Bathroom mats

To create a luxurious interior, you need to pay attention to the little things. The most insignificant at first glance, the details can change or transform any design. Even if you decorate the bathroom with the most expensive fixtures and beautiful fashionable tiles, but put a small inconspicuous mat there or decide to do without it, the repair of this room will seem unfinished. Even such a product is able to place accents in the bathroom and make it more interesting and bright.
Special features
Bathroom mats perform a special role. They can be the completion of the interior of this room. Having picked up a beautiful designer rug, you can beautifully place accents in this room. The aesthetic function is very important, but the mat also has another duty - security.
So, many people make tiled bathroom floors. But due to moisture on it, it becomes very slippery. It is so easy to fall and hurt yourself about the hard surfaces of plumbing. Also, standing on even a dry coating with raw feet, you can easily slip. That is why a rug is a very important bathroom.
Also feature of this product is that it allows you to get out less often in the bathroom. After you leave the bath, you step on the floor with wet feet. On it are traces that, after drying, look like divorces. That is why, when you step on a rug, it absorbs excess moisture and you don’t have to wash the floor from deliveries.
Another feature of the bath mat is that the product makes bathing more enjoyable. Once you get out of the warm bath, you do not have to stand on a cold tile with your important legs. A rug near the toilet or bath makes it easier to position your feet on the floor. Also in the bathrooms very often put a few mats, which create a single interesting ensemble.
If you have a joint bathroom, then such products can be put around all the plumbing.When separate bathroom also used the same rugs, although they are located in different rooms.
The rug always matches the interior of the bathroom and perfectly completes it.
All bath mats are divided into 2 types:
- On the floor to the bathroom. This type of floor mats is placed on the floor so that you can step on it, leaving after a bath or shower. It prevents slipping and makes the bathing process more comfortable.
- In the bath. It is located directly in the bath or shower. It is necessary in order not to fall while standing while swimming. It is pleasant to step on them, they make visiting the bath more secure. Such products are purchased for both adults and children. These are usually rubber or silicone models that do not absorb moisture.
They are very pleasant to the touch and completely non-slip. These rugs are selected according to the size of the bath or shower. It is very important that he does not go beyond its limit. Some models of such rugs are coated in the form of a grid.
There are also children's bath mats. They will perform the same function as adults, protecting your baby from falling.But usually they have a brighter and more interesting design. They are both monophonic and color. They also differ in form. There are models with interesting drawings in the form of cartoon characters.
All rugs that are placed directly in the bathroom and around it can be:
- roll;
- detachable.
You need to select them based on personal preferences. Any such rug requires special care. They need to be washed daily and dried after bathing. Also for their washing or washing must be used. disinfectants.
Make sure that the model, which is placed directly in the bath, does not fall hair. Otherwise, such a rug may not lie too firmly. Also there are very reliable models on suckers. They are firmly fixed to the floor of the bath, shower or to the floor and completely eliminate slipping.
Some models, in addition to its main functions, are performed by others. Very comfortable is heated mat. To attack him after the bathroom will be many times more pleasant than on the cold tile. Orthopedic rug can also be purchased. He will perform the massage function, to step on it with his feet will be not only very pleasant, but also useful.
Now in the plumbing stores you can see a large number of different size bathroom mats. These can be large rolls or, conversely, small islands. It is better if such a carpet will occupy no more than 75% of the floor space in the bathroom. Standard are rectangular models 70x120 cm and square products 100x100. In the combined bathroom is better to get a few small rugs for different functional areas.
If you have a small bathroom, then a small rug is more suitable for it. If you put too many large carpets, they will limit the space, visually narrowing it. If you want to buy a few rugs, it is better to give preference to models 50x50 cm or 50x70. Two or three of these small products will be enough to arrange a bathroom.
Manufacturers offer bath mats in a variety of forms. The classic version is round carpet Such products can be put anywhere. There are also very comfortable models that have a notch in the form of a semicircle. They are very convenient to put near the sink or toilet, because they are as close as possible to the base of plumbing and prevent moisture from entering the floor.
The most convenient place in the bathroom rectangular or semicircular rugs. Such models can fit into any bath. There are also oval products. They are perfect for small areas. One standard oval rug will be enough to arrange such a room.
