Entrance wooden doors

Entrance wooden doors are in great demand, holding a worthy place along with metal structures, which are also very popular. In many ways, wooden doors even win, for example, they are quite reliable, look very stylish, original, emphasize the status of the house and are relatively inexpensive.
The front door is an integral part of the whole house. It plays an important role in the perception of the exterior. But their most important function is to protect the home, its inhabitants and property, and to ensure safety. Therefore, the choice of the front door should be approached with great care.
Features, advantages and disadvantages
Before you decide on the entrance door, you must first choose what material it will be made of.The most common options are wood and metal. Each of them has its pros and cons, which must be carefully weighed.
Wooden doors look much more beautiful, more solid, although they are more expensive. It is believed that metal structures more reliable, but it is not. Modern technologies make it possible to make wooden doors very durable, not at all inferior in their operational characteristics to metal ones. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the choice of the manufacturer.
The selected door must strictly comply with all quality standards and applicable standards.
Wooden doors have several advantages:
- High level of thermal insulation;
- Long service life;
- Solid appearance;
- Even frost is not formed on wood even in the coldest weather;
- The door of the array will fit any home or apartment;
- High level of sound insulation.
Along with the advantages, wooden entrance doors are characterized by some disadvantages:
- If you do not handle the door leaf with a special tool, after a while it will be covered with mold and rot;
- The wooden door, in comparison with the metal one, is not so resistant to mechanical damage, although it is able to withstand high loads;
- Over time, this design may shrink, especially under the influence of frequent temperature changes.
The width of the door can be double or single. How many doors will depend on what size the doorway itself. Double doors are suitable for wide aisles, and one canopy is enough for narrow ones. Too wide can not withstand the load and deform, too narrow inconvenient during operation, a person of large stature may not go through the doorway.
The entrance door can be called an internal door leading to apartments, stairs, attics and service rooms, as well as an external door leading to the street or to the vestibule.
The front door must have a number of functions:
- Have smoke protection;
- Have fire characteristics;
- Have enhanced heat and sound insulation;
- Street doors must have high moisture resistance.
By the presence of additional functions, the doors can be soundproofed, reinforced, warm, simple. Depending on the type of house and the wishes of the residents, you can purchase the product with reinforcement of one or another part of the structure, or take the simplest canvas.The usual wooden entrance door copes quite well with all its functions.
According to the technology of making the door leaf wooden doors can be panel, deaf and paneled. Deaf structures are a complete door leaf without any inserts. Shield - doors based on shields made of various materials. The grap design assumes inside the door emptiness with spikes, which are filled with dense material.
Depending on the opening mechanism, swing or sliding variants are distinguished. For entrance doors more suitable swinging mechanism on the hinges. Sliding mechanisms protect the house not so carefully from cold and noise.
To improve the aesthetic appearance of the door is decorated with decorative elements - forging, mirror or other inserts or fittings. This option is considered elite and looks really stylish, emphasizes the status of the owner.
The wooden cloth can be made in two options:
- Rectangle. The traditional option, which is found in almost all homes.
- Arch. This option is usually chosen for historic buildings or luxury mansions.The arches, in turn, are oval, semicircular, trapezoidal, or complex shapes, custom-made. Private workshops offer to make the whole works of art from the doors and decorating their casements.
Manufacturing methods
Wooden doors can vary according to the scheme of the wooden leaf:
- Door leaf made of solid wood. Such models are considered elite and expensive. In their manufacture, a solid tree trunk is used, from which a sheet is immediately cut. Such doors are rare. Most often used glued products.
- Shield doors. For their basis are used chipboard or MDF. Outside, this door leaf is covered with veneer, and inside is plywood or paper. This option is inexpensive and looks very attractive, for which he received deserved recognition among buyers.
- With metal sheets inside the structure. This option is more expensive, but this door leaf is much stronger and more reliable. Metal steadily withstands the load and protects the door leaf from deformation.
- Paneled. The door leaf consists of cells that are filled with solid material.This is a very durable design that can be made in a wide variety of colors.
In the manufacture of entrance doors must comply with the norms and standards dimensions. The calculation of the dimensions of the door leaf is based on certain indicators. These include the thickness of the door leaf, its width, height, and the dimensions of the entire box. All standards that determine the size of the entrance doors are prescribed in GOST.
The front door is usually the most prominent of all the other doors in the house and the widest. The material from which it is made does not affect its size, but its design affects:
- Single door This is the most common option. The recommended width for such doors is 100-110 cm. You can diversify the standard version with the help of the original design or by slightly changing the size of the passage, without going beyond GOST.
- Double-leaf. This design is installed mainly in a country house. The doorway, if necessary, can be increased in width by 1.5-2 times. This underlines the status of home owners, but the free space should allow it.You can choose the middle option - one and a half doors. In this case, the two door leaves are unequal in width. The narrow part serves only as decoration.
