Design suburban area of 10 acres: beautiful design options

Country plot is an excellent option for outdoor recreation. It will help to temporarily get rid of the constant city fuss and breathe truly fresh air. Planning and the process of registration of the allotted territory is not an easy task, as it requires a lot of effort and a decent amount of money.
Deciding to create your own landscape design suburban area of 10 acres, should be with due attention to all the tips. The project of the territory before the estate is the planning of communications and the creation of design options. First of all, all ideas should be transferred to paper, so that the resulting schemes would confirm the availability of the performance and help in further work.
How to plan?
10 acres - a sufficient area to accommodate the garden, where there will be trees, flower beds and other important attributes. The recreation area is also one of them, and you can design it according to your taste, without forgetting about creativity.
First, you need to zone the area, while taking into account what the site is intended for, what are the individual preferences and the chosen style.
Functional areas may be as follows:
- front door;
- parking;
- economic zone with appropriate devices and equipment;
- recreational facilities located in several places at once (sports, barbecue and relaxation with accompanying elements);
- playground;
- horticultural space.
Literate landscape requires precise planning of the available area. For example, an average playground, like a gazebo, will occupy about 150 square meters. m. For planting will need a little less - 130 square meters. meters Greenhouse does need about 30 square meters. m
Layouts differ from each other. In a rectangular, for example, everything possible is done in the same form. In order to visually increase the area, use a diagonal layout. If you want maximum self-expression choose the free option.
Style Directions
Landscape design is, first of all, a variety of actions, thanks to which landscaping, gardening and organization of the whole site are carried out. It is no secret that before starting work it is necessary to clearly define the design direction and style. This is done based on the type of site and all its features.
There are many different options:
- Modern decoration. Here the main role is played by minimalism. The territory is the most functional and free from excesses. Green plantings only in the background.
- English design. It resembles pure natural landscapes, but only in miniature. This is achieved by the absence of smooth lines and overly strict structures.
- Its offshoot is rustic style.
- Regular garden. Fashion for him wore a particularly common character in medieval France. The differences are spacious areas and clear lines in all that relates to the decor. Different layouts are possible here: the symmetric one is distinguished by the mirror distribution of vegetation; minimalistic - with a round shape and a special ease of care; geometrical - by various figures, having a strict appearance, and clearly developed spatial organization.
- Landscape style. He is against straightness and symmetry.Everything is built on the imitation of a natural piece of land where no human foot has gone. Everything should look as natural as possible, every detail is adjusted to this aspect, even if this concept is somewhat harmful to the beauty of the overall picture.
- Japanese style. In the presented version of the garden, the size of which is usually small, each element has a value, and it does not matter whether it is small or immediately apparent. In the first place - the creation of an atmosphere of peace and tranquility; this is facilitated by the presence of water - a small pond with a bridge or pond. There may also be beautiful lanterns, conifers - everything that fits into such a setting.
- Rural homestead. This style is dominated by objects used or regularly in sight in everyday rural life: wells, wicker fences, rough natural stones and figurines depicting various domestic animals.
- Mediterranean style. Natural stones, forming fountains, a terrace, fragrant herbs, wooden figurines, brick fences, bright colors of ornamental crops - all this is inherent in this style.
Flower beds and flowers
These attributes are almost an integral part of the dacha. When carrying out the correct work take into account color solutions throughout the area, as well as shades of single compositions.
Floral decoration gives a huge field for fantasy, as flower gardens you can use a variety of.
The types of flower beds are noticeably different from each other, so everyone can choose from the following list something different:
- oval, triangular, rectangular - forms are selected for every taste;
- monoclumbus - here all the flowers are of the same color and variety;
- arabic - have interesting, complicated forms;
- vertical - such flower beds raised up about a meter;
- regular - stand out with unusual geometric patterns;
- rabatki - This is a kind of strip, compiled using colors that are placed along the roads. The width of the landing is quite large and can take about half a meter;
- mixborder - a stretch of territory, strewn with flowers. In such a place, besides them, there can be small bushes, small trees and various plants.
