Paint for metal doors: features of choice

Sooner or later in the life of every homeowner there is a need to update the appearance of the front door made of metal, and painting in this case is the best option. Thanks to staining, the product can be made attractive and reliably protect it from the harmful effects of various environmental factors. This process of updating the door system is quite simple, but rather painstaking, has many subtleties.
Paint for metal doors and the features of its choice is one of the nuances that the owner will first encounter when starting to paint the surface.
Special features
Painting metal entrance doors is a good option for finishing the base material of the structure, which is able to guarantee adequate protection from the adverse effects of the environment, as well as a method for giving a stylish and beautiful look to the product. It is worth taking the choice of paint seriously, as an incorrectly chosen coating will not provide adequate protection and will soon begin to climb from the surface, which is highly undesirable from an aesthetic point of view.
Currently, in the manufacture of doors used a large number of alloys, completely different in appearance and physico-chemical parameters. The main task of the consumer on the basis of these criteria, it becomes the correct selection of paint with the necessary adhesion, compatible with the existing type of material of the entrance door.
Properly chosen paint will transform the product not only externally, but also:
- will create reliable protection against moisture;
- correct some defects of the metal surface;
- fill the available voids in the material;
- prevents the occurrence of corrosion.
What are the entrance doors?
Metal door manufacturers try to please all the time.consumers, and for these purposes they improve their products, trying to extend its life in various ways. Not the last role in this issue is the exterior.
In addition to coating conventional paints and varnishes, relatively recently, manufacturers began to use powder spraying of metal street doors. Products with powder-polymer type sputtering are guaranteed to retain an external aesthetic appearance for a long time.
The unique properties and impeccable quality of this coating are due to strict adherence to technological regimes in the process of polymerization at high temperatures.
Coated doors are protected from the harmful effects of various factors. Similar technical characteristics of metal doors with a dusting allow to apply them as external. Often they are installed on the street, at the entrances to private buildings, office space, and various public buildings. Most owners install structures with such spraying and in apartments, in order to protect against minor mechanical damage.
Types of paint for metal
The installation site of the entrance door plays an important role in the choice of paint. In order to decide which composition to purchase, you need to know what types of these coatings are and how they differ from each other.
To date, the range of colors is quite large, but there are several main types:
Nitro enamel
It is a very popular option, as it protects the material from corrosion, has a low cost, dries quickly, regardless of weather conditions, and can be applied by various methods. Of the shortcomings - fragility, quickly loses gloss, with intensive use in a couple of years will have to update the coating.
This enamel contains toxic substances, so painting should be carried out in a well-ventilated place.
Oil paint or PF
The most optimal solution, the ideal ratio of price and quality, has several advantages:
- the coating has good adhesion with the metal, which ensures the durability of the paint;
- has a nice gloss that persists for a long time;
- the painted product is protected from moisture and UV rays;
- has significant resistance to mechanical damage.
This coating also has disadvantages. The most significant is a long period of drying, directly dependent on weather conditions.
Another disadvantage is the presence of a large number of fakes, due to the popularity of PF.
Bituminous formulations
Acceptable option for households, paint the surface black, have a weak aesthetic appearance (there are matte or semi-gloss versions), but are in demand due to excellent durability after drying and anti-corrosion properties.
Acrylic water-based paint
Does not contain toxic substances, dries quickly, does not have a strong odor, is easy to apply. This type of paint is undesirable for external use, is used as an interior finish.
Nitrocellulose paint
Another option is to cover the inside of the door, it is not resistant to various chemical as well as thermal effects.
Alkyd enamel
A fairly weather resistant coating that gives the surface a glossy shine. The composition contains alkyd resins, due to which it dries quickly and retains color well.
Hammer enamel
It refers to paints of increased stability, provides the product with a wonderful appearance. This coating is durable, very strong and can withstand various kinds of external influences, which guarantees reliable protection of the metal. It can be applied in any way.
It dries quickly (no longer than 4 hours), before painting it is not necessary to prepare the surface. Metal coated with such a mixture is very difficult to damage, but if this was done, then it is almost impossible to restore the coating. In this case, you have to completely remove all the paint, and then apply it again.
