How to trim the door?

When carrying out repairs in the house very often the owners are faced with the need to update many products and systems. First of all it concerns the entrance and interior doors.
For some things, only the replacement is suitable, and for others, it is possible to give a new life. They can return the old look, if you have the desire and skills to work with various tools. Finishing old or defective surfaces will hide the flaws of the door and update the interior.
How to ennoble the door?
The entrance to the apartment is the hallmark of housing, so it is very important to establish a good and beautiful entrance door.First of all the guests who came to the house pay attention to it. It is necessary to refine not only the surface of the canvas, but also the frame and fittings. To do this, there are several ways to quickly and accurately update the product.
This is the most economical option for decorating the door structure. In the modern world, it is completely easy to find a suitable tone, because there are quite a few different shades produced by many well-known companies. In addition, it is possible to obtain an ideal color by mixing the coloring composition with color schemes, observing certain proportions.
Acrylic water-emulsion, oil and nitro-paints are best suited for painting door constructions. Acrylic paints are made on a water basis, and therefore easy to dry and do not have a specific smell. They are absolutely safe for health and have a persistent bright color. But nitrokraska has a sharp odor, therefore, suitable for painting exterior structures.
Oil paints are used less frequently than previous ones, as they have not so high performance, but they can easily cope with painting wooden and metal canvases.
Apply the coloring composition is necessary with the help of a special roller in several layers. Before applying the next layer, be sure to wait for the previous one to dry. You can also paint on the surface of the door using patterns and brushes. This method is suitable for processing doors both outside and inside the apartment.
This method is suitable for people who do not want to wait for the cloth to dry. Adhesive film is well used in many areas and helps to decorate almost any product in a short time. It consists of a color film, adhesive surface and protective paper, which must be removed before pasting.
Before pasting the door with “self-adhesive” it is imperative to prepare the surface. It must be cleaned so that there are no projections on it. Various cracks and chips better putty. And just before pasting, dirt is removed from the structure and degreased.
Wood and MDF
Suitable for handwriting design doorways. Most often for this method using thin wooden strips, which are attached to the canvas with glue. Subsequently, the tree must be processed.And so that it retains its appearance for a long time and does not deteriorate after some time, it should be treated with a water-repellent compound.
In addition to wood, for the design of the structure, you can use MDF-lining. They are also attached to the adhesive composition. Due to the variety of color solutions of the material, you can update the door in any style. Moreover, such ennobling looks very impressive.
For this method it is possible to use veneer, plastic, laminate and PVC. Apply these materials only when exposed to warm air. In this case, you need to work very quickly to do everything smoothly and efficiently.
The least common solution is refining door designs. But in this way you can achieve a luxurious and attractive look. If you apply the upholstery for the old worn door, you can hide all its defects. In addition, this option helps to warm the canvas.
Slopes and doorways can be leveled with plaster, tile, mosaic, upholstery, plastic and wood panels. But the thickness of the lining should be sufficient for free opening and closing of the canvas.Framing the box will get a new design.
What can beautifully finish the door?
To update the old door, you can use a variety of methods and materials. For example, it can be sheathed with PVC panels, plastic, iron sheet, MDF, wood, laminate, clapboard, drywall, linoleum, eurolining and chipboard. You can paste over the box with veneer, and update the canvas itself with a decorative stone, leather or leatherette and even carpet.
All these types of finishes allow you to choose the most suitable material that will suit both the price and performance indicators:
- Door decoration MDF or PVC panels suitable for input wood and metal products. The main advantage of these materials is the low price and ease of installation, so you can update the design in a short time. MDF and PVC panels are good because they are quite durable, safe and easy to clean. The panels can be covered with natural veneer, lamination layer or plastic.
- Significant ease different update door drywall, plastic or metal. Sheets of gypsum plasterboard, laminated chipboard and wall paneling are most suitable for covering door slopes.Of course, the most accessible material in this case is plastic, and the most expensive is natural stone.
Euro lining and PVC lining are available in a wide color range and can have any design, which eliminates the finishing finish. But these materials are extremely unstable to mechanical stress that cannot be hidden with your own hands.
