Choosing laminate flooring

Many try to insulate their home, using for this purpose a relatively new technology of warm floors. Not every floor covering will be able to tolerate an increase in floor temperature. For heated floors very often acquires a laminate, but at the same time select models specially designed for this purpose.
That is why it is very important to know what to consider when choosing a laminate for underfloor heating and what characteristics you should first look at.
Heating options
Before you decide on the type of flooring, you need to know what kind of floor heating system will be installed under it:
- Water. Many experts believe that not every laminate is suitable for underfloor heating.The specificity of such a floor is that it requires special pumps and tanks in the apartment so that the liquid is inside. Thus, this system will occupy a lot of space in the room. If the pipe under the flooring breaks through, it will ruin the laminate itself. For such a warm floor, it is important to select a specially designed laminated coating specifically for the water type.
In addition, these floors are not recommended for installation in apartments. The ideal option for this will be cottages, country houses and villas.
- Laminate with built-in heating. This is another kind of warm floor with laminate flooring. It is a heated panel that is quite easy to install. So, initially all heating elements are connected, and then they fasten the panels together by snapping. This coating is optimal for the apartment.
Its cost is quite high, but at the same time its operation is very long.
- Electric. Electric flooring with built-in heating is characterized by the use of a laminate board with special characteristics.The coating must have thermal conductivity, resistance to external damage, as well as abrasion. Laminated flooring for a warm floor has the necessary thermal coefficient of resistance in order for the floor to really be warm, and at the same time the floor does not deteriorate.
- Film infrared. It is easy to lay laminate on it, and at the same time you will not have any difficulties. Not every parquet board will be able to withstand the floor with built-in heating, but the laminate will easily transfer the effects of infrared floor heating. Installing the base of the floor and laminate on top is fairly simple. You do not need to install the base before laying the laminate. In addition, it can be done by everyone without special skills. The covering assumes a flooring from a thin film on which the laminate already keeps within.
The infrared tape warm floor under the laminate has a very long service life, on average, it is 50 years and in some cases even longer. In addition, the cost of electricity at the same time will be minimal. The cost of the floor will pay off in two years. Another advantage of this laminate floor is thatdue to its compatibility with the warm floor, it is very evenly heated, and thus extends the life of the laminate itself.
You can also independently change the temperature by setting the desired parameters. For such a floor will not be required special care. The film is completely environmentally friendly, it is resistant to high temperatures and therefore perfectly protects the laminate. The film does not melt when heated and does not emit harmful substances.
By itself, the film floor has the ability to emit infrared rays, which can have a beneficial effect on the body of the household.
Such a system is also characterized by the fact that if at least one element fails, the whole system will not get a failure, it can be easily replaced separately, without affecting the entire heating system.
What is it made of?
Any laminate for underfloor heating has the same structure. It includes a rather thick layer, which acts as a carrier base. Then a decorative coating is applied to it. It will be the appearance of the entire floor, you need to focus on it, choosing a model for a specific interior.
Top decorative layer is covered protective film, which ensures its durability and protection from external influences and abrasion. Below the laminate there is a waterproof layer or a special film to protect it from the effects of temperatures.
There is also a vinyl quartz laminate. It has a very flexible vinyl backing. It is perfect for water floor heating. He is able to easily withstand any moisture, even if it somehow gets on the laminate, breaking through from the inside.
Even under the influence of water laminate retains its external quality properties. It does not appear cracks, as well as other deformations. Such panels are made of PVC and have a large number of advantages. They are very durable and able to endure heavy physical exertion. On the surface of the laminate there will be no traces of heavy furniture and other things.
The coating does not crack when an object falls, such as dishes. Vinyl laminate for underfloor heating can last more than 20 years. It does not absorb liquid at all and at the same time odors do not penetrate it. Even if contact with water is very long lasting, not a single drop is absorbed inside the coating.
A great advantage is also the fact that vinyl panels have very good thermal insulation and are therefore excellent for heated floors.