There are also very beautiful bath mats with an unusual design. There are models-legs, which in form resemble the mark left by animals. There are models in the form of feet. Also, some put baby mats in the bathrooms. They can also be of different sizes and shapes. Some of these products are made in the form of flowers, hearts or animals.
Very often, bathroom mats are made of rubber. This is a very inexpensive and popular option that is suitable for any floor covering in the bathroom. Those for whom functionality is the most important factor, prefer such models. Manufacturers make such rugs with a perfume so that the bathroom does not have a persistent smell of rubber.
Also, high-quality rubber models are made with the addition of antibacterial compounds. Such models do not absorb moisture and practically do not get dirty, they do not require special care. You will only have to disinfect such a rug occasionally. dry it after each visit to the bathroom. Silicone mat has similar qualities. But it is softer and more pleasant to the touch, therefore it is more preferable for feet.
There are also very practical PVC models. They do not absorb moisture, so they can contribute to the development of the fungus. They also need to be treated with disinfectants. These rugs do not slip on the floor and fit well to it. Such models are usually sold in rolls, so they can be laid in the bath itself, or on the floor.
You can buy a roll and cut it, spreading the rugs in the bathroom in the right places. The disadvantage of PVC models is that they are able to fade and change their external qualities from moisture over time, therefore, they are short-lived. Today, the most popular is the acrylic mat. It is quite budget for the price and very pleasant to the touch.
As a rule, such carpets on the top have a soft pleasant coating, and below they are made on the basis of silicone. That is why such carpets do not slip. They are very easy to wash and they dry very quickly. For this it will be enough just a couple of hours.Such models have a short pile in the form of so-called "pasta". They are resistant to temperature extremes and therefore very practical in everyday life.
Some buyers complain that such rugs tint wet feet. That is why you should give preference to only the highest quality color acrylic mats.
Now for the bath very often bought microfiber models. These are very soft floor mats that absolutely do not absorb odors and do not contribute to the spread of bacteria. They dry out very quickly and save your time. Such rugs do not tear and do not slip. The only disadvantage of such a coating is that it is unstable to temperature changes, so these models can not be used in bathrooms, where the floor is heated, and also dry on the battery.
Now very popular is bamboo option as well as models of stones. Buyers also praise the wooden mat very much, as it absorbs moisture well and dries very quickly. It is easy to care for him - it will be enough just to wash it. Such carpets do not cause problems with slipping, because their weight is quite impressive.
Wooden rugs are impregnated with material that prevents rotting of the tree in conditions of high humidity. As a rule, such models are purchased if the bathroom is decorated in eco style. Also there are very beautiful rugs with stones. They carry out both massage function, and stylistic. Their disadvantage is that they are cold.
They look very stylish and interesting in the interior of any bathroom. Stone mats can be rectangular or square. There are also interesting round models consisting of a large number of small pebbles.
Also in the bathroom you can buy and soft textile mats. So, you can lay a terry, cotton version, as well as models of knitted yarn. All of them look very beautiful, but they should definitely be squeezed and dried. The woven version is an absorbent rug, which allows you not to wipe your feet after a bath.
Polyurethane rugs are also popular. They are very resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity. Very durable are models of polyvinyl chloride foam. They have a fairly low cost and have high strength.Very often, children's rugs are made of such material, because they usually have a bright and interesting design and are not painted at all.
The color of the bath mat plays a big role in the interior design. First of all, you need to take into account the fact that you will be stepping on them. Therefore, it is better to buy darker models. In this case, it is better to buy a black and gray or black and white rug with the predominance of the first. A purple, green or terracotta option is also great.
Many people choose mats for the color range and style of the bathroom. For classic interior options, beige, light peach, brown models are suitable. In the light bath, you can put a pink or light yellow mat. Turquoise rug will perfectly fit into the bathroom, decorated in marine style. There are also sand-colored rugs. They are great for bathrooms with a marine-themed interior and resemble a sandy beach.
Some prefer to prefer the brighter options, buying a red, blue, blue, lime, lemon rug. So you can diversify the bathroom and place bright accents in it.And such a bright rug can be supported by other elements in the bathroom. In the same color, you can buy a soap box or soap, towels, another rug and other items. Interesting and look transparent silicone mats.
As for the light mat, the white version is perfect. absolutely not suitable for this room. He quickly gets dirty and will look unpresentable. Be sure to ensure that such a product is dyed evenly and accurately. Otherwise, it may change its color from exposure to moisture. Buying several different rugs, it is better to give preference to options in one color and with one texture. So the interior of the bathroom will look more harmonious and complete.
