Glass doors to the steam room

Bath has always been held in high esteem by the Russian people. This is a place where they not only wash and tidy up the body, but also relax, rest, gain strength and get rid of disturbing and negative thoughts. For the majority, this is a separate philosophy, combining body care and mental state. Despite the fact that the bathroom is equipped in each apartment, interest in baths, saunas and steam rooms did not fall.
To equip a room of this type, it is necessary to create a special microclimate that will ensure a comfortable and pleasant stay. One of the mandatory rules in the design - the right choice of doors. Currently, glass doors to the steam room are very popular. Further, the article will discuss the choice and characteristics of the canvas.
Special features
The fashion for the use of glass doors in the bath came to us from Turkey.In this eastern country, baths and saunas are also in great demand. This material has several advantages due to which it can be safely used in rooms with high temperature and humidity index. Also, the door to the steam room should easily carry permanent loads, especially if it is installed in a public bath.
High-quality tempered glass used in the production process can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees above zero. Another advantage, due to which glass sheets have gained immense popularity, is ease of care. To clean the surface is enough ordinary wet cleaning. The material does not absorb pollution, due to which it is easy to remove.
Transparent material transmits rays, filling the steam room with light. This aspect is especially important if there is a significant lack of natural lighting in the bath. As a rule, there are no windows in the steam rooms. Given the growing popularity of this type of product, customers are offered models of various colors, shapes and sizes to choose from. On sale you can find the door to the steam room, decorated with patterns and drawings.
When choosing a glass door for a bath, you must consider the dimensions of the product. Experts have calculated the standard parameters suitable for installation in baths and saunas. The door in such rooms plays not only the role of a space delimiter. It maintains certain temperature conditions in the room. This function will be performed only if the web dimensions are selected correctly and the technology has not been violated during the installation.
Optimum sizes:
- Product width - about 70-75 centimeters.
- Height - 180 centimeters.
It is worth noting that, in accordance with safety precautions, the doors in the bath should open outwards. Also pay attention to the accessories, its shape and convenience.
What is better: wood or glass?
In addition to glass sheets, a wooden door can be installed in the steam room. Canvases of this type began to be used for the design of baths and saunas from the time such buildings appeared. Wood is a safe, environmentally friendly material that attracts the attention of natural beauty. From time immemorial, various types of wood have been used to build and decorate rooms.
Many people who have decided to build a bath, face the question: how to put the door? Make a choice in favor of the classic version of the array or buy a model of tempered glass?
Specialists from the field of design and decor have developed a list of principles, thanks to which you can choose the perfect option for the fabric for the steam room:
- Regardless of the material, the door must have increased resistance to moisture and high temperature. Pay attention to this option when choosing and buying a product.
- The canvas should close securely and tightly to avoid loss of precious heat. In spite of the solid connection below, the floor should have a small gap for air circulation.
- Throughout the life of the product must retain its original shape.
All of the above parameters may have products made of special glass or certain types of wood. The price of the product and its appearance depend on the raw material.
Use of glass
As soon as glass door linens appeared on the domestic market, they immediately gained immense popularity.Above in the article it was said that a special material is used for the manufacture of doors. Now let's talk about it in more detail.
There are certain requirements for raw materials. It must be hardened, shock and heat resistant. These characteristics are unchanged, regardless of the price and appearance of the goods. The thickness of the material should be 8 millimeters. In specialized stores you can find such models: mirror, transparent and translucent, matte, color, patterned.
Despite the large weight of the product, due to the texture and thickness, the glass looks light and weightless. It creates an atmosphere of freshness and space indoors. Such material is actively used to add a touch of sophistication to the overall decor. Doors made of glass are harmoniously combined with various modern elements installed in baths or saunas.
Characteristics of wood
Long before the appearance of glass as a raw material, wood was used to make doors to the steam room. Despite the development of technology and the creation of artificial substitutes, the array does not lose relevance. Today it is expensive and high-grade raw materials.
In the sphere of production linden is actively used. This tree grows on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries. In this connection, the price of such products is available. Some manufacturers use Canadian cedar, abash.
Sometimes you can find products from ash. Each of the above varieties has high performance properties. It is worth noting that products from Abasha almost never heat up, do not deform and do not rot. The only negative is the high price, which is not affordable for everyone. As a more advantageous alternative, you can choose products from the linden array.
