Entrance doors for a country house

It is from the front door that the appearance of any home begins. The door should not only look beautiful, but also have to be reliable, durable and have good thermal insulation. Properly selected door will help to avoid many problems in operation - ice, corrosion and condensation, and, of course, the penetration of unwanted guests.
All entrance doors can be classified according to several types.
The first type of classification is based on the production material:
- Metallic.
- Out of wood.
- Plastic.
- Glass.
- Thermo-doors.
Let us dwell on each type of door:
- Many people prefer to put metal doors, because they are stronger than other materials, and therefore more reliable and will last longer.Canvas metal construction with proper use and proper care will serve the owners for more than a dozen years. They have increased protection against burglaries and intrusions, have reliable technological locks. Such doors are frost-resistant due to the non-freezing fabric, perfectly suited to preserve heat in the house.
- Wooden doors in the installation - the second most popular. They are eco-friendly, suitable for lovers of natural materials. Such designs require additional protection in the form of a paint coating, as they are subject to mechanical stress. If the canvas is made of high-quality wood and processed properly, then this door will serve the owners for many years.
It is accepted to subdivide wooden doors into panel and made of solid wood. The wood canvas is filled with either a solid block of wood, or is made of glued together array. Glued array is cheaper.
The quality of the canvas can be determined by manufacturing technology. The wood should be thoroughly dried. Raw wood will cause cracks and, therefore, deformation of the door.Proper bonding is carried out using high-quality adhesive products at a given temperature.
The top paint coating is applied in three layers, with the use of layer-by-layer sanding. This will ensure resistance to moisture. Wooden canvases are made of oak, mahogany, ash, walnut, cherry. Oak canvases are famous for their durability. The yellow tree darkens with time.
Elite models are made of mahogany, so they are much more expensive. Ash has a rich range of natural shades - from grayish-pink to darker burgundy. Walnut is very durable, but easy to process. Shield models are made of shields about 3 centimeters thick. They can be solid and hollow inside.
To increase the strength of a wooden door, you can use a profile made of aluminum or steel corners. Due to this, the strength of the canvas will increase and according to its characteristics it will not yield to metal models. The use of several bolts in the locks and anti-vandal accessories will also favorably affect the strengthening of the protection of the doors.
- Plastic models on the market are presented in large quantities.Reasonable prices for plastic doors will delight any buyer. Such models are comfortable to use, it is possible to complete the door with specialized electronic systems. For strength inside the plastic itself, additional structures for reinforcement are installed.
- PVC doors protect the house from excessive street noise. The canvas itself can be insulated, have reliable protection against temperature changes and precipitation, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period. A variety of models of plastic doors, a large range of design ideas will delight any sophisticated buyer. Depending on the wishes of the buyer, you can choose the necessary model.
- Glass doors gaining particular popularity. Their most important advantage is a beautiful and unusual appearance. Through the use of this model in the room penetrates more natural sunlight, glass gives a feeling of lightness.
Another positive side is the resistance of the glass to adverse weather conditions, temperature extremes. Glass perfectly retains its properties, both during severe winter frosts, when it is especially necessary to warm the home, and in the summer heat. Material is not subject to corrosion.
Glass doors can be subdivided into several subspecies:
- Doors with standard plain glass. This door is quite fragile, it can be easily damaged, having even a small impact.
- Models with more dense double-glazed windows. Reliable and withstand mechanical stress.
- Products with reinforced glass. Can withstand when using power tools.
- Models with armored glass. The design withstands a variety of methods of exposure, can withstand the manifestation of natural disasters.
The safest version of the glass door are models with tempered double-glazed windows and triplex systems. Such models endure a mechanical impact.
Another indisputable advantage of glass doors is the ability to combine various materials when creating the fabric of the product. In the manufacture of the body of the product is used: wood, metal (steel, aluminum, etc.), plastic. Glass inserts - small “windows” are embedded in the finished case. You can use stained glass ornaments.
