Sizes of entrance doors

When choosing such an important element in an apartment as an entrance door, at the same time many different factors should be taken into account at once: material, design, shape, color, and so on. Of course, one of the most important parameters of the door is the size. In this article, we will consider the various sizes of entrance doors, their standards and selection rules.
What are the?
Doors in general and entrance doors in particular - this is the element without which no apartment, private house or cottage can do. Due to the constant demand and demand in the construction market of this product, its choice and range is truly diverse: all sorts of materials, a huge number of colors and decorative elements, a variety of designs and, of course, a large selection in size.
The dimensions of the entrance doors are varied and designed soso that every buyer can find a model that is suitable for himself and his apartment (or at home): because there are so many of them. Whatever the apartment type, size or other parameters, there must always be a suitable model on the door market.
First of all, it is worth mentioning such door models as single doors. Their second name is single. Judging by the name itself, it is easy and simple to guess what this type of door is. A single, or single, entrance door is a single piece leaf that is inserted into the frame. The width of this type of construction of a single door usually does not exceed 100-110 cm: a larger door may be more likely to fall into another category (for example, double or double doors, which will be discussed below).
This model is the most common and popular. Its main advantage lies in the fact that if the buyer has difficulty in choosing this important element for a house or apartment, he can acquire this look, and the door will almost certainly fit into any interior and any apartment design.
However, this model is pretty boring. However, this is only at first glance: with the help of various decorative elements, as well as a variety of materials and unusual bright colors, you can transform a typical boring door to the last squeak of designer fashion.
The second type is double or double. Mostly products of this type are purchased for subsequent installation in the doorway of the entrance to a private house or cottage, but there are still exceptions. Entrance to a room decorated with this type of product will always look special, luxurious, formal, status and rich. However, to install this design a sufficiently large opening and the same wide size of the door frame are neededwhich is rarely available even in homes.
If you really want to have exactly this type of entrance door, that is, double-wing, but the dimensions and parameters of the door frame do not allow this, there is always a backup option that can help - these are one and a half doors. Again, from the very name it is quite easy to guess that such a structure is in its parameters in the middle between single-leaf and double-leaf.
They are distinguished by their not quite standard, increased size. This type has a number of individual advantages: it is easy to carry large loads through it to a house or apartment, while it does not take up extra space in the doorway and doorframe. In addition, such doors are very often technical, hermetic and have a durable and reliable coating and material.
Another rather unusual option is the so-called external entrance door. Usually this type is installed on the “street-house” border and is operated in slightly more severe conditions, unlike the usual type of door. In this regard, more stringent requirements are imposed on it.
A big plus of the exterior doors is that by acquiring them you can be absolutely sure that during operation this product will always be reliable, strong and resistant. It remains unchanged in all weather conditions and under the influence of negative factors, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer and the quality of the goods. When buying such a product, it is better to overpay than to save money and get an unreliable door, which will soon need to be replaced again.
At this standard varieties of entrance doors end. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, designs, so that after getting acquainted with the classification of these products, any buyer can easily find the right one for him.
Standard Dimensions
Typical dimensions of the product is another important parameter when choosing the size of entrance doors. In the furniture market, you can find models that vary in parameters, non-standard and atypical, but such parameters as width, height and door length have their own standards. They allow you to make their installation and subsequent operation convenient and efficient.
These very standards of dimensions are established by GOST. Four main indicators are considered: width, length and height, thickness. In the case of a standard entrance door for a standard doorway the width must be at least 900 or 910 mm. This size allows you to comfortably use the door as residents or guests, and carry small and medium-sized items, such as furniture.
Each door type mentioned above also has its own standards.Thus, for single or single doors, the width should be about 1010 mm (a change of 10-15 mm is allowed). For one and a half dimensions are more diverse. Since there are no clear parameters and frames for them, they are 1550, 1500-1510 and 1310 mm wide. These figures are significantly different from the previous variety.
As for double-sided structures, their width is even larger: about 1910 and 1950 mm. As a rule, there are no special regulations and standards regarding the length and height - it all depends only on the length of the wall and on the height of the doorway. However, the height typical of a standard doorway is in the range of approximately 2070–2370 mm.