Few people buy plain-colored carpets for the bathroom. Most often try to buy the most unusual and original products with drawings. So, it looks very nice in the bathroom, decorated in a marine-style product, which depicts pebbles and shells. They support the marine theme and look very original.
In the green bathroom you can lay a bright rug with frogs.A plain rug with small or large images of these animals will do. Some get bright colored rugs for the bath. Models with poppies, roses, tulips are very popular. All of them look very bright and stylish, especially in rooms decorated in classical themes.
There are also rugs, which depict prints of hands and feet. Such a cool design will make the interior of any bathtub more interesting.
Which is better to choose?
When choosing plays a role as the appearance of the rug, as well as its quality and composition. Incorrectly chosen model can reduce your safety while you are in the bathroom and quickly lose their need. It is best to purchase options that can be attached to the floor. So, there are adhesive models or products on suction cups. They keep very securely and do not move when they stand on their feet.
A rug that slides over a tile is much more dangerous than the tile itself without such a rug. The mat should be pretty tight. It should absorb moisture well and not let it through. Such a product should not wipe and wear over time. Usually they are designed for long use.
It is important that the mat dries quickly. Otherwise, it will contribute to the development of fungus in your bathroom, which can later reach other rooms. It is better if such products will dry as quickly as possible. Try to give preference to models with a thicker and dense pile. They should also respond well to temperature extremes.
The rug should have a cover that is easy to care for. Do not forget that you have to wash it often. It is important to pay attention not only to the external coating, but also to the reverse side of such a product. Rugs that have a rubber or silicone coating on the bottom, are much stronger on the floor, but can collect moisture. That is why it is necessary to saturate the underside with an antibacterial composition.
When choosing a mat on suckers be sure to check how tightly they hold this product on the floor. There are models that, instead of fastening it, create irregularities and easily roll off.
Do not forget that suckers will not fix it in case they come into contact with chemical means. That is why buy models with the most reliable fasteners.
Topcoat also matters. It should be pleasant to the feet and not cause irritation. At the same time, both natural models and those made from synthetics are permissible. Choosing floor mats for the home on the bathroom floor, it is necessary to take into account their external qualities. So, a set of rugs in the bathroom looks harmonious. It is better if all the rugs are the same color.
Customer reviews show that the rugs around the sink get dirty much faster, so models with a long-fleece surface are not suitable for this zone. You can buy more simple in design, but stylish models that will be more practical. There are also luxury carpeting for the bathroom. It can be a warm mat that will make bathing more enjoyable.
It looks very nice model, crocheted. But such rugs become wet quickly, they need to be dried frequently. But at the same time they absorb moisture well. As for the products of the day of a bath or a shower, in this case it is better to purchase models in rolls.
You can roll out the roll in the bathroom and choose the size of the carpet you need. It is possible to cut its length and width.Such a product will fall perfectly on the bottom of the bath or shower and will not disturb you during washing.
How to wash?
It is no secret that rubber and silicone bath mats do not require washing at all. But the fleecy carpet you have to wash very often. Long-hair models can be washed in the car or by hand.
If you prefer machine washable, then it is better to put a rug in a special bag for washing. In this case, you need to use the delicate mode, in which the water temperature should not exceed 40 °.
Long nap models are the most difficult to care for. It is better to initially clean it with a brush, and then wash it with your hands if you are afraid to use a washing machine for this. If you have a rug, the upper surface of which is soft and the lower one is rubber, then wash it only with your hands. Under the influence of water temperature, even if it is slightly warmer than usual, the rubber coating may fall apart over time.
Any bath mat can be washed as follows:
- First you need to prepare a light soap solution and wet it with a soft bristled brush. Perfect fit equipment for cleaning clothes.
- brush it is necessary to gently clean the top soft side of the carpet.
- after that, the mat must be gently rinsed under a shower and not wrung out too much.
- then the mat must be completely dried. And it is better if it dries not in the bathroom. It is better to use natural room temperature and humidity for this. Do not put such products on the battery. The rubber coating is very unstable to temperature extremes. It is better to hang it in a well-ventilated area and allow it to dry naturally.
More tips on how to clean the carpet, you can learn from the video below.