How to install wooden doors?

Installation of wooden doors with their own hands should be carried out in stages in compliance with basic standards. It does not matter whether it is an entrance or an interroom design - in any case, it is necessary to follow certain rules in order to avoid a lot of mistakes. Therefore, before starting the installation, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this process.
Special features
Before starting to work, it is necessary to determine the type of construction, to study their features and installation methods. First you need to distinguish the doors into categories that determine their purpose and location. As a rule, interior canvases are made of wood, while the entrance panels are often made of steel and have a lot of weight. Also for the entrance door you will need a threshold, and therefore its frame should have a rectangular shape.
If sliding models are chosen for installation, then you need to purchase a guide system. Knowing the principle of work and having a certain experience, the installation of sliding structures will be much more simple task, the installation of a massive canvas on the hinges.
It is necessary to install wooden products after the opening is cleared. After the old box is removed, it is necessary to measure the doorway for the selection of a new door.
Be sure to install the box, which will hold the main load. Only after this installation of the canvas. There are several ways of installation, but not all of them are available to the amateur.
It is advisable to leave the original packaging on the cloth until all the finishing work has been completed. This will help prevent the appearance of mechanical damage on its surface. You also need to remember that the wooden doors with glass must first be pasted over with paper in order to protect themselves from possible wounds and abrasions in case of breaking the glass. And, of course, at the end of the work it is necessary to put in order the doorway and the area around it.
The feature of the installation of wooden canvas is to find the right place for installation. The layout of some houses does not allow to install the doors in a specific place, and you have to either transfer the doorway or resize it.
Putting the input box is necessary after the completion of all draft as not to spoil the product. And after its installation it is necessary to lubricate the hinges and the lock so that it opens and closes freely.
It is important to place the structure in a place where it will not prevent residents from moving freely around the house. Therefore, selecting the swing doors need to consider that they require a lot of free space.
All door leafs in the apartment should open in one direction. This is necessary for comfortable movement from room to room while simultaneously opening all doors.
Fundamental rules
Installing a new standard-sized door starts with a competent installation of the door frame. The positive outcome of the case depends on this. Firstly, because the box is a supporting element and it must be fixed evenly and firmly so that the door will not warp over time.And secondly, due to the fact that a poorly assembled box will cause instability of the structure, which, if desired, can be easily and simply cracked.
It is much easier to fasten the second door to the brick partition than to the foam blocks, since this will not have to be done independently by a doorway. The brick partition, as a rule, has the standard sizes that considerably simplifies selection and installation of a door.
New products with a box should be slightly smaller in size than the size of the doorway itself. This is due to the fact that technological gaps are taken into account. The box must be fixed to the bolts, which are pre-screwed into a false beam. It is best to assemble the frame on the floor, and fasten its components at an angle of 45.
Having completed the installation of the structure, you need to set its level and fix the position. Put and fix it yourself will not work, so you have to ask for help. It is possible to fill in the gaps between the box and the wall only after mounting the struts and wedges. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it with mounting foam, which tends to swell when dried.
As soon as the mounting foam dries, it is necessary to proceed to fastening the hinges and installing the fabric itself. Everything is simple here: the plates of the loops are fixed on the loot and the end of the product, and then they are joined together. You can fix the door yourself by lifting the product and putting it on the hinges at an angle of 45.
In the log house
Before you begin to work, you need to prepare some tools: a saw, hammer, drill, chisel, circular, centimeter tape, level and screws.
With the help of a saw, an opening is made into which the door will be installed later. Thus, at the bottom and at the top there should be halves of the bar. Next, you need to check the level so that all elements are at right angles.
At the end of the opening you need to make a groove of 5 × 5 cm, and in it you need to insert a bar with the same section. The length of the bar depends on its freshness - the length of the new one should be 5 cm less than the length of the groove, and the length of the settled log house should be less than 2 cm.
