Armchair bed with orthopedic mattress
The chair-bed with an orthopedic mattress is a type of furniture that is intended for everyday use. In the daytime such a comfortable armchair in a room does not take up a lot of free space, it is easy to unfold for a night’s rest and is transported if necessary.
Special features
Folding chairs are furniture transformers that easily turn into full beds with comfortable beds. If you have a close friend staying on a visit, you can offer him to stay overnight in a chair bed. In this case, the guest will not sleep, tossing and turning from side to side on a cot with jagged edges, but will have a good night's rest, sitting on a comfortable bed, resulting from the unfolded chair. A smooth surface will also make it possible to relax the muscles and protect the spine during sleep, as it happens on ordinary ortomatras.
Specialists believe that the distinctive features of the best models are the reliability and durability of the joints and fasteners, high-quality accessories. Indeed, transformable furniture must retain the ability for daily assembly and unfolding without wearing parts for an extended period.
For a family, the purchase of a chair-bed at a cost is not very different from the purchase of a small sofa or sofa, so this product must last for several years. As a rule, preference is given to domestic chairs, beds, since most models from European manufacturers are not designed to operate in active mode, their mechanisms can quickly fail.
Regardless of the design, the basic mechanism in the models should remain uncomplicated, so that additional efforts are not required when all parts are decomposed. An elderly person and a teenager can easily cope with a well-thought-out mechanism. There are the following types of popular chair beds:
- "Harmony" or "accordion". This is the name of the construction in which the surface of the bed is assembled back into the harmonica, therefore, it retains orthopedic properties when unfolding.For the back use the remaining two parts, the horizontal side serves as a seat. To make the width of the bed large, the armrests are removed. The chair with a wide seat is comfortable, but with a massive back, in which there are two layers of folded orthopedic mattress. The chair-bed with a solid surface of the "accordion" type has no slots, it is even and reliable.
- With rollout. This is a well-known classic model, often found on the market. Two sections for the bed roll out of the chair, they add a seat upside down on the other side, all three parts together form a long and low - up to 30 cm - sleeper. In this design, small gaps still remain with the addition of sections, and therefore the orthopedic properties of the chair with rolling out elements are inferior to the first option - the "accordion".
- "Dolphin", "puma" and "eurobook". The “dolphin” most of the horizontal surface for bed arrangement is under the seat, taking up all the space there, so there is no laundry box in the product. If necessary, the folded part is pulled up and rises to the same height as the seat.The plane is flat, consists of several sections. For a sofa, this design is more suitable because it allows you to expand it horizontally. A similar device with many sections is called "puma". In it, the seat is lifted and shifted in waves, replacing the empty seat with the lower part of the middle part. For the "Eurobook" is characterized by pushing the seat forward, most of the bed is formed by an inverted backrest of the chair-bed. The down back allows you to put a compact eurobook anywhere, including near the wall.
- "Click-klyak" and "sedalift." Non-standard mechanisms that came to us from Belgium, are used to arrange comfortable beds. For a click-stick, the seat is lifted up, removed the block and placed with the backrest. And the seat and back are composed of two parts. Each turn over, placed horizontally, so it turns out a spacious bed of four sections. Such a mechanism for reliable operation, as a rule, needs a topper. “Sedalift” resembles a cot under the seat, equipped with a rigid frame made of steel with wooden elements. Thanks to them, the orthopedic properties of the mattress are excellent.If the "click-klyak" from the chair is converted into a bed pulled out a folded mattress, the model is considered one of the best among the chairs, beds.
If it becomes necessary to sleep on a bed with a precast base, the orthopedic mattress should in no way be inferior to the similar one on a solid bed. As you know, the best effect for the spinal column is a block of independent springs, where each spring bends separately from the next. Dependent spring blocks of vertical elements, fastened horizontal, in folding structures are not used due to excessive bulkiness.
The more springs per square meter of surface, the better. At the same time, the springs also assume the pressure difference in beds consisting of several sections. Due to the filler in the mattress the formation of folds will not work. Of the popular fillers in folding products there are two: polyurethane foam and coconut coir.
