How to make a bed of pallets?
Often, after buying the apartment and the subsequent repair, the tenants do not have enough money to buy furniture. Good furniture is not cheap, and to buy cheap - it means to save on quality. Therefore, people save money to buy or take a loan, which takes either a lot of time or creates certain obligations to the bank. Therefore, some craftsmen can resort to improvised means to make the furniture themselves.
The use of pallets has become very popular, with the help of which it is easy to build various pieces of furniture, including a bed. It does not have to spend a lot of effort and money, because the pallets are inexpensive, and for some people they are waiting for their time in the pantry room.
What it is?
Pallets or pallets are structures that are made from natural wood and used to transport various goods.They consist of knocked down wooden planks, located at a small distance from each other, which makes the structure strong and resistant to heavy loads. The weight of the product can be 16 kg, and the size - 1.2 × 1 m or 1.2 × 0.8 m. For the manufacture of pallets only strong and durable wood is used so that the pallet can withstand a lot of weight. Some products are able to withstand 100 kg of cargo. Therefore, for the manufacture of furniture with their own hands fit even used pallets. They will serve for a long time and will not lose their properties.
You can purchase pallets in transport companies or in the production of wooden pallets. Usually they are given away for free or for little money, which is enough for every customer.
You can make a variety of interior items from pallets: furniture, storage systems and decorative items. Thanks to the light construction, it’s easy to work with. They do not have to be held together for a long time, painted, upholstered with textiles or improved wheels or legs, so they are so in demand to create strong beds. Of course, before starting work, the pallets will have to be processed.To do this, they are first cleaned of dirt and dust, then polished and ground. This is necessary in order to protect the product from the harmful effects of moisture, which can destroy a tree.
Advantages and disadvantages
According to experienced designers, a bed of pallets is a modern and fashionable solution to the problem of furnishing. Their main advantage lies in the availability. Indeed, for many people, they remain after the repair, and if they are not there, then you can purchase pallets for little money. In addition, for the manufacture of beds will need only a few pieces, so their purchase will not cause significant damage to the family budget. Another advantage is that pallets are a material with which to experiment. They can be safely turned into a fairy kingdom for a small child and an intimate place for adults. And you will need for this paint, varnishes, textiles and any decorations.
Despite the many advantages, the beds of the pallets have their disadvantages. The main one is the intolerance of point effects from the outside, i.e. jumping on the bed will lead to a breakdown of the frame. The second important minus - intolerance to high humidity. It is characteristic of a tree to collapse under the influence of water and steam, therefore, it must first be treated with special means that will protect it from the negative effects of moisture. Very hard wood tolerates high temperatures. Therefore, you can not install a bed of pallets near an open flame, for example, by the fireplace.
Despite some drawbacks, this material is quite stable and durable and, moreover, has a high safety record.
Calculation of materials
When selecting materials for the construction of the bed, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the future product. On this depends the overall impression and well-being of the owners who will relax on it. Ideal size is the key to a good mood and comfortable sleep. There are standard bed sizes that take into account the average height and age of a person. In order for sleep to be as productive as possible, it is necessary that the length of a berth be several centimeters longer than the owner of the bed. The width of the product is also very important, so that the sleeper can sleep freely on his side, bending his knees.
The standard bed size is 190 × 80 cm.Of course, these parameters are designed for a single bed. For a double there is a standard - 190 × 160 cm. To determine the number of euro pallets that will be needed to create a product, you must make your own calculations. So, it is necessary to take into account not only the height and fullness of a person, but also the number of sleepers and how they behave during rest. For example, if one of the owners sleeps too restlessly, then the berth should be done more than specified in the standard. It is important to understand that the creation of a large bed for one person is also not a good idea. First, it will reduce the feeling of comfort and security. And secondly, you will have to use bedding, the dimensions of which will exceed the size of a single set. So you have to buy new accessories, which inevitably leads to unnecessary expenses.
In the manufacture of beds of euro pallets will have to pay attention to the height of the product. If the owner is satisfied with a low option, then a height of no more than 30 cm is suitable. And for lovers of height, a height of 90 cm will be the ideal solution. Of course, a high bed will allow residents to clean under the bed, which is a good indicator. The height of the product depends on the style of the interior.Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to study all the nuances of a particular style in order to harmoniously fit the bed into the room.
Very much depends on the age of the intended owner of the bed. For a small child, a high berth will become an insurmountable barrier, whereas for older people a high bed will become an obvious salvation. Indeed, in old age it is difficult to sit low and stand high. For the manufacture of a single bed you need two pallets 120 × 100 cm in size, and for a double one - four pallets of the same dimensions. Of course, in the process of assembling you will have to adjust their sizes in order to get the perfect product.
If the square meters of the bedroom allow, then you can put in her one-and-a-half bed. Again, in the process of work will have to rely on height, weight and age of the owner. But in order to save space, it is necessary to construct a structure that is smaller than the standard one. You can save on the construction if you collect the pallets with your own hands. Experts advise to use for this pine boards, because they are highly resistant to moisture and are not so much rotten compared to other types of wood.To make the pallet personally, you need a screwdriver, a screwdriver, pine boards 105 × 25mm and parallel bars 50 × 50 mm. To increase the stability of the structure, the bars are laid on the base at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other.
All parts are fastened with screws. To do this, use a screwdriver and a screwdriver to twist the screws to the end.
Required tools
Making a bed of euro pallets is an easy task, so you need a minimum of tools to work. Drill, hammer, sandpaper, screws, nails, a screwdriver and a drill for wood are all that needs to be prepared. As for the processing of the product, you will need a primer, varnish, paints and a brush, which is convenient to paint the boards. If, according to the master's idea, the bed should have a backlight, then you need to stock up with an extension cord with access to two sockets, fixtures for the tape and duralight. Upon completion of the work necessary to purchase a comfortable mattress. It is desirable that he possesses orthopedic properties in order to maintain the health of the spine of a sleeping person.
