Landscape design: the subtleties of registration of a plot with a cottage

In the recent past, the owners of country plots were quite pleased with the presence of a garden and a vegetable garden outside the windows of their houses. Today time forms other views from the owners of cottages, their aesthetic perception is much more significant than carrots, which can be bought on the market.
The concept of landscape design includes not only green spaces, the relief of the terrain, functional buildings, lighting and many other elements are taken into account. It may be more difficult to organize a small garden than to build 45 acres, but in the first case the result will be visible immediately, and in the second one will have to wait for years until the trees grow.
Landscape designers believe that the project of the site should be developed even before the house is built, then the whole territory together with the cottage, garage, gazebo and green massif will look like a single whole.But if there is a house, but there is no designer, you can independently plan your plot.
It is necessary in the plan to indicate the exact size of the territory, the presence of the building, data on the movement of the sun over the site, information on the occurrence of groundwater (if any). Having found out the basic component, you can proceed to the planning of landscape elements. It should also designate all buildings, entry, paths, flower beds, irrigation system. Every tree and shrub must find a place in the original plan. It is necessary to make a calculation of the approximate costs.
A good project will help to avoid many mistakes.
The style is chosen at the project stage, afterwards all works should be oriented to it. There are main areas of improvement cottage plot:
- Formal style - this is a clear geometry. Smooth paths, symmetrical flowerbeds, buildings of the correct forms occupy strictly their place, without going beyond the territories designated for them. Formal styling can only afford a large area. A small garden with a clear symmetry and proportions will seem even smaller.
- Natural styleon the contrary, does not tolerate the rules.All its paths are winding, construction is chaotic, flowerbeds are of different sizes. Despite such liberty in the design approach, the site looks natural and sweet. Similar stylization will suit small territories.
- Landscape style. Sometimes in large areas leave part of the wild, embedding it in a cultivated landscape. This is a very complex process that requires special knowledge. After the correct work on the natural array, it becomes not so wild, but the power of the present nature in it is still preserved.
- Thematic style supports a single theme, for example, a cozy French courtyard, a pompous English park or a Japanese mini-garden.
Elements of landscape design
Components of a single design, called landscape design, include:
- Lawn - it is difficult to imagine a cozy courtyard without it. In large areas, the lawn has a lot of space - in front of the house and to support the background around motley flower beds. In gazebos, shops, fountains, green grass looks much more pleasant and fresher than bare earth.
- Tracks - There are quite a lot of materials on the construction market for their production, the choice is in the style and fantasy of the designer.In addition to the usual tiles, stone, shell, you can use slices of logs and other natural materials. In large gardens look good smooth symmetrical paths. In small areas, the paths should wagging between trees and flower gardens, disappear into the bushes, allowing the imagination to imagine that there is a large garden behind the bushes.
- Gazebo, terrace - with walls, with a roof, or without them, anyway they are favorite buildings for summer holidays. They can be surrounded by green grapes or draped with a mosquito net, equipped with a stove, barbecue and other picnic devices.
- Decorative pond - It can be of different types: with a fountain, a waterfall, a pond, as in Japanese mini-gardens. He always becomes a decoration of the landscape. Water attracts the eye and distracts attention from the size of the garden, which is beneficial for small areas. The pond itself is usually lined with natural stone.
- The facade decor of the cottage must support general plot styleotherwise, all efforts to create a harmonious garden will be in vain.
- Lighting can go on top, for example, on pillars or the facade of a building and on the bottom,being directly on the ground (in the form of balls, cones, hemispheres).
Lower light favorably emphasizes decorative bridges, ponds, figurines of fairy-tale heroes.
Trees and shrubs
Green plantings on the garden plot not only delight the eye, but also carry out practical functions: they strengthen the soil on the slopes, decorate fences and outbuildings.
They come in various forms: weeping, with a "flowing" crown, decorative dwarf fruiting forms, with spherical crowns.
Trees from 1 to 7 meters are usually used, variations with plants of different heights look spectacular. For the right visual perception, higher trees are set aside; low planting material is placed closer. Contemplation plot begins with the gate. Trees can grow alone or be combined into decorative groups.
For the vast expanses of Russia there are no definite recipes for the selection and care of trees, for each region they are different. From the list of many species, you can pick up vegetation that meets the climatic conditions of any locality:
- Ephedra - the most popular type of landscape vegetation.They do not require special care and are green at any time of the year. Pine loves sandstone, spruce can grow on swampy soils, these features should be taken into account for planting them in different areas. Yew does not require trimming and forms low hedges well.
- Thuja Many favorite plant. It looks great in the compositions with any trees and shrubs, may be the main component in the design plan. Well forms a fence.
- Paradise apple tree. Ornamental undersized tree, especially beautiful weeping look. During fruiting, the plant is covered with wonderful multicolored fruits that look attractive and taste good.
- Magnolia. During flowering this tree you can admire the clock. Only on it you can see delicate pink flowers, the size of a children's ball.
Shrubs play a connecting role between trees and flower beds. No landscape design can do without them. The most popular wild shrubs:
- Junipers. Frost-resistant plants with a pleasant smell, have a large variety of forms and varieties. In the garden will decorate any composition.
- Barberry. A cheerful shrub with varying colors for seasonal changes.
- Kalina likes shady places and good watering. It is equally beautiful during flowering and at the moment of fruiting.
- Variegata If you allocate enough space to this bush, it can create a lush flower bed on its own.
Flower beds
Decorating the land plot with flowers, create flower beds and free flower beds. The filling depends on the style, taste of the owner, season and climatic possibilities.
- Free flower beds are flush with the ground. They have hidden frames that do not allow flowers to grow over the area. They are thoughtfully distributed over the territory between the compositions of trees and shrubs, buildings and garden decor.
- Flowerbeds always have an active frame. This may be the usual curb, stone, wood, forging, wattle.
Material for filling flower beds and flower beds is chosen according to the taste of the owner, but taking into account the stylization of the whole territory
Completed landscape design will create comfort and a pleasant mood. With proper care, it will serve its owners for many years.
For more recommendations on creating landscape design, see below.