Metal doors with glass

Doors are an integral part of any interior. They not only beneficially complement the situation inside and outside the house, but also perform a protective function. Particular attention should be paid to the metal door, supplemented with glass. It would seem that these two materials can not be combined with each other. But modern manufacturers are increasingly presenting such options, which are very popular among buyers.
Special features
Metal doors with glass have a lot of distinctive features in comparison with the usual and common options. The first thing you should pay attention - the design of the door. High-quality and durable metal advantageously complements the resistant glass. This combination provides an attractive appearance of the door.
It is worth noting that modern manufacturers offer many interesting options for metal entrance doors with glass. No less popular are the interior options.
The main feature of the iron entrance door is the presence of durable glass in the base. This ensures the reliability and safety of the model when used. For interior design, ordinary glass is more often used, since inside there is no need for protection from unauthorized persons.
Metal entrance doors with glass have high thermal insulation qualities. This is due to the fact that the design is based on glass. Another important point is that argon is used to create tightness. This reduces the thermal conductivity of the glass.
Modern manufacturers do not overlook the external design models. Particularly popular among consumers are metal constructions with forged elements.
Advantages and disadvantages
In comparison with the standard and common versions, metal models with glazing have a lot of weighty advantages.
The advantages of entrance doors include:
- designs differ in good protective qualities;
- each model has individual technical and operational characteristics;
- have a high level of sound insulation;
- The models are based on additional stiffeners, which affects the insulation performance.
In addition, these options are complemented by reinforced loops. Thanks to these elements, the door structure holds a heavy metal base.
Another advantage is the high quality of the box. To create this design uses durable metal. For fastening all the components used iron anchor. This ensures the reliability and durability of the metal structure during use.
Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the door. Due to the combination of metal and high-quality glass unit, such constructions harmoniously complement the facade and the interior. In addition to the attractive appearance, most of the models are fire safe. Metal structures are resistant to mechanical stress.Increased moisture also does not adversely affect the base, as is often the case with other, less stable options.
It should be noted that the glazed metal doors are used not only for the decoration of residential premises. Such models can often be found in offices, various companies and government agencies.
As for the cons, they are also available. The first drawback, according to many buyers, is the weight of the design. Such models cannot be installed with a weak base. Another disadvantage is the cost of metal doors. This is especially true of double models.
Main types
Metal glazed models are divided into several types. Doors may differ in purpose, type of material and structural qualities.
Double wing models used not only for private homes, but also for public institutions. These can be beauty salons, restaurants or hotels. Forged models are in high demand. Often these doors are considered street options.
The next type is interior doors. Such metal options, supplemented with glass, are ideal for decorating apartments and even offices. Often models are used at the entrance to the bathroom. It should be noted that these doors are presented in quite wide assortment and a color palette.
Special attention needs to be paid fire fighting models with glazing. The peculiarity of these options is the presence of two sheets of steel at the base. In addition, non-flammable filler is used as a supplement. Many manufacturers use a special sealant, which expands when exposed to high temperatures.
Such fireproof structures complement the heat-resistant glass. Often, models complement fire-resistant locks. Particular attention should be paid to the combined form. In this case, metal and glass are complemented with various finishing materials in the form of solid and laminate.
Also, models may differ in the type of opening. The classic options include swing doors, complemented with glass. These models can be both single and double.
Notable and designs with chain type opening. These are double models in which width of cloths differs. Sliding metal doors have high functionality. But it should be understood that the weight of these products is quite impressive. Opening and closing takes place using a special roller mechanism.
Folding models made of steel are in high demand. The canvas in these designs may consist of several sections.
How to choose?
Choosing a metal door, supplemented with glass, you need to pay attention to a few important points. Before you go to the store for shopping, you need to determine the place of installation. It is from this criterion depends on the insulation and the material of the outer skin. No less important criterion is the level of protection of the model. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the metal, the structural features of the frame and the number of fins inside the door.
Choosing the front door, pay attention to the material of insulation. The design should not pass cold air. Basically, mineral wool or foam is used for insulation. Often used for these purposes polyurethane foam.Cheap models do not complement such components, which should be noted. During the purchase process, make sure that the model is equipped with high quality glass. Especially it concerns those cases when there are a lot of inserts in the construction. It is best to choose models with glass in the profile.
Decide in advance on the design of the structure. For private houses, you can choose a beautiful metal door, decorated with antique. Such models often complement wrought-iron elements that look expensive and elegant.
How to set your own hands?
With certain skills, installation of a metal door can be carried out independently. The process must begin with the preparatory stages. First you need to adjust the size of the doorway in the event that the measurements were made incorrectly. Then you need to do the fastening of the box. For this work, you can use anchor plates or steel rods. It all depends on what material is laid in the basis of the wall.
After that, you need to check the work done and make adjustments if necessary. It is also recommended to solder the gaps and hang the canvas.After preparing the opening, you can proceed to the main process - the installation of the door. It will take several people to work, as the glass construction has a rather impressive weight. First you need to install the box without using the canvas. It is recommended to lay wooden wedges along the perimeter. This will allow you to adjust the situation and provide technological indent.
Then the level needs to check whether the mount is level. The wedges are shifted to adjust the position. Note that indents should not differ from each other.
Next you need to do the adjustment of the situation. The frame is firmly fixed with wedges in such a way that when creating the holes there is no shift to the side. Then you need to prepare space for mounting anchors. Pay attention to the size of the holes and the elements used. After that it is necessary to insert the bolts and firmly tighten the nuts. The canvas is temporarily hung to check its functionality. The door should not open spontaneously. The canvas is removed, then install the fasteners.At the same stage it is necessary to fix the threshold.
Do not forget the lintel. After completing these steps, you need to once again hang the canvas. If you notice errors in position, you must loosen or tighten the nuts. After that, only the door frame should remain in the doorway. The construction is pasted over with a special tape in order to protect it from assembly foam. All indents are blown out by material. The excess is removed with a knife.
An overview of metal doors with glass and forging, see the video below.