Entrance double doors

Doors are an essential attribute of every modern home. On the market there are many varieties of such structures. Each of them is designed to solve a specific problem. The most popular today are entrance doors with double doors, characterized by a unique design and significant dimensions of the opening.
Design features
Double doors are products that have two independent doors in one box. At the same time they are on the same line, which allows you to open them, independently of other elements.
Double doors have a considerable width, so they can not always be used as input. Often they are used in the arrangement of private houses, cottages or modern apartments.
Each flap is fixed on one side of the box with hinges. Some manufacturers on one of them install small vertical stops (beams), which fix the structure in the closed position. This allows you to use one canvas as a worker, while the second is used only if the width of the opening is not enough. Please note that the doors are tightly joined together. In this case, one of them acts as the basis for the location of the keyhole, and the second is equipped with the lock itself.
Double door leaves perfectly fit into any interior, but still they are more often used for mounting on street entrance openings. Similar designs differ in several technical parameters:
- The dimensions of the valves. Similar elements can be divided into equal and opposite-sex. The first type of door is equipped with doors of the same size. In heterosexual designs, the width of the webs may differ by a certain amount. Today, there are several types of flaps. The most popular sizes are 40, 60, 70-80, 90 and 100 cm.At the same time, they can be combined in various combinations, which allows you to adapt the canvas to different dimensions of the openings.
- Direction of opening. Such structures can move only in one direction. In this case, the canvas opens either inside the house or outside. The latter option is more common, since many manufacturers produce just such a system. At the same time, one of the valves is always left-sided, and the second is right-sided. This is important to consider if you purchase loops for these designs yourself.
- The form. Today, manufacturers of double-wing models represent only two types of canvases - rectangular and arched. The latter type of door is more expensive, since building it is a little more difficult.
It should be understood that only rectangular doors remain technically working, and the arch itself is performed above the box and plays only a decorative role.
Advantages and disadvantages
The popularity of bivalve models is increasing every day. This is due to several of their positive aspects:
- Versatility. Entrance designs are suitable for both the apartment and a large country house.They are much easier to choose for custom sizes, which are present in many modern buildings.
- Unique design. Manufacturers complement these products with beautiful decorative inserts. This allows you to choose the door leaf for almost any interior.
Still, these designs are not unique, since they have several significant drawbacks:
- The complexity of installation. To install such a canvas, you should carefully set it against all the valves. This is much more difficult to do than for single-door modifications.
- Strength. The large width of the paintings allows you to break them down using physical force. Often this applies to cheap models, where the bolts and the box are made of low-quality metal.
- Non-standard dimensions. If you decide to replace ordinary doors in the apartment with such modifications, then you should clarify whether it will be possible to expand the opening to a certain size.
The quality of the double door depends on many factors, among which the material is one of the main. Today, input systems of this type are made of several substances:
- Tree (array). This product is one of the safest and environmentally friendly. Products from it differ in unique design which will fit practically into any interior. At the same time the tree retains heat very well. One of the drawbacks is the rapid destruction by moisture. To exclude this parameter, manufacturers cover doors with special protective compounds. Wooden doors are suitable for installation not only at the entrance, but also in other places of the apartment, where they are closed from direct exposure to moisture.
- Plastic. Bicuspid models of it are quite common. They can be used as input. Often this can be found in offices or other industrial sites. In the private sector, plastic doors of this type are rather rarely used as entrance doors. Due to this simple design, which is not always relevant for a particular interior.
- Metal. Most popular entrance doors. The material is durable and durable. Today, manufacturers are many modifications of these designs. They differ in thickness of steel sheet as well as decoration.
There are models that are complemented by internal insulation. This allows you to eliminate the formation of frost on the metal surface and reduce heat loss.
For decorating such products can be used MDF-lining, which radically change the design of the door.
- Glass. These types of products perfectly fit into the modern interior. Often double glass doors can be found in many office centers. For their manufacture use special types of tempered glass. These constructions perfectly resist water, but are very fragile. If used carelessly, they can break. But today, this disadvantage is eliminated by introducing special additives into the structure. This glass door will already cost much more than the standard.
Assembly work
The installation of double doors is a rather complicated process, since the canvas is of considerable size and consists of two leaves. Therefore, it is important to correctly set the frame so that the structures close easily and without skewing.
The installation process can be divided into several successive steps:
- First, the old door is dismantled.To do this, it is cut with grinders with mounting anchors. It is also important to remove the foam, which quite firmly holds the entire system.
- The next step is to prepare and measure the opening. The canvas should enter the hole completely with a small margin. This is necessary so that the position of the whole structure can be adjusted.
- At this stage, you need to fix the box in the opening. Initially, it is installed on a horizontally flat surface (lining can be used), after which it is aligned in several planes. To do this, use wooden wedges, which are driven into the gap between the frame and the wall. It is necessary to expose a design very exactly. At the same time constantly monitor whether the doors are closed and locks work.
- When the canvas is exposed, it is finally fixed with anchors. To do this, holes are formed in the wall where the fasteners are driven. After the final fastening, the holes are filled with mounting foam.
If you install double-wing wooden doors, then you should initially assemble the box on the floor. All other operations are performed in the same way as previously described.Fixation also takes place with the help of anchors, and the framework is hollowed with wooden pegs. But here you should pay attention to the quality of the location of the loops. Cheap models can be distorted when installed, which will not allow you to close the canvas.
For more information on how to install the front door yourself, see the following video.
Double doors are an original system that allows not only to expand the functionality of the design, but also to decorate the interior with high quality. When buying this product, give preference only to well-known and trusted manufacturers.