Door trim with dermantin your hands

Even in ancient times, people invented a device blocking their dwelling. Initially, the front door was needed to protect against cold, rain and wild animals. But over time, the function of the door has expanded a bit, and today a good front door not only performs the function of protection, but also is combined with the interior of an apartment or house.
To put the front door in order with the help of dermantine is not such a difficult task, especially since it is a very accessible material.
Special features
Any, even very old door can be transformed, upholstered with dermantin. This material has its own characteristics and advantages.
The word "dermantin" has a foreign origin.The literal translation means "material imitating the skin," because the root of the word is "derma," which in Latin means "skin." The letter "n" crept into it by chance, so that the pronunciation was more harmonious. But this phonetic distortion does not alter its properties at all, and this material is known to most people for this sound.
The basis of leatherette is nitrocellulose cotton fabricapplied to one or both sides of the material. Dermatin has many features due to which it is most often chosen as an upholstery material.
First of all, it has a rather long service life. Presentable appearance and properties of this upholstery material remain unchanged for 10 years.
Dermatin - very moisture resistant material. Due to its composition, it does not absorb moisture at all, so insulation and other waterproofing materials used together with leatherette as upholstery do not change their properties.
Dermatin is not subject to decay processes. Its composition prevents the reproduction of various microorganisms.Also, it does not fade in the sun, as it is resistant to ultraviolet rays. This quality allows the upholstery of doors that are located not only in enclosed spaces, but also installed in open areas without fear of changing the appearance.
This material is also resistant to temperature extremes. When the temperature is below zero, neither its properties nor its appearance change. To clean the surface of this material does not require any specialized means, ordinary soap and water are enough. But it is worth noting, it is quite stable when exposed to many cleansers. Do not forget that the door linings with dermantin solves the problems of heat and sound insulation of the room.
Variants of the picture
On the surface of the door, upholstered with leatherette, very often various designs are made. To do this, use special decorative nails and cords made from the same material as the upholstery itself. In order to make any drawing, you must first put the marks on the surface in the right places, and only then nail the cloves. Thanks to a point punching, contours will appear on the surface of the upholstered door, which will form the pattern.In addition to decorative nails, cords are often used, they are clamped with nails and pulled between them, resulting in a textured pattern.
Most often, the drawings can be made in the form of diamonds, which can have different sizes and location. Diamonds of the same size can be centered or distributed over the entire surface of the door. Sometimes diamonds of different sizes are combined in a pattern.
On the door, upholstered with leatherette, you can put a picture not only in the form of rhombuses, but also in the form of other geometric figures: circles, rectangles, squares.
You can decorate the door without the use of cords. For this, studs are stuffed onto the surface of the canvas in a planned order. There may be a small number or many, they can be located both around the perimeter of the door, and along the center of the structure.
Iron door decoration is carried out before the door upholstery. Dermatin and insulation are connected with special buttons in the right places. To date, you can buy in the store a ready-made set of special accessories for decorating the door. With it, you can create an unusual and beautiful pattern on the door leaf, thoughthe cost of such a kit is somewhat higher than ordinary nails and a cord of residual material.
How to sheathe your own hands?
In order to properly upholster the door with your own hands, you need to first get the necessary material and tools. There are two types of doors - it is either metal or wooden structures. Depending on their type the necessary amount of material is selected. In order not to be mistaken with the footage, you need to measure the length and width of the door leaf and based on the values obtained to acquire material. Wooden structures are upholstered with a piece of leather, not exceeding the area of the door leaf more than 15 cm on each side. And for metal doors enough stock in 10 cm.
For the upholstery of a wooden door, in addition to covering the main surface, as a rule, such additional elements as rollers are used. They are nailed around the perimeter of the door leaf and serve not only as an additional element of decor, but also cover the gaps between the leaf and the box. As a rule, these strips are harvested in advance of leatherette and insulating material.The width of the strips of leatherette varies within 10-15 cm, and the length depends on the size of the door. Strips of insulating material should be slightly smaller width (8-10 cm).
In the selection of insulation should take into account not only the price, but also the life of the material. The most common material is foam rubber. It is affordable, and its service life varies from 13-15 years. You can choose and batting, which has a slightly higher cost, compared with foam rubber. Its service life does not exceed 30 years and in addition, it has a considerable weight, therefore it can significantly weight the door leaf design.
The most modern insulation is izolonapyp. Juice service of this material is in the range of 60-75 years. Very often isolonap is used with foam rubber. Thanks to this combination, the front door even better protects the room from the penetration of noise and cold, as well as creating a beautiful relief surface when decorating it.
In addition to the materials, you need to prepare and tools. Scissors are needed to cut material. A sharp knife will be needed to remove excess insulating materials. Screwdrivers and pliers will be needed in the process of dismantling locks and other works.
Nails are required to attach the material to the wood structure.With the help of a stapler, the door is sheathed with insulating material. Glue is required to bond the metal surface with insulation and leatherette. With the help of decorative nails will be applied to the surface pattern.
