Wall doors

Ensuring security in the house, especially apartment buildings, is not easy. Uninvited guests paint the walls, throw garbage at the entrance, behave defiantly. Tambour doors are one of the best solutions, but you need to be able to choose them properly.
What it is?
Tambour doors keep peace and comfort in dozens of apartments at the same time. Therefore, the requirements for them are very high. Since the operational loads even in a small staircase are huge, should be interested in buying:
- fortress;
- durability;
- resistance to wear.
For the partitions placed in the vestibule, the highest quality metal can be used, but decorative decoration for them is rarely practiced. On production, such doors can be made from an all-metal sheet or from a lattice.In many models, these elements are combined to ensure both strength and the ability to observe what is being done outside.
In this case, the lattice must be complemented with high-strength glass, the cost of such combinations is small.
Doors of chain type cracking is very difficult, and if someone tries to do this, then it’s impossible to pass silently into the staircase at all. As already mentioned, the finish is very limited, the reason not only in the utility of products, but also in the fact that they all belong to the economy class. Doors on the site are painted only with powder paints, because they serve for a long time and it will be difficult for vandals and bullies to damage them. If you wish, you can buy a steel door decorated with hand-forged steel on the stairwell; it is relatively inexpensive.
The technology also allows:
- door insulation;
- covering them with clapboard;
- the use of vinyl leather and some other materials.
Designers always include equipping entrance doors and doors that are placed on the floor with blockers and effective locks. Fittings, which are used in the doorway of an apartment building, differ from those placed at the entrance to the apartment.The scheme of the device also differs; the number of flaps covering the opening is of primary importance here.
Interroom metal doors not only make life difficult for burglars and hooligans. With their help, it is possible to form a common space (corridor) where shoes and even larger things are stored at once all tenants.
If earlier there were no tambour doors, they can be put at home only with the official permission of the neighbors and the management company or housing department. Replacing the old structure (it does not matter - with the expansion of the opening or in the same dimensions) does not require coordination.
The classic solution (canvas plus box) is a single-door chain door. It can even be used in a narrow opening, ordering the product in the same place as the usual input structures. The double door (another name - double swing door) is intended for a wider space. To apply such in the usual house (unlike hotels and supermarkets) is inexpedient. This is just a waste of money for unnecessary bandwidth.
Intermediate in size or one-and-a-half doors are more common: they are a combination of two canvases, the main one and located on the side (reduced).Lateral open only as needed (when you want to bring or make a sofa, a wardrobe, a refrigerator).
Such systems are used not only in apartments and offices, but even in private homes.
Framu put or up from the door frame, or around the perimeter to ventilate the lockable space or additionally illuminate it. Metal tambour doors, besides steel sheet and box, also contain:
- platbands;
- door handles with locks built into them;
- stiffening rib;
- loops.
The metal frame is responsible for the strength, the canvas - for sound insulation and heat saving. In the first place is the castle, because it is from him depends the effectiveness of the protection of houses and apartments. When metambur partitions are installed, it is necessary to immediately install both insulation and a lock. The electromechanical lock operated by the handle is considered the most convenient type. Exactly the same constipation are at the entrance to any entrance, equipped with an intercom, so use them easy.
The main advantages of electromechanical door closing are:
- automatic cover (no need to insert a key into the well, scroll);
- the ability (in the most complex systems) to use the console;
- ease of connection;
- Independence from the power grid in a number of options (battery operated);
- automatic blocking when attempting to crack doors;
- very long service even with active use.
Lattice models are attractive because you can clearly see who came and their actions. Deaf canvas with a small window is not so practical, but safer. Intruders, seeing the door, will be able to estimate the number of locks, their type and better prepare for breaking. The peephole is less convenient than the window, it can sweat and does not provide a wide view. The top and side grille inserts, complementing the entire canvas in the rest, are another way to view visitors.
The partition on the basis of one leaf in width reaches a maximum of a meter. Side sections are welded to the frame, they are considered as additional flaps, but already fixed. The double type of chain partition is designed as follows: on the right, the sash is equipped with a lock, a handle and a latch, and the upper and lower valves are mounted on the left. The highest door height is two meters.
Systems with video intercom - not a cheap pleasure.And it is justified only in the case when there are indeed very valuable things for criminals in the apartment.
The first group of sustainability does not justify the money paid at all: even a schoolboy will be able to open such doors, but they break very often. The second group of resilience means that the attacker will have to use the “grinder” and similar tools when hacking. The third level of stability is occupied by doors that can be hacked for at least half an hour. The fourth (highest) level is occupied by those structures that cannot be damaged even by a shot from a gun or a pistol.
