Landscape Design: Original Design Ideas

Gardening is a very important component of landscape design; for the result to fully meet your expectations, you need to carefully choose the style. The formation of compositions and design of reservoirs, the use of retaining walls and the division of the site into functional zones, all this is interrelated. Each such moment should be taken into account already at the stage of crop selection, when work on gardening begins.
Special features
Landscaping can be very diverse, but an indispensable requirement for it is the creation of a single complex. Carefully studied by designers (or analyzed by the people themselves) the inner world of the owner and all who will use the site.Personal tastes and interests should be taken into account, and not just a certain set of ready-made rules.
The modern approach often consists in the fact that there should not be a single piece of landscape that would not look natural and organic. Alpine hills, imitations of old manor and rural gardens, are now at the peak of popularity. At the same time, designers do not refuse to use elements of technogenic character. Thus, the use of glass and metal structures is widespread, many developers are guided by the geometrical shape and straightness of the contours.
Basics of landscape design - above all, strict harmony - no one thinks to question. But in search of original approaches, they increasingly pay attention to eclectic compositions.
Do not try to create them yourself, it requires high professional knowledge, and sometimes extraordinary talent.
Among the large number of stylistic approaches developed by landscape designers, you can easily get confused if you do not know that they all somehow belong to one of the fundamental groups.
Classical approaches are more intensively and most interestingly revealed in a traditional French park. There, the idea of the organization of nature is dominated by man, so you can not be shy of all sorts of decorative techniques. Moreover, the more pronounced the geometricality and symmetry (artificial), the more accurate and better the idea.
Landscape types of landscape design originally appeared as an objection to the rigor and artificiality of the French version. The goal for designers is to arrange green plantings in such a way that they look as natural as possibleso that even the thought of some kind of unnaturalness does not appear to the observer. Note, this requirement does not mean that the amount of work in the garden will be less, because maintaining the necessary beauty is very difficult.
Partly this difficulty led to the emergence of the rural style of "country"; its creators tried to achieve the same result, but with much less effort. Any gardener who does not want to spend a lot of money and is constantly engaged in caring for his plot can make this approach, make a lot of extra effort.Decorative items are arranged in random order, adapted to the tastes of a particular designer and to the traditions of a particular area.
Architectural style can be considered any kind of landscaping, when it recedes into the background and only adapts to the appearance of the house and fences, outbuildings, arches, paths. Adaptation is expressed in duplication and combination of colors, in repetition and addition of the geometry of buildings.
Japanese and Chinese gardens may seem similar to landscape, but it is much more difficult to come up with their competent concept. Each element, including geoplastic, necessarily carries a strictly defined symbolic value, borrowed from Eastern traditional cultures. The terrain is shaped in such a way that you can calmly contemplate and emotionally relax at the same time.
But it is not enough to choose the appropriate style and even thoroughly study its canons, possible problems in the incarnation. The next mandatory step is a clear planning of the territory, determining what will be located where.
You can come up with the most exclusive version of the plan, but somehow it will belong to one of the main groups.
Absolutely any garden looks beautiful and elegant, if you make it rectangular - most designers do just that when the site configuration allows and other considerations. The rectangle is easily divided into single sectors and allows you to create very successful, nice-looking geometric plots. The circle also has adherents, and the quadrilateral configuration is still the starting point. It will be transformed by introducing additional elements: either they will put a flower bed, then a lawn will be broken, then just a new green will be added. Decorative elements in this solution are designed to disguise, above all, the presence of straight lines.
A garden decorated diagonally (more precisely, along several diagonals parallel to each other) very well manifests itself, if the territory is small and it is necessary to push it as far as possible, to overcome the feeling of squeezed space. In many cases, species points are located in a very inconvenient way - and then you have to resort to a free layout.Its advantage over all previous versions is the maximum use of natural relief.
But it will be necessary to pay more attention to the placement of accents and their visual isolation, otherwise there will be a feeling that this is not a garden, but neglected thickets.