Laminate board can have a different size, which depends on the quality of such a coating and some other characteristics. Standardly, each board is measured in length, width, and also in thickness. So, the minimum length of a laminate board is 40 cm, but there are also models reaching 180 cm in length.
For warm floor, it is better to purchase standard products with an average length of about 130 cm. The width of the laminate board is on average 19 cm. But there are also narrower and wider planks that are perfect for decoration.
As for the height or thickness of the laminate board, then these figures may vary. As a rule, for the warm floor they get the thickest laminate board so that it does not deform from the effects of high temperatures. As a rule, its thickness is 10-12 mm. But there are also models with a special protective coating 8 mm thick. Thinner products are not allowed when using a heated floor.
As a rule, the parameters of the laminate, allowing you to install it on a warm floor, does not affect its external qualities. That is why manufacturers represent these types of coatings in a wide variety of colors. The most common and traditional colors are: cherry, oak, wenge, birch. The walnut color laminate, which can be both dark and light, is quite popular.
More unusual are the models of linen, coconut, jute color. They look quite interesting. The most neutral colors are light ash, birch, light lime, bleached oak. They will perfectly fit into any room, including office space, and will look pretty smart. All warm shades of laminate are also popular: models with a golden honey tint or beige and nude models.
Installation location
When choosing a laminate, it is also necessary to consider the place where it will be installed. This is especially important when there is a floor heating in such rooms:
- For kitchen. In these rooms most often use laminate of the 32nd class.It is completely eco-friendly, but quite sensitive to moisture. This is due to the fact that it includes natural wood. That is why it is not suitable for warm water floors, but only for classic electric heated floors. It has the quality of resistance to external influences and is therefore ideal for a kitchen where pans and other dishes can fall. It has a fairly low thermal conductivity, so it is ideal for floor heating. This quality is also due to the fact that the joints between the panels are sealed quite tightly.
This floor will be perfect and will last for a long time. It should be noted the low price of such coverage for the kitchen. For a square meter, the price will be about 500 rubles, which is considered quite budget.
- Bathroom. Quite warm floors with temperatures up to 28 ° are installed in these rooms. As a rule, it is in these rooms that a water heated floor is installed. For him choose laminate class 33. It is completely moisture resistant, dense and durable. It does not absorb water and does not bend even in rooms with high humidity.It is also perfect for baths, saunas and other facilities where water procedures are carried out. This floor is installed together with the system in the form of sensors that reflect the readings of the floor temperature. It is also possible to adjust the temperature. Thus, you can create a very comfortable microclimate, and in the bathroom or in the toilet it will be very warm and cozy.
The only drawback of such a laminate is its high price. For a square meter manufacturers ask about 1500 rubles. But this price is justified by the high quality and characteristics of such models.
- For residential area. Living rooms, such as a bedroom, a nursery, a living room and in some cases a warm floor are also often installed in the hallway. As a rule, a fairly high-quality laminate is used for this, to which a number of requirements are imposed. It must have good sound insulation, anti-static property, as well as be moisture and fire resistant.
This floor is better to equip an additional thermostat. It will allow you to set your own heating schedule. You can choose the right time of day, day of the week or a separate time period.It will be possible not only to alternate floor heating in different rooms, but also separately to heat certain areas in the same room.
Such a system of warm floors and a special laminate will make staying in the room very pleasant and comfortable. You can separately warm up the area near the bed or sofa, which is very convenient. This is a laminate with built-in heating. These are quite expensive models, on average, their cost is 1500 rubles per 1 m².
Class and Marking
On the packaging of the laminate must be specified its class. The higher the class of such products, the more qualitative and durable it is. For heated floors, only models of the 32nd and 33rd class are suitable. In addition to indicating the class, there are often other markings on the packaging in the form of symbols. They are pictures that reflect certain characteristics of such a product.
There are the following markings:
- Degree and plus. This indicator must be on the laminate in case you purchase it for laying on a heated floor. He points out that such laminate is permissible to be installed on heated floors.This indicator characterizes the possibility of exposure to laminate elevated temperatures and the absence of external changes in this case.
In addition, when exposed to temperatures, the laminate is not deformed and will not emit harmful substances in a residential area.
