Tile for tracks in the country: a universal solution

The final step in the design of any backyard plot is laying beautiful tracks. Such products have both a functional and aesthetic meaning. There are a huge number of variations of the arrangement of paths at the dacha, and among them you will definitely find the most ideal option for yourself.
Features and benefits
The tracks in the country all the time are subject to mechanical influence, and therefore the material for their creation should be as durable as possible and sufficiently resistant to any load and abrasion during operation. For this reason, certain requirements are imposed on the tile:
- Its thickness should start from 3 cm, and if you are going to transport garden equipment along such paths, from 4 cm and even higher. You also need to pay attention to the parameters of the product. The smaller they are, the stronger your tile will be. For large slabs, the possibility of fast cracking is quite high, unlike small ones, so it is best to choose the last option.
- Of great importance is the source material of the product. It is necessary to carefully read the composition of the tile itself, as well as to clarify the technology of its production.
- Pay your special attention to how the tile looks like, which is intended for paving paths in the country. If it is excessively bright in color, then it is quite possible that a lot of dye was used in the manufacture, which usually makes this kind of product quite loose and prone to fast cracking. And the very smooth surface of the tile (for example, concrete) can lead to the fact that such a path on the site will become extremely dangerous in the rain or in the winter season. Excessive smoothness is usually obtained by increasing the water content in the concrete solution, which also adversely affects the quality of such outdoor coverage.
- The styles of tracks that are created from tiles can be the most unimaginable.The main thing is that they are successfully combined with all the buildings on the site and perfectly fit into a single design space.
- To highlight the natural elegance of the site, it is best to create paths taking into account all plants and in harmony with all the irregularities of the relief. Then they can be laid in any possible direction, beautifully skirting the flower beds and surrounding small architectural forms. The versatility of this product will allow you to decorate your personal plot as stylishly as possible, and sometimes even exclusively.
- It is also best to lay country paths in the autumn season. At this time, the ground in the garden becomes dense, so no need to ram it for a long time.
There are 3 subspecies of tiles suitable for laying on a garden plot:
- Vibrated Cast paving stones are great for paving paths, but it is not able to withstand heavy loads, so it is most often used as a street pedestrian cover. In the production of it can be painted in different colors, as it is made of white cement.
- Vibropressed. Such a tile is significantly inferior to vibrolite in a variety of colors and shapes, but significantly surpasses it in strength. Most often used as a road surface.
- Hyperpress. The method of production of such tiles has high performance, almost entirely automated, which allows to reduce the cost of production. This is the cheapest tile.
In addition to the tile, you will also need to purchase a curb to give the finish a complete look for paving the paths on your garden plot. We'll have to choose between the two main types of curb tiles:
- Traditional;
- Pencil.
The traditional border is a product in the form of a rectangle of small length. They are used for horizontal installation.
Pencil pencil stack at the junction of 2 materials to create a smooth transition from one to another.
Forms and design
For the installation of tidy tracks on the gardens, various types of products are used. You can become the owner of a colored product or monochrome, purchase relief tiles, with outlandish patterns or perforated (with holes), with a very smooth surface or matte.
The most popular options include such types of products as:
- Paving stone It differs from other types of ease of installation and practicality. Over time, this material is sure to acquire an interesting effect of “aging”, which will look great when decorating a site in the style of country music.Tiles of different colors will create original ensembles with intricate patterns.
- Gzhelka - This is an unusual model with a beautiful repetition of patterns that vary in size.
- "Scale", as well as the grid and the cobweb - the most original options
- "Cloud" has a pattern that copies the ground surface.
- Classic look tiles can be smooth or rough. The image consists of 4 sectors, which are separated by stripes. Patterned paths that pass through alleys and arches from properly selected vegetation will give a fabulous atmosphere to the entire space of the site. The area around your home, laid with symmetrical tiles, guarantees the effect of amazing cleanliness and accuracy.
- Option "Kaso" will help create an image in the popular Gothic style.
- Element "parquet" different relief surface.
- "Honeycomb" in the shape of a hexagon require a lot of time for installation, but the end result is very pleasing to the eye.
- "Wave" has a wavy carved surface and is very similar to slate.
- "Fleece" stands out for an unusual, but elegant ornament.
When installing and decorating the track you need to take into account a number of rules:
- It must be fully combined with the same style of the dacha and be the main component between the various elements of the backyard territory.
- Each coating has its own special length and width, which must be considered in the final selection.
- Smooth paths do not suit any design. The best option for decoration can be a winding path.
- Best of all, the paths are set at the same level with a flower bed, lawn or even slightly lower. Near them you can put benches and stylish lamps.
- Sculptures of birds and animals significantly revive the summer space. Also for the decoration of the tracks used flower beds or stylish borders of small flowers.
- The tile installation scheme can be staggered or in the form of a neat Christmas tree. Laying chaotically suitable for decorating the landscape in the popular rustic style.
To give a special look to your site, the paths on it should be planned and created in a well-thought-out design.You should know that the decoration of the area around all sorts of architectural or unusual objects will look very original. For example, a platform around a small pond, laid with neat tiles, looks quite catchy in combination with pebbles.
Patterned paths that pass through alleys and arches from properly selected vegetation will give a fabulous atmosphere to the entire space of the site. The area around your home, laid with symmetrical tiles, guarantees the effect of amazing cleanliness and accuracy.
Modular plates can even be mounted on an ordinary road, and despite the fact that they will feel the load and various climatic conditions every day, such as precipitation and UV radiation, their appearance will not get worse even after many years of constant use.