- The most expensive, but the most spectacular material is leather or leatherette, which is also called dermatin. Artificial leather can have different characteristics and appearance. For example, it can be smooth, porous and structured, and its wide color gamut allows you to decorate almost any interior. But with such materials you need to be extremely careful and you need to know how to upholster the door with them.
- Increasingly, door trimming has been used siding as it is suitable for both internal and external works. Siding practical, durable, fire-resistant and easy to maintain. Installation of siding is the same as installing the wall paneling.
- Most recently, for the design of the apartment was used clinker tileswhich imitates brickwork.To lay it, it is imperative to level the surface near it and moisten the doorway with water in order to cement the cement.
- Finishing laminate It is used when you want to achieve the look of a natural solid wood, but there is no such possibility. This material can imitate an array of oak, pine, cedar and other tree species. It is easy to work with him, but it is best to resort to him only to design the inside of the door, since it is stratified under the influence of moisture.
- Save money and achieve an extraordinary result will help decoupage technique. To her resort when you want to decorate the design and individualize the apartment. Materials such as cloth, newspapers, photographs, appliqués, and napkins may be suitable for decoupage.
Metal door upholstery
The lining of the iron door can be done in two ways: cheap materials (leatherette, leatherette) and expensive decorative panels:
- For restoration products dermatin or vinyl skin It is necessary to use only glue. For this, the edges of the structure are smeared with adhesive and foam bands are attached to them.Extras can be cut with a special knife. Then they glue the butt on the upper part of the door and glue the upholstery from the top. During work, be sure to smooth the fabric to avoid wrinkling.
- To upholster the iron door with decorative panels first you need to measure it. It is important to know the exact dimensions of the canvas and the width of the inner corners, which will subsequently be covered with foam sheet and wooden beam. Then, on the top and bottom of the structure, you need to make a mark on the enclosed bar. With the help of a drill, 16 holes for fastenings are made in the canvas, the diameter of which should be identical to the diameter of the screws. Bars are fixed on the canvas, after which they drill holes for fixing the decorative panel.
At the end of the finishing work in the panel you need to make holes for the peephole, locks and handles. Inside the metal door we sheathe foam, and already fasten the MDF-panel from above.
How to trim the front door from the inside?
The door construction on the apartment side can be made out in different ways. The best option is painting, for which you do not have to remove the canvas from the hinges.Surfaces adjacent to the product must be covered with newspapers so as not to stain them during dyeing. All furniture elements are removed or sealed with tape. Previously, the surface of the door is polished, and then treated with protective impregnation, which will protect the wood from moisture. And after complete drying, the structure is coated with a paint and varnish product in 2-3 layers.
To arrange veneering veneer will have to prepare an iron and paper sheet. Renovation of the canvas begins with removing it from the hinges and making measurements. The veneer strips are superimposed on the surface of the product so that the pattern coincides. Each piece is preferably numbered, so that in the future there is no confusion.
It is better to glue the veneer from the top, gradually going down. To do this, remove the protective paper and stick to the canvas. To get rid of the bubbles and folds that have arisen, a sheet of paper is put on top of the veneered strips and ironed them.
These methods of facing the inside of the product are performed without difficulty. The main thing is to make measurements correctly and do everything carefully.
How to sheathe the outside door outside?
To trim the door outside, it is important to take into account the features of all possible materials. It is important to ensure their strength and durability, so that their properties do not change under the influence of the external environment. Moreover, you need to understand that not every material can be used to process the outer or inner part of the structure.
To personally update the box from the street, you can use:
- Steel sheets. Their structure can be smooth or embossed with an imitation of an interesting pattern. Good sheets of steel will protect the room from penetrating inside drafts, but they must necessarily have a substrate of polymer or cork.
- Viniplast. It may consist of fiberboard or PVC. This material is unstable to sunlight, and therefore it is mandatory to cover it with a special varnish with a UV filter.
- Ship plywood looks like a natural wood. After installation, it is covered with stain and frost-resistant varnish. If you need to change the old plywood, then this process does not take much time and effort.
- Dermatin - a material that is equally well suited for internal and external decoration.It is simple enough to mount it, besides it has various design. And its soft structure can hide sharp corners.
- Artificial stone is produced in thin panels that are fixed to the outer part of the door using construction resin. The construction, lined with stone, looks very impressive.