A curious fact: the exact value is usually determined by calculating the ratio of the total height of the room ceiling to the width of the door leaf.
The next important indicator and parameter - thickness - has no special standard sizes. It usually depends on the individual construction, on its model, on the materials used in manufacturing, on the purpose. It is important that the entrance door is wide enough for comfortable and trouble-free implementation of the main function of the door - closing and opening.
Most often, the thickness of the front door is much more than any other ordinary apartment or house, which distinguishes it from others. It seems more massive, important, visible. Also, do not forget that when choosing the front door in thickness, you need to remember about the need for measurements such as the thickness of the box and the walls.
Above were described the main decisions when choosing dimensions for the front door. At the same time, it is worthwhile to take into account the fact that these are average markings, suitable only for typical entrance doors. Some unique cases, of which there are many, and the dimensions, dimensions and dimensions necessary for them, should be considered separately, individually, which is done below.
The ideal option for such a door is a door leaf with a box. Operation and installation of the design of such a product is much easier than in the case of a simple entrance door of the standard type, and with the help of such a door model, the entrance to a private house or apartment will be as close to ideal as possible in terms of compliance with state standards and in the design sense.
An important question for many is the rules for choosing the model of the front door in the “Khrushchev”.Due to the size and other parameters of this apartment, the choice of product often becomes difficult. Often, "Khrushchev" do not meet the standard parameters and indicators, for example, according to GOST, and they require a separate refinement in the definition of the door parameters. There are several useful tips that can help in determining the size of the entrance door to the "Khrushchev".
You can choose the first path: expanding the opening, bring it to such values, which are regulated by SNiPs. Before this process, you must make sure that the block, whose parameters will be increased in size, will not interfere with the free movement of neighbors. Such a problem may arise from the small space in such houses. The openings are often located extremely close to each other.
The second way is as follows: the passage remains with the old dimensions and parameters, but a new metal block is made to order. After completing the measurements of the opening, the master can easily make a suitable product. As a result, we get the following dimensions of the door in the five-story building: width — no more than 800 mm, height — no more than 2000 mm.These are standard, well-sized for this type of apartment.
The next question is the choice of doors for panel houses. The panel house of the old building has its own tricks and features when choosing the dimensions of the entrance doors. The main feature of these buildings and its difference from the others are in the most standardized layouts. This is a uniform distribution of the amount of space, the same arrangement of rooms and rooms.
Firstly, the thickness of the sheet of a door made of metal should be between 1.2 m and just 2 mm. It should be quite tough, durability and reliability are important, because in prefabricated houses there is not such developed protection against room burglary. As for the other points, such as length, height, width, etc., there are no special standards here: everything depends either on GOST standards or on the design of the door frame, door leaf, aperture, and others.
The next species that is also worth mentioning is insulated entrance doors. By the name it becomes clear that these are products that have heat-conducting and heat-retaining materials capable of maintaining a relatively high temperature in the room.These doors are the most functional and are perfect for any type of apartment.
The main essence of these doors is that they must be sufficiently large in thickness and as secure as possible. At the same time, the parameters and dimensions of the doors must be calculated so that the entire fabric of the product along with the entire volume of insulation materials and coatings fits in the doorway. For the rest, there are no special standards for sizes that would be worth paying special attention to. Dimensions for entrance doors in the “stalinka” cardinally differ. A standard door with a length of two meters will not fit here.
There are two ways: either dismantling the door and adjusting it to the doorway and wall thickness, or choosing and buying a door with non-standard dimensions. The second option is quite problematic, so you should think about dismantling. To rework the door for the stalinki, it is necessary to lower the door opening. This is a difficult job that requires a lot of effort, and the result can sometimes turn out to be in the bad unexpected.
Because of all the factors, it is worth mentioning the size and parameters of the door, which is suitable for any “Stalin”. The height must be exactly 2050 mm.As for the width, it can be different here, it all depends on the desire of the buyer and the owner of the apartment or on the wall design: either 860 mm, or 960, or 1200 or 1300 mm. The remaining parameters, such as thickness and so on, remain standard. Not all are happy owners of cottages, but it is worth mentioning the size of the doors for this type of houses. Dimensions of such products are typical.
