Landscape design: subtleties of the dacha design

Knowledge of all the basic subtleties of landscape design will allow you to make the most ambitious ideas into reality on a site of any size.
Special features
Any area, regardless of size, has a set of specific functional areas. The most important part of the summer cottage is, of course, the house.where you and your whole family will live. Near the house can be located the necessary extensions and a garage. The second important area is a place to relax. As a rule, it is hidden from prying eyes, so that no one distracts you from family gatherings and does not violate personal space. Recreation area can be far from home and separated from the main territory with the use of green hedge or fence.
The next important area in your suburban area is the place where you will grow useful plants or flowers. You can separate a small area under the garden beds or plant a beautiful orchard under the fence. It is very important that all plants are located under the sun and they have enough life-giving moisture, and sunlight, and space for normal development.
The rest of the free space can be arranged as you like. However, most often this territory is left empty so that the site is not overflowed with paints and living plants.
If it is right to divide the territory and think over the project before starting work, then even on a plot of 6 acres it is possible to get comfortable. If the area is more spacious, then you will be where to "roam". On a plot of 8 or 10 acres, you can equip more and greenhouses, and at 12 you can dig a pond. If you got a yard in the size of 15, 20 and more acres, you can recreate the landscape design offered by professional designers.
Planning and zoning
Many owners believe that it is most difficult to engage in the arrangement of a small area.But the draft yard size of 6 acres is not so difficult to create. It is on the example of a small summer cottage that it is worth considering the particularities of the layout, because when space is not enough, such decisions come to mind that it would be very difficult to think of in another situation.
The layout of such a courtyard depends on you and on your preferences and hobbies. Someone wants to build a small garden in this area, surround it with a garden and put greenhouses and greenhouses behind the house. And someone wants to take all the free space under the recreation area, where it will be nice to have fun with friends or just enjoy the opportunity to be alone with nature.
Decide on how you want to see your site and start thinking about its layout. To fit in one yard as much as possible, professionals advise to stick to the geometric style. Clear lines, neat beds and a short-cropped lawn will make your site neat and attractive.
There are a number of general rules to consider when creating a project. Regardless of what size plot you are making.So, the distance from the street and to your home should not be less than five meters. Six meters should separate your home from outbuildings. If you keep some pets on the plot, the distance between their home and yours should be fifteen meters.
If you live on a bigger plot, the design will not be so complicated and you can afford much more. For example, a plot of 10 acres is a platform where it is possible to put not only a house and beds, but also a gazebo, a bath or a small terrace with a dining table and chairs.
Owners of 15 hectare plots feel even freer. Here you can safely place the whole garden, lawn with a lawn or pond, a pool behind the house or a waterfall. If you often host guests in your cottage, you can build an additional guest house. It should not be as big and luxurious as the main dwelling. It is enough that there were minimal amenities and a sleeping place.
The landscape design of such a large area can be both made in the same style, and combine several stylistic directions at once.Ideas for the design of a large area can be gleaned by looking at the work of professionals.
As with the interior of the house, when working with landscape design you have to deal with different styles. Here are some of the most popular ones.
The English style has been widely popular for many decades. It is good because the plot looks natural. English style - this is a traditional low houses of dark brick, which are lost among the trees planted on the site. The tracks on the territory are not as well-groomed as in the case of other stylistic trends. Grass and flowers from flowerbeds often creep on them, but despite this “neglect” the garden still remains beautiful.
The exact opposite of the previous one is a plot decorated in French style. Here, on the contrary, order reigns, and strict rules are rarely violated. For the plot in the French style, the most exquisite flowers are chosen, the lawn is trimmed smoothly, and the buildings are made of light materials.
Pleases the eye and the courtyard in the Oriental style. As you know, Japan is a very small country.Therefore, it is not surprising that its inhabitants are able to place many things at once, even in a tiny courtyard.