To reconstruct the street side of the door you need to use insulation - izolon. The thickness of the isolon can be any - it all depends on personal preferences. And for fixing the insulation fit staples, sealant or nails. After that, the canvas itself must be decorated.
How to finish the door with your own hands?
Independently facing the door in different ways. The most common is wallpapering. For this method, suitable for any type of wallpaper from paper and ending with liquid. Before processing this material it is necessary to prepare the canvas: remove the paint, putty all the defects and polish. With a wallpaper sheet, you can close the entire canvas or just the paneled part by cutting out the parts that fit the size.
The decor can be a fabric, which, thanks to its structure, will make the product unique.But you need to choose the fabric, given the degree of shrinkage. You can use several fabric sheets of different designs. Patchwork technique quite popular among designers: a cloth can be wrapped around the entire canvas or only the central part. Facing of the product can be carried out with unusual carnations, beautiful laces, frames from a baguette.
An unusual method of finishing - mirror acrylic. With the help of mirrors, you can visually increase the space and improve illumination. Since it is not always possible to cut the required part from a mirror by yourself, you can purchase a finished amalgam panel. The easiest option - curly acrylic mirrors. They can be combined into one whole and close the entire canvas or put them in the center, leaving the rest of the space free.
Attach acrylic mirrors on a pre-cleaned surface. On the back of the mirror sheet and on the door itself, you need to apply a primer, and only then fix the panels with glue. You can resort to mounting the suction cups, which seriously speed up the process.
How to make a cash card for the entrance door yourself?
Cashing is an element of decor that completes the design of the entire building.Its purpose is to conceal irregularities after installation of the input structure. It is used to improve sound insulation and reduce thermal conductivity.
The settlement should be in the same style with the house, so when choosing it you need to take into account some rules:
- it must be combined with the walls of the building;
- its performance should be top notch so that, despite the atmospheric effects, its appearance remains unchanged;
- the casing should be such that it does not get lost on the rest of the background;
- Internal cash out can be flat or round, and sometimes threaded.
For the interstitial space, it is better to purchase wooden frames. But they can be replaced with plastic or metal parts. To prevent shrinkage of the structure, an osyosyuka is installed in a wooden house. The ocell can be made in four ways: in the mortgage bar, in the seam monolith, in the spike with a ready slope and in the deck.
In order not to pick up the trim, you can buy a ready-made kit, consisting of linen, box, cash out, dobor, loops and pens. Such a set will greatly facilitate the work.
Regardless of the type of construction, the doors have standard sizes that have been installed according to GOST:
- The height of the standard opening varies from 2.07 m to 2.37 m. Exact parameters are set taking into account the height of the ceiling and the width of the door.
- The width of the standard construction is 90 cm, but this indicator may vary from the individual parameters of the web.
- But the thickness of the doorway can be anything - it does not set any standards. The thickness of the box is selected taking into account other indicators.
- The dimensions of the doorway do not always meet the standards. In the cottage or private house, they can be any, but within 2 to 2.4 m. It is better not to expand the opening more than these indicators, otherwise it will be very difficult to choose the right door.
Interesting examples of door trim
Showing imagination and devoting some free time, you can create a work of art. Many ideas decorating the old door are striking in their originality:
- For example, to create the atmosphere of a bohemian celebration, you can use rivets and various beads, which very often lie idle in a box with trifles.
- Decorate products can holes that form unusual patterns.
- Quite unusually, you can make a door frame with buckwheat. This process will take a lot of time, but it will allow to decorate the room.
- In addition to the door itself, you can decorate the space around it. For this you can use bows, artificial flowers, ribbons and laces.
- Unusual sensations will allow you to experience the design, decorated with wreaths, bouquets, glass inserts and other original things. From the entrance to the canvas, you can glue a large horseshoe or an improvised nest.
- A door with painted butterflies, flowers, trees or clouds will look gentle enough. It is not necessary to draw every detail, you can make a picture in the form of abstraction.
- Near the doorway, you can also draw patterns that smoothly flow onto the canvas itself.
- If you don’t have enough imagination for your own ideas, you can watch video tutorials and choose a suitable master class.
Restoring an old door, it is important not only to think over its design, but also to update warming. Thus, it is possible to get not only a beautiful, but also a warm product.
See how to sheathe the metal door from the inside in the next video.