The dimensions of the door unit are usually about 2000 * 800 mm, the box has a standard size of 50 mm. Most often, the thickness of the web is from 40 to 45 mm. As for the opening angle, it is 180 degrees, the casing has such parameters of length and width as 40 * 2 mm. These parameters are suitable not only for cottages, but also in any residential house, as well as for a country house, for example, to give.
In any other private house, these door sizes will be relevant, practical and functional.
Atypical options
In addition to the standard options for doors and their sizes, such as, for example, a door for a private house, for a “Khrushchev”, for a “stalinka”, a cottage or a dacha, there are also atypical, unusual, bright and different versions distinguished from the rest.Below will be described in detail about some well-known and popular with customers.
Chinese entrance doors are a practical, economical and reliable solution for a home or any type of apartment. They are almost always inexpensive and have a distinctive, original design - it’s not for nothing that everything Chinese, oriental always has its own unique, inimitable individuality. This includes a variety of ornaments related to Chinese culture and art, as well as a special production technology that differs from the standard European one.
Together with the production technology and design in these doors also differ in size. The following types belong to standard dimensions of similar Chinese products: 860 * 2050 mm, 960 * 2050 mm and many others. It is worth noting that there is a difference from standard European doors. Such dimensions and parameters will be very advantageous to fit into the scheme of constructing some individual apartments and private houses, as well as villas and cottages.
The desire to decorate your front door - a business card of the home, to distinguish it from the rest of the gray and boring often makes people go to the most desperate options.
Sometimes the doors are decorated with various stone rings, images of animals, patterns. This requires additional calculations and correlation of the sizes and parameters of an unusual design with the dimensions of the doorway.
To increase the size of the entrance doors will help create a structure without sharp corners. To do this, you need to change the configuration of the doorway. In this case, it is necessary to turn the doorway from standard to arched. The cost of such models and door designs are not cheap (about 50,000 rubles), but such an original and unusual design solution is worth it.
It is worth mentioning also about the peculiarities of the sizes of the entrance doors made of glass, which can be of different types: transparent, mirror, matte or colorless, as well as tinted. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that to install such a structure before starting it is necessary to make blanks with dimensions ranging from 8 to 12 mm. Otherwise, all the parameters of this type are standard according to GOST.
How to choose the right door?
The main destination for the front door is to protect the apartment or house from possible unwanted entry into it.Therefore, when choosing this item first It is necessary to pay attention to its protective function and how the product copes with it:
- Plays a significant role material. The most reliable and one of the most common materials is metal, and the thickness of the door leaf of this material should be from 1 to 2 mm. This will allow the door to withstand the strongest blows and protect it from any negative impacts.
- Role play also construction and dimensions of the entrance door. They need to be determined and measured, based on the type of building structure, on its type, on the dimensions of the doorway (which, if you try hard, you can also change it, as mentioned above).
As already noted, for different types of apartments and houses, the parameters and standards are individual: for “Khrushchev” or five-story buildings - one, for “Stalinok” - other.
- Play an important role locksthat are mounted on the door. Most often they are installed separately, but this mechanism is extremely important, so that it is simply impossible not to mention in this article. A reliable, high-quality and properly selected lock is important and simply necessary for any apartment.
- An important role is played by and colors, shades of materials and patternsdepicted on the product. If the owner of an apartment, house or cottage wants to keep the interior of his home beautiful and in a design stylish way, then this should be given special attention. This is one of the key elements of any house, which immediately catches the eye and is a kind of “cover”, according to which guests judge both the dwelling and the wealth of its owners. It all depends on the imagination and personal preferences of the buyer, but such detail should be carefully considered before purchase.
Doors with individual non-standard sizes and unusual designs, made of shaped pipes, will be an excellent option. Such products are distinguished by a huge range of textures and colors. There are also a variety of materials that are able to decorate this design. There are also such decorative elements as laminated panels or vinyl artificial leather.
One of the most non-standard examples is sliding or automatic doors, and hinged doors also belong to them. They have a fairly high cost, but it is justified. Such addition to the house or cottage will make it fashionable and modern.
Glass doors of extremely durable materials always look spectacular and stylish. They require special care and more frequent care, but still have one of the most attractive looks of all types of entrance doors.
How to choose the front door, see the following video.