- Foot in heels shoes. Such marking means that the coating is very durable and does not shrink under external influences. It is quite dense and reliable.
- Lightning. Such marking indicates that the laminate is completely non-static, and hair, dust and dirt will not stick to it.
- Falling kettle. Such marking means that the laminate is very durable and protected from impact by a special coating.
- The pipe symbol is under the floor. It means that the laminate flooring can be laid over water-heated floors.
- Dog. Such marking means that the laminate is protected from the effects of the claws of animals and has a special coating that protects against such factors. It will not be scratched from the movement of furniture and other influences.
- Flower. This label indicates the complete environmental friendliness and purity of the laminate and the materials used in its manufacture.It is made only from natural ingredients, and therefore it is completely harmless to human health.
In addition to marking and class, each laminate must have accompanying documentation. On it, in addition to symbols, there is a letter indicating that it is intended for laying on heated floors. In addition, the documentation should indicate that the manufacture did not use formaldehydes, which are toxic and harmful.
The coating with such substances in the composition can not be used for warm floors, because when heated, toxic substances will poison the person. Also included must be hygienic certificate and a document confirming technical safety coverage.
Types of Mounts
This coating can be fixed with glue or locks. The glue cracks under the influence of elevated temperature of the heated floor. That is why in this case most often used models on the locks. They are easy to install, and this type of fasteners significantly reduces the time for laying this coating. In addition, fastening on the locks extends its life.
There are different types of lock fasteners:
- Cry. The most convenient connection laminate boards, which is very often used to connect the long format models. On each plate there is a thin edge, which by turning is inserted into another board and locked.
- Lok. Such a locking system is used in the case when the mount is located not on the long side of the plank, but from its end. One element is driven into the other, or they overlap and push. The panels have additional grooves and spikes that facilitate the process of laying and installation. It is this fastening that is easiest to install. Lay this type of laminate can anyone without special experience. Therefore, such a laminated floor is popular.
- Uniclick. These are the most versatile panels that can have locks on the long sides of the laminate board, and on its end parts. Thus, you can mount the board and hammering the panel, and by turning. It is very convenient and reliable. Choosing a laminate is very important to pay attention to the type of fastening, because the above-mentioned locks are more reliable than other possible types. They are very durable, fasten panels securely.
Such a floor is not deformed by heat. In addition, there will be no gaps between the panels. Some prefer the adhesive joint of laminate board. It is quite acceptable for an electric floor heating, but it is absolutely not suitable for heated water floor.
From the effects of the water system, the glue can disperse and the coating will become uneven. In this case, very often use additional special substrate under the laminate.
Try to choose a model with a porous texture that conducts heat well and allows air to circulate.
For the decor of this laminate is used chamfer. It makes it as similar to natural wood floor as possible due to its sloping edges and unevenness. Embossing is also used for decoration. It can be three-dimensional relief patterns or a woody pattern. The decor can also serve as the design of the laminate. Manufacturers trim it in marble, natural stone or minerals.
Style and design
Stylistic design and design of the laminate are important.As a rule, this element is very often chosen not for any particular pieces of furniture, even large ones, and not for the color of the walls and ceiling. Most often for this take into account the color design of the door frame and the door leaf itself. For classic interiors, models with dark walnut-colored doors are perfect. or dark nut.
For more modern interiors, such as hi-tech or techno it is better to buy a laminate of white or acacia color, as well as any gray color. For the style of Provence perfect light brown or beige laminate. In this case, the design of the coating can be artificially aged to give charm to the interior. The door, respectively, choose exactly the same tone for that floor.
Universal is the combination of a light red door and floor shades. They are suitable for almost every style of interior, as well as beige models.
The choice of laminate in style and design depends not only on the color of some interior elements, but also on the type of surface used. So, for the kitchen or dining room is more suitable laminate with a glossy finish.It makes the room more solemn and perfect for meeting guests. It is often used for laying in the hall, because it looks very rich and elegant.
For bedrooms and office space is more suitable laminate with a matte surface. As a rule, the color and decoration of the laminate does not in any way affect its quality characteristics, including the thermal conductivity.
