Iron entrance doors for a private house

Entrance doors are an integral part of any housing, which is why many people pay close attention to their selection. The doors to the house should be reliable, safe, practical and, of course, they should please the eye of the household and create a feeling of comfort not only from the inside, but also from the outside of the house itself.
Iron entrance doors can be a great solution for a purchase, because they meet even the most demanding requirements.
About what features and varieties they have, you will learn further. You can also learn more about the manufacturers of such building materials and beautiful solutions in the use of iron doors.
Special features
Many buyers prefer only metal doors, namely, iron and steel, because this material is considered very reliable and durable.
Iron products have a lot of other advantages and features, which include:
- Metal doors are available in a huge range, they have various designs. At their production the most different modern technologies are applied and only checked materials are used. In addition, only true professionals work on their creation.
- To date, the domestic market of building materials offers a lot of iron entrance doors, which are no worse than in Europe. They can be installed both in private houses and cottages, and in apartments.
- By themselves, metal products are considered durable. Their lifespan can be more than a dozen years; therefore, acquiring such doors, you can be sure that they will serve the proper time.
- It is very important to note that, despite the fact that the metal is considered heavy, it is easy to install doors of this type. Nevertheless, for professional installation it is best to use the services of specialists, who will certainly arrange the proper installation according to all the rules.
- Iron doors perfectly tolerate temperature extremes.Suitable even for harsh climate. In addition, such products are moisture-resistant, which means that as entrance doors they are among the most sought after.
- Do not be afraid that with time the iron will start to rust or corrosion will appear on it. Professional manufacturers of building materials always take care of additional coating for metals, which protects them for many years from external influences and the appearance of rust.
- Iron products are considered to be very unpretentious in the care, which means that they do not require specific and regular cleaning.
- Many manufacturers offer a very convenient option when any buyer can purchase custom-made iron doors according to individual measurements. This method of acquisition is considered the most convenient, since not all fit the standard model.
- Also, such products are remarkable for their heat and sound insulation, thanks to which you can forget about street drafts and other sounds forever.
Among the huge range of metal entrance doors you can find the following options:
- Shockproof
- Fireproof.
- Hermetic.
- Sound insulation.
- Bulletproof.
The most durable models are shockproof and bulletproof. The latter set in the event that the property must be secured to the maximum. Mostly they are chosen for non-residential buildings.
For the standard protection of a private house, iron models are perfect, which are no less reliable and multifunctional.
It is also important to note that whatever door you choose, you need to look at its technical indicators and characteristics. If these figures are high, then the product can be safely considered as shockproof.
Also, the entrance door for a private house can be divided into:
- Swing (the most popular and profitable models, which at all times were considered practical and durable).
- Sliding (iron models are considered to be quite expensive, a professional locking system is often installed in them. Thanks to this system, no intruder gets into the dwelling).
By type of product of this kind can be:
- Single leaf (when there is only one sheet of iron).
- Double-leaf (when there are two identical iron sash).
Many models of metal doors with a thermal break are considered to be very warm, they are perfect for both private and country houses, as well as for cottages and other private properties.
Many manufacturers offer a lot of standard door sizes, however, it is no exception that any buyer can order a product according to their own measurements. It's over, and it will cost more. If you are not sure that you independently correctly measured the opening where the future door will be installed, it is best to use the help of specialists.
The standard size of any metal door in our country is considered to be 203 by 90 cm. Of course, these measurements may vary depending on different conditions, but the majority of domestic manufacturers and Russian brands are guided by this indicator.
Other standard sizes of metal doors with insulation can also include:
- 865 - 2050 millimeters.
- 905 - 2070 millimeters.
- 985 - 2070 millimeters.
It is important to note that the opening must be slightly larger so as not to cause unnecessary installation problems.
Imported products may not coincide with domestic standard sizes.That is why all the information about foreign goods should be clarified from the supplier or the company where you want to purchase this kind of product for your home.