Blacksmith paint
Durable coating, almost invulnerable, very resistant to various influences. You can buy it only in specialized stores. It has the strongest adhesion, is absorbed into the surface of the metal and becomes one with the material. Naturally, its price is very high and some consumers attribute this to negative points.
Powder paint
To date, the best coverage, the most reliable and ultra-durable. At this coloring structure rather reasonable price and high esthetic effect.The disadvantage is that high-temperature chambers are necessary for powder painting, this eliminates the possibility of covering this composition at home.
How to choose?
Each paint has its own characteristics, a number of advantages and disadvantages. To select the necessary option follows, starting from each specific case. Someone wants to have a door that is most resistant to corrosion, someone needs it to be resistant to external negative influences. There are people who are only interested in the external attractive data products.
You also need to consider which surface will be coated: on the previous paint layer or directly on the metal. Acrylic paint and nitro enamel can not be applied over the old layer, as water-based paint will peel off, and nitro enamel will shine through the previous coating. What exactly will be painted metal door, you must decide on the basis of creative ideas, as well as financial opportunities.
The simplest version of painting a metal surface is with a spray can.A huge range of colors and shades with various effects is presented on the modern market. The paint layer can be fixed with acrylic spray paint.
You can use various stencils for decoration, with which you can apply certain images to the product.
Manufacturers Overview
In order to avoid fakes, it is necessary to purchase enamel paints in specialized stores or color-studios. In such places, sellers can provide a manufacturer’s quality guarantee and all necessary certificates. The production of paint and varnish coatings and anti-corrosion coatings using modern technologies has been established in all countries of the world. The best specialists, having many years of experience, represent advanced types of products.
Compositions of the Tikkurila brand are very popular among home craftsmen. They have excellent wear resistance, have a wide range. Hammerite products have rightfully won the recognition of many experts, thanks to the excellent quality and wide choice of colors.
Coatings of this brand can be applied directly to rust, without pretreatment, regardless of the metal alloy, as well as almost all painted surfaces, except for powder and bitumen.
How to prepare the surface?
When preparing the door for painting, first of all, it is necessary to remove all the removed accessories and decorative elements so that these parts do not get stained with paint, and the main product is well colored. After that, you need to qualitatively clean the door leaf with an emery paper from the old layer of paint, rid it of rust and wash it well. Then you need to apply a coat of primer.
The last stage of preparation for painting is the degreasing of the surface with a special composition.
How to paint yourself?
Painting is necessary in a certain sequence starting from the top of the structure. First paint the panel, then horizontal surfaces and only then all the vertical parts. It is necessary to work quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry, and no brush marks remain. All manipulations must be carried out carefully, apply a uniform layer on a completely dry surface.
There are several ways to paint the door with your own hands:
- With the help of a spray or spray can - suitable for a large area of the painted surface, the application is fast and uniform.
- With the help of the roller - a good assistant in the hand-painted painting of the product. The application is fast enough, but in hard-to-reach places you will need to paint over with a brush.
- Brush painting is a classic, most affordable and cheap way.
Apply paint to the surface, you must at least two layers, each previous should dry well. When applying the next layer should change the direction of the tool.
Useful tips
The painting process does not take much time and does not cause trouble, if everything is done correctly. To protect the surrounding objects should use the film, and for your own - it is recommended to use gloves, respirator and workwear.
How to scrub paint from a metal door?
If it so happens that traces of paint have formed on the metal door, then you can remove them with a soft cloth, however, it will be difficult to wipe such traces with one cloth on the handles or on the lining, so in this case it is necessary to use a special substance (solvent).
You can buy it in any hardware store.
What if the Chinese door is shabby?
Not very high-quality Chinese doors tend to quickly lose a beautiful appearance. In this case, the powder coating can be updated, if the door leaf is well primed, degreased and put ordinary household gloss paint, it is possible to use auto enamel.
How to make the iron door beautiful?
In order for the door to maintain its presentable appearance for a long period of time, it is necessary to ensure proper and timely care for it. Modern metal door coatings can cope with all types of pollution in the home. For example, you can get rid of various stains using ordinary detergents.
It is possible to clear plaster or whitewash with an acetic solution (20 ml per 1 l of water), this product does not leave white stains.
You can find out how to paint the iron door with the help of the roller yourself from the video below.