Polyurethane belongs to the most modern materials, replacing the outdated foam. Elastic and durable synthetic composition is added to impart rigidity.For more expensive models, latex or coconut coir is used. The short and elastic fibers protecting a coconut nut, impregnate with latex structure. Such a mattress does not absorb foreign odors and repels water, is easily ventilated, hypoallergenic.
Advantages and disadvantages
The indisputable advantages of models with an orthopedic base include space saving in the apartment. Therefore, a chair-bed for one of the family members or receiving guests will be useful in any home.
Usually in families living in a small area, armchairs are purchased for children aged 10-12 years and older. Such a bed allows the child to form the skeleton correctly, to prevent the curvature and osteochondrosis of the spinal column. As well as a stationary bed with an orthopedic mattress, a seat of good design contributes to maintaining good posture and relaxing the neck during a night's rest.
The disadvantages include a relatively small width - up to 70 cm. The lack of armrests makes the bed more spacious, but there is a risk of falling during sleep. That is why it is better for a child to buy a product with armrests, for an adult any design will do.
Criterias of choice
- It is necessary to select the model of the chair-bed individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the body and age. It is advisable to consult with specialists in the store, and in the case of already existing posture disorders, consult a doctor. In this case, the orthopedic properties of your box should be flawless.
- For children, special, lightweight models of chairs with elastic latex filler are produced. For people with a large body mass, it will be more difficult to acquire the desired structure. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the mattress - at least 8-10 cm. This guarantees durability and reliability of the product, otherwise the orthopedic indicators will be lower than the standard ones.
- In order to save, you can purchase a prefabricated structure in which the mattress is removed and sold separately from the special base. The fit is checked along the joints so that the surface is flat and without knobs when unfolding. The seams must be of high quality and well treated, and the warranty period of the product must be significant.
- The best material for the frame will serve steel. Wood is often used, although the state of this natural material depends on the temperature and humidity of the air in the room.For inexpensive models, aluminum tubes are sometimes used, but they are not able to withstand a significant load for a long time, and therefore are not designed for continuous operation.
- The wider the seat, the greater will be the width of your bed. For spacious horizontals - up to a meter in width - it is customary to choose models of the form "accordion" or "click-klyak." An additional advantage will be the presence of a box for the bed. Children choose models with soft armrests, a covering from a natural and non-staining material, especially if it is a small child from three years old who needs to provide a comfortable and safe berth.
- The mattresses are hard and very hard, intended for people with disabilities of the locomotor system and children during the period of the formation of the musculoskeletal system. If there are no problems with the spine and joints, a mattress of medium hardness will do. The softest models are designed for elderly people suffering from insomnia and pregnant women, as well as in the postoperative period.
Popular manufacturers
There are many criteria for choosing a product such as a chair-bed. A wide range of products offered by many manufacturers, but according to preliminary estimates of buyers in the market are leading such factories:
- Belarusian company "Pinskdrev". Among the products of the company there is an orthopedic chair with a bed width of 110 cm. This is the “Corsica” chair, the layout mechanism is the “accordion”. Designed in the original nautical style, with aesthetic armrests. The chair "Breeze-2" has solid armrests, durable polyurethane frame and low backrest. It is designed for constant folding, the width of the bed - 90 cm with roll-out mechanism.
- Mark "Laguna" Offers buyers with a sample of the perfect Eugene chair bed, a transformer-accordion. The product is not wide - 70 cm, but it has folding narrow sidewalls forming shelves.
- Rival. This is a company from Russia specializing in luxury furniture. It produces chairs on the orthobasic, allowing the plane to expand to 83 cm in width. Armrests are absent, but the cover is removed and erased.
- "Borovichi." The famous furniture factory offers among the products from the latest series of "Relax" a Eurobook with a 120 cm mega-width. At the same time, the buyer can choose several upholstery options.
- Italian factories Meridiani, Bonaldo and others make armchair-beds on a frame with a trellised orthopedic base made of metal and wood, allowing to get the width of a berth up to 84 cm. Upholstery is made of high-strength textiles.
Review the chair bed with orthopedic mattress, see the following video.