Color solutions
Iron doors can be produced in a wide range of colors, however, dark shades are considered the most popular. They are not too catchy, besides they will not be overly visible pollution. This is especially important, since such products do not require regular cleaning, and it does not make sense to wash the entrance doors after each rain.
Metal doors for private homes are most in demand in black, gray, silver and brown shades of enamel. Light colors, of course, is no exception, but they are chosen the least. The colors of average demand are red, burgundy, purple and dark green.
However, the color of the future product should be chosen based not only on one’s own preferences, but also on the fact that the doors should be in perfect harmony with the house's facing.
In addition, they must competently fit into the interior of the home. Agree that if you choose a cream product, and inside the house the whole interior is red or acidic, such a door will obviously not be in harmony with the whole situation.Therefore, in addition to the safety and reliability of the product, it is very important to pay attention to color, because it plays no less important role than other characteristics.
Manufacturers Overview
Today, many experts in the construction industry strongly recommend paying attention to domestic brands engaged in the sale of building materials. Since for many years now, the quality of domestically produced goods is no worse than foreign. By all the quality criteria, Russian-made goods comply with international ones. Many products from Russian brands receive a lot of enthusiastic reviews from both customers and craftsmen:
- Particular attention should be paid to the brand. Barswhich has been working in our country for over 20 years. At Bars you can find a huge assortment of steel doors that can easily fit any private house. The advantages of this brand are that all its products have impeccable quality and reliability, as well as their attractive appearance. Doors can be ordered with additional protection against burglary and even with a biometric system, thanks to which only the owners can access the apartments.
- In the Russian market you can also find excellent models of steel doors in "Neman". This brand is not very extensive range, however, to a particular product, you can choose a variety of modifications.
- We also recommend to pay attention to the Russian brand. Torex. For many years, the plant of this company has already established itself as an excellent manufacturer of high-quality building materials at quite affordable prices. Many buyers leave a lot of positive feedback about Torex products.
- Steel door factory Guardian also in high demand among many buyers. Among the huge range of products of this brand, you can find a variety of models of doors that will easily secure the home. Guardian products are manufactured with a reliable and functional locking system and meet the highest class of strength.
How to choose and what to put?
Some useful tips:
- Many experts note that the doors opening to the outside, allow you to keep the room more heat than those that open inside.
- Sliding metal models are perfect for a country house, however, they can cost a decent amount, therefore, are considered less relevant for purchases. Yes, and put them more difficult.But if you are interested in a sliding iron door, it should be noted that its choice should be made even during the construction process, since very often the walls have to be adjusted and reworked for such products. In addition, such models require serious and professional installation.
- Double doors are best purchased for installation in wide openings, this is done so that a uniform load is distributed on the hinges.
- When choosing a metal door, it is best to give preference to models with a width of at least 90 cm, since it must be borne in mind that a lot of dimensional things will have to be entered through the entrance for home improvement.
- When choosing a street door for a cottage, private house or townhouse, it is best to give preference to licensed stores that have been engaged in sales of such products for years. It is also very important to select the desired model directly in the store. To inspect it and clarify all the technical specifications. Internet purchases can not completely replace the entire process of choosing building materials directly in the store of a company.
Beautiful examples
The doors to the house, at the first glance at them, form a general impression about the whole situation, which is why it is very important to choose them correctly.
- Metal doors with forging and glass look very beautiful and not ordinary. They will be a great solution for installation in a country house.
- White satin doors made of metal with a small décor of forging in gold will look expensive and elegant.
Dimensional forged products with glass or stained glass windows are most often made to order, but they look like real works of art.
- Completely monochrome models without unnecessary details are suitable for such tenants who love the style of minimalism. A colored iron doors fit perfectly into the homes of creative individuals.
- When choosing a door to a country wooden house, it is best to pay attention to the plain metal versions of the canvas without glass.
The more abundant the decoration on the product is, the more expensive it will look, however, if the house itself is full of various decorations and decorations, it is best to pay attention to products with a minimum of details.
Further, see tips on how to choose and install an iron entrance door.