Installation of doors in a wooden house

Doors play a huge role in the interior of the house, it is an indispensable attribute, without which no modern housing can be imagined. At the same time, this design serves not only as a space divider between rooms, but also reliably protects the premises from intruders.
Recently, natural solid wood houses have become very popular, so the installation of doors in a wooden house is considered one of the most important design stages. As the general style of the structure, its fire safety and standards of protection will depend on the correct choice of the model and technology of installation works.
Features of wooden houses
In contrast to the installation of doors in brick and concrete houses, the installation of structures in wooden structures is much more difficult. The installation process of doors for log houses and log houses is the same.All installation work in such buildings can be carried out no earlier than six months after the completion of the walls and the complete assembly of the box, as the building may shrink during the first 6 months.
To avoid negative consequences it is necessary to adhere to certain technologies in the performance of work. The correct installation of entrance and interior doors will depend on this, which will save them in further operation from misalignment and deformation.
To date, the most economical type of housing is considered to be a house from the array. Well selected and processed timber is an excellent material for the construction of country houses, villas and cottages. At the same time, such wooden buildings will constantly delight their owners not only with their original appearance, but also with natural environmental friendliness.
It is also worth noting that wooden buildings are built quickly and easily sheathed with modern finishes. The main features of such houses include:
- Attractive aesthetic look. Natural material fits well into the interior of the backyard area, which is often complemented by a garden and a pond.
- Cost savings.Most types of wood are characterized by unique thermal insulation, thanks to which the housing is completely isolated from temperature changes. This means that the house will always be warm and will not need to use expensive heating. In addition, the timber is able to maintain optimal air circulation and has high sound insulation.
- Lifetime. A properly processed array can last much longer than a brick or plastic. To do this, wood is covered with special compounds that make the house resistant to moisture and deter pests.
Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that when choosing housing, a wooden house is the most optimal and practical solution.
How to insert a metal model?
In many houses from a bar owners prefer to install an iron door. It creates not only the impression of the main decoration of the "fortress", but also reliably protects the property of the owners from adverse circumstances. It is possible to mount the iron structure into the house either with the help of professional specialists or independently.If the work will be done by hand, then first of all, you should decide on the installation location of the doors, pick up their model and tool.
The door installation process includes the following steps:
- Preparation of the old box. It is carefully cleaned from the remnants of the old mater.
- Casing installation.
- Insert box.
- A hinge and fastening of a steel door in a log house.
- Elimination of voids. They are filled with foam.
- Finishing work. Decorative registration platbands.
First, you need to clean the old door frame well from dust and remnants of previous wood. In addition, the removal of all fasteners. Then you should proceed to the installation of the casing and pick up a new hardware for the door.
All fixing works are carried out with the help of self-tapping screws. It is very It is important that the dimensions of the casing match the box itself.
The gaps between these parts should not exceed 6 cm.
After that, you can begin to install a new door frame. To simplify this process, the structure is removed from the hinges and the box is first inserted using special wooden wedges. At each edge put at least two wedges.Installation must be checked by level, for this control is done in two planes. If this is not done, then during the operation of the structure, distortions may appear, and the wear of the loops will increase.
Self-tapping screws with a length of at least 6 cm are used to fasten the box. After installation, the wedges can be left in place and not removed, they will provide additional rigidity to the structure. It is recommended to cut the wedges on the level of the box, and trim casing will make them invisible and hide. The next stage of work will be the installation of sheds and hinges.
To ensure that these elements are well closed and opened, installation is carried out using adjusting bolts. Before hanging the canvas, it is recommended to apply silicone grease to all parts in contact with the hinges, it will protect the hinges from wear and corrosion on the metal.
The final touch of installation is considered to be filling gaps with foam. All adjacent surfaces to the lumens need to be covered with masking tape up to a width of 20 cm. Foam, as a rule, hardens within 12 hours, after which it can be easily cut with a knife and decorated with openings in platbands.
It is worth noting that the mounting foam not only performs the role of protecting wood and metal, but also serves as a good insulation.
How to put interior compartment doors in a log house?
