How to choose an orthopedic mattress?
Sleep is a very important component of human life. And how well a person slept and rested depends not only on his mood, but also on his productivity throughout the day. Therefore, the choice of mattresses for beds should be given special attention. And the matter is not only in its cost, because this element is not acquired for one year.
A quality mattress can serve you faithfully for up to 15 years. During sleep, you should be comfortable and comfortable and you should wake up in the morning rested, vigorous and full of vitality and energy.
The times of quilted mattresses are long gone. They were replaced by modern improved models. The most popular today are orthopedic mattresses.
Special features
The word "orthopedic" is a medical term used to denote the ability to cure various deformities of the musculoskeletal system or to compensate for these shortcomings. This concept is applied conditionally to mattresses, since they are not capable of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but will help to remove the painful sensations from diseases of the spine.
Due to the unique design, such a mattress provides a straight position of the spine, so a person is less tossing and turning in his sleep, sleeping stronger and waking up in the morning rested.
The main features of orthopedic mattresses include:
- he repeats all the contours and shapes of the human body;
- relieves the spine;
- relieves fatigue and stress;
- allows you to fully relax.
There are two main types of mattresses: spring and springless version, each of which also has its own varieties. Consider both options separately in more detail.
Depending on the springs used, there are two models:
- Classic models known since time immemorial. They include interconnected springs, which ensures the maintenance of a sleeping person, and the whole surface of the mattress. This option does not differ in orthopedic characteristics, because if one spring is bent, the neighboring ones bend due to the dependent connection.
- Models with independent spring blocks - such spring mattresses are distinguished by an excellent structure: each spring moves separately and does not touch other elements, as it is in an individual case.
Experts advise using them to persons who have reached the age of 12. The main advantages of such models include:
- presence of orthopedic effect - due to the fact that they can bend only where necessary, repeating the outlines of the body, it is good for health to rest on such a mattress;
- reliability - in the process of manufacturing springs, high-quality material is used, so they can withstand even active games of children;
- comfort - rest on a similar mattress turns out very convenient and comfortable.
The main disadvantage is its high cost.
These options are made of various materials: latex, polyurethane foam, coconut coir, sea grass and others.
Springless mattresses are monolayer and multilayer, that is, to include one or several layers as a stuffed element, due to this various effects are provided.For example, if goat fur is added to the composition, then in winter it will be especially warm to sleep on. If flax is added, then in the hot summer you will feel cool from it.
Springless models can be made of special material that is able to remember the outlines of a person for a while. That is, this option under the influence of heat adapts to the structure of your body. The only lack of mattresses with “memory” is that if the temperature in the room is low, then they become rather harsh for rest.
The main advantages of springless mattresses include:
- long service life - there are no elements that wear out or become unusable;
- fine orthopedic effect - the back is maintained and the shape of the human body is repeated;
- wide variation of stiffness - you can purchase both a hard and a softer model.
The main disadvantage of this option is quite high cost, if it is made of natural material, for example, coconut coir or material that memorizes the outlines of the body. This disadvantage is also attributed to natural latex models.
Basic selection parameters
To choose the right orthopedic mattress, you need to pay attention to such moments:
- The size - You need to pick up the mattress under a certain bed, given its width and length. If you get a size that is different from the bed, that is, for example, the mattress is longer or shorter than your bed, then it will be uncomfortable for you to sleep on it or “hanging parts” can lead to its rapid wear. Therefore, first carefully measure the bed, and then buy a mattress. By purchasing these two items at the same time in the same store you eliminate the risk of inconsistencies in their sizes.
- Thickness is an important factor that affects comfort and convenience. It is necessary to select it depending on age. For children under the age of 3 years, you must choose a thin mattress, whose thickness ranges from 5 to 9 centimeters. For a seven-year-old child, the optimum thickness is not less than 11 centimeters, which will help to keep the immature spine in the correct position. For an adult, the thickness should be at least 15-16 centimeters.
If we are talking about the spring version, it can be as thick as 18 centimeters. In premium models, this parameter can reach 40 centimeters due to the alternation of different layers, which provides increased comfort during operation. Standard options have a thickness of 15 to 25 centimeters.
- Weight of man who will rest on it. To choose the right bed, you must also focus on the person's body. For example, for obese people, the best option would be a mattress that is more thick, it will bend less under the weight of a heavy body and will support the spine in the correct position. For thin people, you can opt for thinner models.
- Rigidity - the well-being and sensations during sleep depend on this parameter. There are three degrees of rigidity. Low - mattresses can be made from natural latex and are suitable for people with low weight and lean build. This type of mattress is best used as a temporary bed, as a very soft surface can adversely affect human health. Average - mattresses are made of artificial latex, composite stuffed elements, polyurethane foam and other materials. This is the most popular and popular option. High achieved through the use of solid printed materials, such as coconut fiber. Very often, such mattresses are acquired by people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, experts recommend buying them for patients with osteochondrosis.
note that for an older person It is not recommended to purchase rigid mattresses, models with medium hardness will be the best choice for them.
With such a serious diagnosis as spinal hernia, you should opt for bilateral models that have one soft and the other hard side. When the disease is in the acute stage, then it is better to sleep on a hard surface. When the disease retreats, it is enough to turn the mattress on the softer side and rest in comfortable conditions.
For a double bed on which the couple will restcharacterized by different build, the best solution would be to purchase a mixed model.One part of such a mattress is more rigid than the second.
Also pay attention to the mattress topper. High-quality variants of covers are characterized by durable, elastic, air-tight characteristics. The best option for this is jacquard fabric.
Popular manufacturers
To purchase a high-quality mattress, be guided by the reviews of customers who have purchased a particular model from a particular manufacturer.
The top most famous brands include:
- Comfort Line. This company manufactures mattresses from environmentally friendly materials. Among the range can be found as a budget option, and the premium class model.
- Consual. The basis of the mattresses of this brand is a natural natural material. Through the use of probiotics, all elements are protected from the negative effects of bacteria. Innovative technologies allow us to obtain excellent performance properties that distinguish various models of mattresses. The company also provides a long warranty, which is also an important advantage.
- Askona. The Russian company uses a huge amount of fillers for the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses.Testing in our own laboratories allows us to produce high quality products. This brand also focuses on the production of specialized mattresses designed for therapeutic purposes for people with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Dormeo. Products from this manufacturer differ in ease and small thickness.
To choose a high-quality orthopedic mattress, be guided by your feelings, you should be comfortable and comfortable to rest on it. When making the final choice of such a bed, do not forget about your parameters: age, build, and the presence or absence of problems with the spine. The best option would be to lie down on the mattress before buying, then you can accurately determine "your model".
You should not try to save money by buying a cheaper counterpart, because you can harm your health. It is better to get an expensive, but high-quality mattress, a dream on which will give you great pleasure and give you strength after a hard day.
Next, see all the secrets of choosing an orthopedic mattress from the manufacturer.