Insulated wooden doors

The temperature inside the house depends on many factors. Entrance doors often let in cold air, as they have low thermal insulation. Manufacturers of these structures are trying to minimize this factor as much as possible. Today on the market there are several types of such systems, among which one should single out insulated entrance wooden doors. They not only keep warm well, but are durable.
What are we for?
Entrance doors cause drafts and cold air to enter the premises. This leads to an increase in heating costs, and also leads to the appearance of mold. Very often, similar structures were installed on the balcony, where the same problems arose.
The solution to this problem are insulated door leafs.Street models perfectly maintain temperature drops in winter, and also perfectly retain their original parameters. Therefore, many owners often change old products for this product.
The warm door allows you to solve several problems:
- The product minimizes heat loss.. This makes it possible to maintain the optimum temperature inside the house and reduce the amount of fuel for heating it. This is achieved through several layers of insulation, which eliminates almost all the cracks.
- Door leaf has high sound insulation parameters. External sounds and smells will not penetrate the house. This will allow you to create an optimal microclimate inside.
- A warm door prevents condensation from forming on its surface.. This is achieved due to the fact that there is no temperature difference. Water does not destroy the surface of the canvas and the walls where it settles.
Such type of doors can be used both in private, and in the multi-storey building. Quality models are made of durable wood species that are durable and unique decorative characteristics.
The warmed doors from a tree are popular very much for a long time.They perfectly withstand frosts, as well as withstand temperature changes. One of the drawbacks of this product is that wood must be constantly maintained in order to prevent the occurrence of large cracks.
Such a construction consists of several main layers:
- Frame. It is made from solid wood or from bars of a certain thickness, which are sheathed with MDF or chipboard sheets. The first version of the door leaf is of high quality and is the main one on the market.
- Compactor. It is attached over a wooden sheet - with glue or furniture nails. To give beauty from above, all this can be sheathed with decorative fabric. All these materials are selected for specific climatic conditions of the area where the house is located. This allows minimizing their destruction and ensuring a long service life.
Please note that the insulation can be located both on the outside or the inside, and cover both parts. The last option is practiced quite rarely, because qualitatively insulated on one side of the door can provide the desired effect.
Today, there are models of doors in which the seal is located inside a wooden box. This structure provides better insulation, and also retains a unique wood design. The cost of such products is much higher than the price of structures that are upholstered with insulation on top.
To minimize heat loss, the doors are made with a small lunge. It is intended to close the gaps between the box and the canvas. Many options are complemented by special seals, which exclude the occurrence of holes in the closed state of the doors.
To make the door original, put decorative plates on top of the trim.
They are made from MDF sheets or veneers of various wood species (oak, beech, hornbeam, pear, walnut, and so on). Their shape can be different, which allows you to give volume and beauty. Some types of insulated doors can be supplemented with inserted glass, but such structures are already much more expensive than conventional counterparts.
The better to warm?
Today, wooden doors are used in many private houses or apartments, but they do not have sufficient thermal insulation characteristics.For insulation of a balcony system or canvas in a country house, you can use several types of materials, their set:
- Foam rubber. It is a foamed polyurethane that perfectly retains heat. Today on the market there are several types of foam rubber, which differ in density and thickness.
For door upholstery should use a set of material with a thickness of at least 30 mm. If the winters are cold, then this parameter can be increased. Rollers are also made of it, which are installed around the perimeter of the web in order to eliminate the movement of cold air.
- Izolon. The best option would be an isolated variety of this product. On the one hand, it is covered with foil, which reflects heat more carefully. The thickness of the sheet isolon can also be different.
Please note that the thermal insulation performance of this product is much higher than foam rubber. This allows you to achieve the desired results when using thinner sheets.
- Batting and felt. They were used as insulators earlier. Today, they are becoming less common, as they are quickly tracked and lose their original parameters.Sometimes they are used as an additional layer - in multilayer insulation systems.
- Mineral wool. This material perfectly retains heat, and also does not burn and does not support combustion. But sheets of wool have a considerable thickness, which will affect the external dimensions of the door leaf. This material can accumulate moisture, which leads to its rapid caking. To eliminate this factor, mineral wool is placed between layers of insulation film.
