Laying carpet: ways and recommendations

Since ancient times, people have used carpets for home insulation. And if earlier they were considered a symbol of wealth and wealth, then since the last century, carpets have become an everyday element of the life of each family. Currently, there are many different types of carpets, which differ from each other in composition and design. One of the most popular types is carpet, which has a lot of positive qualities combined with an affordable price.
What it is?
Carpet is a floor covering consisting of synthetic materials. Its basis can consist of one or two layers, representing a dense artificial fabric with nap interlacings or two bases fastened with pile.The carpet product has good sound insulation, which has a good effect on a comfortable stay in the room. Due to its synthetic origin, it has a low cost, but despite this, it can withstand any temperature and humidity. This covering can be laid in any room, except for places with high humidity. It perfectly retains heat and heats the floor on cold days.
Unfortunately, carpet because of its composition can cause allergies, so not all people can afford to purchase it.
The product is made in different ways: by needling, needling, flocking, weaving. Weaving is the oldest method of making carpets, characterized by increased complexity and expenditure of a huge amount of time. Woven products consist of a jute base, on which weave and tie knots. They are of excellent quality, and therefore have a high cost. When needle-stitching, a base is used through which the pile thread is removed. In this case, on the front side, the loops should have a certain height, while on the other side, the threads are fixed with adhesive means.To strengthen the cloth from the wrong side, use jute, felt, action-back or rubber.
Needle punching is the production of cloths with the help of special needles, equipped with sharp notches instead of standard ears. Making movements up and down, they intertwine fibers in an interesting way, forming a canvas. Outwardly, it resembles a felt product and has high wear resistance. The most innovative manufacturing method is flocking. To obtain a canvas, synthetic electric field is affected by synthetic fibers. Electrified, the villi take a vertical position, melting and fixing themselves in a carpet base. The result is a product with a soft structure that is resistant to moisture and wear. Given the characteristics of each method of manufacture, you can choose the perfect product that fits a specific space. For example, in the bathroom it is best to lay a flocked coating that is not afraid of changes in humidity and water abundance.
It is possible to distinguish a carpet product by the material of manufacture. Among them are the following types:
- Natural yarn may consist of wool or plant materials.Usually, cloths are made from 100% wool or from mixed materials, including a certain percentage of wool. This is necessary so that the product does not lose its original appearance for a long time and retains its properties. Wool fabric has the flexibility, strength and ability to retain heat. But natural yarn is prone to electrification and can become a breeding moth.
- Artificial Yarn consists of synthetic materials: polyacryl, polyamide, polyester and olefin. This carpet has a high wear resistance and insect resistance. And most importantly, it has an affordable price.
- Nylon It is distinguished from other materials by density, wear resistance and resistance to deformation. He is able to maintain his appearance for a long time, even under the pressure of heavy furniture. Polyamide fibers are treated with a special solution, which eliminates the occurrence of a static charge on them.
- Polyester It is highly resistant to mechanical stress and fire. It is important that bacteria and fungi do not accumulate on it. Externally, polyester products are characterized by a long nap and a synthetic sheen.They are similar to wool, but are much inferior to natural wool in their characteristics.
- Polypropylene by itself is not prone to the formation of a static charge, but it does not differ in high wear resistance and fire resistance. It is difficult to paint, so it is painted in the production process. The polypropylene canvas tolerates moisture and ultraviolet radiation, but it is not resistant to the formation of stains from fatty substances.
Subfloors for flooring
The base for laying carpet can be wooden, concrete or be a dull parquet or linoleum. The wooden floor before laying the canvas on it is sure to grind and nail the nails into the wooden planks. At the same time nail heads should not bulge, and sit deep. The base under the carpet can serve as plywood. To do this, sheets of plywood cover the floor, hiding all its irregularities, and only then mounted on top of an artificial canvas. In modern apartments, flooring is often the flooring. In order not to spoil its appearance, before laying the carpet it is necessary to install a special substrate orto lay a felt product.
Concrete floors are considered to be the best for the device of synthetic carpets, because they are in great need of insulation. But the concrete must first be plastered or plastered and primed to hide cracks and irregularities. If the stone surface has serious flaws, then the work on its restoration may be delayed. When, when a heated floor is installed indoors, a short nap carpet is usedso as not to interfere with heat transfer. Heated floor can be of several types: water, film, infrared and electric. Sometimes for insulation of floors use foam. In this case, any artificial canvas will do. It is best to lay the product on a laminate on a felt, because it will not damage the floor surface. But on the tile you can put any canvas, if it is not laid in the bathroom.
If indoors a laminate plays the role of a floor covering, then carpet can be laid on it only in the absence of visible defects.
Thus, the laminate should be smooth, without blistering and other deformations. The ideal option is considered to be laminated to the floor laminate, which will not move and deteriorate.
Mounting methods
In order to preserve the original look of the carpet and extend its service life, it is very important to properly lay it down. The laying of the cloth is possible only after the completion of finishing work. This is to prevent contamination and damage to the fabric. The advantage of carpet products is that their installation does not require serious floor preparation. They can be laid almost anywhere and on any surface. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the floor surface from dust and dirt and dry it. In the room itself should be the optimum temperature not lower than 15 degrees. And so that the cloth acclimatized, you need to leave it in this room for one day.
There can be several ways of laying carpet: free installation, adhesive installation and stretching. Of course, you need to lay the canvas with the subsequent consolidation. After all the unfixed product will constantly move and slidethat will reduce the level of security when moving. In addition, flat walls and right angles are usually rare in apartments, so the path on one side of the wall will be high, and on the other it will not even touch it.