Having planned the territory, it is required to divide it as carefully as possible into functional zones, clearly delineating their borders and not mixing in any way. The exact number of zones each time is chosen strictly individually, taking into account the purpose for which your site is intended. When a sufficiently large space is allocated:
- proper garden area;
- recreational area;
- space for chores;
- dining area;
- children's and sports grounds.
Depending on your preferences and other circumstances, some of these parts may not be present, and sometimes others are added. Try to make the fragments form a visual monolith, rather than appear scattered in the abstractionist picture. Lights, emphasizing visual unity - a very good move, immediately mark them on the plan,to not miss anything and highlight the right places fully.
Think over and placement of elements, and their appearance, fit into the style. What does not fit categorically, it should not be used at all, no matter how beautiful a certain product would seem.
The best option for any plan is to place the largest zones at the edges of the space, while the relatively small ones are grouped closer to the middle of it. Consider that in the area set aside for a pond or other artificial reservoir, you will have to use geotextiles. Replacing him are unnecessary blankets and things like that.
Compositions in landscape design
Each part of landscape design is not just a detail, but a composition, that is, it always has an internal structure and logic. If you draw an analogy with the arrangement of the house, then laying the floor will correspond to the breakdown of lawns. Although this work is very difficult and will require considerable effort, and mental, too, the final result with due diligence will please you. Grassy lawns become the optimal base for the formation of other landscape, decorate it and make the air in the area much nicer.What is important for properties located near highways: grassy areas muffle the noisy noise.
The usual type of lawn is moderately dense growth, strictly identical in color and shade. Increasing the density of herbs, you can safely walk on them and even play sports, without fear for the integrity of the coating. And if you make a maximum emphasis on external beauty, you get a decorative element, walking on it is not recommended at all.
Various lawns can be tied together; other elements can be made using garden paths, which act as a kind of framework on which other parts of the layout are strung. The choice of color, material, preference for a straight or winding path is determined by the style of the greened space and other nuances.
In the classic design it is recommended to use always wriggling, turning in the right direction tracks. They are emotionally laid-back and friendly, gradually leading those who go to the right place. As for the material, it is undesirable to use very heterogeneous substances, but no one can oblige you and use only one approach.Achieve visual harmony and uniformity, if you use a mosaic that has not one color, but several at once, this is a very useful move.
In addition to the two listed elements, flower beds play an important role in the design of the space. By combining the twists of the tracks with floral arrangements, you can create a very original design effect. On the main alleys, if only there is enough space to clearly distinguish them, they use dotted built-in lighting, thereby emphasizing external advantages. The bonfire can be beaten, but it is advisable to turn to professional designers to prevent serious mistakes. Symbolically, a paved round plot helps symbolize a bonfire, in the very center of which there is a small fossa (groove), also carefully trimmed.
Do not make a circle less than 200 cm, otherwise fire safety is not guaranteed. As an environment, benches, tables and similar items are perfect for organizing a picnic, a romantic evening.
The parterre or, otherwise, ceremonial space in front of the house, it is quite possible to decorate with a flower bed, other decorative plantings.Mostly there are planted small groups of plants or tapeworms, so as not to obscure the beauty of the building, but only to emphasize its elegance. Carpet parquet is considered to be a fully leveled area; in some cases, conifer plantations are used to create a decorative element independent of the season.
No matter what efforts to design a backyard or suburban area are attached, only plants help create a complete appearance. Pay more attention to their selection, take into account the characteristics of color and flowering, soil properties and the prevailing wind, insolation and wetting of the site. Then it will turn out to create very attractive ensembles, and no one can doubt your unsurpassed taste.
Decorative leafy crops should be planted in flowerbeds.This is the easiest and most original way to decorate a space. Even very experienced landscape designers do not neglect such an opportunity, and if they can break a flower bed, they will definitely form it. Group plantings are most often closely-knit plants from different species: for example, pyracanthus, barberries and heather are combined.
Consider that there are cultures that best feel in the form of tapeworms, that is, single plantations. Combining architectural elements with a selection of several species of plants, which are planted in a geometrically rigorous pattern, get the so-called parterny flower garden.