If you have the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed to the process itself. Regardless of the type of door you need to hold some additional events. As a rule, for convenience, the door leaf is removed from the hinges, but if you are an experienced master, then the door can be reconstructed without removing it. Then dismantling the lock and eye. Next, the door is cleared of the old coating (if it was there). Now you can proceed to the reconstruction of the canvas.
Interior plating algorithm:
- At first it is necessary to attach prepared strips for rollers to the door leaf. To do this, they are applied face down and secured on all sides of the canvas with a stapler. If there is a padlock in the door, then you need to nail it from its location.
- If the construction has a mortise option, then you need to start from the top corner (from the hinge side).The protrusion of the strips should be no more than 4 cm.
- The prepared strips of foam rubber are fixed on the surface of the web. Now you need to tuck the edges of leatherette and strengthened on the surface. The roller should not protrude beyond the edge of the door by more than 3 cm.
- Then you need to cut out foam rubber or other insulating material. It should fit well between the rollers, the indentation on each side is 1 cm.
- Now, using a stapler, we attach the insulation material to the front door.
- We nail the prepared piece of leatherette. To do this, tuck its edges about 5-6 cm and attach it to the surface of the door. The turned edges should go slightly on the roller. The decorative nail needs to be nailed, having receded from an edge no more than 7 mm. Similarly, we nail the second nail in another upper corner, after having pulled the canvas.
- Next, we nail the nails in the upper part of the web in increments of 10-12 cm, gradually descending on one side. Similarly, we act with the second side and the bottom of the door leaf.
- After fixing the last nail around the perimeter, you can begin to decorate the surface.
- The final step is the installation of locks and handles.
Stages finishing the outside:
- First, we tightly cover the door and, depending on the location of the door frame, draw a projection on the door surface. This must be done so that when covering the surface do not go beyond the drawn line.
- Now you can mount the roller to the bottom of the door leaf. It should fit snugly when the door is closed.
- Then you should make rollers for the left, right and top parts, but they need to be fixed on the door frame. On the hinge side, it is installed flush with the joint, and in the opposite and upper part it must be extended a few mm (depending on the gaps).
- Now you can install and fix the main canvas.
Metal door upholstery method:
- First you need to put glue on the door leaf.
- Then you need to attach a piece of insulating material to the prepared surface and press it down. Cut off the excess material with a knife, not forgetting to cut openings for the lock, handle and peephole.
- Now we apply glue on foam rubber and glue leatherette, not forgetting to tuck the edges of the material.
To upholster the front door itself is not such a difficult task, the main thing is to take into account all the nuances associated with the construction of the canvas.
How to paint?
Over time, the door, trimmed with leatherette can lose its attractive appearance. If the formed attritions have a local character and there are not so many of them, then there is no sense in changing the leatherette, it can be restored with the help of special paints.
Coloring leatherette - quite inexpensive and affordable waywith which you can put in order the door upholstered by them. The main thing - to choose the right option.
Paint over the damaged areas with acrylic paints. They are well kept on a variety of surfaces, including on the leatherette. You can use special paints for the skin. Due to their composition, these paints are kept on the surface for quite a long time, they do not fade and do not exfoliate with time.
In order to more accurately match the color closest to the source material, it is better to purchase a set of paints. Mixing colors will allow you to choose the closest shade.
In order to properly paint the dermatin door, you must first prepare the surface. To begin with, clean it from dirt and dust, and then treat the place of painting with alcohol. Now prepare the desired shade.You can mix shades on a special palette, or you can take a sheet of foil and apply paint on it. To make it easier to work with paints, add a little acetone.
Now you can proceed to staining. Paint is applied either with a brush or foam sponge. 15-20 minutes after applying the paint, when the first layer is completely dry, you can apply the second one.
How to smooth?
Often there is a situation where the leatherette from the long-term storage in rolls wrinkles, and to repair this material is not possible. But there is a way out - you can smooth it. The main thing is to be patient and follow certain rules.
You can smooth this material. using water. To do this, a piece of dermatin needs to be spread on a prepared surface. Then a piece of wet tissue is taken (you can take a sheet) properly wrung out and put on leatherette. As the piece of fabric dries, the dermatin section will smooth out.
There is another method. Prepared a piece of dermatin laid out face down on the ironing board. The temperature on the iron is set to one. A damp cotton wool fabric is laid over the leatherette and ironed.It is possible not to wet the cotton fabric, but to use the function of the steamer on the iron.
With this treatment, you can not lay the leatherette face up, because there is a high risk of burning it, despite the presence of cotton cloth as a protective layer.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Thanks to leatherette, you can change the appearance of any door. Surface decoration can be simple and minimal, and may be a more complex and interesting solution.
You can upholster not only entrance doors, but also interior doors. Upholstery will look great on the doors of the cabinet. The main thing - to choose the right color and decide on a pattern.
To learn how to make wooden doors with dermantin, see the next video.