Insulated metal doors

No house can be imagined without a door, since it is an integral part of it. Many buyers painstakingly and very carefully choose it for their home, and this is not at all in vain, since such a product must meet all the expectations of residents. Insulated metal doors will be an excellent solution for the purchase, because they will appeal to even the most demanding and fastidious customers. Such products are considered durable, wear-resistant, resistant to temperature changes, reliable and, of course, stylish.
Special features
Metal doors are always in great demand among buyers. And all this thanks to their excellent features.Any metal door with insulation is not only reliable protection against cold and drafts, but also against intruders.
Its main advantages are:
- Modern metal doors are made under the strict control of professionals, while using modern equipment and time-tested materials. Such products fully comply with various quality criteria, both domestic and international.
- Insulated metal door has even more improved performance and thermal insulation than the standard model without insulation.
- They are equally well suited for private houses and villas, and for apartments. No exception and purchasing them for industrial buildings.
- In addition to the excellent characteristics, such products are considered to be very stylish, many brands also involve specialists in the work process, who help individually develop a particular design of the future door.
- Metal doors are available in a very different price range. It is safe to say that any average citizen can afford to get them.
- Much attention is paid not only to the door assembly, but also to its decor and facing. Doors with insulation can be found in a variety of shades, but the most popular, of course, from the dark colors. Dark shades are more relevant for entrance doors, since they are the least visible of all sorts of pollution. But for many apartments they prefer to choose the options lighter.
- Metal doors are very unpretentious in the care, moreover, during the production they are specially treated, so that even with time they do not appear rust and corrosion.
- Doors of this type are not difficult to install, however, in order not to err in any way, it is best to use the services of professional craftsmen who will easily assist in installation.
- Doors made of metal with insulation can be bought already in the finished version or you can order the product according to individual measurements.
- Metal doors perfectly tolerate temperature fluctuations, so they are perfect even for very cold winters and harsh climate.
- It is also necessary to mention that metal products are characterized by excellent noise insulation, so after installing them, you can forget about third-party sounds.
- Whatever metal door you choose, it will certainly have a number of positive properties, and its service life will please for many years. Many buyers have already noted that even after several decades, high-quality metal door models retain their presentable appearance.
- Today it is possible to purchase products of this type from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter, of course, will cost more. But as experts in the construction industry say, today it makes no sense to overpay foreign brands, since domestic began to produce products no worse than the same European ones.
It is difficult to list all the advantages of metal doors, but we can safely say that they are more practical and durable than, for example, plastic. In addition, among the huge range of metal doors, you can choose models with different heaters and decor.
Among the huge range of doors that offer a variety of brands, models with different options are presented:
- Shockproof and bulletproof;
- Fire resistant;
- Hermetic;
- Sound insulation.
Almost all of these types have similar characteristics, but if you are looking for something very durable, the shock-proof models will be the best option for purchase. Bulletproof models of the same most often purchased for any public institutions.
Shockproof products have excellent value for money, where the characteristics are in no way inferior even to the most expensive models.
Outdoor metal doors can be:
- Single leaf. Such products have only one leaf - a metal cloth.
- Bivalous. Ideal for both private homes and industrial premises. Such products are 2 identical metal doors. Double metal doors can be fireproof, front doors (ideal for luxury and expensive apartments) and technical.
- There are and one and a half modelswhen the product consists of one wide metal leaf and the second narrower one. The narrow sash remains motionless, while the room enters through a wide one.
It should also be noted that the doors can be hinged and sliding.Exterior doors of both types are equally popular, but sliding doors cost much more expensive, so they are more often purchased for luxury apartments. And in the installation they are more problematic than swing models, because sometimes you even have to redo the entire wall to install them.
Among the metal input products are models with standard and double insulation. The latter, of course, will be more thermally insulated. However, the choice should be based primarily on where the product will be placed.
Today, many brands offer a huge variety of ready-made doors of standard sizes, which are focused on domestic GOST, exceptions are non-standard sizes, for example, for cottages and cottages. Metal door products in our country start at 600 mm and in 100 mm increments increase to 900 mm. The dimensions of the double metal doors according to GOST in width can start from 900 mm and height from 2000 mm.
I would like to immediately note that many foreign brands do not produce products oriented to the Russian market.And if there are any, then certain errors may be present, so this information must be specified even during the construction process directly from the brand where you want to make a purchase.
One of the most common and popular sizes of doors from domestic manufacturers is the option of 800 mm with a height of almost 2020 mm.
When selecting a door, it is very important to measure the opening in detail and only then select a product for it or order it according to individual measurements. If you doubt that you yourself can not cope with this task, it is best to get professional advice. In addition, when selecting a door of the required size, it is very important to consider not only the dimensions of the opening, but also the presence of various inserts in it, and not to forget about the type of house itself. And only after collecting all the data, you can begin to search or select the desired product.