If you want to use crops that are unsuitable for a particular soil, or do not know in which part of the garden it is better to put a certain plant, use mobile flower beds from decorative pots and vases.
The real exotic is the arenarium, that is, planting in a certain place in the sand of species that are adapted to survive in the conditions of the desert. But such a move is required to carefully enter into the overall composition, and it is advisable not to resort to it without consulting with the designers. Now let's take a quick look at individual cultures:
- Brunner for all its unpretentiousness still needs attention. It is recommended to plant it in several shaded areas where there is enough light in the early hours of the day, and twilight comes in the afternoon. The advantage of this arrangement is that there is no need for special watering.
- Many plants offered by the company "Arteza"Look no worse than bruner. An example of such beauty is the hellebore, which begins to bloom very early. But note that this plant contains many dangerous substances, it is necessary to avoid uncontrolled contact with him of children and pets.
- Rhododendrons have long attracted the attention of gardeners for its bright and lush vegetation. The difference in leaf shape and color makes it possible to diversify the appearance of green areas without resorting to the help of other plants. Attractive rhododendrons are easily created.
- Spirea are no less graceful; a flexible and unpretentious to care plant will appeal to very busy people who can not pay much attention to the garden. Valuable qualities of this culture can also be considered resistance to frost and long flowering time, in which the bushes are covered with a mass of small flowers. Choosing a variety, you can focus on the desired location of the inflorescences.
- Hosts, they are functions, they are more flexibly integrated into various compositions than spireas. The main decorative part is the foliage, which is very different in individual varieties.Consider that planting any sort of hosts on a sunlit site is completely useless, it is a shade-loving look (which does not make it less elegant). Gardeners and agronomists recommend stratification of seeds in order to increase the likelihood of success.
- If there is a desire to plant a site with a more frost-resistant crop, an attractive solution is often decorative cabbage. It is advisable to plant several such plants next to each other, then the aesthetic effect noticeably grows. Varieties of early, pre-war breeding resemble the appearance of palm trees, and newer varieties are derived mainly in Japan.
- Moderate exoticism on the site will make astilbe, and in terms of resistance to cold, they are also quite good. It is recommended to plant this plant on a wet shady ground; Astilbe is very different in height, and not only the variety affects, but also the practiced care. The decorative role is played by leaves and flowers, it is difficult to even say which of these parts adds more beauty. Warning: this culture does not tolerate growing 5 or more years in the same place,must periodically change.
- In the summer flowerbed, a worthy competition to astilbe and cabbage is haretail. His fluffy-looking panicles are more likely to be associated with pom-poms, and not with something natural. Lagurus is recommended to be planted in the middle and second half of spring, and initially in open ground. It develops quite quickly: after a few weeks it becomes a very important decoration on the site. The bed should be previously dug and loosened by a rake.
- If not limited to the colors of the usual form, and use the bushes, one of the most attractive solutions is Ginnala Maple. This plant blooms immediately after leafing. In case of drought, it is recommended to water maples with 20 liters of water per week, and then they are guaranteed to delight you even in late autumn. Expanded tent crowns for the year rise by 0.3 - 0.5 m, in most cases reach 500 cm, although some specimens in height and diameter are equal to 7 m.
- Gladioli Of course, they cannot grow to such a size, but they have their positive sides.This culture loves the sun and moisture, so the landing is always oriented strictly along the east-west line; The minimum permissible ground heating is 10 degrees. To avoid the destruction of attractive curtain streams of rain and gusts of wind, it is recommended to plant them surrounded by dense shrubs of the middle tier.
- Returning again to the bushes, it should be said about lilac. An array of trunks, growing straight or looking to the side, for many decades, has been one of the main decorations of gardens in the middle lane. Reproduction occurs by the vegetative method or with the help of seeds, the choice between them is exclusively according to your taste and convenience. Please note that the primary development of seedlings is not too fast, the shrub becomes quite decorative only in the second year.
