Laminate tiles

Despite all the advantages of laminate, laying in rooms with high humidity was considered impractical step for a long time. Modern samples of this material can dramatically change the approach. For laying with imitation of a tiled surface there is even a special class - the 33rd.
Special features
The latest modifications of the laminate with a pattern for ceramic tiles are impregnated with hydrophobic wax compounds. The only danger of water penetration is passing through the seams. However, the use of special sealants to avoid this threat. When choosing a laminate in your house (no matter if it’s in the kitchen or not), always find out what its environmental safety level is. Only category E-1 is considered to be acceptable by specialists for living rooms.
The undisputed strengths of laminate are:
- visual appeal;
- the possibility of imitation of marble, granite or terracotta;
- soft price and easy installation;
- the ability to transfer temperature jerks;
- ease of care;
- minimal risk of burnout in the sun;
- suitability for the formation of a warm floor.
It is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of such coverage and to warn them in time. Laminate flooring can be quite noisy.. The problem is solved through the installation of soundproofing pads. The kitchen will have to put a material with high wear resistance, or prepare for the frequent change of losing the beauty of the coating. However, it will be frequent only in comparison with more advanced options, and for most people ten years without repair is quite enough.
Weaknesses with excess overlap with the objective advantages of the laminate, among which must also be called an excellent level of fire safety, the absence of allergens and suitability for use in children's rooms. With all this laminate is relatively cheap.
The square type of laminate has become much more popular in recent years,because it gives the opportunity to imitate a variety of finishing materials, even natural stone. And the shape of the square facilitates installation. It is necessary to mention possible problems: This material can be used woodworking waste, connected by glue.
If its composition is poorly selected, or manufacturers frankly save on components, health risks may arise.
Damaged square laminate panels will not be able to be repaired, scraped and re-varnished - only a replacement remains.
At the same time, the qualitative varieties of this material do not have such defects. They have a wide range of applications. The top layer (it is the foot that directly steps on it or the slippers) is made of transparent melamine. But permeability to visible light does not interfere with protecting the base structure from corrosive substances, ultraviolet radiation, water and other harmful factors.
Just below is a decorative paper, sometimes inlaid with a monotone ornament or a complex pattern. The base layer is a chipboard, the characteristics of which determine the structure, configuration and consumer properties of the entire product.And at the very bottom there is a stabilizing layer, which is designed to evenly distribute the created load and to avoid deformation.
33 class is considered the most suitable for its durability, strength and resistance to abrasion. The industry has mastered its release in the widest range of colors, which means that you will be able to realize even the most extraordinary plans for the design of your home.
It is quite difficult to look for 34 grade coverage, since rare manufacturers have it in their lineup. But the time spent is not wasted, since this material is not inferior to the real tile in terms of reliability and resistance to water ingress, and it keeps the heat very well.
In the office, bedroom and other dry room you can put laminate 31 class. The 32nd group and higher ones are already suitable for kitchens.
Attention should be paid to the fact that manufacturers from North America have their own special scale for determining the properties of laminate.
A laminate panel is often a conventional paperboard covered with paper. On the surface of the paper put a picture that depicts a variety of materials.But there are other types of laminate, differing in substance used in the substrate. HDF-plate has recently become much more popular than before. The reason for this is a special device panels and careful handling of locks. Such designs differ:
- significant fortress (they can trim large areas of the floor);
- suitability for use in a variety of conditions;
- ease of care;
- ease of installation;
- long service.
The panels, the basis of which stands the cork tree, are very elegant and bring a cozy atmosphere to the house. You can use them in any room. This is a completely natural product, with the exception of impregnation, isolating the structure from contact with moisture and mechanical destruction. Low thermal conductivity, excellent damping of loud sounds, bactericidal characteristics and minimal risk of rotting are other advantages of a cork.
PVC panel is able to effectively resist moisture. It is almost not destroyed by force and wear out a little. Such blocks will be put on almost any surface, and thermal stability makes them ideal in kitchens. Plastic laminate can be repaired without complete disassembly.and he weighs quite a bit
Color solutions
All professionals unanimously advise not to deviate from the standard recommendations for choosing the tonality of the floor. The dark coloring of the walls is harmoniously combined with the light lower part of the room, and vice versa; if you try to connect the dark with the dark or light with the light, it will be much worse. When laying light laminate wallpaper or other wall covering should be three or four shades darker.
White color is more appropriate to use where there is not enough lighting. Since there is usually no problem with the kitchen or bedroom, The following shades should not be used in these rooms:
- wenge;
- rosewood;
- nut.
Juicy and expressive dark color looks noble. The problem is that in the bright light any dust particles and foreign particles will be noticeable. Be sure to take care of the combination of the tone of the laminate and the type of interior doors: they should be as close as possible. At the same time in one part of the room should not be collected too many equally colored interior items.
In the house where there is at least one pet, floor coverings of dark colors are undesirable - on them wool and pile stand out too much.
If the furniture is bright, catchy, with memorable patterns, then the appearance of the floor should be as calm as possible. By following these simple recommendations, you will avoid bad taste, and leave plenty of room for creative delights.
Manufacturers Overview
In OBI stores you can buy laminate from manufacturers from different countries, and each of them is different by one or other positive aspects. Chinese company Floor step offers consumers a collection of Art. All its products are non-standard solutions that imitate parquet. Careful work of designers of the company is aimed at ensuring that the light notes of antiquity could harmoniously enter even into the most modern interiors.
If you prefer only products from reputable European suppliers, you should pay attention to the square laminate brand Unik Step. It is made in Germany - and that says it all.
The cover from the Arte collection of the Belgian concern behaves quite well Quick step. This selection has the best value for money. The plates are wide enough, their thickness reaches 9 mm. The use of such a laminate to create a warm floor is allowed. You can also recommend the line Palace, which produces Zigart (another company from the banks of the Yangtze).
How to choose?
Kitchen laminate under the tile is found most often, because it is there that you need a coating with such a degree of resistance to moisture. But besides water, a lot of other harmful factors also act on the kitchen floor: grease, ultraviolet, cleaning products. No matter how careful or careful you are, something will still wake up and spill. So, it is necessary to take only those varieties of laminate, which are chemically inert.
Fastening blocks locks is preferable. Such products can be repaired or replaced if necessary. Ask whether the floor will slide, how much its structure will be expressed. Treatment with a hydrophobic solution should be carried out both on the front side of the material and on its end face.
Although the conditions in the bedrooms are not as extreme as in the kitchen or bathroom, the choice of a suitable solution is also rather complicated. In most cases, coverage of 31 classes with a total thickness of 6–8 mm will be sufficiently reliable. The material of the 32nd class is not much more expensive, but much more durable.
As a basis, natural cork is not only environmentally safer, but it also clearly keeps heat better, which is very important on the ground floors and in corner apartments.
Beautiful examples in the interior
There are many options for using laminate, but among them there are those that are especially attractive. The interior of the country looks decent coverage in dark wood tones, strictly duplicating the appearance of the board surface. With the room in the spirit of a Swiss chalet, the materials of the colors "ash" and "walnut" are optimally combined. And in the Provence setting, it is most appropriate to imitate a species of aged wood (color “bleached oak” and the like).
Minimalism is the complete opposite of all these formats. It is not too highly valued naturalness. Therefore it is worth choosing a floor covering in the form of strips of uniform white, black or gray colors.
If you can not make a decision yourself, be sure to use the help of a designer and do not risk in vain.
All about the correct installation of laminate, see below.