The cost of work may depend on the choice of a specific design style. Laying cottage tiles with different artistic subtleties can be called a creative business, it requires careful design of a landscape design project. Therefore, the price of such projects is quite high.
Nowadays, there is a huge amount of materials with which you can equip paths at the dacha. The most popular of them:
- natural stone,
- wood,
- pavement, different in appearance and color,
- plastic,
- concrete,
- brick (clinker),
- gravel.
An experienced designer will tell you to choose the material from which the tile will be produced for your site, you need to take into account the unity of the style of decoration. If your cottage is made of bricks, then lay a path from the same material towards it. And if you want to embody the idea of eco-design, then apply the wooden flat cuts, paved against the backdrop of a green lawn. If you want to create an alley with unusual decorations, then pick up for her multicolored paving stones.
Out of gravel
You can start with one of the most simple ideas - laying country paths from gravel. The advantages of this option include a huge selection of fractions and colors with a minimum of costs and labor.
Of stone
The most universal among all the materials presented is stone. It will fit all styles of decorating the garden and dacha plot.The most important condition is that at least one of its face has a flat surface. The stone alley is very durable, and this is its most important advantage.
The tile from a natural stone is allocated with excellent indicators of firmness and density. The most commonly used granite and marble. The "luminous" product consists of a stone with a built-in LED lamp. Such elements calmly withstand serious loads.
From wood
Wood can also be used as a dacha tile. Tightly laid wooden saws look very stylish. You can use circles of different sizes. Another interesting idea is to use boards large and small. They can be painted, and if necessary, you can update your site without any problems every season.
From paving stones
The best option for track installation is pavement, which can withstand different temperatures, high humidity and significant loads. Its main advantage is the creation of beautiful patterns on the track. But if you want to save money, the stone blocks will definitely not work for you, since this material must be purchased with a large margin. The thing is, if a crack appears on a tile,it can no longer be used. Even an inconspicuous crack will give a significant deformation, which will spoil the appearance of the track.
Of brick
If you like patterned alleys, you can use ordinary brick as a building material. Such a “tile” for a path in a country house is installed on a mortar, which distinguishes it from other types. It will be mandatory to install a curb on the sides of such an alley, otherwise in 2-3 years it will “disperse”. Another option is to use clinker bricks. This is a very popular material for country lanes: it costs a little, is easy to install and has a pleasant range of colors.
From rubber
In the production of rubber plates, raw materials from the processing of tires from cars are actively used. Such tile differs in noise-absorbing qualities, and also possesses high frost resistance and resistance to moisture. Since rubber is considered a well-dyeable material, different types of rubber crumb tiles can have an extensive color palette.
Out of concrete
Concrete is a truly versatile material from which you can make amazingly beautiful things.To create a garden path of unusual concrete slabs, you only need cement mortar and an ordinary form with a unique decor. Special forms for creating concrete garden paths today can be purchased at many hardware stores. With their help, you will be able with your own hands to arrange comfortable paths throughout the garden or a house adjoining site.
From plastic
The plastic tile is issued from mix of sand and polymers. The material has excellent strength and anti-slip characteristics.
On the modern market there are several types of plastic paving tiles:
- perforated (lattice) plates;
- roll coating;
- decking
- Any of these types has its positive features and characteristics of styling. Such paths will not get wet and accumulate moisture; they can be quickly transferred to another place without losing the attractiveness of the territory. And what is important, plastic surfaces require little care. They only need to be cleaned from time to time with a damp cloth or sponge. Very dirty tiles can be treated with detergent.
How to choose?
When choosing a coating for country lanes you need to take into account such moments:
- Find out who is the manufacturer of your chosen product. The product must have a certificate of quality;
- Specify whether the production technology of the product was observed, remember that you choose the product to the outside, so it should perfectly serve even under extreme weather conditions;
- Find out the geometrical dimensions of the product for country lanes and make sure that it is stable when mounted on the ground.
Check the external parameters and the quality of the selected coverage in the yard.
Very catchy in color tiles may not be very high quality due to an excess of dyes. Photos of paving tracks in the country house from the catalogs will not be able to convey information about the quality of the products you buy, you need to touch the goods and check. A resounding echo when striking 2 tiles together tells about excellent quality. Deaf or strange spots on the surface of the product are obvious signs of poor-quality products.
If you chose a specific type of tile, you will need to calculate the required number of materials and borders, if necessary.Buy should be 5% more tiles than you need. Such a reserve will avoid in the future long searches for the desired color of the tile in case of its shortage, and unnecessary elements can always be useful for possible repairs.
Along the paths you can mount high-quality lighting. This will give additional charm to the whole summer cottage ensemble. For the pavement around the house, the pavement or tile of concrete is most often chosen. But some owners of private sites prefer paving slabs.
It can be difficult to ascertain the quality of the tile for laying paths by eye at a dacha. Alas, even high prices are not considered indicators of the best quality of this type of product.
Beautiful examples on the sites
Stone chips, from which they make granite tiles, are distinguished by their luxurious and stylish look and versatility in any type of installation. Such products with honor can withstand any load and maintain their integrity for many decades of operation.
The traditional option can be called the installation of tiles in a checkerboard pattern. Here it is best to choose contrasting colors and square shape of the product.The track will look extremely original and will not get tired of its appearance even after many years. Such patterns can be performed by any person.
The mosaic covering of the paths on the garden plot can be depicted from the bat tile. Accurate installation of broken pieces of tile will provide neat symmetry of the path. Particularly stylish will be the small paved areas of properly “broken” paving slabs.
How beautifully to issue country paths, look in the following video.