Mattresses from strutoplast and struktofayber
A healthy full sleep - the key to excellent well-being, good mood and high performance during the day. It has a positive effect on overall health. There can be no question of any valuable rest if the place for sleeping is uncomfortable.
Every person should take care of choosing a suitable mattress for sleeping. Mattresses from strutoplast and struktofayber - a great option.
How to choose?
Modern manufacturers offer a large number of very different in price and quality of mattresses. If you care about your health, you should stop the choice on an object with orthopedic properties, the most suitable human anatomy.
Their main feature is the ability to repeat the contours of the human body and take the desired form. In this case, the load on the spine and muscles is minimal, it is evenly distributed over the surface of the body.The spine is in the optimal position, without any unnecessary bends.
Mattresses can be hard and soft, vary in density and elasticity - depending on the fillers used. A person who has no back problems can rely on his feelings when choosing a mattress.
If you have problems, then before buying it is better to visit the orthopedic surgeon and get recommendations that are right for you.
A good orthopedic mattress can be either spring or springless:
- Springless products filled with natural fibers or latex are usually more rigid.
- Orthopedic properties spring Mattresses are attached using various spring block systems. The more of them, the better the properties of products. In modern products, blocks of independent springs are often used, in which each spring is in a non-woven bag. Products with such blocks are very convenient, as they have a strongly pronounced anatomical effect.
- Recently, mattresses have become widespread. with independent springsin which the filler is strutoplast or struktofiber.
The filler for such mattresses consists of three layers. Between the two layers of durable nonwovens there is a special layer where the fibers are arranged vertically. They function as independent springs.
For the manufacture of this layer, artificial polyester fibers are used, which are held together by a very high temperature air stream. The result is a homogeneous canvas, similar to felt.
This unique material, created by innovative technology, is today considered one of the best artificial fillers for orthopedic mattresses. The product of the new generation, it perfectly takes the contours of the body and quickly regains its shape, has high strength.
It is used in the manufacture of furniture for backs, armrests and head restraints. The price of a mattress with a strattofiber or strutoplast is comparable to the cost of products with other artificial fillers.
Features and benefits
In addition to the strength inherent in artificial fibers, and excellent elasticity,allowing the mattress to quickly return and keep its shape for a long time, innovative fillers have several advantages.
- Hypoallergenic materialIt is not a source of irritation and even suitable for children.
- It has antibacterial properties., dust mites do not start there and microbes do not spread.
- Special arrangement of fibers allows air to circulate freely within the product. This means that your mattress will have good heat exchange and air exchange. At the same time, the material does not absorb odors, has water-repellent properties.
- In the manufacture it undergoes special treatment and becomes non-flammable.
- Mattresses with strutopheiber and strutoplast ideal for people with back problems. Orthopedists often recommend them to their patients to correct their posture and to maintain their spinal and back muscles in good condition.
- It is easy to care for mattresses., they do not need additional airing. These products are suitable for use in high humidity environments - and even outdoors.
Long service life can be increased if the mattress is turned over from time to time.
To artificial fillers, manufacturers often add natural ingredients - to give additional properties. One of the most popular elements added is bamboo. It makes the mattress more rigid.
Bamboo fiber, in appearance resembling viscose, is obtained from young shoots of a plant. Two types of material are obtained (depending on the method of processing): bamboo flax and bamboo viscose. Both materials are high quality fillers. However, the production of bamboo flax requires a more time-consuming technological process, so this material is more expensive.
Bamboo fiber has antibacterial properties that persist for a long time even after cleansing. When it gets into the filler, most of the bacteria dies, dust mites do not start there.
Since this fiber is of plant origin, it has a pronounced hygroscopicity, there is a constant air exchange in it. It does not accumulate dust and does not linger smells, therefore, bamboo mattresses are often recommended for people suffering from asthma and allergies.
The addition of bamboo improves the orthopedic properties of the products, as this natural material is resistant to deformation.
An interesting fact - the plant is not subject to rotting. This quality of bamboo makes the mattress durable.
About mattresses from strutoplast and struktofayber you can read a large number of reviews. Usually they are positive.
Buyers note high orthopedic and anatomical qualities. People literally admire the comfort they experience while sleeping. Many have said goodbye to the pain and unpleasant sensations in the back, which arise from the incorrect position of the spine on ordinary mattresses. The new mattress provides a full night's rest, after which the state of health improves, and high performance throughout the day.
People suffering from allergic reactions talk about their absence after sleeping on mattresses made from these new materials. Consumers like the fact that the product quickly regains its shape, has no smell. Mattresses have high strength, many have served for a very long time.
Buyers report that this product is easy to care for, as it has a removable zip top mattress topper.Mattresses are often purchased for children, kids quickly fall asleep on them. Owners are satisfied with an acceptable price of the goods, as well as the fact that this comfortable mattress is also silent. People are pleased that they chose this product. They give their friends advice to buy mattresses made of strutoplast and struktofiber.
In the next video, see some more useful information about the mattress stratofiber properties.