Installation of accordion doors

Interior doors - an important element of the apartment. They not only functionally divide the rooms between themselves, but are also an important part of the interior. Today, many buyers prefer traditional door designs to traditional designs. Next is to talk in detail about how to install such doors.
Design features
If you are going to proceed to all the subtleties of installing accordion doors, you must understand what these structures are. So, the door-accordion is a canvas, which consists of several vertical slats connected in one system with the help of small reliable hinges. The width of the slats, as a rule, does not exceed fifteen centimeters.
Installed sliding design of 1 or 2 sheets - depending on the width of the opening. A special guide is attached to the panels above or below. To the door-accordion opened and closed as smoothly and accurately as possible, the design is equipped with synchronizers. For fixing the canvas in a certain position there are special stoppers-flags.
Materials for the manufacture of doors can be very different. The most popular options are MDF, plastic, wood. There are models made entirely of glass or mirror. However, it should be remembered that heavier materials exert an excessive load on the elements of the system, therefore the service life of such doors is significantly reduced. The best option is the lightest canvases.
What tools will need for installation?
When buying an accordion door, you will definitely get a kit with the necessary spare parts for its installation. You will get acquainted with the step-by-step instruction and the detailed scheme of fastening the individual parts. Be sure to study all the theoretical material in order to assemble the door-accordion correctly, quickly and without problems.
Then prepare the necessary tools.
These include:
- Drill to create holes in the walls.
- Punch - in case the doorway will have to expand.
- Construction level and plumb - for impeccable accuracy of work.
- Roulette and a special corner to clearly and accurately put the necessary markup.
- Polyurethane foam - to fill the space between the door panels and the wall.
- Hacksaw to trim parts.
- The miter box (special carpentry tray designed to cut the boards) - for more convenient work.
- Wooden bars and platbands - as needed.
- We proceed to the preparation of the doorway.
Preparation of the opening is the first and most important step in the process of installing the door-book. There are two options: either install the door to an existing box, or completely dismantle the old structure and replace it with a new one.
If you decide to leave the old doorway, remember the significant shortcomings of such an idea. First, it reduces the size of the opening. Secondly, one cannot be completely confident in the reliability of the old structure. However, this solution will greatly simplify the installation process.
Another option is to completely replace the box.To do this, it is necessary to remove the old door frame, as well as carefully knock down the old solution so that only the concrete wall remains. Only after that you can proceed to install the box. To do this, measure the length and width of the door leaf and the opening. If the opening needs to be enlarged, use a perforator, and to reduce the need, prepared in advance dobor and timber will be useful.
Then proceed to the assembly of the frame for the structure. It is made taking into account the parameters of the door and opening. Next, fasten it with special screws, peel off with sticks and secure with anchors. This must be done at three points - on each side of the structure. If the web width exceeds one meter, you will have to add upper fixation in one or two places.
After all the work done, fill the gaps between the wall and the bars with foam. Then you need to wait for it to dry.
Mount the guides
To do this, you need to take several measurements and adjust the structural elements in accordance with the results:
- First, measure the width of the opening and subtract 4 mm from the total number. This is the size of the profile rail.Adjust its parameters with a hacksaw.
- The guide itself is placed in the box strictly horizontally. Along the edges there should be gaps of 2 mm.
- Next, you need to outline and drill with a drill holes for installation.
- Then grip one end of the strap with a self-tapping screw. It is impossible to fix the part completely, since it is important to leave the opportunity to move it.
- Now you need to measure the height of the door of the book, add 10 mm to the result (the remaining space) - and do not forget to take into account the roller system. In accordance with the data obtained cut the length of the parts.
At this stage it is important to re-read the instructions carefully. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations that the manufacturer gives in the attached documentation. It should be remembered that the metal, plastic and wooden structures are slightly different from each other and have their own subtleties in the installation process.
Wood or MDF structures are fastened using the long axis, which must pass through the lugs - or using loops. For installation of plastic doors, special gaskets and grooves are used.The final step is mounting the rollers on the top of the panels.
Then you need to properly hang the door-accordion. To do this, remove the guide from the opening and install the supporting plates inside it. Next, you need to fold the panels by the type of accordion and raise the design so that the carriages are at the top. While holding the profile, gently place the construction with the rollers in the groove and the rotary axis into the hole in the support part.
So, the guide is installed in its original place and is well fixed with the help of screws. It remains only to adjust the system and check the smoothness, clarity of the blade and the work of the hinge mechanisms.
So, most of the work is over. Now you have a full-fledged and very comfortable interior door in your apartment. The case remains for the small - to deal with the necessary fittings.
First you need to install the side bars. Then it is necessary to fasten the latches on the leading panels, as well as to mark the location of the magnetic lock. Only then it is necessary to proceed to the installation of door handles. When all items are installed, be sure to check the condition and accuracy of their operation.
Now we should proceed to the installation of platbands for the opening. Already prepared parts should be cut with a hacksaw at an angle. It remains only to fix the trim. This can be done with hidden fasteners or liquid nails.
So, as you can see, installing accordion doors is not very difficult. You will be able to cope with the installation of such a structure yourself.
Useful recommendations
At the end of the article, we bring to your attention a few simple tips for choosing and buying modern doors-accordions:
- Consider the overall style of the apartment. It is very important that the door fits well into the interior and emphasizes its features. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the location of rooms and the color scheme of furniture and walls. Do not forget that the door not only performs its specific functions, but is also a prominent part of the living space.
- Do not seek unreasonable savings. Modern stores have a large selection of different designs: from budget to fairly expensive models. Regardless of how much this or that door costs, always pay attention to its quality.Too cheap models from bad plastic will not be able to withstand the daily stress and will very quickly become unusable.
- Estimate the size of the opening. If its width is only half a meter, then it is better not to purchase an accordion door, since you will experience serious inconveniences when using it. It is better to save such a construction for more suitable spaces.
- Ask the sellers for certificates of quality for the goods. This rule applies to absolutely any purchases. Reliable firms are responsible for the quality of their products and do not hide the necessary documentation from buyers. Going to the store, be sure to check with the seller for the presence of confirming certificates.
The information in this article will help you choose a high-quality construction that is ideal for your apartment and will last for many years. Problems with the installation of doors, accordions, you are also unlikely to arise. The main thing is to be able to select the most suitable constructions and take into account all the useful recommendations of the masters.
How to install the door-accordion yourself, shown in detail in the video.