- With transom. This design depends entirely on the height of the passage. The door can be standard sizes, and the upper part can be fixed separately. As an additional decoration, inserts are made into the upper part, for example, from glass. So a large and massive wooden structure looks lighter. In addition, additional light penetrates through the glass into the house.
The door design can be any, but for all doors there are standard parameters of dimensions according to GOST:
- Width Standards: minimum - 900-910 mm. The maximum width is limited to 1010 mm for single-leaf doors, 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm in the case of installation of one-and-a-half doors and 1910-1950 mm for double-leaf structures.
- Standard door height - 2070-2370 mm. When calculating the exact height, the width of the door opening and the height of the ceiling are taken into account.
Door thickness is not defined as strictly as the two previous indicators. The main condition is that it should be such that the door can perform its direct functions. This is the most solid of all the doors in the house, including the thickness.This size is chosen for the door in accordance with the thickness of the walls of the house and the depth of the box.
Usually all entrance doors are made taller, wider and thicker than the rest of the aisles in the house. This is done so that they can ensure the free passage of people through the threshold, including with large things in their hands.
Now non-standard door cloths become more and more popular. They are found in people who want to emphasize their originality and non-standard solution in the design of the house. The norms prescribed in GOST are often neglected, especially in the construction of country houses. The main thing is to follow the instructions of the SNiP.
In accordance with the design standards, the width and height of the doorway should be done according to the standards. The optimal dimensions for entrance doors are 900-2000 mm in width, 2000-2400 mm in height. Doing the door leaf is no longer advisable. The exceptions are public buildings or very large buildings.
In addition to height, width and thickness, it is important to take into account the ratio of the dimensions of the door leaf and its box. When selecting a box, the main thing is that it easily fits in the doorway and at the same time there are gaps of a few millimeters on each side, which subsequently become lousy.For best results, it should be measured on a cleaned doorway.
The best option is to purchase the door leaf and the box together, otherwise you will need to be sized with great precision. This is especially inconvenient for non-standard sizes. When installing the box and door leaf should not lose sight of the threshold, which is an integral part of the whole structure.
To create solid wood doors, oak, pine and some other trees are used. In this embodiment, solid wood is taken, in any case not compacted sawdust (chipboard). For the door leaf does not necessarily take a single piece of wood. It can be glued together from several elements that have already taken the desired shape. This technique is a bit like a framed construction, when wooden elements are inserted into a wooden frame. A simplified version of the door of the array are wooden boards, stuffed on a wooden or metal frame. In this case, the door is already considered shield.
There are two options for the manufacture of solid wood doors - solid wood or spliced. The first option is more expensive, but it looks more solid, it is considered to be elite.The second option is cheaper, more common, as it is easier to manufacture. The spliced door leaf is wooden blocks glued together among themselves. To make such a construction stronger, the direction of the wooden fibers of the bars alternate from layer to layer.
Such a construction is not recommended to be installed in place of the front door from the street, because the structure may lose its strength under the influence of rain, sunlight and air temperature drops.
It is better to use glued sheets as entrance doors: in apartments, offices or service premises. You can distinguish a glued product from an array if you look at the end of the door leaf.
If the entrance door is made of solid array, it has a number of significant advantages over products made by any other means:
- Even in severe frost, such a door remains warm due to its low thermal conductivity;
- It is characterized by excellent sound insulation;
- It meets any exquisite taste and brings aesthetic pleasure, since it has an exceptional appearance, a unique pattern and texture of wood on the canvas;
- Resistant to corrosive processes;
- Is an eco-friendly product;
- Serves several decades, provided the correct manufacturing technology and timely repair in case of defects.
The door of the array must be accompanied by related components, preferably made of the same wood species as the door leaf. These include trim, dobor and threshold. Platbands help close the gap between the box and the door leaf. Dobora will be needed when the width of the wall exceeds the width of the racks of the door frame. The threshold protects the house from water, street dust and drafts, as well as heat leakage from the house.
Sometimes combined products are used: inside the structure is made of solid wood, and outside it has a metal sheet. This option is more practical to use, the door is more durable from the outside, and from the inside it looks aesthetically pleasing.
When installing a combined structure, it is possible to supplement it with the function of a thermal break. This is a recent invention, which is installed in a part of the door leaf and helps to keep the heat in the house, the door is not covered with ice outside.
The technology is that the inner space of the door leaf is filled with material that does not transfer heat from the inside of the outer part of the structure. A door with a thermal break from solid wood and a metal base is the best option for the front door due to its functionality and aesthetic appearance.