The use of bright colors will contribute to the creation of non-standard parts - just choose a couple of colorful shades.
Trees and shrubs
On these inhabitants of the site also should not be forgotten, because they are no less worthy of attention. Thanks to the trees and bushes creates a harmony of the image throughout the garden. Moreover, they have faithful service, bravely protecting them from strong gusts of wind. Shrubs can turn into a real wall, being planted in even rows. This is done for the sake of division of territory.
Choosing trees, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of their growth, and both the time required for completion and future consequences.
For example, you need to be patient if the choice fell on coniferous representatives of a kind, as they grow for a long time.
Pergolas, buildings and paths
It is better to place the gazebo in the most quiet and peaceful place, where the shadow is most often present, for example, on a certain elevation. Vine plants or a rose garden will look good around. Flowers are perfect for decorating both the inside of the building and the space in front of it. They will be held with pots, pots and special grids attached to the gazebo.
The most common decor for gazebos is it looks like most styles. The roof is made of polycarbonate or tile, the floors are made of stone, tile or wood. The main condition is their combination with borders and walkways.
Paving tracks occurs when taking into account the most attractive of its attractive sites, which usually leads the route. Most roads should not have too steep bends.. Unobtrusive biases on both sides here perform an important function - they help puddles to flow and evaporate faster.
The harmony of the garden plot is extremely significant, therefore the house, the gazebo and everyone around them should have the same style. And in order to avoid hordes of mosquitoes in the evenings, an arbor should be built a few meters from water sources.
Vertical gardening
This version of plant structures has many positive aspects. With their help they decorate walls, decorate buildings and create shadow corners. Vines and various grape varieties are well suited for vertical gardening. It was quite common in antiquity. The main evidence of this statement was the hanging gardens of Semiramis.
Pond, alpine slide and rockeries
Alpine slide - a variety of plants and stones, organically combined with each other. Rock garden, in turn, is the same slide, but installed on a hill. If such a structure is installed on a flat surface, then the name for it is rockeries. In this case, the stony component is reduced. Even depleted soils can be adapted to an alpine slide - stones and small bodies of water create an excellent overall picture.
Large areas have sufficient area to create cascading reservoirs, which, if desired, are divided into several small water areas. For certain owners of houses in the country, the installation of a special pond for fish, which makes the area completely unique, may be relevant.
With a competent selection of plants will create a whole composition of the alpine slide, pond and lawn. It should be noted, and the importance of the shape of stones: rocky need rounded boulders, and the alpine slide - the same boulders, but with sharp protrusions. In both cases, the stones must be large in size..
Cognitive Tips
Professional advice of knowledgeable people will definitely help to facilitate the work.
- In any single composition the center is obligatory, the role of which can be given to a beautiful decorative element.
- A small pond with the addition of smooth or wavy lanterns will help soften the sharp contours if necessary.
- Almost always remains idle space, where there will be no garden or vegetable garden; here is the place for lawn grass. If you want to have a rose garden or flower beds, it is worth considering that they need a separate area.
- Contrast is an extremely significant thing, and it is better to observe it. Ornamental trees harmoniously look next to the bushes, and the plants that are distinguished year-round green - with flowering at a certain time of the year.
- Colors should not merge with each other, and advantageously combined.
There is the principle of degree, which is widely used for the sake of a visual increase in the area of a plot. To do this, mounds are created in the amount of several pieces, and then they are fixed using support devices. Next is the breaking of flower beds.
Design Ideas
Ukhozhennost garden plot - it is truly the face of the owners as his, and the whole house.
Beautiful, blooming look will support if:
- well chosen design style;
- selected plants and their types of landscaping;
- properly designed and installed various garden buildings and other decorative elements.
Work on landscape design will not do without a whole baggage of knowledge, seriousness and, of course, love for the work ahead. The main thing is desire, and with it even a novice will be able to build not complicated, but no less beautiful compositions.
An example of arrangement of the suburban area of 10 acres, see the video below.