What are the sizes of laminate?

Laminate - one of the most common flooring. On sale there are different kinds of it, differing from each other in color and size. Its potential buyers often wonder what the dimensions of the laminate are. It is the answer to it that will determine the final purchased quantity of the product.
Standard sizes
Each laminated lamella has its own length, thickness and width. These indicators and determine its size. The volume of the laminate pack and its weight also depend on them.
Today, laminate boards from different manufacturers, often having the same characteristics, have a different size.
The length of the lamella board is the most important indicator.There is no single standard defining this value. It can vary not only depending on the manufacturer, but also on the collection. Slats can be divided into three groups.
- Shorthaving a length of up to 1000 mm. Such boards must have a special latch. Laminate with this length is on sale quite rare and only in the exclusive collections of some brands.
- Medium length lamellae from 1260 to 1380 mm - this is the standard of many brands. Such boards are considered the most popular and popular. Available in any manufacturer's range.
- Long slats (more than 1850 mm), are used quite rarely. Most manufacturers make them to order. In the work, especially in the absence of proper skills, they are not very convenient.
Regardless of the length of the laminate board, each of its views has a special surface protective layer. It is he who does not allow debris, moisture and dirt to penetrate deep into the lamella and spoil it from the inside.
This measure of the size of the laminate is considered one of the main. Choosing a certain size, you can simulate almost any floor covering.
- Narrow laminate flooring, has a width of up to 160 mm.Most often, they are laid out a series along the walls. Using such slats, you can simulate a rack or parquet flooring.
- Laminate medium width (from 160 to 195 cm). Used quite often. Many manufacturers accept exactly the width of the slats for the standard.
- Lamels thick 300 - 350 mm allow to imitate a floor covering from a ceramic tile.
- Max width laminate board - 400 mm. Such a product is found only in exclusive lines and completely imitates the parquet pattern.
By choosing lamellae of a certain length and width, it is possible to transform any room beyond recognition, and if it is right to choose its thickness, you can further enhance the thermal conductivity and sound insulation.
This parameter allows you to determine how strong, durable and warm the future floor will be. The thicker the slats, the less they will be in the package. When choosing the thickness of the material, it is necessary to proceed from what basis they can fit. The warmer it is, the thinner the laminate itself should be.
- Lamels up to 7 mm thick are used extremely rarely. This laminate has a low strength and short life.
- Board thickness of 8 mm is considered standard. Lamellas of such thickness are used most often and are found in the product line of any manufacturer.
- A sheet of 12 mm is the maximum thickness of the laminate produced by most manufacturers. It is designed specifically for those rooms in which there is an increased load on the floor.
One measure of the size of the laminate is its weight. Knowledge of this information is necessary to resolve the issue of transportation and loading of this flooring.
The weight of the lamellae depends not only on their size, but also on the material of manufacture. Most often, manufacturers use special laminated plywood.
The packaging of laminate contains from 6 to 12 lamellas, in rare cases their number can reach 20 pieces. The average weight of such a product is 15-20 kg. More accurate information can be seen directly on the packaging itself.where it is indicated by the manufacturer.
Weight depends not only on the number of lamellas, but also on their wear resistance class and size. You can calculate the weight of the packaging material yourself, knowing the weight of one lamella. For example, a board with parameters 130 * 21 mm and a thickness of 8 mm on average weighs about 3 kg. These slats are sold in containers of 8 pieces. This means that the weight of one package will be about 24 kg.
To cover one square meter of floor with a laminate, an average of 8 to 12 kg of material is required. Find out the exact amount will help table of weight and size, available from each manufacturer.
Dependence on wear resistance class
The dimensions of the lamellae directly depend on the class of their durability. This is especially true of such an indicator as thickness. The class of wear resistance shows for which loads this flooring is suitable.
Until recently, the entire laminate produced was divided into two groups: for residential and commercial use. Lamels from the first group were always cheaper, while their quality was worse. Therefore, today they are practically not available for sale. Commercial laminate is in high demand and comes to stores in a wide range.
The higher the class of durability, the greater the load can withstand laminate:
- 31 class - this coating is suitable for small offices, private houses and apartments;
- 32 class - these lamels perfectly cope with the increased level of loading;
- 33 class - this laminate has increased strength. It can fit in enterprises, in large offices.