It is also important to note that many avoid the use of glass products due to the reluctance of owners to “be on a universalReview. " Excessive "openness" will help to avoid designs with frosted or tinted (colored) glass. It will not affect the properties of glass - the heat and sound insulation will remain the same, and the light will also penetrate the house.
Thermo-doors will be the perfect solution for home. Such models are manufactured using special technologies, therefore, have high thermal insulation. This technology is called thermal break.
Components inside the box and door leaf are connected to external elements using special insulators. This eliminates the possibility of penetration of cold streams. A layer of thermo-reflective foil is mounted inside the door frame. The so-called thermos effect is created. A triple coating is applied to the metal part of the door, which gives protection against deformation and temperature difference.
It should be separately distinguished elite models of entrance doors. They are usually made from a metal like steel. For decoration use high-quality and expensive wood species - mahogany, oak, walnut. Such models are peculiar to the highest class of protection.
Inside, such models are filled with mineral wool.Mineral wool is a good heat insulator, it is a non-combustible material.
Luxury door hinges are equipped with anti-cuts, thanks to which it is almost impossible to remove it from the hinges. The robbers will not be able to cut such loops either, since special armored covers are located near the loops. The handle and door lock area are also equipped with additional penetration protection.
All doors can be divided into:
- Shockproof Each model with good strength can be called shockproof.
- Bulletproof. The most reliable types. Have the maximum degree of protection. At their production only the best and strong alloys of metals are used.
- Sound insulation. Pretty rare look. The main purpose is the partial or complete absorption of external sounds and noises.
By the way of opening the entrance doors are divided into swing and sliding. If the entrance door swings open to the outside, then less heat leaves the house than from the door that opens into the room.
The degree of resistance to dissection also plays an important role. Doors of class 1 cannot be opened with ordinary tools.The second class of resistance against break-ins is characterized by the fact that the structure cannot be cracked using mechanical tools. Class 3 - eliminates the possibility of penetration using electric tools. Well, the 4th class is armored doors.
In an ordinary country house, it is desirable to install products with at least 2 or 3 degrees of protection against penetration.
Often in the houses put just two doors. In this case, the first performs a protective role, it is more robust, protected from penetration and hacking. The second acts as a protective factor for the preservation of heat in the room. It is desirable that in this case the installed canvases are made of different materials.
All the above types of products will help the inexperienced buyer to navigate and select the desired model of the front door for your home.
When buying a door, it is important to choose models whose weeding is made from a sheet of steel. Sheet thickness should vary from 1.3 to 2 millimeters. The greater the thickness of the metal, the stronger and safer the design.
Models from the inside are enhanced by metal ribs.Stiffeners are divided into longitudinal, transverse and combined. The door frame should be made of metal with a thickness of at least 0.3 - 0.5 centimeters. Profile shape - U-shaped.
To protect against cold air masses need reliable insulation. The insulating layer is made of mineral wool, polystyrene foam. Other materials with low heat conductivity can also be used.
To the door most organically fit into the general view of the house, you can install a carport. It will provide a comfortable entrance to the house, protect the steps and the door leaf itself from the unfavorable external environment, and will give harmony and completeness to the appearance of the dwelling.
By the size of the entrance door design can be divided into:
- Single leaf - have a single solid canvas. Universal version, which is most often used in residential buildings.
- One and a half - consist of two shutters. The most commonly used one of the valves. The other acts as an auxiliary and is used only in rare cases (for example, when transferring large equipment or furniture).
- Double leaf - consist of two identical valves, which are used equally.
When choosing the size of the door, you should take into account the fact that in the future it may be possible to bring in or take out large furniture, things and equipment. All items should fit freely in the opening and not cling to the wall. In general, it is desirable that the opening be at least 90-100 centimeters in width, and two meters in height.
The materials from which the entrance doors for a country house are made, are quite different. These are metal, plastic, wood, glass. The choice of material from which the door structure is made is dictated not only by the overall design and appearance of the house, but also by the preferences of the owners.
