Features wall decor in the living room

We rarely decide on a radical reorganization in the apartment, but even redecorating will help to significantly update the interior. One of the easiest ways to change the design of a living room is to update the walls.
In addition, if you are doing repairs in a new apartment, first of all you should think about the design of the walls, because they largely determine the appearance of the room. If you are in doubt about which finishing method to choose, it is worth considering the actual modern options.
General rules
Wall decor is always striking, so it is important that it is stylish and harmonious. If you want to properly decorate the walls in the living room, you need to take into account the size and layout of the room. Before you think through the design, check out a number of simple rules formulated by modern experts:
- In a small room the decor should be as minimalistic as possible. As a finish, suitable staining, plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a very small ornamental print. If you are going to hang pictures or photos, they should be medium in size and there should not be too many of them.
- An empty wall in the spacious living room can be decorated with wallpaper or a large painting with a landscape or abstraction. If you have formed an empty wall in a small room, it is better to arrange a few small paintings on it, a clock or a collage.
- Decorating a spacious living room can be an exciting process. On the walls you can place moldings, tapestries, paintings, photographs, unusual bookshelves, mirrors, lamps or pots with indoor flowers. It all depends on the style in which you want to design your living room. However, whichever option you choose, the decor in the spacious room is necessary so that it is comfortable and it does not look faceless.
- If your apartment is not perfectly finished with a rough finish in an apartment, you should not make the walls smooth - paste them with wallpaper or make a relief paint - for example, paint can be applied with strokes or spraying. Such a decoration does not interfere with the subsequent interesting decor.
- Pay attention to the color scheme of the walls - in small-sized rooms it is better to stick to light pastel colors, and owners of a large living room can afford to dark shades.
Bright colors are best avoided in the finish, but they are excellent as bright accents.
- In a small living room try to use more glossy surfaces in the decor. This may be ordinary mirrors, ceiling lamps for wall lamps or reproduction of paintings and photographs under glass. Such solutions will visually expand the space, making your room look brighter and more spacious.
- It is important that the decor of the walls fit into the overall design concept of the entire room. For example, if you are going to create a classic style, you should not make a wooden finish, and if you furnish a living room in a country style, fashionable photos on glass plates will not look appropriate. In the case when you adhere to the eclectic design that is fashionable now, when combining diverse elements it is very important that they all combine with each other.
Ways of decor
The decor of the walls in the living room can be extremely diverse - some of its types are easy to implement,and to create other design options have to work hard or even resort to the help of professionals.
Consider the following fashionable ways to decorate walls in a room:
- You can decorate painted walls or areas with wallpaper for painting with wall painting or drawings. You can make a simple ornamental painting on the walls yourself - it is enough to cut stencils out of paper and gently apply paint. If you want to draw not ornaments, but a landscape or a city panorama, you will most likely have to resort to the help of professional designers.
Also note that large-scale drawings are not suitable for textured wallpaper for painting.
- In the room can be placed on the wall interesting panels - You can even create it with your own hands. You will need beautiful waste fabric, beads and buttons, ribbons, glass, stones and shells - from all this you can create an excellent decorative composition. You can also make your own collage by cutting out pictures from magazines and inscriptions that inspire you, adding pictures, clippings from fabric and stickers. This is a great decor option for the hall in a modern style, as well as for a youth apartment.
- Photo - This is another great way to decorate the walls in your living room.You can beat the decor: this will help bright photo frames or unusual arrangement of the images themselves. Photos always make the room much more comfortable. Even if you have simple white walls and a simple design - hang up children and family photos with pleasant moments of your life, they will become a highlight of the interior.
- Bright posters - This is a great and easy way to decorate the walls in the youth modern living room. Posters in the style of pop art will look great: they will bring a retro look to the modern design and perfectly highlight any decoration. In addition, the color range of such posters is so diverse that you will surely find suitable options.
- Metal decorations can also be placed on the walls. It is easy to find forged or lighter metal structures in stores - openwork grilles, abstract shapes, metal pots for pots with flowers, framing for mirrors, watches and coat hooks. Arrange such options can be in classic and modern interiors.
- Now popular wall decorations with moldings - This is a plastic lining on the walls, which can have very different shapes.Originally moldings were attributes of the classical style and baroque style in the interior, but now you can find other options that will fit into any interior.
- If you have a country style design, you can decorate the walls with boards. It will look very stylish and unusual, will allow you to feel like a part of nature and enjoy eco-friendly design even in a city apartment.