Noteworthy is that the class does not directly affect the size of the slats. There are averaged values, where it is indicated that the laminate of class 31, has a length of 160-180 mm, thickness up to 7 mm.
Lamellas 32 classes, usually have a length of up to 185 mm and a thickness of up to 12 mm. Laminate 33 classes are boards with a thickness of 12 mm and a length of up to 210 mm.
At the same time, 32 laminated boards of 32 classes thickness of 13 mm and lamella of 31 classes with a length of 185 mm can be found on sale.
Not always overall lamellas will belong to a high class of wear resistance with increased thickness. Each manufacturer of these values may vary significantly. Therefore, it is important to study the characteristics of the floor covering indicated on the package before purchasing.
Non-standard types of coverage
These size range descriptions are suitable for standard types of laminate, i.e., conventional wood sipes. On sale you can see their non-standard types:
- Designer Laminate. It is made only by individual orders in accordance with the wishes of the client. In this case, the dimensions of the slats can be any. Their sizes will directly depend on the goal set by the client when laying laminate.
- Flexible laminate coating. Refers to a non-standard view. The size of its boards may vary significantly depending on the manufacturer. The key features are smaller thickness and width of the slats. The average size of one laminate board is 5 mm thick and about 300 mm wide. The length can be absolutely any.
- Waterproof laminate. Also differs in size from the usual product. Due to its unique multi-layer structure, the thickness of the lamellae increases and averages 9-12 mm. The width of the panels is at least 400 mm, and the lamellae have special locks for strong adhesion to each other.
The exact dimensions of non-standard types of laminate flooring can only be obtained from the manufacturer. Each brand that produces such lamellae for sale, manufactures them in different forms and in different quantities. However, their dimensions may vary depending on the collection in which the laminate was released.
Selection features
It is not enough to know just the dimensions of the lamellas, it is necessary to take into account the basics of their correct choice. Only in this case, you can count on the fact that the future laminate flooring will not only be beautiful, but also high-quality, durable and reliable.
- For self-styling, it is better to purchase standard size lamellas - they are much more convenient to use, and the installation process takes a minimum of time.
- When calculating the quantity and weight of the required laminate, you need to rely not only on your own calculations, but also to study the manufacturer’s information. It is important to take into account that the lamellae of the same size, but of a different class, may have a different weight.
- The color must also be chosen correctly. The laminate of light shades will visually enlarge and expand the room, the floor covering of dark tones, on the contrary, will make it less dimensional.
- The visual size of the room and the degree of its illumination will depend on the method of laying the slats. This indicator also affects the amount of laminate needed for work.
- When choosing lamels with a specific class of wear resistance, the purpose and degree of room patency should be taken into account. The more often the room is used and the more people in it passes per day, the more resistant to wear should be the floor covering.
- If you are going to lay laminate on the floor heating system, you should prefer medium-thick lamellas.
- When purchasing laminate flooring of non-standard types, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer for its installation, selection and operation.
- Rectangular long lamellas allow you to visually extend the room and make it narrower, but longer.
- Laminated square shape allows you to make the room more proportional and equilateral.
Properly selected in color and size, the laminate will create not just a flooring, but a real work of art with a unique and stylish appearance.
Beautiful examples
A striking and illustrative example of the correct choice of laminate coating are these photos. They clearly show how well-executed flooring helps to adjust the perception of the room as a whole.
- Long lamellas of natural oak color visually draw the room. Their noble color is advantageously combined with pastel tones of the entire interior and allows you to create a stylish, sophisticated design of the entire room as a whole.
- Beautiful, natural light color of a pine brings the highlight to such interior. It makes it simpler, more restrained, but at the same time stylish and sophisticated.Thanks to lamellas of different lengths, this flooring visually increases the area of the room and makes it much lighter.
- In this case, square-shaped slats perfectly imitate solid wood floors. Rich, dark brown noble color of the laminate immediately attracts attention with its rich appearance. Such a floor covering not only emphasizes the sophistication of the whole interior, but also becomes its highlight.
With the right choice of color and size of laminate flooring the floor and design of the room will change beyond recognition. Knowing the main dimensions of the slats and their characteristics, you can choose not only the laminate of the right size, but also purchase it in the right quantity without any difficulties.
How to choose the right laminate, see the next video.