The appearance of doors with a sliding system was due to the saving of space in houses with a small area. To date, their advantage managed to appreciate many homeowners. Such constructions are durable, and their installation in the presence of the necessary tool is carried out independently. In addition, the acquired door is always completed with instructions with a detailed description of the assembly mechanisms.
Before proceeding with the installation, you first need to perform certain measurements. For this, the canvas is tightly attached to the opening and the top lines are made. From this line, measure up 7 cm and draw horizontal stripes. According to the marks obtained, wooden bars are installed with the help of anchors, the bar is fixed to the surface so that half of it can be placed above the opening itself, starting from the frame. If the fasteners are made without additional level control, such a door after installation will close and open independently.
At a distance of 20 cm from each other, holes are drilled on the outer part of the board. They will be needed for fastening metal rail and wooden beam. The rail must be fixed so that a small distance between it and the surface is obtained, allowing the structure to move freely.
If the compartment doors will be hidden in the wall, then they will need to additionally build a drywall construction.
After that, carriages are inserted into the rail and the operation of the mechanism is checked. In the absence of defects, the ends of the parts are closed with special shock absorbers.
Often, compartment doors are installed with fastenings at the bottom, this will protect the floor covering from all kinds of damage. To install using this method, do the following:
- Install the U-shaped profile in the bottom of the canvas. You can also apply for these purposes two thin slats fixed parallel to each other.
- Install the groove in the roller mechanism or the bottom of the slats.
- Fix the metal rail on the floor across the width of the opening.
After all the preparatory work is completed, you can hook the guide with the lower groove of the blade and fix the product on the rollers.Then, applying the level, it remains to tighten the bolts strictly in the vertical direction to the structure. If the work is done independently, without an assistant, then there will be no one to hold the canvas; in this case, any available means can be placed under it.
True set door during use should not produce noise. If there are children in the house to hide sound irritants, you can additionally install rubber pads. They are sold in finished form in stores or are cut out independently from wheel cages or other items. The last step in the installation of the compartment is considered to be mounting the rack on the wall, since it will be the panel that will rest against it when closing. A similar rack will need to be placed on the other side, in the opening area.
As for all fasteners, they are closed by dobor. The final touch in the works will be the installation of fittings. Handles and trim are fixed to the door with liquid nails or special glue.
DIY plastic product installation
Installation of plastic doors is practically no different from the installation of products made from another material.Here, in the same way, it will be necessary to level the product along all planes, fix it carefully, hang the sash and make adjustments. It is worth noting that most often problems arise not in the process of installing such doors, but during their configuration. Also it is not recommended for plastic products to make separate thresholds, they are best purchased in a set with the design. Thus, it will be possible to avoid difficulties in adjusting the mechanisms.
For ease of alignment of the PVC doorway, many masters advise to drive small carnations into the wall, but sometimes this can lead to deformation. Therefore, you can simply place the box in the opening, and on each side to drive two wedges and adjust the level. In the presence of places with deviations, apply the lining.
After the product is well fixed and all sides are checked in planes, work begins on drilling holes for the frame. They should be the same number from top to bottom, at a distance of 20-30 cm. Dowels are inserted into the holes and twisted bolts, starting from the hinge side.
It is worth noting that the bolts can not be twisted to the end, only after sketches are made everywhere, fixing is done to the fullest.
The most important thing when installing plastic doors - observe verticality in the frame section. As for the lines horizontally, they are easy to adjust with wedges. After the fabric is aligned around the perimeter, the design is put on the hinges and a check of the pressing and stroke is done.
Successful examples
There is nothing more beautiful than being the owner of a gorgeous wooden house. In order for this building to look stylish, it must be supplemented with such an important object as the door. Wooden houses with massive metal doors look beautiful. At the same time, the color of the entrance structure must be fully combined with the exterior of the building. Metal products are also recommended to decorate forging and antique handles.
As for the internal separation of rooms, then it is best for them to choose compartment doors. They are easy to install, excellent in operation and save space. Such designs can be made of any modern material. Plastic doors are considered an unusual option, they are mainly installed in country houses, at the entrance to additional extensions.
You can find out how to install a metal door in a wooden house with your own hands in the next video.