- Kohia also confirms the importance of bushes in the design of garden space. Its height is relatively small, in most cases 0.6-0.8 m. Against the background of bright and expressive leaves, the flowers are too small, and it is unlikely to be able to notice them, if not looked specifically. The crown variety forms a ball crown, in the autumn months it becomes burgundy.The first weak frosts will not harm this plant at all, it will retain its attractiveness.
- In the background, for kohii and other bushes will look attractive fir trees. But only if they provide a sufficient level of heat. The minimum age for planting seedlings is four years; shady or partially shady places are best suited. The optimal soil is loamy, and still not bad when the reservoir is located very close. When forming fir alleys, seedlings are separated by 400-500 cm from each other in order to avoid mutual suppression. Immediately after the landing of the fir, it is necessary to spill it carefully, and in the spring, until the movement of the juices has begun, all the sick and dry branches are cut off. If the needles begin to turn yellow, you will have to cut off the affected branches and burn them along with the foliage so that the pathology does not spread further.
- And the last of the plants that entered our review turns out to be boxwood; All landscape designers consider the attractiveness of its crown and leaves to be attractive. In order for the foliage to retain its beauty longer, it is undesirable to plant the box on sun-drenched areas, and the main planting season is autumn. Approximately 24 hours before disembarking, a clod of land is watered abundantly to increase survival.In the future, the plant will need to be regularly fed.
MAFY, including bridges, can elegantly complement herbal compositions, if fully consistent with their spirit. But you should not use too many small architectural forms, let them be less, but the emphasis will be more expressive. The fireplace next to the green areas serves at the same time as a decoration element and a convenient platform for recycling broken branches, dry grass and fallen leaves.
Green space will benefit from the moderate use of reservoirs. It is necessary to take into account that the area of the territory determines the admissibility of their individual types, as well as to consider whether you can take care of the water body fully enough. If the total area is 12 acres (a little more or a little less), it is permissible to dig a swimming pool or a pond for small fish, but not more than 8 square meters. m
Remember that the visually perceived expanse of the water surface is necessarily less than the actual area.
The lanterns placed near the pond will help to enjoy its view even in the evening and at night, to go for a romantic walk.And decorative columns based on lightweight concrete will help to separate the visually different parts of the territory from each other. The geometry of the pillars is very different, and they can be assembled into elegant complex compositions.
Useful tips
A useful solution is often the organization of alpine slides, they are well manifested wherever you need the most natural and original space. So that the same slides and other elements do not collapse under the action of water, do not slide down, it is recommended to use retaining walls. But remember thatFull-time calculation of these structures is the lot of professionals, because even ground swelling is required to be taken into account.
Ideas for a square garden can be very different; This configuration is suitable mainly for regular styles. Borders of natural stone around each segment of plantations help to emphasize geometric rigor. Planning such a frame or some other, you will need to put a carport near the gate, and it is better to place the playground where it will be clearly visible from the windows. Although these moments are not directly related to gardening, they indirectly affect the placement of vegetation zones and lawns.
For decorative elements to be equally well perceived at any time of the day, it is necessary to prepare adequate lighting. The use of lampposts has been a traditional method that has been worked out for many decades. But experiments are also possible, for example, when a point-like spotlight is created directly next to a single object, plant, or composition.
Think about the coverage of not only the most attractive areas, but also all areas of the local area that can be visited after dark.
The most elite garden can be decorated using ready-made industrial structures or ordering them from designers individually. But never overload the composition, and do not try to complicate the idea being carried out as much as possible. This will lead to the opposite result, only spoil the whole impression.
Beautiful examples
A modern garden is when there is nothing superfluous. Here are just the original lawn in the shape of the letter G, low bushes with white flowers and a tree in the background; These are all vegetable decorations on the way to the house. An unusual approach can be taken in any case - even in a regular garden.What is worth at least a sculpture installed on top of a dense bush, or rather, towering above it.
Ornament of the land can be a simple lawn, without any additions. But it can be done unusually (in the form of a hill).
How to decorate the landscape of the garden with your own hands, see below.