Preparation and processing
Wooden pallets are good because they can be used in a wide variety of cases. They are easy to disassemble, fasten, upholstery, dye and mix with other materials.In addition to the pallets easy to attach the wheels or rollers. Before starting work, the pallets must be properly prepared.. First, they are cleaned of dust and dirt using a grinding machine. Material processing is best done in a well-ventilated area, and for personal safety you need to get a protective mask.
It is not necessary to grind the entire product, you can pay attention only to the part that will be in contact with the sleeping person. If the bed has non-standard dimensions, the pallets must be disassembled. The resulting daughter sorted by size and overall condition. To protect the structure from exposure to high humidity, it is necessary to prime its surface.
Create a bed with your own hands: instructions
Whatever the design of the future bed, almost all stages of work are the same, and they should be done step by step:
- First you need to clean the material with a damp cloth. If the work occurs in the fresh air, then you can use a mini-car wash.
- After that, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the pallets, otherwise certain problems will begin when bonding and painting.The paint will lay down in an uneven layer, and over time the tree under its layer will start to deteriorate..
- The next stage is grinding. To work you will need a grinder or sandpaper. It is necessary to grind carefully and carefully, without missing a single section. This is important in order to be comfortable in bed.
- After sanding, rub it again with a damp cloth.
Next, the entire structure must be leveled using a primer:
- It is applied with a thin layer with a brush or roller, which must be selected in advance.
- Having waited for drying of boards, it is necessary to cover them either with paint or varnish. It is best to apply two coats of lacquer, and if paint is used, it is acceptable to apply three coats.
- The final stage is to fasten the pallets according to the chosen scheme. Attach the screws into the pre-drilled holes, and for additional fixation drive nails.
- To create a fully functional bed, it is raised up one row.
- The resulting niches can be folded items that should always be at hand.
- If it is planned to put the boxes in the niche, then at the stage of preparing the pallets the middle support is cut out so that when installing one pallet on the other, a small space is obtained.
- In order to assemble a product with a niche under the mattress, the top layer of pallets is laid down on the base of the pallets down the bottom.
- Next, you need to cut the props so that the letter is obtained "P". Having thus connected four euro pallets, you will get a niche for a mattress of the desired size.
Master class on the construction of a two-tier model
A two-story or multi-level bed is most often necessary for organizing a children's space. Thus you can save precious space without losing the functionality of the room. To assemble a multi-level bed, it is necessary to stack pallets at different levels: on the first level, it is enough to install one layer of pallets, on the second - two layers, and on the third - three. And in order to visually separate each bed, each level is painted in different colors. You can use the multi-colored lights to divide the bed in the dark.
Making a bunk bed is an order of magnitude more difficult than picking up a double bed. To create it, you need to stock up on additional planks with which to build the frame of the second tier and the ladder:
- For the manufacture of a two-story product it is necessary to make two single beds out of pallets. One of them will be installed on the floor, and the second will fit on the second floor. To do this, you need props, which are made of three pallets.
- Two pallets on the long side are fixed with screws and nails and set in such a way as to make three legs. The first is installed at the head, the second - in the middle of the structure, and the third - at the foot.
- Between the side struts attach the boards, which will connect the two tiers.
The finished ladder is installed at the foot of the structure. You can put it upright of the bed, and you can form an angle of 60 degrees.
Interesting models
Experienced craftsmen learned to make various beds from pallets. Among them are not only single beds, double beds, bunk beds and children’s rooms, but also suspended beds. Children's model is interesting in that its creation does not require a large amount of materials and a lot of effort. Here you will need only one pallet, around the perimeter of which are mounted bumpers. The grinding of the structure should be deeper, so that no chipping and irregularities remain on the surface.No less interesting is the bed on wheels. This design allows you to freely move the product around the room, changing its location. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the wheels must be strong enough to support a lot of weight.
A pendant bed made of pallets will look very original. It can be mounted on the ceiling of the veranda or terrace, and if the space of the room allows, you can hang the structure in the apartment. This structure consists of two pallets, the side parts of which are firmly fixed to each other. For schoolchildren, the structure is often supplemented with drawers and shelves that form a spacious storage system. But preschoolers can store their toys in boxes. Many people prefer to set the backlight under the bed to create an atmosphere of mystery in the dark. LED tape can play the role of a night lamp, and can create an intimate atmosphere for a young couple.
Pallets are good because they can be decorated in any way possible. They are perfectly treated with paint or varnish, so you can draw a landscape or patterns on them.If there is a desire, then the sides and headboard of the product can be upholstered with foam rubber and cloth.
Place in the interior
The bed of pallets has an unusual design, and therefore it will harmoniously look only in a certain interior. The wooden structure will help to decorate the Scandinavian bedroom, decorated in white. The product itself must have a natural look, so it can not be painted. Ideally a bed of pallets will fit into the bedroom Loft style. In this case, the bed can be arranged as you like. Experimenting with materials and design, you can get an original piece of furniture. For example, the product frame can be diluted with metal inserts or painted it gray.
It is not necessary to make such a design for placement in an apartment. It can ideally complement the interior of a country house or cottage. Country Style in this case, does not provide for the staining of natural wood. The only thing is that it can be treated with a special agent that will protect it from moisture. Provence style also allows for the installation of beds in the bedroom of the pallets. But the product itself should be painted in bed colors.And, of course, to increase the service life of the product, it is necessary to purchase new pallets. They are much stronger than used ones. And no matter how solid the design is, you can not jump on it in any case.
And in order to organize a truly warm and cozy nest, you need to select a high-quality orthopedic mattress.
How to make a bed of pallets, see the next video.