In the case where the walls consist of a log house, then only one bar will be needed to install the door. But for a squared house it is necessary to reinforce the bar so that it can withstand the heavy weight of the door structure.Instead of a wooden bar, you can use a metal channel, which will greatly facilitate the task. Having fixed the side bars, it is time to proceed to the formation of the doorway. To do this, you need to make the threshold, which will consist of a T-shaped thick beam.
Step-by-step instruction
The installation process of the entrance door should be carried out step by step, following the correct sequence of actions:
- First of all, on the wooden wedges fix the door frame.
- Then, using a level, check the position of the threshold and the upper lintel, which should be strictly horizontal to each other. But the side rails should be in a vertical position at a right angle.
- Drill holes for future fixings in the doorway and on the box itself. To do this, first make holes in the box, then remove it and make holes in the opening.
- Concrete walls are drilled with a special drill of the same diameter as the dowels.
- Dowels are driven into the holes in the opening, and then the door frame is put back.
- Screws are screwed into the dowel, but not tighten. You can tighten them only after the master is convinced of the correct location of the box.
- At a distance of 20 cm from the edges of the end of the structure, the loops are applied and chalked around them.
- Small drill make tags in the opening for future loops. After this loop can be inserted into the canvas.
- At the last stage it is necessary to insert the structure and tighten the loops. This completes the door assembly, it remains only to hide the gaps.
Installing a wooden leaf is much easier than installing an entrance door. If the master decided to expand the doorway, then an estimate will be required, which must be agreed with an experienced estimator. The expanded doorway will need to be leveled and strengthened, which will require power and financial costs.
To begin with, a new door along with packaging must be placed on the floor between the racks. Then cross strap must be attached to the side racks and cut the pre-measured length. After you need to cut the ends, which will subsequently be connected in specialized holes. The assembled door is fixed on the end and well secure the hinges. It is necessary to insert the canvas into the box as carefully as possible so as not to damage the structure. Installation of interior doors is made on the same principle as the entrance panels.
The manufacture of any door must be carried out strictly according to GOST. For example, the outer fabric must necessarily have a swing construction that meets safety regulations.
Wooden products are always produced in accordance with GOST, whereas for a glass door, manufacturers develop individual technical conditions, according to which the fasteners are made later.
In this video you will find a step by step video tutorial on the installation of a wooden door.
How to hang?
To hang a wooden door on the hinges, you need to prepare a level, drill, chisel, hammer, chalk and a tape.
Inset loops done at a distance of 20 cm from the top and bottom edges. If you plan to install an additional loop, then it is placed in the middle of the canvas. The upper parts of the loops are attached to the canvas, and the lower parts are fixed on the box. Then the loop is applied to the end of the canvas and encircled with chalk. Using a chisel, remove the top of the encircled area.
Next, a screwdriver on the screws fasten the item. After the door is put in a box and slightly open, so that one of its canopy should be closely inserted into the bottom of the box.Having circled all the hinges, the canvas is removed and the upper layer is removed with a chisel, after which the lower parts are mounted into the resulting grooves.
To hang the design on the hinges, you must place the sash at a 90 degree angle and put the upper parts located on the door on the lower hinges on the box.
It may seem to some that independent installation of a wooden door is impossible, but it is not. If you have experience in construction work and the ability to use tools, it is quite possible to install the structure yourself.
For example, based on one of the positive reviews, we can conclude that the work must begin with a professional measurement. A good home installation experience begins with accurate calculations and cost estimates.
Other users believe that it is necessary to fasten the box with screws for accessories to the wall. This way you can hide the attachment points. And it is very important to use very little assembly foam when closing the gaps, otherwise it expands and spoils the overall look.
Most successful examples begin with leveling the surfaces, and for the front door with setting the threshold.And, of course, for the best result, it is necessary to enlist the help from outside. Such assistants will help not only to hang the product on the hinges, but also to measure the opening, and calculate the places of future fasteners.