Fireplace set

Fireplace kits are useful and functional accessories, they become indispensable tools for the care of this element of the interior. Fireplace kits contain all the necessary tools, so you don’t have to go shopping and choose individual tools that generally need to be combined and look harmonious with each other. A set of forging fireplaces will be an ideal part of the interior, transforming the room in which the fireplace is located.
Choosing a fireplace set you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It may be:
- Steel - is particularly popular for the production of sets for the fireplace, as it has high strength and scratch resistance, as well as increased heat-resistant characteristics. Fireplace tools made of steel are durable and sophisticated accessories.
- Brass - has good casting properties and is used for decorating castings.
- Cast iron is an inexpensive metal, which in its wear-resistant and durable characteristics is not inferior to steel. Cast iron is an excellent metal for forging sets.
- Bronze is a more expensive and noble alloy. Bronze is used for sets of forging with artistic casting of elements.
In addition, the tools for the fireplace sets are covered with special paint, which increases their durability and heat resistance.
Basic tools
Fireplace tools do not only take care of it, but are also decorative elements that allow you to decorate and diversify any interior of the room where the fireplace is located.
Basic fireplace care tools:
- Poker or Peak - used to split or mix coals, scoop the ashes when the wood burns out. In appearance, the poker looks like a metal rod, rectangular or rounded at the bottom. The handle of the spikes can be bent into a ring so that it is convenient to hang it when not in use. There are pokers, in which the handle has holes for each finger.The handle can be wooden, ceramic or covered with special paint, so that you do not care for your hands when you mix coals. The poker or peak should have the following properties - to be durable, heavy and tenacious.
- Brush or panicle - designed to sweep away the ash, clean the smoke box and the lower part of the pipe. Therefore, the brushes have a long enough handle so that you can easily carry out this operation. Most often, the bristles for the panicle are made from natural materials, such as horsehair. Bristles made of synthetic material will easily ignite or melt.
- Scoop - is designed so that you can collect and take out the burnt logs and ashes. The scoop should be made of sufficiently thick metal. Otherwise, the scoop edges will be subject to deformation with its constant use for cleaning the fireplace. The scoops must be very durable to withstand the weight of the coals. The handle must not be bent under the weight of ash and waste coal. There are models of scoops, which can change the handle if it has become unusable.
- Nippers - are used for folding logs, coal transfer.Using charcoal tongs, your hands will always remain clean.
There are 2 types of forceps:
- in the form of scissors;
- in the form of tweezers.
Both types of forceps can be with or without a handle.
On average, fireplace care tools have a height of 70 cm. In some cases, the handles can go up to 80 cm. Sets 35–40 cm high are more aesthetic than practical and are used as decorations and additions to a gas and electric fireplace.
All tools for the care of the fireplace should be located in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace. Tools for the care of the fireplace can be hung on the fireplace itself or on the wall near the fireplace. But they will look more organic if they are placed on a special stand called serviter. This adaptation will organically fit into an interior of the room in which there is a fireplace. Serviter will create a unique design of your room.
Additional tools
Some manufacturers of fireplace sets are not limited to the four listed tools, but supplement their sets with other accessories that will be useful to you for caring for the fireplace.Made in the same style, they will look harmonious, and you will always have on hand all the necessary tools for the care of the fireplace.
Additional tools:
- Drovnitsa - this tool is designed to store firewood or coal. Thanks to the presence of a wood fire pit, you will have no problem choosing a place to place firewood. It will also protect your floor from excess debris, such as slivers, bark or dust. Drovnitsy have original design. Sometimes the owners of gas fireplaces get fireboxes to complete the design of the room. They can be on wheels, which simplifies the process of moving logs.
- Chimney grill or screen - perform two functions, on the one hand protect the room from the departing hot coals or sparks, and on the other - decorative, complementing the design of the fireplace. Fireplace screens are of various models, for example, classic bronze forging or modern, equipped with heat-resistant glass. Elements of forging add charm to the chimney grill. Fireplace grates in shape may resemble a picture, coat of arms or a screen. As an additional decoration, fireplace screens are purchased even for electric fireplaces.
- Bucket for coal and ash - if you use charcoal for kindling, then take care of purchasing a beautifully decorated bucket for coal. In this case, the charcoal can be stored near the fireplace. You can also purchase a separate ash bucket. The ash cools down for a very long time, so as not to wait for a long time and not suffer from cleaning, you should take care of buying a bucket for the ash. Made of special heat-resistant material, it will not melt, even if you pour out hot coals. Thanks to the interesting design, the buckets for coal and ash will perfectly fit into the interior of the room where the fireplace is located.
Types of sets
There are several types of sets for the care of the fireplace, which should be selected based on your interior, and also paying attention to the appearance of the fireplace.
The main types of fireplace sets:
- Classic - such a set for the care of a fireplace is suitable for any interior and fireplace. An example would be black tools made of brass on a stand with plain wood and fireplace screens.
- Forging - will be an excellent addition to the fireplace, made in an unusual or original style, the main focus of which is on the use of interesting design solutions.
- The original sets for the care of the fireplace can be made in a unique style (for example, in the form of knights), and in addition to the basic set of tools, include a large number of additional practical tools.
If you prefer the high-tech style, you can opt for simple tools for the fireplace, which thanks to polished steel will shine, reflecting the flames.
Forging fireplace sets will greatly decorate the interior of the room in which they will be located. Forging fireplace kits come in two forms:
- Wall view - you have to attach this set to the wall in the room where the fireplace is located.
- A classic look with a stand is the most popular option, since such a kit does not need an extra mount. Thanks to the elegant forms, it looks great with a fireplace of various configurations.
Forging fireplace sets transform any room by adding a bit of antiquity, comfort and warmth to it. They emphasize the extraordinary and unique design of an apartment or a country house, and also transform a sauna into a fantastic corner.
Who said that the times of brave knights have long been sunk into oblivion? As before, the knights on guard order. They can protect and be a great addition to your fireplace. Fireplace set "Knight" will be an outstanding addition to your interior.
The set of "Knight" includes all the necessary tools for the care of the fireplace: poker, tongs, scoop and brush. They are made in the same style and perfectly fit the figure of a knight.
Set for the fireplace "Knight" will be an excellent decoration of a country mansion, an apartment with high ceilings or a director's office. He focuses on the high status of the owners and will demonstrate their excellent taste. Set for the fireplace "Knight" will not leave indifferent your guests, they will pay attention to him. Due to the presence of all the necessary tools for the care of the fireplace set "Knight" will perform not only decorative and aesthetic, but also practical function.
The set for the care of the fireplace should be of high quality, practical, esthetically fit into the interior of the room, complementing it. Tools for the fireplace should also have the properties:
- durability - serve you more than one year;
- be resistant to corrosion;
- be made of durable materials;
- Do not succumb to mechanical stress.
If you want your fireplace care kit to have these properties, then when choosing your fireplace sets, give preference to proven manufacturers.
When stopping your choice on one or another fireplace set, remember that the original style should not be to the detriment of the functional purpose of this set. If you buy sets for a gas or electric fireplace, then nothing restricts you. After all, the main goal of such sets is to decorate and create a unique interior in the room where the fireplace is located.
When stopping your choice on one or another fireplace set, remember that the original style should not be to the detriment of the functional purpose of this set. If you buy sets for a gas or electric fireplace, then nothing restricts you. After all, the main goal of such sets is to decorate and create a unique interior in the room where the fireplace is located.