In large stores you can find doors from solid oak. This type of tree is famous for its durability, reliability and durability. He looks stylish and courageous. Despite the strength, oak doors are massive and bulky products. This option pushes some buyers.
Combined options
In addition to products made from a specific material, commercially available are combined models. The tandem of "warm" wood and shiny glass creates a unique and expressive duet. Such products attract the attention of modern buyers who want to decorate the room with a stylish product. The design of doors of this type can be varied.
Glass structures with a wooden box are also widespread. Such products look neat and provide a reliable docking, which is necessary when making baths and steam rooms.
The advantages of choosing tempered glass compared to wood:
- Easy care.
- Resistant to rotting, moisture, moisture and temperature.
- Safety in use.
- Easy opening.
- Huge selection of products (different texture, color, shape).
- On the glass, you can apply any image at the request of the customer using diamond engraving or sandblasting.
- Preservation of heat due to reliable docking. Included with the door is a special silicone seal.
- Simple installation process compared to array models.
- More favorable price.
To be comfortable in the bath, the room must always maintain a certain level of heat and steam. Very often for the design of saunas, baths and steam rooms use two doors. One product is installed at the entrance to the bath, and the second separates the steam room from the common area of the room. For the premises of the above type are used doors of various types. Let us analyze the species in more detail.
Such door leaves are made of solid wood. Each type of wood has special characteristics, both positive and negative. In the manufacturing process uses a variety of wood.
Linden models are widespread. Products from "local" wood have a more affordable price. When choosing a model, be sure to ask the sales assistant about the variety of the array and its performance characteristics. The pair, decorated with an array, harmoniously fit into a rustic country style or Provence.
For the manufacture of durable and reliable glass, special high-quality raw materials are used that can be safely used for installation in steam rooms. It is processed in a special way, ensuring safe and convenient operation. Considering the fact that a high level of humidity is almost always maintained in the bath, the resistance of glass to decay has played a significant role in the development of the popularity of this type of product. Models of transparent material are chosen if it is necessary to fill the room with light.
Especially loved by designers and ordinary users of products made of transparent material with a touch of bronze.The rays passing through it acquire a warm and pleasant shade, creating an atmosphere of coziness, comfort and peace in the room. Sliding glass options are also common. This option is ideal for decorating the bath in the apartment of a residential building, decorated in a modern style. Models of gray glass or mirrored canvas harmoniously fit into high-tech.
According to the type of opening the door can be of two types.
Standard door opening to one side. Such canvases are better to install in spacious rooms.
Doors of this type are often combined. It is worth noting that this option is ideal for small rooms, due to a special opening mechanism. However, the sliding canvases have a significant drawback. They will not provide the same reliable docking as hinged products.
It should be noted that professionals working in the double-production segment do not stop at the achieved level. They develop new models, combinations and forms. Standard with a box, complete with accessories, plain and decorated with an image - this and much more to choose from.
How to seal?
It is worth noting that the process of installing glass doors is almost no different from the installation of standard interior designs. Do not forget that during work it is necessary to leave a gap in the amount of not more than 5 millimeters.
In order for the doors to perform their basic function, it is necessary to compact the web carefully. This task can easily handle the usual silicone seal. As a rule, it comes complete with a door. Otherwise, it will not be difficult to buy it, the price of this tool is very affordable. After processing the doorway with a silicone sealant, you will protect the room from drafts and retain heat.
For protection of edges from mechanical damages and blows, wooden levels are used. They are attached to the edges of the product with screws. This will protect the use of doors.
Before going to the store, many modern users prefer to read the reviews of a particular product from those customers who have had time to personally evaluate the products. As for the glass doors, this version of the paintings was highly appreciated by most users.On thematic sites and forums a huge amount of feedback has been collected and most of them (about 90%) are positive.
Buyers are satisfied with the stylish appearance of products and simple care. Many say that even after several years after frequent use, the doors retained their form and appeal. To appreciate all the advantages of choice, experienced buyers recommend to require the availability of appropriate certificates that confirm the quality of products.
If you doubt whether it is possible to put a glass door to the steam room, then this video will dispel all myths.