It is important to emphasize that even if you find the finished product, the door to order will not differ from the ready-made and available options.
A quality door should without undue doubt protect the home, so only high-quality and time-tested materials are used to create it.As for metal products, then the most common doors made of thick steel. They are considered very strong and durable, and in addition, they are burglar resistant.
You can also find iron options with different types of insulation. Very often, forging is used as a complete decoration for steel doors, sometimes combined models with glass and wrought iron elements are used. Such products always look expensive.
In general, it can be said that for production only proven metals are used, which, with appropriate processing, become even more wear-resistant and resistant to external influences.
Very often, doors are covered with special substances so that over time they will not rust and not lose their presentable appearance.
Entrance metal doors with insulation are available in the widest color range, however dark shades are considered the most relevant for selection: black, gray, silver, brown, dark green and some others. Products in dark colors are perfect for installation in private homes, cottages or cottages.This choice of buyers due to the fact that the dark products do not require for meticulous care.
For apartments, you can choose the door and more light, for example, cream or even white.
However, it is worth noting that light metal doors will have to be cared for more often, since the slightest dirt on them will immediately be visible. Perhaps that is why many buyers opt for dark colors, considering them less catchy and more practical.
What kind of insulation is better?
Warm doors are a guarantee that in cold weather you probably will not know what a draft is or excessive cold in the house. It is impossible to say which filler will be better, because it is necessary to judge about this or that product only by general characteristics, and not by any specific ones.
Insulate metal doors with:
- Polyfoam (as the main material), foam (as an additional) and polyurethane foam (to fill the voids of the ribs). All these fillers are used mainly in expensive models belonging to the class Lux. Therefore, with all confidence we can say that they are among the best.
- Also, doors are often insulated with soft insulators, which include glass wool and mineral wool. Their thermal insulation characteristics are very similar, so it cannot be said that they are full of significant differences. The important point here is that the doors with such insulation are suitable only for apartments. For private houses, they are undesirable, since cotton wool does not always “experience” various sharp temperature drops.
- To hard insulation include penoplex. Often the doors with it are not very expensive, and many buyers do it themselves with the help of this material to insulate the entrance metal doors. This insulation is ideal if you want to mark the door in a cottage or a country house.
- By the inflatable insulation include polyurethane foam. Doors with this insulation are quite expensive, but they probably will last for many years and will not fail even in the most severe frost.
It is also important to note that in addition to the main insulation inside the product itself, the doors are often insulated with rubber or silicone inserts, which make the products even more hermetic and insulated.
Summarizing, we can safely say that the correct choice of insulation will depend on which room you install the door.
Do I need to seal the box?
The entrance door must be warm and airtight so that the cold from the street does not enter the dwelling, which is why the door frame is insulated. Often, it is she who is the main cause of heat loss. Usually for this purpose, a special rubber sealant with glue is used, which is installed on the zone of junction of the door leaf to the box along the entire perimeter. This is done to ensure that the whole structure is insulated even at the joints.
Many buyers are wondering what fill the voids and stiffeners inside the door. Usually professional and expensive heat-insulating materials are used for this. Sometimes in stores with building materials you can find ready-made kits for insulation of exterior metal doors, but according to many experts, they are not of the highest quality. That is why it is better to seek help from specialists for additional door insulation or to purchase ready-made options.
How to choose?
For any dwelling, whether it is a country or private house or a cottage, a reliable door is always required. The most important thing when looking for a suitable door is to choose the one that is filled with special insulation. All specifications should be clarified directly from the manufacturer where you go to purchase the product, as the consultant does not always give a full and detailed description.
It is very important to clarify what material is used to insulate the door. Many models are often insulated with cellular cardboard, its strength is quite high. But the iron doors with a heater of thin foam is not recommended, because this material is not a quality insulation.
One of the best and best options for purchase, many experts believe doors with basalt insulation. But it is very important to buy models only from trusted vendors, because if this type of insulation is located incorrectly, there is a risk that mineral fibers will become unusable over time, and hence the thermal conductivity will decrease.
Professionally designed and manufactured doors with mineral fiber, which is fixed over the entire area of the product, will definitely serve for many years.No less popular are the models with thermal break, which create ideal conditions for thermoregulation around the door.
It is not recommended to purchase metal products, as filler for which sawdust is used. Despite the fact that such doors are advantageous in price, they do not have high rates of thermal conductivity.
For industrial enterprises, doors with a high degree of protection and insulation are recommended, since they must be not only durable, but also durable.
In this video you will find explanations on the topic.