Protection against hacking also depends on its type. So, resistance to intellectual hacking is guaranteed by anti-detachable bolts, locks of complicated construction, reliable hinges. The resistance to brute force cracking is determined by the complete set of the tambour door and the quality of the materials used. The main classes of protection are calculated on the resistance to mechanical cracking (using tools).
Materials and finishes
Metal tambour doors are not the only option; they can be wooden and even plastic (PVC).Separate designs adorn artificial leather or book. But the steel sheet for many years left out of competition:
- it does not rust, regardless of precipitation and humidity;
- the product is very durable;
- powder coating is used for painting;
- You can add an intercom or electromagnetic lock to the standard means of protection.
An iron chain door instead of the old one (or from scratch) is not as difficult to install as it seems. Dismantling of the previous construction is required to be done carefully and carefully, making sure that the opening is not destroyed. His must strengthen the metal frame and putty or trim with mortar.
The lattice tambour door is able to fit into the design of the surrounding space, however, the increased reliability of the entrance doors will be a mandatory requirement. After all, if all-metal construction will even have to be cut with a power tool for at least 10 minutes, then the grille will succumb much faster.
Due to the characteristics of the use of tambour doors, glass is used limitedly, only in the form of small inserts.
Decorating doors with veneer made of expensive wood will be no less attractive, and this will weaken the security of steel or aluminum doors much less.
How the metal door is installed, see the next video.
The standard size of tambour door is 2 m in height and 0.9 m in width. When calculating it is worth considering that the total width will be several centimeters larger than the frame (the gaps will have to be filled with foam). There is a state standard for tambour doors; according to it, the height can reach 2.1 and 2.4 m, and the width - 1.3, 1.5, 1.9 m. In the official publication, you can find very clear and detailed diagrams showing both product types and size combinations.
When you need to install a non-standard door, you will have to coordinate the decision made and the selected sample with the HOA or with the management company on whose balance sheet the house is located. Since tambour doors are not designed for design purposes, their thickness is relatively small. Each manufacturer comes in its own way, you can find out the parameters of the products when ordering.
Manufacturers Overview
There is almost no sense in buying chain doors from manufacturers. German concern Hormann offers its customers about a hundred types of doors, each of which can withstand 100 thousand opening and closing cycles.The lineup has doors and glazed, and deaf type, the design is fully consistent with modern trends. Buyers highly appreciate the heat savings, durability and usability of such doors, most of the reviews are positive.
Polish company "Gerda" offers insulation with mineral wool, foam or vermiculite foam. From inside and outside, chain doors are trimmed with a synthetic winterizer in two layers. It is necessary to mount a rubber seal, there are over 40 colors in the line, you can order a door of any size. Judging by the reviews, burglar resistance and sound insulation level are very strong points of Gerda products.
Steel - a modern Russian manufacturer of chain doors using original fittings and guaranteeing long-lasting, reliable protection of your home. Those who installed these doors emphasize that they are good at damping extraneous sounds, there is no creaking from the hinges.
How to choose?
The first step is to measure the width and height of the doorway. Immediately figure out how many doors you need and what they should be. Decoration is quite possible, but it is secondary compared to protection.
The simpler the design, the easier it will be for you to look after it and maintain cleanliness.
Also, to get a good quality tambour door, need to abandon the savings on fittingsAfter all, it is she who helps defend herself against apartment thieves. Or does not allow. Loops with a locking system better than usual, it will prevent cutting the door. The lock should have a complex structure, but not difficult to open and close with “its” key. In addition to high reliability and durability, the tambour door must be relatively light.
It is justified to choose a dull cloth only on the condition that the door is equipped with an eye with a wide view. Try to contact the manufacturer directly, then even economy class products will not cause you any inconvenience. The optimal security category is third or fourth. It is recommended to read the reviews before purchase and make sure that the door contains a gasket, without him you will have to forget about sound insulation.
For information on how to choose a tambour door, see the next video.
Beautiful and functional examples
Tambour doors look quite beautiful and elegant, which:
- painted with nitro enamel on both sides;
- covered with vinyl leather;
- covered with laminate.
With skillful selection, the most common powder paint can make a tambour door elegant and concise. At the request of the customer is allowed to finish MDF. With regard to functionality, chain partitions will make the staircase or staircase warmer. Extraneous sounds will annoy you less. In the hallway formed by the door you can store:
- strollers;
- bicycles;
- old furniture.
The tambour door is widely found even in the corridors of office buildings (there it prevents people from passing through). Important: before ordering the tambour door, find out whether it will not violate the ventilation mode and fire safety requirements. In an ordinary apartment building, the most appropriate design option will be simple, without any frills. If the corridor and the apartments have an original design, the exterior of the chain door should be selected individually.
For official institutions, facing neutral colors with imitation of natural wood is preferable. Knowing these principles, you will be able to make the right and meaningful choice, the result will please many years.