When choosing wooden doors, great attention should be paid to the type of wood from which it is made. The main thing - wood should be of high strength and density, especially for doors leading to the street. All species differ in their characteristics and operational properties:
- Oak. Products from it look very solid, reliable and beautiful. This wood is very strong and can serve for several decades. Over time, the oak acquires a beautiful, elegant dark shade. The only minus of oak is that it is much heavier than other types of wood. In this regard, when installing such doors, fittings have to be chosen for heavy products or to increase the number of hinges.
Larch has similar properties.
- Ash - very strong, resilient and flexible wood species.He is considered the same elite material as oak, not inferior to him in density and hardness. Ash is easy to process and looks very beautiful. This material is considered the best for the manufacture of decorative items. The last stage in the manufacture - drying of wood, after which the door becomes even more durable and resistant to temperature extremes and other environmental influences.
- Pine - not the best option for doors. The only plus is an attractive appearance. The door from it is subject to deformation under the influence of external factors, since its structure is very porous, has a low density. In addition, this type of wood is sensitive to moisture. Pine products are inexpensive and therefore they are often used as entrance doors for apartments, offices and other premises inside buildings.
- Beech - a very popular material for the manufacture of doors, products made of it are of sufficient quality. However, the entrance door is not recommended to be made of beech. The process of technological processing of the door leaf is very capricious. Any slightest violation, and the door will not be resistant to moisture and environmental influencesenvironment. Beech processing equipment is expensive, and not every manufacturer can afford to buy it. The best option for beech wood is to use it in combination doors on the inside of the door leaf.
Wooden entrance doors can be different in color and design. They can be varnished, then the shade will be natural, under a tree, and can be painted with any paint. It is advisable to choose non-dark, dark shades, because light color gets dirty very quickly.
For original people who love to be the center of attention, the door can be made unique, designer. It is not necessary to invite professionals for this, decorating the door leaf, you can do yourself. It includes door leaf processing with various materials. These may include paper, lacquer, cloth, painting with drawings, decoupage, and the use of vinyl stickers.
In this case, you can make absolutely any door leaf in appearance, without being limited to anything.
In addition to the natural shades of wood and bright multi-colored solutions, the door can be white.White door leaves are elite and are not often found on the market. This color is usually chosen for houses in the American or Greek style. White color is preferred in hot countries, where under the influence of the sun dark door panels burn out and heat up quickly, creating additional heat in hot weather.
The original decision when choosing the design of the door leaf is decorating it antique. It is suitable for houses in rustic country style, for luxury mansions, historic buildings, castles. Such doors are especially popular in bars and cafes, styled as taverns and pubs of past centuries. For registration choose a natural color for wood.
The most advantageous and solid look massive models of oak.
An important role is played by the selection of accessories in the old style, which will complete the entire image of the designed design. These include hinges, seals, lock, eye. As a decor, you can use decorative grilles, forging, pating, hand cutting. Gold-plated moldings, ring-knockers, armored glass will complement the design.
The aged door from the massif creates a feeling of comfort, reliability, security. I want to rest for her. Basically, the aged door leaf is made to order. It is important that it fits into the interior and style of the house, matched in color and design.
How to choose?
To choose a reliable entrance door that would meet all the requirements, you can follow several tips:
- The main purpose of the front door is not decoration, but to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property. Therefore, when choosing this product, first of all, it is worth paying attention to its reliability, service life and protective characteristics.
- The door of the array - a very safe design. However, only if during its manufacture not one of the stages of production was violated. It is important that only quality materials are used, the elements are thoroughly dried and glued together.
- If you want to save money, it is worth remembering that products made of chipboard or MDF are in no way inferior in their safety and quality to products from solid wood. However, this material requires a more careful attitude to itself when operating.
- The most important point is to choose a good lock and hinges. They perform the function of protecting the house. Attackers never break the door leaf itself, but break open locks and hinges. Today, you can easily find high-quality fittings that would meet all safety requirements and fit the design.
- Particular attention should be paid to how the product performs its functions, in addition to safety and durability: heat and sound insulation, resistance to environmental influences. These functions fade into the background if the door to the apartment is chosen, since it is not street, leading to the house.
- When choosing an original design is always worth remembering that it does not affect the safety.
- When choosing a pen, it is better to give preference to metal products.
- To further insulate the house, when installing the door leaf, it is always possible to mount a special construction in it that has a stiffener. An excellent insulator is also a compactor, which is mounted in the threshold. Additional insulation is especially important for street doors of cottages, country houses.Combined products with a metal frame, upholstered in wood, do not need additional insulation.
Beautiful interiors
There are many beautiful entrance doors. Below are photos with examples of the design of the entrance space for inspiration of a classic look or original, painted in various colors and decorated with unusual fittings or decorated in various ways.
This video will give you even more ideas for a successful design.