We make the room carpet in the form of grass

The use of polyethylene materials imitating grass is very popular today. Such carpets decorate a variety of rooms.
Features of herbal patterns
Everyone knows that on the golf courses and football is often used unreal grass cover. However, until now, only the most “advanced” in design issues people decide to use this covering at home.
Carpet grass is great for indoor use. It reminds of summer, filling the inhabitants of the house with energy, relieves stress and tones.
Such products consist of artificial blades of grass implanted in a plastic border. While the villi may differ from each other in length and density, as well as in color.
Carpets made of artificial grass can be chosen for any room due to the variety of models and different prices.
Modern manufacturers produce models with different lengths of pile for a reason.This is an important indicator that determines where it is recommended to use the carpet, how to care for it.
So, carpets with a long fluffy pile, which is pleasant to the touch, are appropriate in residential premises, while more rigid models are most often used on the street or on the terrace.
No less important is the parameter of products such as density. That it most often affects the appearance and price of the carpet. The thicker the pile, the longer the carpet will look good, because such a coating has the ability to hide imperfections.
This carpet is suitable for walking barefoot or lying down. Typically, these models are offered by proven manufacturers, from higher quality materials, which affects the cost of the finished product.
Carpet-grass does not limit the designer in the solutions. You can lay a cover on the entire floor in the room. To do this, use artificial grass in rolls. You can arrange the material locally, in the middle or zoning certain areas.
Very popular option "room lawn", when the carpet is located in the center of the room, surrounded by other furnishings. Then it becomes a play area or simply represents a bright accent of the whole interior.
It must be said that this technique is used not only in homes, but also in children's, psychological centers. All because of the soothing effects of green that motivates people to interact and sincerity.
You can combine several different longitudinal carpets in the same room. This is a rather eccentric design option that requires impeccable taste. It is important to choose colors and textures that are ideally combined with each other.
Small mats are used to protect laminate or floorboard from damage - for example, the legs of a chair. You can rely them on the grass carpet, which will act in this situation as a reliable assistant.
A variety of designs of carpets of this type leaves room for imagination. You can choose the classic rectangular models of any size: from the door mat to a large product.
There are models of oval and round shapes, most resembling lawns. The same can be said about models with green squares.
In addition, carpet in the form of artificial grass is used to decorate and create local accents.You can decorate this material with individual pieces of furniture or use it in some other way.
Usually finished carpets do not imply the need for trimming. Some furniture stores provide ready-made options in the form of all sorts of drops and blots that look very impressive in the design of the room.
Of course, the favorite among carpets with a pile of artificial grass is green. It imitates natural coverage and is often not inferior to it in terms of relaxation and tranquility. However (unlike this herb), such a coating does not get dirty, it does not contain insects that can bite a person and cause all sorts of discomfort.
This color can have various shades: bright green, acid, lime, green-yellow. Naturally looks like a rug with beige splashes, reminiscent of slightly dried grass at the height of summer.
Among the models of grass-carpets, green is primarily taken into account, but there are many other colors that are not much reminiscent of wildlife. However, such products still have a special pile.
Carpets for indoor and outdoor produce in red and pink colors.They are suitable for those who like the idea of having an artificial lawn at home, but at the same time they do not want to see green in the interior. It can simply stand out from the overall orientation and color of the interior.
Products of other colors that are different from green, do not cause direct associations with lawns and grass, so they can be used in a variety of interiors.
The color palette of carpets is very rich. There are yellow, blue-violet, even black models. Dark products are not so popular among consumers, but they manage to find a buyer.
For different rooms
Carpet grass needs frequent care. We must ensure that it does not accumulate dust, microorganisms, all sorts of garbage. However, it is easy to remove all dirt and stains from it, which makes it an ideal option for any room in the house.
A small rectangular or oval rug with a hard pile can be laid in front of the entrance door. It will effectively remove the dirt from the soles in wet weather, while moisture will not stand in the material of the carpet. It is very easy to take care of it: it is enough to rinse the product with running water (with a certain frequency).
Black and other dark models are most popular for use in the hallway, since dirt on them is less noticeable, as are signs of wear.
Such carpets are used in bathrooms, as they are made of materials that are not afraid of moisture and are pleasant to the touch. Usually their pile is more delicate than that of the door versions, and is painted in brighter colors.
The kitchen is also suitable this type of flooring. It is only necessary to say that the plastic used for the production of carpet is a flammable material, it easily melts, so it is not recommended to place it in close proximity to open sources of fire and electrical appliances.
Oval or rectangular rug will be more appropriate in the dining area, it will create a feeling of eating in nature. In addition, since the kitchens in most apartments do not please with their spaciousness, it is recommended to cover the floor with such carpet only partially. Otherwise, there will be a feeling of clutter and carelessness.
Probably, most often this type of rug can be found in living rooms. This is a really great design option for city apartments.
Carpet grass reminds of the warm seasonactive pastime. It is pleasant to look at the green color of the coating. It is proved that he calms, but does not put to sleep, prompting to study, creativity and communication. People who stay for a long time in rooms where there is a lot of green color, cope better with stress, are less prone to negative emotions and problems with sleep.
This option is perfect for people who like to eat at the TV screen or have a stormy party, because removing stains from such a carpet is not difficult. In addition, you will certainly be able to impress the guests with such a stylish design solution.
The use of "lawns" - a popular option for the nursery. In the first place - due to the numerous positive properties of such products. Secondly, the love of them is due to the functionality and ease of cleaning carpets. Thirdly, such models look very cozy, resembling a living fairy tale.
However, not all parents have a positive attitude towards such products. Yet plastic from which carpets are made cannot be classified as environmentally friendly materials. Sometimes lead is used in the process of dyeing villi, which is very harmful to humans.Poor plastic may be toxic. In addition, synthetic materials do not heat and strongly electrify.
In adult bedrooms, such a carpet can also be used due to its aesthetic functions. It is perfectly suited to the interior in eco style, will create an additional emphasis on its ideological orientation. Interestingly look "lawns" in the bedrooms in the style of high-tech: it is like opposing his emphasized manufacturability and aspirations in the future.
Balcony is often supplemented with a coating of artificial grass. This is a great option for creating a lounge area in an urban setting. Thanks to this technique, the illusion of being in nature and isolation from the bustle of the city is created. It is not recommended to cover the entire floor with a carpet; it is better to leave a small border around the edges, so the room will seem larger.
How to choose?
When choosing a product for the home, you should always pay attention to the quality of the source material. Cheap products often have quite a good appearance, but people who value their health are better guided by the principles of quality, even to the detriment of a wallet.It is worth paying attention to the smell of the rug: the less distinguishable, the higher the quality of the plastic.
Then you need to think about the texture of the pile. It is selected depending on the preferences of the buyer and his ability to care for the product. Short "weed" is easier to wash and vacuum.
The size of the carpet depends on the room where it is planned to be located and the future functions of the carpet. Most often, small items are chosen for the hallway or bathroom - and larger carpets in the living room or bedroom.
Reviews of carpet-grass are usually positive. Buyers like the softness of such products, and associations with a forest lawn improve mood. Most often, these models are purchased for children.
Options in the interior
Below are examples of rooms decorated with the use of grass carpet:
- Rectangular carpet-grass in the interior of the living room.
- Artificial grass makes the interior more unusual.
- Rug in the form of moss organically looks in a dark bathroom.
How to make a rug of moss do it yourself, you will learn from the video below.