Free laying with fixation perimeter is the most affordable method of installation. The carpet in this case should have a slightly larger size than the floor area. For the correct location of the sheet is placed on the floor so that it falls on the wall a few centimeters. After that, it must be leveled using a roller and cut off the edges. At the end of the work, the product is fixed with a plinth, and the passage is fixed with an iron rail. This method is well suited for small premises, which only one piece of carpet.
Fixing on double sided tape - This is the most common method of placing carpet cover, which requires a serious treatment of the floor surface. Adhesive tape is available in different sizes and can have a width of 6.3 cm to 15 cm. Therefore, the desired width is chosen based on the type of carpet that was selected for installation.
To fix the product, adhesive tape is glued to the floor around the perimeter of the selected area and in a checkerboard pattern, without opening the adhesive tape. The canvas, having a slightly larger floor area, is placed on the surface so that its edges slightly fall onto the walls.After that, remove the upper layer from the double-sided tape and secure the carpet. In conclusion, the excess parts are cut off with a special knife, and the joints are closed with a plinth. Laying carpet with adhesive tape can be applied in any room dimensions.
Glue fixing considered an obsolete method of fixing carpet, because it is used once and for all. It is almost impossible to remove the old glue without damaging the floor and the canvas, especially if the glue base was applied with uneven layers or taped on a deformed and dirty floor.
Apply glue having a universal composition, you need a special serrated dispenser. Its appearance and size depends on the type of flooring on which you want to mount carpet. The notch profile is required to control the uniform distribution of the adhesive. Direct adhesive installation can be applied in rooms with a concrete or wooden floor. This may be hardboard, particleboard or plywood. It is impossible to apply glue on a laminate or linoleum, since there is a high probability of a chemical reaction.
When buying a product, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room in order to purchase it in one sheet.To join several pieces, you must put them parallel to each other, given the location of the pile and the picture.
But the joining of two panels is a little different: both pieces are not fully glued, leaving 5 cm at the edges. One sheet is superimposed on the other overlap, after which they take a special tool and cut off the excess. At the end of the work, the edges of the panels are raised and smeared with glue. And for reliable fixing from above install any heavy subject. It is necessary to clean the edges smoothly to create an inconspicuous seam. For maximum accuracy, you must use a tape measure.
Tension or Stretching Technology, is used when you do not want to resort to the adhesive method. Along the walls, you first need to fix the slats with nails arranged in two rows and at an angle of 45. Using special tools, the canvas is leveled and fixed. Under the product must necessarily be a substrate that helps retain heat and absorb sounds. Stretching technology is well suited for an apartment or a small office. The main thing is that all the styling elements match each other.
Whichever method of laying would not be chosen, it is important to initially put the product correctly and smooth it. It is necessary to do everything carefully so that at the end of the work there are no visible joints and seams. At home, you need to cut the carpet with a special knife.
Advantages and disadvantages
Rolled carpets, like any other coating, has its pros and cons. The main advantage of the carpet is its low thermal conductivity, which allows you to freely walk on it barefoot, not being afraid to freeze.
The carpet has a soft structure, which also has good sound insulation. A firmly fixed sheet will protect movement, will not slip and clump. You can put carpet in almost any place with concrete, wooden, tiled and other types of bases. At the same time, the installation itself will not take much time and effort. It is also good that the product is easy to clean. And for this it does not need to be removed from the floor. It is enough to treat it as it is contaminated with cleaning agents.
The disadvantages of carpet can be attributed to its ability to quickly accumulate dust, which can cause an allergic reaction.In addition, insects can build up in its fibers. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the cloth several times more often than any other coating.
Selecting a product for the home, you need to know where to put it, and where in no case it is impossible. In the living room it is better to lay tufted canvas with high pile. This will help create additional comfort in the room and soften the floor. Taking into account user feedback, we can conclude that the best in the apartment is to lay nylon, polyester, polypropylene or polyacrylic carpet. They retain color well and retain their original shape. But nylon has a high price, so not all people can afford it.
In the hallway and in the hallway, the coverage should be even without a high nap. Therefore, it is better to choose a single-layer product.
Variants of placement in the interior
You can lay carpet not only on the floor, but also on the stairs. To do this, use two methods: "waterfall" and "cap". Under the waterfall refers to the location of a solid sheet of coating, which must be laid from top to bottom. And the cap means laying each step in a separate piece of the product.Ladder, upholstered roll carpet, looks spectacular.
Some people fix the carpet on the walls to enhance the insulation and sound insulation of the room. The good thing is that synthetic products have many different colors, so you can decorate the wall in any color. A canvas with a short nap from a distance will look like wallpaper or plaster. Laying the cloth is necessary on the backing to ensure the safety of movement. In addition, the substrate allows you to extend the life of the flooring and make it more soft surface.
Carpet for the bedroom should be selected on the external characteristics and texture. In the bedroom it is not necessary to lay the product of high moisture resistance and dirt resistance, so you can choose any version you like.
In the nursery, it is usually necessary to resort to cleaning, so the carpet must have a short nap and synthetic composition. In the flooring stores you can find a product with a child theme to add originality to the room. Organically look carpet with a short nap in the kitchen.It is desirable that he had a dark shade to hide possible pollution. And for the kitchen-dining room is best to choose a combination of coatings, increasing their practicality and protection from stains. You can combine tile and carpet or laminate and carpet, placing roll carpet in the dining area. In a classic style, brown or beige panels with gold patterns will look good. And in a rustic or eco-style carpets imitating green grass will harmoniously blend in.
On how to lay carpet, see the following video.