- Often modern the interiors of the halls are decorated with ceramic tilesstylized brick or stone. This decor will look good on plain painted walls. Decor under the brick will fit into the style of modern, hi-tech, Provencal style and eclecticism.
We decorate the wall behind the sofa
Wall decor in the hall is often hampered by high cabinets and windows - they often violate the composition. If you have a small living room in which you need to fit a lot of furniture, you will be left with a relatively empty wall behind the sofa.
That she should pay special attention when choosing a decor:
- Best of all over the sofas look pictures. It is good if you find an elongated composition that will maximally repeat the shape of the sofa - such a solution will look harmonious and will once again not split up the space.It can also look good composition of several paintings or photographs, which is folded into an elongated shape.
- Tapestries especially stylish can look exactly over the sofa - they will create an additional comfort, make the decor of the room truly homely, habitable and distinctive.
- Often it is on the sofas that the walls are painted.. For this, monotonous plant, floral or abstract patterns are best suited. For a full picture, a wall with a sofa is not the best place, because the sofa will block the lower part. However, if you want to sketch out the individual elements, such as the roofs of the houses, the sunset, the branches of the trees, this can be done over the sofa.
Also, the space is ideal for abstract images in the style of minimalism.
- The wall with the sofa is excellent can be decorated with masonry tiles. It will allow to allocate an area with soft furniture, create a unique atmosphere and comfort.
- If you have a living room in the now fashionable colonial style, you can decorate the wall behind the sofa with decorative maps of the world, ceramic dishes or wooden masks - it will look very interesting and unusual.
Bright accents
In any living room, regardless of its footage, layout, decoration and interior style, bright accents are needed. It is the little things that stand out in the interior that allow you to create an interesting design. Decorations and accessories on the walls are very important.
Consider the following ways to place accents in your room interior:
- First of all, you can consider various moldings. They are not limited to white color and classic form - now you can find bright and interesting options in the form of flowers, silhouettes of people, trees or abstract elements. Such decorations will make your living room bright, modern and interesting.
- Accents in the interior can be not only bright and beautiful, but also functional. For example, now you can find all sorts of options for hanging wall shelves on the walls. They can be made of plastic, wood, metal or stained glass, have the most different shapes and colors. In addition to the fact that such products will significantly diversify the interior, they will also be functionally useful - this is especially true for small living rooms, in which you want to use the space especially effectively.
- Wall lights are also very unusual - you just need to choose a design that fits into the overall design of your living room. If you like experiments and modern solutions, you can choose lamps with colored light for additional lighting.
Blue, pink or green lamps will create a unique romantic atmosphere in your living room.
- Pictures, panels and posters can also serve as bright accents. In this case, it is not necessary to choose paintings and printed materials in flashy bright colors. The main thing is that the color gamut of the images contrasts with the color of the walls. For example, on a background of dark walls, paintings in pastel shades will look bright, and if you have a pale finish, a dark picture or a poster can become a noticeable accent.
Beautiful examples
To decide on the choice of the best option for wall decor in the living room can be difficult. To choose the best option for your room, consider stylish examples of decor in different types of interiors:
- In a trendy eclectic style Décor is now popular with fabrics: you can hang one wall with a similarity of curtains or stretch a beautiful fabric onto the frames and hang such images instead of paintings.Such options can look very bright, original and interesting.
- If you have a room setting hi-tech style, best of all abstract painting and all kinds of metal decorations will fit into such an interior. Golden and silver surfaces are now in fashion, they are suitable for both large and small-sized living rooms. In addition, abstract patterns and metal will look equally good with wooden and plastic furniture.
- Although classic interiors To minimalism, it is very important that they have decorative accents. This can help refined white moldings and wall lamps in the form of candelabra.
Decorative stucco will also allow to diversify the decoration and add luxury to the interior.
- For Provencal style Wood trim, painted white and painted with floral patterns, can be a great fit. You can also decorate the walls with simple paintings in pastel colors and family photographs in antique frames.
- For modern style bright paintings in wooden frames, wooden clocks and brickwork will do. Such an interior can be very cozy and stylish.
- If you have a living room colonial style, walls can be decorated with ceramics, wooden steering wheel, decorative maps, masks, wooden carvings. So your living room will look like the home of a real traveler with a unique atmosphere.
In the next video you will find a master class on making an interior decor - a wall panel made of wood.