Yards in the oriental style are often decorated with artificial ponds. Nothing is so peaceful as the quiet murmur of water. And it doesn’t matter if this pleasant sound comes from a large fountain, a splendid waterfall or a tiny pond.
On the Japanese-style plot, the paths are lined with gravel or pebbles. The terrace can be decorated with masonry or slabs covered with moss. From the green, too, you need to try to find something similar to those plants that are found in eastern countries.
Many of our compatriots like the land, decorated in a rustic style. If you do not like Chinese or European-style courtyards and you want to recall traditions, then rural style is what you need.
Rustic style is very simple. The territory can be fenced with a low fence, woven from the vine with his own hands, and the paths are paved with sawdust. As a garden decor, unnecessary things are often used: old buckets, earthenware jars with broken arms, cracked barrels or wooden tubs.All this can be used as an independent decoration of the garden or as an alternative to flower pots and flowerbeds. Fill the old bucket, barrel or cart with earth, plant greens and flowers there and set it up safely in any area of your site.
Finally, it is worth mentioning minimalism. This style is the favorite of young summer residents. The yard, decorated in this style, completely deprives you of worries. A lawn with a minimum number of plants can be simply cut a couple of times in a season, and small beds or beds do not spoil the appearance of the plot even if you forget to weed them.
Landscaping and decor
Regardless of what style you choose, you still have to engage in landscaping the site. This process involves planting flowers, trees and shrubs.
If you moved to a plot already planted with trees, then you have two options. The first is to cut down old plantings and create your garden, the second is to leave everything as it is, but to cut down those specimens that disturb you or give an extra shadow.
Many owners prefer to plant only fruit trees on their land, arguing that they are good for them.Unlike birch trees, maples, fir-trees and other decorative plantings of apple, cherry or apricots, we are also pleased with the harvest.
Grass and shrubs
The bare ground on the plot does not look aesthetically pleasing, like the weeds that fill the area. Therefore, the best option is to sow a special herb. This dense green carpet will not only decorate your yard, but will also prevent parasite plants from multiplying. Special grass can be bought in the store for gardeners.
Decorate the site and various shrubs. It can be graceful thuja of various shapes and sizes or berry bushes. From some types of shrubs, you can even create a green fence that will replace your boring fences.
Do not forget when you make an infield and about flowers. The yard will be decorated with small flowers growing here and there, and full-fledged flowerbeds. It is possible to plant flowers both on the bare ground, and in various tubs or pots.
Professional Tips
To make your site look beautiful and you have a feeling of freedom, use the simple tips of professionals:
- Do not put high fences on a small area. If the yard is quite small, then it is better to protect it with a low paling or a hedge. To hide your yard from prying eyes will help the trees growing behind the fence.
- You can visually expand the space and with the help of the most ordinary flower beds. Choose vertical flowerbeds, fill them with low colors and you will notice the result very quickly.
- Complete all zones. This does not mean that you should not have any free space at all. The main thing is that the territory is not empty.
Beautiful examples
Much better than any advice to understand the principle of planning the site helps real examples.
The first example is a courtyard decorated in a fabulous style. On this tiny plot, previously divided into quarters, it fits both a flower bed, a kindergarten, and a recreation area. The main materials are stone and wood, and live plants are used as decor. Therefore, there is a real unity with nature. The colors designers used were muted - dark shades of green, brown and beige. And only bright flowers stand out on this background. Such a courtyard is a dream of many beginning writers and fairytale lovers.
The second option is a more spacious courtyard, decorated in the English style. An arbor with stone pillars supporting the roof and green plants climbing along its edges is attached to the house.Under this canopy is a dining area. Another table with chairs is installed in the center of the courtyard, which means that many guests can be received here at once. On the site a lot of greenery, because of what he looks really picturesque.
These examples are another proof that the size of the site and a limited budget should not become an obstacle to the dream. Be inspired by the works of landscape designers and make your patio cozy and beautiful.
To learn how to correctly design the site, see the following video.