Many prefer metal models because they embody reliability and protection. When choosing a metal door, it is worth exploring the characteristics of the product, which are usually painted in the attached documents:
- The box of this model is made of two sheets - facial and internal. The front (outer) layer is solid. The strength of the structure depends on the thickness of the sheet. The minimum thickness is one and a half millimeters.If the thickness exceeds 4 millimeters, the door will become hard to open, as the weight of the canvas will increase significantly.
Such a model is advisable to install in holiday homes, where the owners do not live all year round. This will help reduce the risk of unwanted guests entering the house or cottage.
- Wooden models although they are inferior in strength to metal, they still have a number of their undeniable merits. Such products are environmentally friendly, as they are made of natural natural material - wood, the design has a significantly lower weight, enhanced sound insulation and heat insulation properties.
Wooden doors have the ability to resist corrosion. If wood has undergone a good processing process, the product will serve its owners for a very long time. The most durable woods are oak, teak, walnut and beech.
It is necessary to dwell on the existing shortcomings of wooden doors. If the fabric was made with obvious violations of the drying process of wood or it was not sufficiently saturated with a protective coating (that is, varnish), then this will lead to further rapid destruction of the product during operation.Wood is an unstable material, it is exposed to temperature changes, high humidity and external adverse factors. In the event of a fire, such models quickly ignite and burn.
The price for natural materials - wood, logs - is much higher than for metal structures. Low cost options are created from cheaper wood, which is usually not strong enough. Such options are good for interior doors. Experts advise installing wooden doors in a private country house, taking into account quality locks and fasteners.
- Plastic models have several advantages. This is, above all, a wide range of models on the market. A rich color palette, the ability to imitate various materials (for wood, stone), glass decor and other elements - all this is an indisputable advantage of such products.
Plastic has good sound insulation, so the street noise will not be terrible for the house owners. The whole structure is airtight. Such models are easy to maintain and operate, perfectly tolerate all weather conditions - temperature fluctuations, precipitation, high humidity.Resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
With proper use of this canvas does not need replacement or repair. For reliability, plastic sheets are reinforced with a metal frame. Product price will also delight buyers.
Design and finish
When choosing the front door, it is important to consider the architectural structure of the house itself and the entrance to it, as well as the presence of the entrance and lighting. The outdoor door must withstand external influences, temperature changes, precipitation and humidity.
Experts do not recommend trimming outdoor structures with wood chip materials - this is chipboard, MDF. They interact poorly with moisture, so under the influence of precipitation, snow and rain will become unsuitable for use. Hammer paint will help to retain moisture. This color creates a very durable coating that is suitable for harsh climatic conditions.
Viniplast is also suitable for facing doors, it is moisture-resistant, but not frost-resistant. At -20º С material becomes more brittle, brittle and does not withstand strong mechanical stress. Modern doors in the production are equipped with high-quality coatings.The coating has both a protective and decorative function.
Which is better to put outdoor products?
If we talk about the doors for country houses and cottages, it is important to remember that they must be strong, safe, protected from the penetration of cold and excessive noise, have a good locking system. Any good manufacturer manufactures its products according to current standards.
It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer about which entrance door to choose. The choice of the door is affected by a huge number of factors. This may include the budget allocated for the purchase of the product, the preferences of the owners of the house, the overall design and appearance of the house, as well as weather conditions. The right door will be the final accent in the design of your home.
What you should pay attention to when choosing doors:
- Reliability.
- Soundproofing.
- The quality of the product.
- Heat protection.
- Wear resistance.
- Design.
- Protection against penetration (high-quality locking system).
The last point is especially important. Properly selected locks will protect you and your family from criminal intrusions. For example, if you chose a wooden door to a private house, then make sure that it is equipped with a high-quality locking system. This will protect your home from thieves and vandals.
Beautiful options for street doors
Any owner wants to choose a beautiful and practical door for their home. And no matter what kind of house it is (cottage type or a simple house from a bar), a correctly selected door will complete the image of the house as a whole and will please the owners for a long time.
How to choose the front door for a country house, see the following video.