- Polyfoam (penoplex). One of the cheapest and affordable insulation. This substance retains heat well, but can also accumulate moisture. Therefore, it should be insulated, as in the case of mineral wool.
One of the drawbacks of this material is that it burns beautifully. At the same time, it also releases harmful substances into the air, which have a very negative effect on the human body. There are several types of foam on the market, which allows you to pick it up both in thickness and density.
- the cloth. This material is auxiliary, as it is used for decorative plating of previously considered heaters. Today, for such purposes they use both dermatin and natural leather. They are another additional layer that increases the level of insulation.
- Rubber. This material is used as an auxiliary. From it make seals that are attached to the door leaf. This eliminates the occurrence of drafts that are formed in the cracks. Today on the market you can find many types of seals, which differ in shape and method of installation.
You can use almost any of these materials in a farmhouse. The main thing - to choose the desired thickness of the layer, which will provide the optimal level of insulation.
How to do it right?
Warming a wooden door can be done by hand, it is quite simple. It is important to understand that ready-made structures can be sheathed only outside the canvas. The algorithm for the implementation of this procedure consists of several consecutive steps:
- Dismantling door leaf. This will greatly simplify its upholstery - both from the inside and outside (relative to the room).
- Fastening heat insulator to the surface of the canvas. The material is fixed in several ways, it depends on the material used.
- Covering sheets with decorative fabric. It not only decorates the surface, but also additionally retain the heat insulator.
- Laying seals. Such materials are used if you need to provide full thermal insulation. To do this, the seals are attached around the perimeter of the door leaf. It is important that when closing they tightly connected, eliminating the occurrence of cracks.
Some experts recommend installing rollers together with seals. These designs are small foam cylinders that are wrapped in the same fabric as the door. They are attached to the box so that they close the gap. They are located on the side to which the door does not open.
As for the door upholstery, it can be carried out in several ways, which depend on the chosen heater:
- Sheathing This is the easiest way to do this job easily enough. To do this, often use foam rubber and dermatin. Foam rubber is placed on the surface of the canvas, and then covered with its upholstery fabric. After that, the material is nailed to the tree with the help of decorative nails. Attachment points are selected individually, the main thing is that the fabric is kept on the surface of the doors.Please note that this technology can be used not only with foam rubber, but also with isolon, mineral wool. It is important to choose high-quality fabric upholstery that will hold this system.
- Frame finish. So you can warm almost all types of insulation. The technology involves the construction of a rigid frame around the perimeter of the canvas. As materials used wooden strips of a certain thickness. They are screwed to the door with screws or nailed. To ensure the optimal level of support for insulation, you should nail several horizontal partitions of the same bars.
Such frames can be constructed on both sides of the canvas. Such a two-circuit system will provide a higher level of insulation.
After that, insulator sheets are placed inside the frame. It can be either mineral wool or foam. Fixation is carried out with the help of liquid nails or a stapler.
Today, many doors are made by Finnish technology, which involves several layers of different insulation. This approach can be used with self-insulation structures.Here you can combine foam rubber, mineral wool and foam.
The process ends with the attachment of the upper decorative trim to the frame made. The simplest option would be a chipboard sheet, which is cut to the size of the door. Sometimes you can use metal sheets or other similar products.
The quality of insulation depends not only on the structure of the door leaf. Gaps can also occur in the joints between the wall and the box. This is due to the fact that the holes are filled with foam, which eventually loses its properties and cracks. Sometimes the box itself can also sink, resulting in the formation of slots.
To make a wooden door really warm, you should eliminate all these factors. For this you need to find all kinds of holes and seal them. Sometimes cold can penetrate through damaged fittings, so it is important to pay attention to its condition. If it is in poor condition, it is better to replace it with new elements.
Insulated wooden doors are unique designs that significantly reduce heat loss.. It is important to give preference to quality products that are made by well-known companies.
You can learn how to make a warmed wooden entrance door by watching the following video.