Springless latex mattress
A person is in a dream most of his life, so the choice of a mattress is a rather serious question. From the article you will learn what are the advantages of springless latex mattresses.
First, see what it is. Springless mattress is a product consisting of blocks, which can be monolithic (solid) or typesetting. The basis of such blocks consists of artificial or natural materials.
Springless versions vary in height, number of interlayers, size (for example, 80x200, 90x190) and filling.
Very often latex is used as a filler for the mattress. There is a natural latex and artificial. Natural is made in two ways, one of which is called dantol, the second - talalay. Both methods involve foaming rubber juice in a centrifuge. In the first, it is poured into molds and closed.The next step is heating, which ensures that the particles are lowered to the bottom, due to which the lower layer of material becomes dense. In the second method, the juice is also poured into hermetic forms and foamed already in a vacuum. The mixture is then cooled, followed by heat treatment.
Products from natural latex are softer than from artificial. However, the second option is more suitable for people with a large weight (more than 130 kg), since it is able to withstand heavy loads without deforming.
The prices of products with such filler are higher than the rest. Therefore, it is often combined with other variants, for example, with coconut coir. This option is most often recommended for children and adolescents. It is worth noting that the coir is perfectly breathable.
Advantages of latex filler:
- Environmental friendliness;
- Adapts to body shape;
- At observance of rules of operation such mattress is not deformed and retains its color;
- Long service life;
- The accumulation of dust in such a filler is excluded.
- The price of products with such a filler is usually high;
- The mattress is heavy;
- At first, an unpleasant chemical smell may emanate from the product.
Right choice
People who have a lot of weight, it is better to give preference to rigid models. A coir mattress or a coir / latex combination is more suitable for babies. Artificial latex is quite hard, so it is an excellent option for small children and school-age children, as it contributes to the formation of correct posture. This option is also suitable for people suffering from cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis. Older people should prefer soft mattresses.
It is worth noting that it is better to choose a mattress in the store, where you will be able to inspect it visually, assess the quality of the materials from which it is made, its softness. Often, the stores are allowed to lie on the mattress to appreciate its convenience.
Advantages of springless mattress:
- He is hypoallergenic the product due to the absence of voids in which dust can accumulate over time;
- Lack of statics in such products is also their advantage, since its accumulation is not harmless.
- Lack of effect of "wave" when changing body position.
- Sleep on a mattress is more spacious, as there is no hammock effect, as in the versions with springs.
- Uniform load distribution will make you feel rested in the morning.
Since the texture of the springless mattress is uniform, it is possible to use any of its sections, even the edges. The lack of reinforcement along the edge also creates additional possibilities for its use.
Manufacturers assure that springless products with latex filler do not need to be turned over as often as other options.
Users who managed to try out both spring and springless mattress options say that the second option has a larger usable area. This is easily explained by the fact that the springless mattress does not flex as it does the spring version, that is, there is no “hammock” effect.
It feels like a latex mattress is warm during the cold season, and in the summer season it is not hot to sleep on it, as indicated by consumer reviews. Also, consumers are satisfied with the possibility of choosing a double-sided mattress with different degrees of rigidity, which can be changed if necessary.
Among the negative points that have identified consumers, it is possible to note a significant weight of the mattress, which is not very convenient during its transportation. For people whose families have small children, an important factor will be that you cannot jump on latex products, otherwise you will not avoid its deformation. Based on these considerations, it is also not possible to bend the latex mattress.
See the following video for a comparison of springless mattresses made of latex and polyurethane foam.