
Recently, it has become possible to save the internal space of apartments and houses by installing sliding door structures instead of traditional hinged doors. One of their types is the door-case. This door system is designed so that the sash, opening, completely slides into a case mounted in the wall. As a result, the door practically does not take place and does not interfere with the placement of different furniture on these square meters. When closing, the door performs its original function, that is, closes the opening, and at the same time solves the problem of forming a new space with a unique interior.
Features and benefits
The door-case is a sliding design, which operates with a special case,built into the wall. He hides the entire canvas of the door, so that the door does not swing open, as usual.
She-pen case not only differs from other options, she has many other advantages:
- significant savings in storage space - no space is needed to close it. The zone occupied by the swing door used to be considered dead, now the door slides off to the side and in the place it saves, now you can even put furniture or use it differently, nothing prevents it;
- installation of the structure does not imply installation of the door sill;
- safety of use - do not be afraid to hit the open door, as when using the swing system;
- good fixation in the opening - from the draft it does not slam, you can leave in the ajar position;
- simple maintenance - easy installation and disassembly of the rails allows for easy repair and replacement;
- silent operation;
- possible automatic opening of the door;
- simple installation with the condition of meeting the requirements for the installation of this system;
- a variety of decor paintings, a wide range of accessories;
- stylish design;
- long service life, if all the conditions for the quality of materials and installation;
- originality: the door-case is an original novelty that can surprise everyone.
Like any complex system, the case door has some disadvantages:
- low sound and heat insulation of the whole structure;
- installation work without special knowledge and experience is difficult to perform independently; it is better to turn to professionals;
- more expensive installation, if you compare the installation of a standard door, self-assembly will save;
- accumulates dust, which can be removed with a vacuum cleaner;
- wear rollers, but after a while they can be replaced.
Construction and materials
The door case is completed with a finished cassette case, often sold separately from it. If, in order to save money, you purchased a door without a cassette, you will have to make it yourself. Installation of cassettes for sliding design is possible under the following conditions: the dimensions of the opening must be twice the size of the door leaf. Only then will it disappear into the inner space of the canister or cassette.
The design is made in the form of a guide rail of metal andwood, which is equipped with rollers. It is on her and set the canvas, and the movement is carried out along the guide. The different configuration of the cassette depends on the design of the door leaf. Cassettes are made of plywood, wood, drywall.
After the case is installed and the door fits in it, you can start finishing and masking this design so that it is not visible at all.
This can be done in different ways:
- drywall;
- plywood;
- plaster;
- in a different way or material.
The finishing finish completely hides the pencil case, which can be done with wallpaper, tile or in some other way. Everything will depend on the prevailing style in the house.
Package case-case:
- canvas;
- case for hiding the door;
- motion limiter;
- door handles;
- videos.
An important element of the mechanism is the guide, along which the sash moves. It is possible to install it in different ways.
Guides are:
- upper - the most common, are used in the case of light linen;
- combined - used for heavy doors.
Experts do not recommend attaching the guide profile only at the bottom, as the movement will not be smooth when opening.
Doors with sliding systems are divided into two main types.
Single leaf
Such a system is used under the condition of a small opening, if its width is not more than one meter. Single-leaf cassette is fixed to the ceiling or wall, in this embodiment, it is not necessary to install the door frame.
If the doorway is wide - more than one meter, it is necessary to have bivalve equipment. This design is characterized by the installation of a double cassette: that is, a separate panel is installed for each leaf, the canvases have their own canisters. And connects them to each other one guide.
The design of the niche itself for placing the door leaf may differ depending on the design features of the wall where the door will move. There are two fundamentally different options: it is the bearing wall of the house or the wall that is not bearing.
It is on this wall holds the frame of the building. Therefore, the violation of this design can lead to a catastrophe. To such a wall, a niche is simply completed by making a frame made of metal or wood. Then this structure must be closed with gypsum plasterboard and then finished with any method for masking. This may be wallpaper, paint or other type of finish.
The non-bearing wall used for fastening the cassette is to be dismantled. Simply put, it is necessary to simply destroy it, and in its place to build a partition with built-in niche exactly the dimensions of the door leaf. This design is called false walls, it encloses the cassette for single or double sliding doors. This technique makes it possible to leave the same thickness of the wall, which allows you to save the maximum number of useful square meters in the space of the room.
Sliding mechanisms
Sliding mechanisms are:
- Closed type - it is installed inside the false walls in the process of its construction, where the cassette for the sliding door is also mounted. The design of the mechanism has a certain size, so it makes the wall a little wider, but the useful place, obtained while hiding the door in the cassette, more than compensates for this minus. In the supporting wall, such a mechanism is mounted in an attached canister, the structures of which are sewn up with drywall;
- Open type - the external mechanism together with the guide is installed along the wall outside, through which the door leaf is moving.
According to the methods of opening the doors, canisters are divided into automatic and mechanized. Door leafs that weigh up to one hundred kilograms can be set in motion in one of the following ways:
- Door case maybe connect to automation: the opening mechanism is triggered after reacting to an approaching person or group of people. Operating an automated door requires an electrical connection, but it can also operate on battery power. The scheme of work provides for a rather serious load. Automated sliding structures are found in large shopping centers and supermarkets. This mechanism works almost silently, door models vary in size and finish.
- If the room is not as intense loads, you can use mechanical method. Mechanized structures are installed in homes and offices.
Interior penal systems will be able to work successfully and correctly, if the wall on which the entire structure is mounted is sufficiently even. If it is not so, its surface has bumps, cracks and other irregularities, it is necessary to level it.Only after this case can be installed. This system is better to build with the help of professionals. So the design will not break and will not fail in the near future from non-professional actions during installation.
Consumer reviews on such doors are mostly positive. In general, everyone notes how spacious it became in the house after installing the case door. True, many speak about the high price, but at the same time they understand that the construction is worth it, the product has been used for a long time and they are very pleased with it. Also note the durability and strength of such a model.
And of course, the main positive feature of such doors is convenience and compactness.
How to install the door-case is shown in detail in the video.