to life and create a panoramic view from a house or apartment.
The best choice for loggias will be French doors that let in a lot of light.
However, no matter how this or that door in the interior looked, it should be safe and practical. And most importantly, it should serve its due time. That is why when buying, give preference only to reputable companies. It is very important when choosing such a product in the store to pay attention not only to the appearance,but also on all other characteristics.
When asked whether to put a sliding door on the balcony, you can find the answer in the video.