A very interesting option that is perfect for modern interiors is creating a contrast between the floor and the walls. It is better to smooth the contradiction in color with neutral baseboards. Doors can also be chosen in contrast, but this should be done very skillfully, having appreciated such a bold combination in advance.
Which is better to choose?
When choosing a laminate for floor heating, be sure to take into account its labeling indicated on the package. It is important that this product has a high thermal conductivity. The most ideal option would be to select a coating that is very dense, but not too thick, so that it can transmit heat from the floor. Otherwise this coverage will be make floor heating useless.
Please note that the models used for electric floor heating are completely not suitable for underfloor heating, and vice versa. Many manufacturers on the packaging indicate the inscription "water" or H2O. So you can easily calculate that the coating is suitable for a heated water floor.
There are some models, on the packaging of which there is no marking, which means that they can be installed on a warm floor. Better try not to get such an option and choose a specially designed for warm floors. But if the product is very liked, then you need to pay attention to other characteristics to find out whether it is suitable for underfloor heating - their thermal resistance should be no more than 150 watts.
The laminate substrate must be porous so as not to trap heat and to let it through. In this case, perfect models with a thickness of 10 mm. It is important that it is also hydrostable and has a maximum load of 500 kg per square meter.
When purchasing models for floor heating, also pay attention to its resistance to abrasion and external influences. In this case, a coating of at least 32 classes will do. It has good thermal conductivity and durability.
When choosing a laminate, keep in mind that the lower its thermal resistance, the better it will heat.
Advantages and disadvantages
Underfloor heating and laminate flooring allow to increase the temperature in the room and reduce energy consumption, especially for water heated floors. The great advantage is also the fact that such models tolerate dampness well and are therefore versatile, they can be placed in rooms with any purpose. In addition, laminate flooring can be laid on warm floors, even without a screed or, if you wish, on a self-leveling floor.
Only low-quality coatings that lose their original appearance from heat exposure can have disadvantages.
Famous manufacturers and reviews about them
Among the most popular we will highlight:
- Quick step - a famous Belgian manufacturer, which represents only the exclusive collection with an interesting design. Buyers like the design of such a coating and its durability.
- Tarkett presents high-quality models, some of which are perfect for floor heating. Buyers write that it is a very reliable high-class laminate. They also appreciate the variety of colors.
- Kronostar - a manufacturer that represents high-quality laminate at affordable prices of class from 31 to 33. Many models are great for floor heating.
- Ritter –Popular brand specializing in the production of laminate. It presents interesting collections with an exclusive design. Buyers write that this coverage is quite expensive, but quality. You can easily choose a model for heated floors.
Modern examples and options
An interesting modern option is a 2 in 1 laminate coating. You absolutely do not have to choose a heating system separately and select a special laminate suitable for it. Manufacturers are laminated coating with heating function. It is a three-layer system that has additional heating elements. As a rule, they are located between the laminated strip and a special noise insulating substrate.
This laminate is perfect for installation in the apartment. This innovative technology company launched Alloc. Products of this brand also have an aluminum click-mount, which perfectly fix the floor. They are quite easy to lay their own hands. So you will save time and financial costs.You will lead installation of the warmed floor and the laminated covering literally by one action.
A very convenient option is the laminate, which has thermostats. This is a programmed temperature control technology. You can create a warm floor where you want, and at any time you can change its temperature.
When choosing a laminate, do not purchase models that are fixed with glue. This method of connection adversely affects the external qualities of the coating. Also underfloor heating Do not stack near other heating appliances. It is better to lay it away from the fireplace, boiler or radiator, otherwise the system may fail.
At low temperatures, installation of warm floors with laminate should not be done, otherwise the coating will be distorted in the future and the system may fail. If you use a heated floor with a film covering, in no case do not fix it to the floor with nails and other elements. It is also forbidden to make holes in the film, otherwise the heating system will be inefficient. Such a film should always be grounded before installation.
You can find out how to lay laminate on a heated floor with water heating in the next video.